Would your opinion of KC change if she came clean?

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coco puff

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Sep 9, 2008
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I'm just curious. If KC told us where Caylee is and what happend right now, would it change your opinion of her?
After all these weeks? NO!
Nope. That boat has sailed.

31 days and she NEVER reported her daughter missing!
No, my opinion of her would not change. Even without the harm to her daughter that she has done I think she is a terrible person and no boon to society.
And we are to believe anything she tells us. She could tell me the grass is green and I would go outside to check.

In one word ~ NO.
It would put my mind and my heart at ease to be able to put poor little Caylee to rest, but it would not change my opinion of KC.

Even IF it had been an accident (unlikely given the circumstantial evidence) and she panicked, for her to lie, lie, and lie to everyone around her and put her friends and family through this awful ordeal---not to mention all of us who have felt compassion for Caylee and want justice for her--well, that takes a special kind of cold-hearted, uncaring b#$ch on wheels!

Even "coming clean" now at this stage of things is a matter of too little, too late.
nope, nope, nope. sorry folks. if she came clean, it would be for another scheme up her sleeve. Sociopaths never come clean without expecting something else from it.

And btw, I've said from day one, IMO - she will never talk. She will rot in jail for eternity before giving up where she put her daughter.
She wouldn't even consider giving the truth unless it was to buy her time. D. Row comes to mind.
1) SOMETHING happened to Caylee.
2) SHE is the only one who can say, with certainty, WHAT happened to Caylee.
3) SHE did not notify ANYONE (most of all LE) of the fact that Caylee was missing. Instead, she humped a stripper pole, sipped Bud Light, had sleepovers with Tony, stole money, went on shopping sprees, and "conducted her own investigation..." you know, "in a backwards sort of way".
4) ULTIMATELY, SHE NEVER reported Caylee missing, her mother did.
5) NOTHING but lies, lies, lies, and false accusations from her since.

I could go on.
I'll spare y'all. = )
Too little, too late.
I will confess, though, it would put me over the moon if she would talk...CAYLEE could be put to rest in a respectful manner (WHICH SHE DESERVES), LE would have an easier time of it...and JUSTICE would be more EASILY served.
Not at all..
Right now the only thing that would make me change my mind is for that precious child to stand in front of the media and say "please don't be mad at my mommy", and we know that will not happen..:mad:
It's just so hard to fathom her coming clean that I can't consider the possibility! lol
Don't anyone yell at me, but if she told the truth at this point and the truth was it was an accident and that could be proven without a doubt, I would MAYBE change my opinion, I have felt all along that she is living in her own fantasy world, that she just can't admit what happened because if she admits it she has to deal with the pain, the consequences etc....I am probably nuts....ha
Not at all..
Right now the only thing that would make me change my mind is for that precious child to stand in front of the media and say "please don't be mad at my mommy", and we know that will not happen..:mad:

that made me cry.
Going with your hypothetical --- Casey comes clean and tells exactly what happened; Caylee is recovered, etc. then yes, it would affect my opinion of her. In your hypothetical, I assume 'coming clean' means telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth and everyone is somehow assured she has done exactly that. How much and in what ways would all depend on what she says. I would still want her to stand trial for any crimes committed and to bear all costs of her actions/inactions. However, I do believe people can turn their lives around and become better than they were before. A true religious conversion comes to mind, as a hypothetical.

Do I think it likely? 100% no on both counts; coming clean or a true religious conversion. So I don't expect my opinion to ever be changed, except for possibly becoming worse, as more information is released.
You mean if she said... "Yes, I killed my child because I'm a spiteful b!tch" ??
Ummm. No.
No, but it would be nice if she would put this to an end. Especially after seeing ZG on Nancy Grace last night. That poor woman was just living her life, cleaning for a living, 6 kids...and now this crap which KC caused.

I do wish that Cindy and George, Cindy especially, would pull her head out of her rear and come clean. I'm sure KC will still continue with the ZG story.

DO CINDY AND CASEY NOT REALIZE HOW FREAKING STUPID THEY ARE?? I mean point blank.........you've been caught in lie after lie and still continue the lie???? What kind of mind could even do that??
If she came clean it would change my opinion. ...I'm of the belief that its never too late to tell the truth, especially if it means that caylee can be put to rest with some dignity.

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