Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California, #4

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In read through the posts... and will just give my random thoughts...

The Defendants probably have very skilled lawyers. A very skilled lawyer can truly win or lose a case purely based on the skill, power and connections they have in the legal world. To file the Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings, on a little thought, seems like a very skillful move. It suggests, even if totally viable, the case is merit-less that the case is a joke. An average lawyer would have probably just filed the Motion for Summary.
A skillful lawyer pulls rabbits out of hats!

And in case you don't hate me yet for my previous posts (lol)... this case reminds me of a quasi-OJ Simpson case. My opinion (which everyone has one) is that OJ's son killed Nicole. But nobody ever questioned him. And OJ having a motive not to point the real killer out just sat back (with brilliant attorneys) and rode out the State's case against him. He had motive for strident defense, because he knew he didn't do it, hoped he would be found not guilty and he would never have to go through the agony of pointing out his own son a killer.

What's that to do with Nina, Dina, Adam? (Well, I would personally leave Adam out of the equation, because I think he had a hand in it). Think abouttt it lol. I'm probably gonna semi-regret hitting the Post Quick Reply button!
In read through the posts... and will just give my random thoughts...

The Defendants probably have very skilled lawyers. A very skilled lawyer can truly win or lose a case purely based on the skill, power and connections they have in the legal world. To file the Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings, on a little thought, seems like a very skillful move. It suggests, even if totally viable, the case is merit-less that the case is a joke. An average lawyer would have probably just filed the Motion for Summary.
A skillful lawyer pulls rabbits out of hats!

And in case you don't hate me yet for my previous posts (lol)... this case reminds me of a quasi-OJ Simpson case. My opinion (which everyone has one) is that OJ's son killed Nicole. But nobody ever questioned him. And OJ having a motive not to point the real killer out just sat back (with brilliant attorneys) and rode out the State's case against him. He had motive for strident defense, because he knew he didn't do it, hoped he would be found not guilty and he would never have to go through the agony of pointing out his own son a killer.

What's that to do with Nina, Dina, Adam? (Well, I would personally leave Adam out of the equation, because I think he had a hand in it). Think abouttt it lol. I'm probably gonna semi-regret hitting the Post Quick Reply button!

lol! enjoyed your post
When rich people say: "do this"
People "do this"

And that's a fact. Thanks to everybody that says: "that's bullhit." I see what I see, and this ain't no suicide!

Thanks to everyone that cares. And I'm sad to see that's very few people out of the 500 billion people on Earth.

Dear Killer: you got away with it here, but God knows what happened. "humble yourself and pray, and stop your evil ways, and I will heal your land."

That's the only answer xxoo
^^According to AZlawyer, the motion for judgment on the pleadings filed by Adam's attorney was actually filed BEFORE the second revised WDS complaint. This means that his motion was essentially void and null aka useless since the pleadings on the case has changed. Hence, it doesn't appear that the defense attorney you are praising is doing all that great a job...

AZlawyer's statement from post #359 on the Zahau Legal thread: "ETA: I just noticed this motion for judgment on the pleadings was filed BEFORE the Second Amended Complaint. Normally, that would mean the motion was moot and would not be ruled upon, because the "pleadings" in question had changed."
I see what you are insinuating about Jonah being behind the murder of Rebecca, but I don't believe that to be the case. Again, he has a SOLID ALIBI -- he was captured on surveillance videotape from the Hospital during the time in question. Only Dina, Nina and Adam don't have alibis. In fact, both Nina and Adam confessed to being present at the Spreckels mansion during the time Rebecca met her humiliating torturous murder. And Dina has yet to provide any alibi whatsoever. Yes, NOW would be an excellent time for Dina to show her so-called "iron-clad alibi" which she had asserted for years... Where are all her eyewitnesses at the hospital who supposedly were with her and saw her at the hospital "sitting vigil" by her son's bedside as he laid dying??

Why isn't Dina showing the hospital surveillance videotapes to the media to prove she was at the hospital during the murder?
I don't think Jonah was involved in the murder, but I suspect he knew about it earlier than Adam's weird TEXT message informing him of Rebecca's death (who DOES that? :scared:).

And I definitely suspect Jonah's reputation, his company's future, his network of professional contacts (attorneys, doctors, publicists, etc.), and his $$$$$$$$ played a role in all that transpired in the minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months after he was made aware of Rebecca's fate. "All that transpired" being getting the case closed STAT as a suicide and off the radar, with all persons of possible interest cleared (no matter what it took - or what needed to be avoided - to clear them).

The reason I believe this is because of the deliberately and fantastically sloppy "investigation" of a suspicious death - one that occurred in a relatively cosmopolitan place like Coronado/San Diego. Not buying it. I have no other choice but to believe much power and money was brought to bear to turn this into a fast "suicide," case closed, crime scene quickly renovated and "sold."
I don't think Jonah was involved in the murder, but I suspect he knew about it earlier than Adam's weird TEXT message informing him of Rebecca's death (who DOES that? :scared:).

And I definitely suspect Jonah's reputation, his company's future, his network of professional contacts (attorneys, doctors, publicists, etc.), and his $$$$$$$$ played a role in all that transpired in the minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months after he was made aware of Rebecca's fate. "All that transpired" being getting the case closed STAT as a suicide and off the radar, with all persons of possible interest cleared (no matter what it took - or what needed to be avoided - to clear them).

The reason I believe this is because of the deliberately and fantastically sloppy "investigation" of a suspicious death - one that occurred in a relatively cosmopolitan place like Coronado/San Diego. Not buying it. I have no other choice but to believe much power and money was brought to bear to turn this into a fast "suicide," case closed, crime scene quickly renovated and "sold."

According to the county records, the house has never been sold. JS is still paying the property taxes.
I don't think Jonah was involved in the murder, but I suspect he knew about it earlier than Adam's weird TEXT message informing him of Rebecca's death (who DOES that? :scared:).

And I definitely suspect Jonah's reputation, his company's future, his network of professional contacts (attorneys, doctors, publicists, etc.), and his $$$$$$$$ played a role in all that transpired in the minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months after he was made aware of Rebecca's fate. "All that transpired" being getting the case closed STAT as a suicide and off the radar, with all persons of possible interest cleared (no matter what it took - or what needed to be avoided - to clear them).

The reason I believe this is because of the deliberately and fantastically sloppy "investigation" of a suspicious death - one that occurred in a relatively cosmopolitan place like Coronado/San Diego. Not buying it. I have no other choice but to believe much power and money was brought to bear to turn this into a fast "suicide," case closed, crime scene quickly renovated and "sold."

Your post deserves more than my thanks. I have always been in this camp and that was the immediate reaction from many all those years ago.
New scheduling change on the San Diego ROA:

268 01/21/2016 Discovery Hearing scheduled for 02/19/2016 at 01:30:00 PM at Central in C-69 Katherine Bacal was vacated.

This is the current list of future events (3 items still on the agenda for 2-19-16):

02/19/2016 01:30 PM C-69 Demurrer / Motion to Strike
02/19/2016 01:30 PM C-69 Demurrer / Motion to Strike
02/19/2016 01:30 PM C-69 Civil Case Management Conference - Complaint

02/26/2016 01:30 PM C-69 Summary Judgment / Summary Adjudication (Civil)
03/11/2016 01:30 PM C-69 Demurrer / Motion to Strike
08/05/2016 11:00 AM C-69 Discovery Hearing
01/13/2017 08:45 AM C-69 Summary Judgment / Summary Adjudication (Civil)


Case Number: 37-2013-00075418-CU-PO-CTL

*The case will be 800 days old tomorrow.
Another scheduling change on the ROA:

The Summary Judgment originally scheduled for 2-26-2016, as seen above in KZ's post, has now been replaced with a Motion Hearing. The only Summary Judgment showing as of now is scheduled for 1-13-2017.

02/19/2016 01:30 PM C-69 Demurrer / Motion to Strike
02/19/2016 01:30 PM C-69 Demurrer / Motion to Strike
02/19/2016 01:30 PM C-69 Civil Case Management Conference - Complaint
02/26/2016 01:30 PM C-69 Motion Hearing (Civil)
03/11/2016 01:30 PM C-69 Demurrer / Motion to Strike
08/05/2016 11:00 AM C-69 Discovery Hearing
01/13/2017 08:45 AM C-69 Summary Judgment / Summary Adjudication (Civil)

Case Number: 37-2013-00075418-CU-PO-CTL

When rich people say: "do this"
People "do this"

And that's a fact. Thanks to everybody that says: "that's bullhit." I see what I see, and this ain't no suicide!

Thanks to everyone that cares. And I'm sad to see that's very few people out of the 500 billion people on Earth.

Dear Killer: you got away with it here, but God knows what happened. "humble yourself and pray, and stop your evil ways, and I will heal your land."

That's the only answer xxoo

Actually, i think MORE people believe it WAS murder.... its just the vocal few defending their precious Dina that try to outshout the others. And with people being 'bought off' out there, its just a futile fight, unfortunately.
Another scheduling change on the ROA:

The Summary Judgment originally scheduled for 2-26-2016, as seen above in KZ's post, has now been replaced with a Motion Hearing. The only Summary Judgment showing as of now is scheduled for 1-13-2017.

Case Number: 37-2013-00075418-CU-PO-CTL


We know what this means. It means Dina and the other two defendants have NOT filed motions for summary judgment, meaning none of them believe they have any evidence to prove they did not kill Rebecca. We can definitely understand why Nina and Adam did not file because they admitted they were physically present at the Spreckels mansion. However, Dina who had so vociferously hollered that she had "ironclad alibi" -- well, where is this ironclad alibi evidence and why does Dina not dare present it in court? Answer: Because Dina has NO alibi. She was physically present at the Spreckels mansion that night torturing and killing Rebecca.
Actually, i think MORE people believe it WAS murder.... its just the vocal few defending their precious Dina that try to outshout the others. And with people being 'bought off' out there, its just a futile fight, unfortunately.

I like how you caught on quickly to what that post was insinuating with its backhanded compliments & reverse psychology. Excellent detective work!
I don't think Jonah was involved in the murder, but I suspect he knew about it earlier than Adam's weird TEXT message informing him of Rebecca's death (who DOES that? :scared:).

And I definitely suspect Jonah's reputation, his company's future, his network of professional contacts (attorneys, doctors, publicists, etc.), and his $$$$$$$$ played a role in all that transpired in the minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months after he was made aware of Rebecca's fate. "All that transpired" being getting the case closed STAT as a suicide and off the radar, with all persons of possible interest cleared (no matter what it took - or what needed to be avoided - to clear them).

The reason I believe this is because of the deliberately and fantastically sloppy "investigation" of a suspicious death - one that occurred in a relatively cosmopolitan place like Coronado/San Diego. Not buying it. I have no other choice but to believe much power and money was brought to bear to turn this into a fast "suicide," case closed, crime scene quickly renovated and "sold."

Agreed in part. My view is that Jonah was aware of Dina's volatile temper and inclinations towards violence and likely suspected when Dina disappeared entire Tuesday along with her twin sister Nina from the hospital that something was up. But he was likely too concentrated on his critically injured son Max to pay too much attention that day. I don't believe he had any hand in Rebecca's murder however. I believe he loved her. After all, she brought him "peace" and "love" after he left Dina's explosive unstable ways.

Jonah likely suspected who did what to Rebecca the moment he received a text message from his brother Adam. I'd like to see Jonah's phone records before I draw any conclusions about his involvement in Rebecca's murder. For instance, I would be more suspicious of Jonah if phone records show that he did not CALL Adam right back to ask Adam for more details regarding Rebecca's sudden death. Because we all know the natural human response to a TEXT message that someone's dead is -- WHAT THE HECK HAPPEN -- if only to get clarification and to make sure it wasn't a mistake or some sick joke. If Jonah did not call Adam back, then I'd lean towards his having been part of Rebecca's murder.

I'm with you about how the investigation then went to "cover up" it was a murder. How speedily it turned from "a violent, suspicious death" -- in less than a few hours of LE being present at the crime scene -- to being ruled a suicide! And Pfingst being suddenly brought across the crime scene tapes to "defend" a suspect...

Also how Dina was also allowed to cross crime scene tapes that morning to "identify" Rebecca's dead body. All very HINKY. And then to top it off, the ME Lucas doesn't show up until 13 hours LATER after Rebecca's naked dead body was left exposed and rotting in the scorching hot summer sun in Coronado -- as if to humiliate Rebecca more. I believe this was done intentionally to "punish" Rebecca for being the presumed "golddigger" who "killed an innocent boy Max". The person who got this ball rolling was likely Dina a MURDER SUSPECT who showed up and was allowed to TRESPASS across police tape at mansion that Wed morning an hour or so after Rebecca's dead body was found presumably hanging by Adam.

I too believe money, power, influence was manipulated in this case.

But as I said, when I see the phone records of Jonah, I will know for certain. Until then, I believe Dina was the definite MURDERER of Rebecca. Look forward to seeing Dina found guilty and the case moving onto criminal court with Dina :jail: .
Agreed in part. My view is that Jonah was aware of Dina's volatile temper and inclinations towards violence and likely suspected when Dina disappeared entire Tuesday along with her twin sister Nina from the hospital that something was up. But he was likely too concentrated on his critically injured son Max to pay too much attention that day. I don't believe he had any hand in Rebecca's murder however. I believe he loved her. After all, she brought him "peace" and "love" after he left Dina's explosive unstable ways.

Jonah likely suspected who did what to Rebecca the moment he received a text message from his brother Adam. I'd like to see Jonah's phone records before I draw any conclusions about his involvement in Rebecca's murder. For instance, I would be more suspicious of Jonah if phone records show that he did not CALL Adam right back to ask Adam for more details regarding Rebecca's sudden death. Because we all know the natural human response to a TEXT message that someone's dead is -- WHAT THE HECK HAPPEN -- if only to get clarification and to make sure it wasn't a mistake or some sick joke. If Jonah did not call Adam back, then I'd lean towards his having been part of Rebecca's murder.

I'm with you about how the investigation then went to "cover up" it was a murder. How speedily it turned from "a violent, suspicious death" -- in less than a few hours of LE being present at the crime scene -- to being ruled a suicide! And Pfingst being suddenly brought across the crime scene tapes to "defend" a suspect...

Also how Dina was also allowed to cross crime scene tapes that morning to "identify" Rebecca's dead body. All very HINKY. And then to top it off, the ME Lucas doesn't show up until 13 hours LATER after Rebecca's naked dead body was left exposed and rotting in the scorching hot summer sun in Coronado -- as if to humiliate Rebecca more. I believe this was done intentionally to "punish" Rebecca for being the presumed "golddigger" who "killed an innocent boy Max". The person who got this ball rolling was likely Dina a MURDER SUSPECT who showed up and was allowed to TRESPASS across police tape at mansion that Wed morning an hour or so after Rebecca's dead body was found presumably hanging by Adam.

I too believe money, power, influence was manipulated in this case.

But as I said, when I see the phone records of Jonah, I will know for certain. Until then, I believe Dina was the definite MURDERER of Rebecca. Look forward to seeing Dina found guilty and the case moving onto criminal court with Dina :jail: .

Hi Bourne, Dina was allowed to cross crime scene tapes and identify Rebecca's body? Wow I have never read that, do you have a link? I thought JS called her and told her about Rebecca's death. Thanks in advance.
^ This was extensively discussed in previous threads. You can search for them under evidence and pics.
@ bourne: Unfortunately, I don't think Jonah's phone records for that time period any longer exist. If they were ever in evidence, they've certainly been tidily disposed of by now, along with the phone records of everyone associated with the case.

In fact, I don't think much evidence at all is available to Rebecca's family. Much of the evidence collected at the crime scene was not tested, and I'm sure has conveniently "disappeared" by now. Uncollected evidence at the scene was certainly conveniently "disappeared" by the renovation and purported sale of the mansion. Someone other than law enforcement ran the entire show. LE just acted as sock puppets, as far I'm concerned. Pathetic, despicable sock puppets. I'm far angrier at law enforcement in this case than any of the individual players. It was their DUTY and OBLIGATION to thoroughly investigate RZ's death, and they failed on an epic scale.

I think the end game, ideally, for RZ's family is to back Dina into a corner as to her whereabouts on the night Rebecca was killed, force the cooperation of her sister and/or Adam as to their role in what transpired, and expose the SDSO and all "investigators" as to what motivation and incentives they received to suddenly decide RZ's death was a suicide, and then to go to such obviously desperate lengths to "prove" it was a suicide. Obviously, Jonah factors in here somewhere, and his involvement should be exposed as well.

Based on all this, I've never believed for a second Rebecca's family was in this for the money. It's abundantly clear RZ was murdered, and it's just as clear that $$$$$ and influence were brought to bear on law enforcement officials who need to be held accountable for their unethical and criminal behavior.

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