Would you lie in court to save your child? CLOSED FOR REVIEW

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Would you lie to save your child's life?

  • Yes

    Votes: 100 18.1%
  • No

    Votes: 261 47.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 191 34.6%

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That is definitely a topic for the death vs. lwop thread, though I am so tempted to debate here as I totally disagree :crazy:, but I embrace your right to that opinion :)
So I guess my next question would be, would you lie on the stand for someone you did not know personally (say you were an eye witness) in order to save them from the death penalty? Or does being the defendant's mother make all the difference?

No, I wouldn't lie to spare anyone else's life. Just my childs. Being his mother makes all the difference in the world.

I am on the fence as far as the DP. I could argue it either way.

If a stranger murdered my granddaughter ( I don't have grandchildren yet) I'd be willing to inject the murderer myself. It would have nothing to do with wanting "justice" it would be all about REVENGE. Hypocrital, you bet. Hey, atleast I'm honest.:rocker:
When it comes to whether your child might get the death penalty; anyone who says they wouldn't lie to save their child from the possibility of such a fate is lying - or doesn't have a child.

So do you think it's the same for dad's, too? I tend to think a dad might be honest before a mom. I answered I don't know, but my husband would have no qualms about telling the truth-not screaming out that the state should go ahead and kill her-but telling the truth as it is asked. And I know him well enough to believe him.
There is a marked difference between what George was willing to tell LE and what CA was willing to tell them, of course it's all a mish-mash now that D-Day is here.
When it comes to whether your child might get the death penalty; anyone who says they wouldn't lie to save their child from the possibility of such a fate is lying - or doesn't have a child.

I know what I say, but I bet you are correct. Nobody here KNOWS what they will do in that situation. I know what I just posted, but I know I would NEVER want my flesh and blood to die. NEVER!
Those of you that state you would NEVER lie to save your childs life.

Question. Are you all claiming that you NEVER lie?:waitasec:

Did you know that George Washington never said the famous words "I cannot tell a lie"? This was made up by his friend who later wrote a book about his years with Prez Washington. Just an interesting fact.

Here is a quote by another author ( myself lol). "Only a liar tries to validate that they have never lied in their lifetime"

To lie about car trouble to avoid work is one thing, to lie in order to aid and abet a criminal is purely another.

I can honestly say I have lied in my life time and I can honestly say that I would not lie to protect a murderer, my own blood or not.
IMO Lying is LYING...so why not lie, if it could SAVE the LIFE of YOUR child?

So does that mean the mothers who said they would lie would lie about anything? If lying is lying then can I assume you'd lie for your child in any situation?
Those of you that state you would NEVER lie to save your childs life.

Question. Are you all claiming that you NEVER lie?:waitasec:

I think they're claiming they would never lie under oath and they would never lie to cover a murder. It's not unheard of, especially for those who take oaths before God very seriously or those that feel they want to maintain credibility with the jury for the sentencing phase.
Not very fair to assume our members don't know what their own guts are telling them.
Did you know that George Washington never said the famous words "I cannot tell a lie"? This was made up by his friend who later wrote a book about his years with Prez Washington. Just an interesting fact.

Here is a quote by another author ( myself lol). "Only a liar tries to validate that they have never lied in their lifetime"

To lie about car trouble to avoid work is one thing, to lie in order to aid and abet a criminal is purely another.

I can honestly say I have lied in my life time and I can honestly say that I would not lie to protect a murderer, my own blood or not.

See that's where ya lose me:waitasec: So it's okay to lie about dumb stuff...but it's not okay to lie to try and save the life of your child?
I voted "No". Initially this was an easy question for me, my immediate reaction was no! However, then before answering, I started thinking it over, so I want to say, I don't know that I NEVER would, I can will 100% certainty though say that in this situation, when MURDER was the reason he or she was on trial, I would not lie to the court, no matter how painful it was to me, there are certain things that you can not accept or explain away.

To think that just a few days ago, I was beginning to let go of some of the animosity for her in my heart. I hope she is charged with perjury! What Casey did was unconscionable, agravatingly so since she did it to her own child, but I would feel as strongly about what she did even if she did it to a stranger!

My heart is warmed by this community and all the love that is out there for Caylee, because unfortunately, I don't think she got that love from her family, it should be unconditional and without fail, lying to protect Casey is in direct conflict with that in my opinion.

**After thought** OK I know this is not funny and it is a serious subject, but when I started to second guess myself about lying, my thinking switched and I wasn't only considering "saving my childs life" it kind of went to "protecting my child", my daughter pointed this out to me when we were talking about it right after posting this. My example to her was "if you were out late past curfew and the police brought you home or maybe putting grafitti on a building", she quickly pointed out that no one would get the death penalty for this..probably not even go to court!..it isn't the same thing at all. So I lost my site a little when answering. Just wanted to clear that up.
This is too hypothetical to get all fired up over-Cindy is not the star witness and there is far more testimony and evidence that the state has submitted that will tell their story. For all we know, the state will impeach Cindy (or maybe the defense) and we'll find that KC's life never depended on her one way or the other.
Does Cindy feel she holds that key in the guilt phase? Maybe. But if I saw all of this evidence pouring out about my own kiddo, I wouldn't bet I could make much of a difference except maybe at sentencing. And per others here, that's not a sure bet, either.
So does that mean the mothers who said they would lie would lie about anything? If lying is lying then can I assume you'd lie for your child in any situation?

No, I have already answered that in this thread. Didn't want you to think I was ignoring your question.

As a rule, I do my best not to lie, but I fail sometimes. I TRY to do it only when I don't want to hurt someone else's feelings. I try to never lie for personal gain, even lies of omission, like when the sales clerk gives me back too much change. For me it's a personal moral issue, not a religious one.
OK. So, I am sitting here thinking about this debate. LIE OR NOT TO LIE.... Seriously. sit for amoment and think of your child, from you, your own flesh and blood, committing this horrible act. Would you not want to protect them???? ( OK, yes I know to anyone who read my previous post I'm majorly contradicting but I really just took a moment to think) You carried this person for nine (really ten) months! Protected them through LIFE. You do not want to send them to death. You may not lie on the stand( I know I wouldn't) but I know for damn sure I would word it to my benefit and the benefit of my child. Maybe that is what Cindy is doing.
Yes, an innocent child lost her life, but Casey is STILL her child. She has to save what she can.
When it comes to whether your child might get the death penalty; anyone who says they wouldn't lie to save their child from the possibility of such a fate is lying - or doesn't have a child.

Well, I have 5 adult children, they have never been in trouble. I have bought them up to believe in the truth and I have always led them to expect they would be accountable for their actions, just as I expect to be held accountable for mine.

I couldn't lie to save my child if they had murdered another human being, I would do everything in my power to make sure the death penalty was not imposed but I would not lie under oath.

No I am not lying.
When it comes to whether your child might get the death penalty; anyone who says they wouldn't lie to save their child from the possibility of such a fate is lying - or doesn't have a child.

Thanks...I thought I was in the Twilight Zone until a few WS came fourth and I don't have kids, well I have 4 legged kids.
See that's where ya lose me:waitasec: So it's okay to lie about dumb stuff...but it's not okay to lie to try and save the life of your child?

Lie to cover my ars yes, and I am responsible for my own actions as well as the outcome of my actions. To lie for others and take away their responsibility to face their actions and the outcome would be wrong.

Really the point is nonvalid I feel. My children where raised knowing right from wrong,to respect human life, and to make a positive difference in this world and that there are reprocussions for their actions. so Im pretty confident I would never have to make this decision.
I think they're claiming they would never lie under oath and they would never lie to cover a murder. It's not unheard of, especially for those who take oaths before God very seriously or those that feel they want to maintain credibility with the jury for the sentencing phase.
Not very fair to assume our members don't know what their own guts are telling them.

I wasn't assuming, that's why I was asking. I am trying to understand.

IIRC isn't lying always going against (Christian) God and I thought that God doesn't distinguish between BIG lies and little ones. To God they are all the same.
OK. So, I am sitting here thinking about this debate. LIE OR NOT TO LIE.... Seriously. sit for amoment and think of your child, from you, your own flesh and blood, committing this horrible act. Would you not want to protect them???? ( OK, yes I know to anyone who read my previous post I'm majorly contradicting but I really just took a moment to think) You carried this person for nine (really ten) months! Protected them through LIFE. You do not want to send them to death. You may not lie on the stand( I know I wouldn't) but I know for damn sure I would word it to my benefit and the benefit of my child. Maybe that is what Cindy is doing.
Yes, an innocent child lost her life, but Casey is STILL her child. She has to save what she can.

BBM-I don't think she has that power and if she ever did, she lost it today, IMO.
Lemme put this out there-If you are going to lie, wouldn't you at least try to lie skillfully? Ya know, it has been written here before that CA conciously or subconciously wants KC to pay, is she purposefully telling the worst lies ever so she can bust KC's booty while coming off as trying to be helpful to KC?
Does spite run in the family, too?
Lie to cover my ars yes, and I am responsible for my own actions as well as the outcome of my actions. To lie for others and take away their responsibility to face their actions and the outcome would be wrong.

Really the point is nonvalid I feel. My children where raised knowing right from wrong,to respect human life, and to make a positive difference in this world and that there are reprocussions for their actions. so Im pretty confident I would never have to make this decision.


I am 99% sure that darn near EVERY mother in the world would say the same. Yet the prisons are overflowing with murderers....Isn't that the point?

I am quite certain Cindy felt the same.
I wasn't assuming, that's why I was asking. I am trying to understand.

IIRC isn't lying always going against (Christian) God and I thought that God doesn't distinguish between BIG lies and little ones. To God they are all the same.

You are correct, Linda7NJ; God holds ALL sin on the same level.
I wasn't assuming, that's why I was asking. I am trying to understand.

IIRC isn't lying always going against (Christian) God and I thought that God doesn't distinguish between BIG lies and little ones. To God they are all the same.

He doesn't, He also doesn't distinguish between lying and murder. Man does, God doesn't. God does want us to render unto Caesar, so while we're here, we're subject to the laws of man.
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