Would you lie in court to save your child? CLOSED FOR REVIEW

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Would you lie to save your child's life?

  • Yes

    Votes: 100 18.1%
  • No

    Votes: 261 47.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 191 34.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Judge Alex (one of my all time favorites) was on the News.. he said in his many years, parents get on the stand and lie all the time for their kids saying "he was with me the whole time" during the time some innocent person was killed.

It gives me hope she will still be found guilty. If its life without parole, thats fine, I don't see anyone here demanding she get the needle.. I'm fine with the jury's decision as long as she stays in the slammer

Well....there's a whole other thread for that!
no I would not lie to the court or LE for my child. If she up for DP and got the DP...

I would throw my self on mercy of the court to save my child but not lie.
Oh Dear God...perhaps what Cindy is saying is true. What if she actually suspected Casey of dosing her dogs????? What if Casey was trying it out on the dogs first?

Someone here speculated about this a while back (I am sorry I cannot remember who, I have read so much around here this past month). I think that this is very possible.
No, I would not lie for my guilty child to save her life if that is the punishment that was handed down.

The way CA spoke and the lies she told today were incredulous but, sounded oh so familiar...to interviews of ICA as she wove her tall tales to LE...shame, shame, shame on you CA!
Oh Dear God...perhaps what Cindy is saying is true. What if she actually suspected Casey of dosing her dogs????? What if Casey was trying it out on the dogs first?

Oh, WOW!! I hadn't even thought about that idea! Great thought, Linda7NJ!!:seeya: I have two Yorkies; they are fragile due to their size and it doesn't take much to upset their tummies. (though I admit, both my fuzz-balls have a taste for foliage, too! lol :) )
Not if my child murdered my grandchild, accused her brother and father of sexual abuse and then also accused her father of covering up the death. Nope. My child would need to face the music. You can still love your child.

I answered no, but after thinking about it I really don't know what I would do. I am just so thankful that It is not me up there on the stand. I can't even put myself in the Anthonys shoes. Love for your children is so deep and powerful, Would I die for my chld or grandchild, I can answer that without even giving it a second thought, yes I would give my life for my children and grandchildren anyday.Would I lie to keep my child from being put to death, I really don't know..I pray for Cindy & George and I will no longer judge them no matter what they do or say, because I don't know what I would do if I was in there shoes. It has to be a living nightmare hell for them, knowing all there hopes and dreams of ever being happy will never ever be. If I was to give advice to the A's I would say to Cindy and George, do what you have to do, I are not in your shoes.
Im not going to quote the posts that question why those who would not lie would let their children face the possibility of the DP instead of LWOP. I just want to touch on the subject and I am not trying to offend anyone but I personally believe that you would have to walk in someone's shoes to comprehend one's belief in the the DP. If you have never been effected by the loss of someone close to you by anothers hands you can't possibly feel what a person feels that has. There is no closure no matter what. The pain that is caused by a murder effects people for many decades, many generations, the pain and the trama do not go away. It basically not only kills the victim but their families, the children of their families, the grandchildren of their families, and so on. I knew because my family lost 2 people close to us to murder and another where the child was found behind our house. In the case of the child, I met by chance someone decades later that was the last person to see the murderer right before he left on his quest to kill that poor child. A broken old man named Fred. He was never the same and my family will never be the same.

If I have not raised my children to be respectful of human life, where they feel compelled to take the life of another causing pain to all that knew this person and generations to come, then they should be punished by the guidelines of the law of that state. If the DP is one of these options then it is up to a jury to decide by the evidence and not by what I feel should be the outcome because its my child.

They will always be my children no matter what, but justice is warranted for crimes where one takes the life of another especially in a premeditated manner.It's not about my child anymore when this happens but how they must pay for taking a life of another. JMO

Point is, please do not be harsh and say that we must not have kids and we dont care, we do you just have never walked in our shoes and I pray that you never do.

I understand what you’re saying but because someone was murdered doesn't mean that the victim family automatically wants them put to death. My father was murdered and although I hate the people who did it and want them to suffer I wouldn't want them put to death. Not everyone is for the death penalty.
Judge Alex (one of my all time favorites) was on the News.. he said in his many years, parents get on the stand and lie all the time for their kids saying "he was with me the whole time" during the time some innocent person was killed.

It gives me hope she will still be found guilty. If its life without parole, thats fine, I don't see anyone here demanding she get the needle.. I'm fine with the jury's decision as long as she stays in the slammer

I heard Judge Alex and another judge on another program say that in all of his years on the bench, most often mothers will lie. So, I guess that's the reality in their courts whether we agree with it or not.

This case is a bit unique in that Cindy also has another child-who has his whole life ahead of him-whose sister is accusing him of some pretty horrible things. I know Lee is not facing the death penalty, but CA is again walking a fine line because the defense is claiming that KC is innocent and lied due in part to Lee's actions. I am guessing Lee understands what his mother is doing, but I don't know if I could continue to go along with KC if it meant condemning my son as a child molester in front of the whole world. In a backwards sorta way, that is what CA will be doing if she feeds the defense's monster.
Someone here speculated about this a while back (I am sorry I cannot remember who, I have read so much around here this past month). I think that this is very possible.

sure explains a tired and lethargic dog, 84 searches on HOW to make chloroform and "chloroform habit...
TWO things:

1) Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and we are not here to change everyone's minds


2) Stay on topic please.
I understand what you’re saying but because someone was murdered doesn't mean that the victim family automatically wants them put to death. My father was murdered and although I hate the people who did it and want them to suffer I wouldn't want them put to death. Not everyone is for the death penalty.

Thank you for your honest thoughts. It's not so much the DP I believe in but being held accountable and paying the price what ever it is in that state.

BTW, I dont believe the DP works in Florida actually. There are people on deathrow that have been there for over 3 decades. The DP is supposed to be their punishment. How do you punish someone who may not even realize what they are being punished for because of loss of memory, alzheimers, etc???? That's not justice IMO.
Thank you for your honest thoughts. It's not so much the DP I believe in but being held accountable and paying the price what ever it is in that state.

BTW, I dont believe the DP works in Florida actually. There are people on deathrow that have been there for over 3 decades. The DP is supposed to be their punishment. How do you punish someone who may not even realize what they are being punished for because of loss of memory, alzheimers, etc???? That's not justice IMO.

Thanks! I agree with your thoughts about the DP in Florida. It seems that it's like that everywhere. I guess my thought on the DP is this...I would rather have the person be alive and suffering everyday then to get the easy way out by being put to death. Not to say I don't feel some people deserve it but at this time I just feel it's not for me to decide. BTW, sorry to hear about your family members.
I've lied for my son by saying he was sick and didn't get his homework done. I've done that, but I could never lie in a court of law. I'm not a good liar. When I was in 7th grade I got an F in history. I changed it to a B, but was riddled with guilt before showing my parents so I went back to the school to get a new report card.
Thanks! I agree with your thoughts about the DP in Florida. It seems that it's like that everywhere. I guess my thought on the DP is this...I would rather have the person be alive and suffering in everyday then to get the easy way out by being put to death. Not to say I don't feel some people deserve it but at this time I just feel it's not for me to decide. BTW, sorry to hear about your family members.

Thank you. Sorry about your dad :(
Interesting that many of the "talking heads" via the news tonight do NOT really judge Cindy harshly for attempting to protect her daughter from the death penalty. Many have alluded (or almost "confessed") to most likely feeling the same/doing the same thing as Cindy!:waitasec:

I find that rather telling...
Yes, if it meant life or death. I would want them to spend the rest of their life in prison, but not be put to death.
Interesting that many of the "talking heads" via the news tonight do NOT really judge Cindy harshly for attempting to protect her daughter from the death penalty. Many have alluded (or almost "confessed") to most likely feeling the same/doing the same thing as Cindy!:waitasec:

I find that rather telling...

Why? I think many parents would try and save their child from the DP.
I voted NO, because I was under the impression that the question was, If you were put in CA's position, would you lie in court to save your child.

My BELIEF is that after finding the car, cleaning the car, and finally getting her hands on ICA and putting everything together, and now after sitting through the last 30 some days of trial, I as CA would be furious with my child. I would NOT lie to cover her butt. It's fairly OBVIOUS that something is WRONG with ICA and Sane, typical, "normal" human beings do NOT take the life of their own 2 year old daughter. SO Its clear in MY MIND that ICA is Sick... So I would do everything in my power to ensure that my GRANDDAUGHTER received justice and my Daughter receives treatment. I would most likely encourage incarceration. There is obviously a mental health issue at hand here, and IF ICA is CAPABLE of killing her own baby, flesh and blood daughter, and discarding her like just another bag of trash, then who knows what else she might be capable of above and beyond that. I Would feel at THAT point, things were beyond my ability to salvage. No amount of poor parenting caused that. It's NOT just a case of never being held accountable.. That ADDS to ICA's personality. I agree 100% that NOT giving her consequences or forcing her to take responsibility only exacerbated things, but that's not the whole story. There are a million spoiled brats out there. My step son is one of them. My sister in law, Same. In face, my BF seems to find that her personality resembles that of ICA. But.. They will most likely NEVER go as far as she did.

So i think if I was CA, I would have had 3 years to take a good long look at everything.

Where is my daughter? How did she get there?
Where is my granddaughter? How did she get there?
Who was the adult? Who was the parent?
Who was raised to know right from wrong?
Who clearly doesn't have a moral compass?
What can I REALLY do to change this?
Will lying fix things?
Did I MAKE ICA's choices for her?
Were the Laws of the land OBVIOUS to her?

If ICA is found NOT guilty, will that make her a better person? Will she be changed?
Or will she still be a liar and a thief?
Would lying truly help her?
Did I CAUSE her to make the choice to take a babies life?
Did I DO something that made her the way she is?
Will lying CHANGE the fact that she DID in fact kill a child?
I think I would also consider the fact that ICA has NEVER admitted that it was an accident until the beginning of this trial.

Perhaps had my daughter said to me, this was an accident, I f'ed up, i didn't mean to, it was all an accident, FROM THE GET GO, then I would perhaps feel more compelled to help my child.

But she didn't say anything of the sort, and she continued to spew lie after lie after lie as though she couldn't STOP.

There is no way that CA doesn't SEE all the lies NOW... 3 years later...
She has had time to think about it..
She made a choice. She Chose ICA... ICA over GA and over LA.
She chose ICA over Caylee.
With all the accusations and lies.. There has been time to think about everything.

I also think, that lying is only going to make it worse for ICA.

If she has a mental health ISSUE..(duh uhmm yeah somethings wrong upstairs) Then it needs to be addressed. And one must be completely truthful about something like that.

(for example, if ICA did in fact do the searches for Chloroform. If she spends 15 years talking with a psychiatrist about what she has done, but LEAVES out the, "i searched for Chloroform and made it and knocked my kid out, part... Then.. Whats the point in all the psychiatric help? It's like going to AA and then heading to the bar..)

Covering for ICA is only reinforcing ICA's Illness, Her belief that she doesn't need to be held responsible.

We dont have the DP in Canada.. Thank heavens.

Sorry im so off topic.

No I would not LIE in a Court of LAW to save my child's life. If he is on TRIAL, facing the death penalty, it's probably very likely he deserves to be there.
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