Would you feel differently about Cindy's behavior if?

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Could you understand Cindy's actions more if Casey's victim was a stranger?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 16.0%
  • No

    Votes: 167 74.2%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 22 9.8%

  • Total voters
I voted no.

Her refusal to make Casey face up to her responsibilities is what caused this whole tragedy IMO.

She's very willing let Casey get away with murdering her own child.

This is her granddaughter, the person who she referred to in her letter to Casey as the ONLY good thing in her life.

It's pitiful that she can so easily throw away Caylee, just as Casey did, but she would be just as wrong if the victim weren't Caylee.
I voted no.

Speaking only for myself I cannot imagine taking the stance and position that CA has. The fact that Caylee was her own granddaughter just makes her behavior all the more despicable. Like so many others on this board, I would be there for my child no matter what, but standing by their side and encouraging them to lie/ignoring the facts are two different things.


Yes! ITA that Caylee being her granddaughter makes it soooo much worse!
If you take away the fact kc is cindy's daughter, what we have here is a person who has no interest in getting justice for her murdered grandbaby. That is unexcusable, disgusting and pathetic. Reading cindy's letters, she doesn't even sound as though she cares Caylee is dead. As long as she has her beautiful haired, cuddly kc.
This is a great poll and I had to actually think about my answer. My initial reaction was 'yes' but after careful consideration I must go with 'no.'

Having three adult children of my own, I can say that I would stand beside them, no matter what. But I would never, ever, ever try to thwart an investigation into their guilt or innocence. I would never make totally moronic, contradictory statements to the media. I would never claim that the victim was actually alive.

No matter how I look at it, CA is in need of some serious help. Unfortunately, she has to want it for it to make any difference. I feel sorry for her, as I honestly believe she's unwell.

Unwell or just plain arrogant and contemptuous of anyone who crosses her?. To me it's clear where ICA got her mean streak from.
I have to vote NO, for the reasons outlined by cyberborg above and simply because no matter if the victim was a stranger or relative, a child or adult, male or female, if my child had committed a murder, I would support him/her, I would love him/her but I would insist on them taking responsibility for their actions.

If I had a doubt as to their guilt I would do EVERYTHING within the law to try to help my child. I would not hamper an investigation. I would not manufacture, hide or destroy evidence. I would not participate in pointing/assigning blame upon witnesses, searchers, etc.

ITA! I also firmly believe that Cindy knows what Casey is, but will never admit it publicly... Anyone who says otherwise (some of Casey's "friends" and her own family members) is obviously a liar... to the public, that is.
No. Once a scorpion, always a scorpion. It is incapable of changing its nature.
I know we're all sorting through the new doc dump. But this thought crossed my mind about how each of us feels about Cindy's behavior and actions regarding this case.

Would you feel differently if the victim in this case wasn't her own Granddaughter?

Could you me more understanding of Cindy's alleged/perceived attempts to fight LE at every turn? To the level that some believe is borderline criminal?

Would you as a parent be more likely to bend/break a few rules for your children if it was a stranger they killed?

Is it the fact that Caylee was her Granddaughter that we have scrutinized Cindy so much?
Thanks for giving me such a good mental workout, JSR. Good questions that take a lot of processing.

I voted no ~ meaning that I think I would be even more upset with the way Cindy acts if Casey had killed an unrelated child. As it stands now, any leeway I give her is because I think she has the added shock of losing her grandchild on top of knowing her daughter is a murderer. If Cindy were unrelated to the murdered child I would be even more angered by her self serving actions to protect herself and Casey. Her selfishness and aggressive tactics in all her dealings would then stand witness to the fact that all she is interested in is protecting her daughter at everyone else's expense ~ It wouldn't surprise me if she would have even tried to cast blame on the child victim if it weren't Caylee.

Nope, if it weren't her granddaughter I'd be saying, "She's a cold woman; doesn't even have an ounce of sorrow or empathy for the little child's family." I'd be even more critical of her than I am now. . . and it's hard to imagine there's a level higher than the disgust I now feel.

We're talking about LIFE. Someones life! Even if it wasn't Caylee's life... it would be someone elses life. A son/daughter. A sister/brother. A husband/wife. A father/mother. All life is important and Casey would have been just as much a murderer if it was someone else.

I have watched Cindy willingly try to destroy innocent peoples lives for over two years now. Her behavior, even if it wasn't her own grandbaby, is deplorable. Do you think her behavior would have been any different if it was someone else? I don't.
I voted no as well. I firmly believe CA knows exactly who her daughter is and what she is capable of. What little sympathy I had for the Anthonys has passed a long time ago.

Come on, May! I am so ready for this trial.
I will never understand CA's actions. It wouldn't matter if the victim was a relative or not. Are we assuming that the victim is some other innocent defensless child? Could you imagine if YOUR child (not yours specifically, this is hypothetical) was the victim? How would you feel about CA's actions?

No, her behavior is totally unacceptable. I voted NO.

Thanks for the poll!!
I voted NO.

When LE lays out irrefutable evidence of your ADULT childs crime, and you are standing there with your jaw hanging to the ground that your child did this, all you can do at that point is close your mouth, and keep it shut.

You still love that child, but from that point forward, the child must be responsible for the actions that they have taken.

NO COMMENT becomes your only uttered phrase to anyone wanting to discuss the case.

CA's actions have been despicable. Even if this was a stranger, imagine how that family would feel...

This case is a perfect one to show how not to act if ever faced with this egregrious crime. It also appears this family has no integrity, their moral compass is skewed, definately not someone I'd want as a friend. I'd run for the hills as fast as I could...

There is a difference to continue to show love and support for love is unconditional but to go along knowing in your heart it is your own who sits accused of taking her sunshine away, it would have been best to forgive, and tell her to take responsibility for her actions...not defend her and place innocent people in harms way, tampering with evidence/witnesses placing yourself in a position to be arrested..Her sense of entitlement angers the heck out of me..

Nope, no...her behavior is unacceptable even if it had been a stranger this prisoner is accused of murdering...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

We're talking about LIFE. Someones life! Even if it wasn't Caylee's life... it would be someone elses life. A son/daughter. A sister/brother. A husband/wife. A father/mother. All life is important and Casey would have been just as much a murderer if it was someone else.

I have watched Cindy willingly try to destroy innocent peoples lives for over two years now. Her behavior, even if it wasn't her own grandbaby, is deplorable. Do you think her behavior would have been any different if it was someone else? I don't.

In many ways I find CA the more repulsive of the two- there is at least an outside possibility that ICA killed in a rage , but CA's actions are entirely cold and calculating; to my mind she has compounded the crime against Caylee by covering up for her killer.

CA's actions have been despicable. Even if this was a stranger, imagine how that family would feel...

This case is a perfect one to show how not to act if ever faced with this egregrious crime. It also appears this family has no integrity, their moral compass is skewed, definately not someone I'd want as a friend. I'd run for the hills as fast as I could...

There is a difference to continue to show love and support for love is unconditional but to go along knowing in your heart it is your own who sits accused of taking her sunshine away, it would have been best to forgive, and tell her to take responsibility for her actions...not defend her and place innocent people in harms way, tampering with evidence/witnesses placing yourself in a position to be arrested..Her sense of entitlement angers the heck out of me..

Nope, no...her behavior is unacceptable even if it had been a stranger this prisoner is accused of murdering...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Someone pointed this out a long time ago and I don't remember who it was on this forum who said it... but it always stuck with me.

If Cindy really loved Casey unconditionally, she would accept her for who she is and what she has done and still love her. That is unconditional love. Not lying about who Casey was and what she did. She has created an image of Casey that she loves... but it is not Casey.

The other person who brought this up said it so much better than I did. Hope this makes sense.
Someone pointed this out a long time ago and I don't remember who it was on this forum who said it... but it always stuck with me.

If Cindy really loved Casey unconditionally, she would accept her for who she is and what she has done and still love her. That is unconditional love. Not lying about who Casey was and what she did. She has created an image of Casey that she loves... but it is not Casey.

The other person who brought this up said it so much better than I did. Hope this makes sense.

Wonderful post LolaMoon08 - because you have hit on what is truly wrong with this whole picture. I absolutely agree with your description of unconditional love - and what Cindy has done is create an image of ICA that she loves, and keeps trying to force ICA into being that person. Cindy insists the public believe ICA is that person, and she insists ICA be the person she keeps describing.

We can see and ICA knows that fictional image isn't who she was, is, or ever will be.

For me this is the real crux of Cindy's delusions. It is just so wrong.
I voted no. It would be even worse for me if this was someone not related to Cindy. She would still be breaking the law to cover for Casey, and probably doing everything she could to make the victim's family seem like nothing better than DIRT, and probably that that person who was killed deserved to die, but not by Casey's hand. It would not be more okay for her break the law to save Casey if the victim was someone outside the family. I've seen other cases where parents don't want to believe their child did it, but never have I seen any family go to the length Cindy has gone for Casey. All victims deserve respect, honor, and dignity, and Cindy does not have any of that for anyone outside the family right now, and would have even less if the victim here were someone not related to her.

We've seen how she's treated every other person not the A family. It would be an all out war if the victim wasn't related to her. We think she's bad now, I cannot imagine the lengths she would go to if the victim wasn't related to her. Caylee being her granddaughter keeps the nastiness to a certain level for two reasons: Cindy's family has to be perfect, and she actually loved Caylee.

Cindy believes her family is perfect, so she's not going to put down her own family to save Casey. But you better believe if this victim was someone else's child, she would be tearing that family apart limb from limb to save Casey. Look at how she's torn apart Casey's former friends, tried to blame every single one of them for what happened to Caylee. Cindy's motto is that if it's not the Anthony family, it's not perfect and not acceptable. It's the A family versus the world. If the victim wasn't Caylee, then God help that poor victim's family since they would be object of Cindy's rage and in her narcissistic mind, it's better that they suffer and be torn apart than her perfect Casey.

The victim being Caylee also affects Cindy because Cindy actually loved Caylee. This has put a sort of restraint on Cindy, maybe even caused her to be mentally ill. I can just imagine the campaign Cindy would launch to protect her own if the victim was not related to her family. Think about how she would rationalize the situation if it wasn't Caylee dead here. She would have no restraint on herself, no reason to stay quiet, no mental impairment to hold her back, and we would really see how ugly and vicious this woman really is. Since Caylee is the victim here, I think we're seeing Cindy pulling herself apart and putting herself back together constantly because she can't handle that Casey would kill her own blood. That is so against the perfect family image she has built over the years that she cannot accept it. Can we imagine how she would be if the victim was someone she didn't know and didn't love at all? Can we imagine the venom spewed if she didn't care about the victim in any way, shape, or form?

No, Caylee's death does make this bad in many ways, but a victim not of Cindy's own blood would be even worse. I would be even more disgusted by Cindy if this wasn't Caylee dead, but some innocent person outside of the family. No one deserves to be the target of this narcissistic woman's wrath and willingless to break the law to protect her own sociopathic and narcissistic child at all costs. I will never understand her throwing away Caylee for Casey, and I will never understand or sympathize with Cindy at all, no matter who Casey would have chosen to murder.
I don't think CA is really doing any of this for ICA, she is doing it for herself.
I don't think CA is really doing any of this for ICA, she is doing it for herself.

Exactly. I must have left that out of my post by accident. And imagine how much easier it would be for her to do if the victim wasn't Caylee.
I don't think CA is really doing any of this for ICA, she is doing it for herself.

Well yes, of course. Because if ICA isn't the person CA believes she is and needs her to be, then CA will have to finally deal with who she herself is and what all that brings to the table. It's a pretty ugly picture.

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