Would you be frightened being left in a remote trailer with two little kids at night?

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Would you be frightened being left in a remote trailer with two little kids at night?

  • Yes, absolutely

    Votes: 149 36.1%
  • Nope

    Votes: 130 31.5%
  • Not with a dog.

    Votes: 53 12.8%
  • Not with a security system, a gun, and a dog.

    Votes: 81 19.6%

  • Total voters
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4Jacy and Trident....

'CHEERS' ladies!!! from the lower echelon of society here in Satsuma Florida!!!
I was just looking for you Ger! I was going to ask what you thought about life in Satsuma! You've lived there for what, over 25 yrs? Oh and didn't you raise 2 sons there? :thumb:
Yeah Christee... I think I'm going to wear this as my siggy somewhere.... LOL
In listening to the Putnam County scanner for over 2 years, I think I've heard the area of Green Ln and surrounding streets maybe a handful of times (excluding the calls at TC's former residence). The location of the mobile home is not in a high crime area by any means.

Other areas of Putnam County do have quite a few calls for people arguing/fighting, robberies/break ins, etc., and yes there are quite a few drug related calls as well. However, in listening to the scanner feeds for other locations throughout the US, Putnam County has far fewer crime related calls than any of those areas. Sadly, the fact is, there is crime everywhere and no area is immune to it.

And, since I have actually been to the mobile home on Green Ln during my tour of Satsuma with Ger, I can attest that it is in no way remote. :)
Like any rural community, parts of Putnam County could certainly be considered remote or "in the boondocks". Green Drive is not one of those areas.

I have been to Putnam County a few times since Haleigh disappeared and could not help becoming impressed with the natural beauty of this little girl's home. I also came to realize that I was born and raised in "boondocks" not unlike Haleigh's.

Those boondocks will always be a part of my heart and soul.

As to any fear of my surroundings, I have always subscribed to a certain theory:

"Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. Cause I'm the meanest son of a *advertiser censored* in the valley". :floorlaugh:

Haleigh's Boondocks - YouTube
Nope. I do not scare easily. However, I would be on edge being alone at Ronald Cummings' home at night--with or without kids. For me, this is not about being alone at night or being responsible for two little ones through a long dark night. And there is nothing about the area in general that would put me on edge. For me, edginess would come with any type of association with Cummings. I do not know what his involvement was with Haleigh's disappearance but I see Ronald as more than just a victim of circumstance in all this. I believe he was involved in something...and that involvement was part of a chain of events that led to this tragedy. So for me, I would never want to be in any area where one of his "business" associates or someone with a grudge against Cummings might come knocking.
There is a bigger possibility of me being frightened being left in a remote trailer with Ronald Cummings than being left with two children. :crazy:
After reading some of our stories, it's even harder to believe that Misty hid under the covers. Maybe at 1st, but once all the action started, she would have been pushed by self preservation, if nothing else, to not corner herself in the bedroom. From the very beginning, I thought Misty was the type, to put up a fight for Haleigh. Now, I don't know. I still don't think she just handed Haleigh over to somebody, but after listening to all of their stories, I'm more confused about her involvement. For her to be the perp, I think it would've had to have been an accident...but, an accident, after all this time, seems like a very slim possibility. And none of this bunch, (except for CC, late in the game), has ever insinuated an accident. No, IMO, it's looking more and more, like a cold blooded murder. MOO
After reading some of our stories, it's even harder to believe that Misty hid under the covers. Maybe at 1st, but once all the action started, she would have been pushed by self preservation, if nothing else, to not corner herself in the bedroom. From the very beginning, I thought Misty was the type, to put up a fight for Haleigh. Now, I don't know. I still don't think she just handed Haleigh over to somebody, but after listening to all of their stories, I'm more confused about her involvement. For her to be the perp, I think it would've had to have been an accident...but, an accident, after all this time, seems like a very slim possibility. And none of this bunch, (except for CC, late in the game), has ever insinuated an accident. No, IMO, it's looking more and more, like a cold blooded murder. MOO

I just can't except that dodie. It is too cold, these people weren't monsters, but perhaps the company RC kept did, in fact, murder or abduct little Haleigh. The only ones in this "gang" that would have intentionally murdered Haleigh I believe would be TC and JO.
I'll always believe, until something else is ever proven, that anything Misty told is what Jr. might have seen going on that night. She may have gotten under the covers later with him or he may have been the one under the covers at some point. Jr. said a man dressed all in black came in and took Haleigh and I believe that, but that he also saw and heard many other things going on that night.

I just can't except that dodie. It is too cold, these people weren't monsters, but perhaps the company RC kept did, in fact, murder or abduct little Haleigh. The only ones in this "gang" that would have intentionally murdered Haleigh I believe would be TC and JO.
I don't think Misty or Ron cold bloodedly murdered Haleigh. And because of the time that's gone by, I don't think this was an accident. Surely if it was, somebody would have fessed up by now. So, in my mind, this narrows down the suspects. I keep asking myself, why Tommy would make up a lie, that's worse than the truth? Why would someone put himself at a murder scene, and admit to being an accessory? IMO, the only other alternative, would be that it was a stranger abduction/killing, and they've all been lying, because that's just what they do. But, all those failed lie tests, say otherwise. MOO.
I'll always believe, until something else is ever proven, that anything Misty told is what Jr. might have seen going on that night. She may have gotten under the covers later with him or he may have been the one under the covers at some point. Jr. said a man dressed all in black came in and took Haleigh and I believe that, but that he also saw and heard many other things going on that night.
He also reportedly heard, squeaky shoes. If he heard shoe squeaks, that house was quiet. According to CS, on the Geraldo show, he said Misty was in bed asleep. So, this all makes Misty's sleeping story, seem credible...if not for her failed tests, I would believe her. There's no way, Jr wouldn't have awakened her, so??? what happened next? I remember an early report, of Misty saying she vaguely remembered Jr crawling over her, and going to the bathroom. There's a reason, she added that detail. Did he tell someone, he got up? If he did, what did he see? the bouncing couch? What about Misty's detail, of going outside to smoke? Oh my gosh, that is not why she went outside, IMO. If we could add these details, to the details we don't have, we might figure some of this out. MOO
I just had a thought about Misty smoking outside. The other night, at about 2 am, I smelled a horrible smell, in our house. I looked everywhere, but couldn't find a thing. I had just about decided it was a gas leak, when I opened the front door, and the smell just about knocked me out. I got dizzy, and my eyes, throat and nose were burning. So, I came in and googled meth lab smells, and bingo! I think I hit the nail on the head. One of the articles, gave a few signs to look for, and one of them, was the occupants, smoking outside...even if outside smoking, seemed out of character. I think the smell was coming from a couple of streets behind us, and it got me to thinking about how those toxic fumes, would affect a child. I was in my house, and still felt terrible, so I can only imagine what they would do to a kid...maybe cause a lethal asthma attack. This bunch got busted for trafficking, so them cooking meth, isn't out of the realm of possibility. I've never heard any meth accusations, but the word crackhead, has been thrown around a few times. Anyway, just a thought. MOO
I would be ok with the security system, gun and dog!! Scratch the security system....I have 2 yappy chihuahuas, who bark everytime a squirrel farts in my yard. LOL Skeeter & Dixie would definitely alert on someone outside.

I'm with lonetraveler, I wouldn't want to be alone with Ronald Cummings.
It all depends where you live. I wouldn't leave my doors unlocked when I lived in the city but now I have lived in the country for a few years and we never lock the doors except once when we were away for a few days. Otherwise we leave the door unlocked, even at night or when we are both off at work.

We also leave the keys in the cars along with the GPS, radar detector, camera and a gun or two. We have never had anything stolen and murders here are very rare and happen between family members, not random strangers. DH fusses at me for NOT leaving the keys in the car. I take them out by mistake and bring them in the house and he fusses at me.

My nearest neighbors are miles away (although DH's parents live on the same property as us but are half a mile away from us). My DH goes off hunting or to visit relatives out of town and I am alone but not frightened. We have a dog who barks the minute someone is within half a mile of the house at the end of the driveway.

I'd say I'm more afraid of Sasquatch getting me than another human

I have gone from living in fear in the murder capital of the world to a place that seems like Mayberry from the Andy Griffith show. It still amazes me.
I would not be caught dead in a remote trailer with small children. Trailers are not secure, and being remote, there is nothing to provide security - no neighbors, no one to hear whether there is a sound when the tree falls in the forest. I camped with my family as a child and remember scares of dealing with people where it's impossible to place a barrier between you and them. I wouldn't recommend it.

A gun and a dog? The dog would alert that something was amiss. Most people can't shoot to kill. Why live in such a way that shooting someone dead is a distinct possibility? Bad people are opportunists ... don't be the opportunity.
I would not be caught dead in a remote trailer with small children. Trailers are not secure, and being remote, there is nothing to provide security - no neighbors, no one to hear whether there is a sound when the tree falls in the forest. I camped with my family as a child and remember scares of dealing with people where it's impossible to place a barrier between you and them. I wouldn't recommend it.

A gun and a dog? The dog would alert that something was amiss. Most people can't shoot to kill. Why live in such a way that shooting someone dead is a distinct possibility? Bad people are opportunists ... don't be the opportunity.

Many have expressed similar concerns, so I'm just bouncing off of your post when I say, once again, that I don't understand what was remote about a trailer that had another trailer 35' away on one side and 58' away on the other side. One of our own members even lives directly behind that trailer, as well, and says the neighborhood is "almost in the city".

Gotta love the fear of the country. FYI I was raised in Detroit and Miami. Left Detroit in 1998 for a return to Fla permanently. I still have a cottage in Michigan that is 7 miles from the nearest pavement. I live in Satsuma in a built up area inback of me is Ron and Misty (was). They were nextdoor to me until Nov 08. This is almost city Rons' place and several others are on unimproved roads. The rest are paved streets. Most of the time my house is left unlocked. I have no fear of "the country". I have no fear of the city my .357 will comfort me in the face on mine enemies. My 9mm will guide me besides the still waters and surely my pump Ithica 12 ga will lead mine enemies into the paths of rightesnous. And surely they will dwell in the house with satan. My wierd sense of humor. Lets bring Haliegh home.

To actually see the trailer and it's proximinity to hundreds of other residences, see the post at:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Would you be frightened being left in a remote trailer with two little kids at night?

I guess it's one of those "you say tomato, I say mater" deals, huh? :floorlaugh:
After reading some of our stories, it's even harder to believe that Misty hid under the covers. Maybe at 1st, but once all the action started, she would have been pushed by self preservation, if nothing else, to not corner herself in the bedroom. From the very beginning, I thought Misty was the type, to put up a fight for Haleigh. Now, I don't know. I still don't think she just handed Haleigh over to somebody, but after listening to all of their stories, I'm more confused about her involvement. For her to be the perp, I think it would've had to have been an accident...but, an accident, after all this time, seems like a very slim possibility. And none of this bunch, (except for CC, late in the game), has ever insinuated an accident. No, IMO, it's looking more and more, like a cold blooded murder. MOO

If I assume for the sake of argument that Misty and Ron didn't "do it," I have to consider who might have done it. To me, a cold-blooded murder is one that is planned either in advance or immediately before commission. If someone went after Haleigh with intent to kill, or with intent to molest and then made a quick decision that she had to be killed, that would be cold-blooded murder.

Now, if something went down and Haleigh happened to get in the way and died as a result, that's not cold-blooded murder. But, it is also not exactly an accident. If she died during the commission of another crime, it's murder. But it's not cold-blooded murder and maybe not even premeditated.

Who would commit a cold-blooded murder against this child? I agree Ron or Misty would not have done that. I do not think Tommy would either. I might consider JO if there was anything showing he had been in the home that evening but there isn't. In fact, Ron insisted JO was not in the home that evening. And Misty and Tommy never claimed JO was there until much later, after they were arrested and they were desperate.

If this was a cold-blooded murder, it was more likely either a stranger or a distant acquaintance of Ron or Misty or both. I say that because I just can't see from what we know of this group that any of our players would commit cold-blooded murder of a five-year-old.

Haleigh died accidentally during the commission of another crime, IMO. That makes it murder. It was covered up and they remain mute to this day because admitting to such an accident would make known some activity or activities that none of these people want made known.

To me, the cover-up is what is cold-blooded. That was planned and carried out solely so the perps could protect themselves. I think any or all of them are capable of this. And I think they are all involved in this. And let's remember that Ron Cummings was not cooperative with LE and that he gave Misty advice on how to get out of LE interviews. He also insisted that JO had not been in his home that night. How would he know this? And if he doesn't know it for a fact, why would he insist? Most dads would say and do anything that was necessary to help LE find their missing child, or to help find the killer of their child. Ron did next to nothing to help LE and he coached Misty to be uncooperative, then married her. There has to be a reason why Ron did some of the things he did. And Ron is as big a liar as the others. He just lies in a different way--he lies by omission.

Even if Ron loved Misty and felt the need to protect her, he didn't love Tommy and he didn't love JO. If Ron was not involved, and wasn't even there when this tragedy happened, why would he need to protect others who might have been? Because if he really was at work, he would be clueless about what went on in his home that night and about who was or was not present.
If I assume for the sake of argument that Misty and Ron didn't "do it," I have to consider who might have done it. To me, a cold-blooded murder is one that is planned either in advance or immediately before commission. If someone went after Haleigh with intent to kill, or with intent to molest and then made a quick decision that she had to be killed, that would be cold-blooded murder.

Now, if something went down and Haleigh happened to get in the way and died as a result, that's not cold-blooded murder. But, it is also not exactly an accident. If she died during the commission of another crime, it's murder. But it's not cold-blooded murder and maybe not even premeditated.

Who would commit a cold-blooded murder against this child? I agree Ron or Misty would not have done that. I do not think Tommy would either. I might consider JO if there was anything showing he had been in the home that evening but there isn't. In fact, Ron insisted JO was not in the home that evening. And Misty and Tommy never claimed JO was there until much later, after they were arrested and they were desperate.

If this was a cold-blooded murder, it was more likely either a stranger or a distant acquaintance of Ron or Misty or both. I say that because I just can't see from what we know of this group that any of our players would commit cold-blooded murder of a five-year-old.

Haleigh died accidentally during the commission of another crime, IMO. That makes it murder. It was covered up and they remain mute to this day because admitting to such an accident would make known some activity or activities that none of these people want made known.

To me, the cover-up is what is cold-blooded. That was planned and carried out solely so the perps could protect themselves. I think any or all of them are capable of this. And I think they are all involved in this. And let's remember that Ron Cummings was not cooperative with LE and that he gave Misty advice on how to get out of LE interviews. He also insisted that JO had not been in his home that night. How would he know this? And if he doesn't know it for a fact, why would he insist? Most dads would say and do anything that was necessary to help LE find their missing child, or to help find the killer of their child. Ron did next to nothing to help LE and he coached Misty to be uncooperative, then married her. There has to be a reason why Ron did some of the things he did. And Ron is as big a liar as the others. He just lies in a different way--he lies by omission.

Even if Ron loved Misty and felt the need to protect her, he didn't love Tommy and he didn't love JO. If Ron was not involved, and wasn't even there when this tragedy happened, why would he need to protect others who might have been? Because if he really was at work, he would be clueless about what went on in his home that night and about who was or was not present.
Because of the way things have gone down, (like Misty not taking the ammunity offer), it looks like she was somehow involved in what happened to Haleigh. That's not saying she killed Haleigh, but maybe she played a role. My mind doesn't really work this way, so I can't think of a logical chain of events, where she and Tommy were both culpable. The only thing I can think of, is she either handed Haleigh off and she was killed, or she hurt Haleigh somehow, and Tommy finished her off. For instance... if Misty hit Haleigh in the head with a board, like FH heard, and then Tommy disposed of a still live Haleigh, they would both be culpable. Or, if Misty handed Haleigh over for one reason, and then she was killed, they would both be culpable. I don't like thinking like this, because it seems so wrong, but something really bad obviously happened, because they act like they'd rather sit in prison for 15/25 years, than fess up. As far as Ron is concerned, IMO, he would cover for Misty, (I'm thinking of his, 'only God can judge me', sticker), and if Tommy/JO, or whoever benefited by association, then so be it. MOO. All of this is just me speculating, based on the most recent events. I now think Misty is probably guilty of something...more than lying, or covering for somebody, or being gone that night. One thing I most definately believe, is that Tommy Croslin wouldn't sit in prison for anybody but himself. MOO
Because of the way things have gone down, (like Misty not taking the ammunity offer), it looks like she was somehow involved in what happened to Haleigh. That's not saying she killed Haleigh, but maybe she played a role. My mind doesn't really work this way, so I can't think of a logical chain of events, where she and Tommy were both culpable. The only thing I can think of, is she either handed Haleigh off and she was killed, or she hurt Haleigh somehow, and Tommy finished her off. For instance... if Misty hit Haleigh in the head with a board, like FH heard, and then Tommy disposed of a still live Haleigh, they would both be culpable. Or, if Misty handed Haleigh over for one reason, and then she was killed, they would both be culpable. I don't like thinking like this, because it seems so wrong, but something really bad obviously happened, because they act like they'd rather sit in prison for 15/25 years, than fess up. As far as Ron is concerned, IMO, he would cover for Misty, (I'm thinking of his, 'only God can judge me', sticker), and if Tommy/JO, or whoever benefited by association, then so be it. MOO. All of this is just me speculating, based on the most recent events. I now think Misty is probably guilty of something...more than lying, or covering for somebody, or being gone that night. One thing I most definately believe, is that Tommy Croslin wouldn't sit in prison for anybody but himself. MOO

I wish I could respond to your post in the Theory thread but I do not know how to take a quote from one thread to another so I'll do it here.

I agree that Misty might be more directly involved than I had given her credit for. In the beginning of the case I suspected her as the perp but then everyone else started acting just as weird and deceptive as she was. For a long while I figured she really had nothing to do with it other than not telling everything that happened that night, i.e., her timeline given for events was "off" and she purposely left certain things out.

Recently I viewed Misty's last interview from prison and this time I paid more attention to her physical demeanor than to her actual words. Her words were the same old...but I studied her eyes during the interview. Misty has very clear beautiful blue eyes but if you look closely and really study her eyes you can see something there that shouldn't be. I think there is a meanness in Misty that I can see in her eyes.

But I still do not see Misty as a cold-blooded killer.

Sames goes for Tommy.

And same for Ronald.

JO I really do not know enough about to say but I will admit he strikes me as a scary dude who might be capable of serious crime. But cold-blooded murder? I don't see it. Not to say I am accurate in my judgement, just to say that so far I do not see that in JO.

So to me this was not a cold-blooded murder. However, the cover-up was certainly, IMO, a cold-blooded calculated act or series of acts.

Finally, I do not see Ronald Cummings protecting Misty at this late date. He may have done that initially, but he would not sit in prison for her...no way, no how! But while I believe Ron would not sit in prison to cover for Misty, he might sit there to cover for someone in his own family.

Whatever happened to Haleigh was, IMO, not planned. It was something that just happened probably due to someone's negligence, but that negligence was of the sort that would hold them criminally responsible for her death. Considering their lifestyle it looks to me like some activity involving drugs or guns, or both...and little Haleigh got caught in the center of it somehow.

I can only see one scenario that does not include them all to some degree because I do not believe any of them to be loyal enough to cover for the other(s). Initially maybe...but not for this long. That one scenario is that none of them were involved and none of them know anything about what happened to Haleigh. But that seems unlikely given the numerous times Ronald did nothing to help LE find his child and actually said or did things to thwart their efforts.

I doubt we will ever know the truth. And I hope they all rot in prison.
i thought ron and misty had nearby neighbors?

i don't think misty was afraid living there. what brought this up?
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