Would you lie in court to save your child? CLOSED FOR REVIEW

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Would you lie to save your child's life?

  • Yes

    Votes: 100 18.1%
  • No

    Votes: 261 47.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 191 34.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I don't have children to answer.

But after watching the jury selection on TV, and remembering how they dug up Twitter tweets and Facebook postings and all of that, it makes me think that if anyone who said 'yes' or 'maybe' is ever testifying in court, these posts could come up...

Though I have a lot of sympathy for people who would (or might) if their child's life is on the line. That would be a really, REALLY hard thing to go through.
Would I lie to get them out of trouble? No
Would I lie to save my child's life? Yes.
I know one thing with certainty.... my mother would have personally taken me to the police station and thrown me in a cell if I had killed her grandson. Which would be the right thing to do. I think I could do the same thing if my son ever did something so heinous. I would still love him, but this is just monstrous. It is not like shoplifting, it is so heinous.
I don't have children to answer.

But after watching the jury selection on TV, and remembering how they dug up Twitter tweets and Facebook postings and all of that, it makes me think that if anyone who said 'yes' or 'maybe' is ever testifying in court, these posts could come up...

Though I have a lot of sympathy for people who would (or might) if their child's life is on the line. That would be a really, REALLY hard thing to go through.

RBBM: Then let us "officially" state that this is hypothetical as though WE were Cindy or George Anthony, in the death penalty murder case we can see via TV in June/July of 2011. :innocent:
It's horrible facing the prospect of having to testify against one's child. I know from experience. My children know if they ever did anything wrong, I wouldn't want the worst possible thing to happen to them, and if they took responsibility, I would fight for leniency, but I would still have to tell the truth about whatever I knew about it. They know I would do this out of love, and they understand that my covering for them is not in their best interests long-term.
I want to think I would not lie in court for any reason, but I do not know for sure. I think being in CA's place would be extremely difficult and given that it is instinctive for a mother to try to save her child, I can see why CA is torn.

Would I perjure myself to save my child, knowing she was guilty? Probably not. Would I go out of my way to make a half-truth sound like a whole-truth to save my child, even knowing she was guilty? Probably so.
To get her off and out of jail...no. To save her life, I honestly don't know.

That being said, I am sick to my stomach and sad after Cindy's testimony today.

I like this better than what I wrote. It's exactly how I feel.
No. I would get them a good lawyer and I would be there to support them and visit them but I would not lie. I told my kids this long ago, if you do the crime you're going to do the time and I will hold your hand but you have to be held responsible for your actions.

My love is unconditional but it does not include leting them get away with murder for sure.
It really is up to the jury and her atty's to save her life not her parents in this situation. Our children mock their parents.
If not in court, yes I would lie to save my childs life.

I also voted IDK because I can't imagine myself in a situation where my child was being tried for murder and I pray I am never in such a situation.

I will also add I continuously find myself thinking of how Jeffrey Dahmers father reacted after his childs horrific crimes. While I do not recall his words verbatim, I do recall him recognizing his childs actions HONESTLY and finding I wish CA, GA and LA would do the same. Particularly CA. I am crushed with her testimony and apparent lies this afternoon.

How could she deny her granddaughter the justice she so deserves.

I chose I really don't know and right after that I
thought it would have to depend on what he/she did.

Then I gave it more thought regarding the case and
decided I would not lie for the likes of someone
like CA
I voted I don't know. I truly hope that I would do the right thing and tell the truth. But in my experience of life, there are many situations where you truly can't predict what you will do, until you've been through them.

But I agree with the poster on the trial thread who said that all Cindy has now is dust. Perhaps it doesn't seem important to her to tell the truth, if doing so will condemn her daughter. But I do feel confident saying that CA is still in total denial about who Casey really is.
I'll add this too, if by chance ICA is acquitted CA best hope ICA NEVER EVER has a child again or she be going through this once again.

i love my children, but i'm not sure if i would commit perjury to save them. if they were innocent, it shouldn't require perjury to clear them, i should hope! if they were guilty, then i would NOT want them to get the DP by any means but i do not think i could bring myself to commit perjury... not when swearing under oath to tell the truth!! i could lie to save them, but under oath? i'm not that good a liar, and if i got caught in the lie it would be that much worse for everyone involved.
I am so surprise while I respect the honest opinions to see that so many parents would lie to let their child get a way with murder. If my child was murdered then I would hope that the parents would give their child support but not help them get a way with murdering my loved one.
To save my child's life?! That's a question I'm so surprised there are so many no's for. Not talking about allowing your child to go unpunished..but to save them from being KILLED and no longer on this earth. I can't even imagine so I can't say what I'd feel in Cindy's position..but at this moment I can't ever imagine me not at least trying in some way to keep my child from dying a deliberate death. I'd want my child to get LWOP, which is the hunch I have..that Cindy wants her to be punished and die a natural death behind bars then to have to have an appointment for death.
I can honestly say, I simply don't know. Most definitely not if I knew in my heart that they murdered someone. If I thought it was an accident, I might possibly. I hope I NEVER have to find out either.
I love my son but I could not do what CA did today, it was disgusting.

Disgusting describes it perfectly. She should take that Caylee necklace she wears off, she should NOT be wearing it. I am appalled.

No. I would get them a good lawyer and I would be there to support them and visit them but I would not lie. I told my kids this long ago, if you do the crime you're going to do the time and I will hold your hand but you have to be held responsible for your actions.

My love is unconditional but it does not include leting them get away with murder for sure.
That's why my love is CONDITIONAL- you murder my grandchild, that's where my love ends!!!:hand::snooty:
So, to answer the question, Absolutely NOT! Under no circumstances, will I lie to save my daughter's life, even if it means the Death Penalty!!! I can say that unequivocably, for certain!!!
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