Would you feel differently about Cindy's behavior if?

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Could you understand Cindy's actions more if Casey's victim was a stranger?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 16.0%
  • No

    Votes: 167 74.2%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 22 9.8%

  • Total voters


Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the ri
Feb 17, 2009
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I know we're all sorting through the new doc dump. But this thought crossed my mind about how each of us feels about Cindy's behavior and actions regarding this case.

Would you feel differently if the victim in this case wasn't her own Granddaughter?

Could you me more understanding of Cindy's alleged/perceived attempts to fight LE at every turn? To the level that some believe is borderline criminal?

Would you as a parent be more likely to bend/break a few rules for your children if it was a stranger they killed?

Is it the fact that Caylee was her Granddaughter that we have scrutinized Cindy so much?
For me personally, the fact that Caylee is her granddaughter may hold some sway in how I view Cindy's behavior. If she was so bonded with and loved Caylee so much, how could she say and do the things she has done since the "disappearance" and subsequent finding of Caylee's body? Still, even if it were a total stranger, there is no way that I would bend, stretch, cover, lie,or make excuses for any of my kids' behavior that was in any way criminal. It's just not in my DNA. If one of my children were to commit a crime, I would make sure they knew that I loved them. However, I don't show my love through trying to thwart consequences for my family. I show my love by guiding and teaching them that there are consequences for bad choices.
If Casey's victim had been a stranger, CA's behavior would still be unacceptable. But I think I would certainly find it more understandable than the current situation in which the victim was her precious granddaughter.
If Casey's victim had been a stranger, CA's behavior would still be unacceptable. But I think I would certainly find it more understandable than the current situation in which the victim was her precious granddaughter.

This sums up perfectly the way I feel.
If Casey's victim had been a stranger, CA's behavior would still be unacceptable. But I think I would certainly find it more understandable than the current situation in which the victim was her precious granddaughter.

I'm completely with you. But I could certainly see where Cindy was coming from and could understand her a little more if the victim wasn't her innocent little granddaughter.
Interesting Poll, interesting thread! I voted yes, because I can't believe the other shoe hasn't dropped - that is I can't believe Cindy is still not connecting Caylee's murder with the actions of ICA.

She does everything possible but connect the dots with her Caylee is still alive and ICA is innocent and will be coming home soon and we can watch our favorite programs together nonsense.

I was one of the few people who could "understand but not condone" why CA was accusing innocent people - if she thought ICA was innocent, then why might it not be one of her friends? Nasty - but logical to me.

But other than the fact CA must be completely delusional, I have no idea why she is continuing to take the direction she is taking.
I'm completely with you. But I could certainly see where Cindy was coming from and could understand her a little more if the victim wasn't her innocent little granddaughter.

This is a great poll and I had to actually think about my answer. My initial reaction was 'yes' but after careful consideration I must go with 'no.'

Having three adult children of my own, I can say that I would stand beside them, no matter what. But I would never, ever, ever try to thwart an investigation into their guilt or innocence. I would never make totally moronic, contradictory statements to the media. I would never claim that the victim was actually alive.

No matter how I look at it, CA is in need of some serious help. Unfortunately, she has to want it for it to make any difference. I feel sorry for her, as I honestly believe she's unwell.
After some careful thought, I have had to vote "Unsure". Although I would like to say that I could better understand her actions if KC's victim were some random stranger, I still, even then, cannot understand the lengths to which she has gone. There is simply no excuse for her actions throughout this case. None. If CA is not charged with something after this trial it will be a mockery of justice. I sincerely hope that several of the innocents that she has smeared line up outside of Morgan & Morgan the very next day and start filing suits against her. She simply cannot be allowed to get away with everything she has done. She crossed too many lines. Moo.
NO! The victim would still be a minor and CA would still be an RN. It would be even worse IMO
I voted yes. Even if the victim were a stranger, her behavior would still be completely unacceptable, BUT I could understand a mother standing by her child no matter what and her being in denial as to the extent of her child's actions. BUT when the victim is her child's baby -- her precious grandbaby -- you have to draw the line somewhere.

> I hate that I'm going to post this, but.....<
*If* I had done this, I can guarantee you my parents, and everyone else in my family, would never speak to me again and want to see me rot in prison. If they saw me in court, it would take several officers to hold them back from choking the living daylights out of me.
My initial reaction was no. Nothing excuses CA's behavior. Then I thought about it.....and I thought - yes. Of course it would be different if she was instinctively just trying to protect her daughter......then I thought about it some more and voted "unsure" because just like the previous posts, NOTHING excuses her behavior -but........I would not have viewed anything the same in this case if Caylee wasn't ICA's daughter and CA's granddaughter.....so moo too.....:)
No. There's a huge difference in continuing to love your child and be there for them, but you must make them accountable and take responsibilty for their actions! I cannot understand why or how CA turns the other way! A lot of the reason I think, is she feels guilty for a lot of her own parenting, she feels guilty about the huge fight on the 15th, and her own narcissistic ways about her image! She cannot accept that her own child would do such a horrid thing even though its so obvious! She has covered up KC's actions for so long! But you would think this would be the end of the line! Idk, its so sad Caylee has noone in her own family seeking justice. She certainly won't have CA on the SA's side. Sad.but you can bet IF someone else had done this, she'd be doing the exact opposite of what she is doing, kwim??? Inmgine IF there were as much evidence against someone other than KC and if that person were facing trial! CA would be demanding DP! She just makes me so sick! Can't wait til we have a guilty verdict!
I thought it was a hard question too! I've really had to think about it.
I voted 'No'.

For me it isn't just about the victim being Caylee, her granddaughter -- it is about the whole family dynamic and boundaries. CA treats ICA as a friend, a sister, a little girl, a BFF, an extension of herself.

CA still talks in her letters about spending quality time with ICA bonding. CA does not act as an adult parent, more a co-dependant. CA was also selectively treating Caylee as a daughter and then granddaughter depending on her mood. It gets very confusing.

I can understand how both ICA and Caylee were confused depending on the day. CA was very controlling, passive-aggressive both enabling ICA to do as she wished while punishing and torturing her in a basically unhealthy relationship of control. CA was unwilling to set ICA on the straight and narrow and teach her life's lessons, make her accountable and, make her responsible. CA did not want ICA to leave home, leave her control.

I think CA is horrified in how this turned out and blames herself, not ICA and has a very guilty conscience. She is defending and protecting ICA at all costs, as she always has because she has played a MAJOR role in what ICA has become. CA's actions are one of guilt to protect herself, protect her image, protect the family image, cover for what she has done.

CA is still making the same mistakes, she does not want to treat ICA as an adult, she wants to love and cherish and be friends with ICA -- as the little Princess ICA used to be to CA. CA is living in the past and more than anything in the world she wants ICA to love her, to be with her and, to be her little girl. CA has replaced Caylee with ICA -- she has reverted back to cope with the loss.

Remember ... ICA wanted CA to love her, to love her more than Caylee, ICA was concerned that all people cared about was Caylee. ICA removed Caylee so ICA has what she wanted and CA is playing into that ... not wanting to lose ICA as well. Complicated.
I have to vote NO, for the reasons outlined by cyberborg above and simply because no matter if the victim was a stranger or relative, a child or adult, male or female, if my child had committed a murder, I would support him/her, I would love him/her but I would insist on them taking responsibility for their actions.

If I had a doubt as to their guilt I would do EVERYTHING within the law to try to help my child. I would not hamper an investigation. I would not manufacture, hide or destroy evidence. I would not participate in pointing/assigning blame upon witnesses, searchers, etc.
I voted no.

Speaking only for myself I cannot imagine taking the stance and position that CA has. The fact that Caylee was her own granddaughter just makes her behavior all the more despicable. Like so many others on this board, I would be there for my child no matter what, but standing by their side and encouraging them to lie/ignoring the facts are two different things.

Great poll, great thread, JSR! I voted yes, because I certainly could understand more a parent trying to cover-up for their guilty child when there are no attachments to the victim. "Victim" becomes an abstract, legal term with no face and as such, isn't missed by the grandparents. Notice I said "understand", not "condone".

However, ironically, I think if the victim WERE a stranger, Cindy would never have covered up so much for casey, because I think a lot of her bizarre behaviour and fake denial is rooted in guilt. Had the victim been a stranger, Cindy would never be second-guessing her own part in it and torturing herself with 'what-ifs'.
I think what we are seeing now, we would see the same if it were a stranger. CA needs KC to complete her life because CA has made KC her life. I do not think CA has any friends and from what went on at her brother's wedding I think CA thinks it's "us against the world....family included." CA clearly lets KC know that if she should get out CA will still control her life because she can and will. It's right there in those letters. No wonder her daughter will not look at her. Basically she is letting KC know that we are joined at the hip and when you get out it will be business as usual because YOU OWE ME. jmo
I have two kids and have given this some thought. I would be emotionaly available to my child but I would let them be responsible for their actions. To be honest, Cindy's behavior of protecting and covering for her childs actions have contributed to this horrible outcome. Casey has never been responsible to her actions. Once again Cindy is trying to "fix" things. If she truly cares, she would be emotionally available to Casey and support the truth for Caylee. If the victim was anyone but Caylee I would feel the same. Cindy needs to let Casey take responsibility for herself. She needs to be a truthful voice for her grandchild. She can't make Caylee come back but she can remember with the truth. She can support Casey by making her hear and be responsible to the truth. I understand wanting things to be different but Cindy can't make the truth be what she wants. Cindy needs to be responsible to what is.
Interesting to see that in one of her letters to ICA she says she cares deeply that Caylee is gone and gets really angry that people say she doesn't care about what happened to her. She says she does care very deeply and will never give up searching for who is responsible.

She simply choses to believe the perp isn't ICA. Amazing that she cannot see the reflection how her actions affect the public eye.

One of these days my head is going to roll right off of my shoulders with all the head shaking I do at her antics.

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