WTH Are Brad's Lawyers Up To Now????

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Adds fuel to the fire that Brad is out to get Nancy's friends, doesn't it?

This also goes along with the previous court documents filed, Brad will do anything to get his way. Guess he doesn't like the idea that the 'Cary Clique' is avoiding him. ;)

I don't know what this lawyer is trying to prove, but it doesn't cut if for me.:rolleyes:

The lawyer must be getting ideas from his client and 'changing the rules.' Isn't that exactly what Nancy's friends said about Brad?:waitasec:

Yup! It's a unique case alright. In that a lawyered up client keeps talking to LE anyway.:bang:

What makes it even more unbelieveable, he's doing it with the assistance of his experienced attorney.:confused:


C'mon, Fran, we KNOW what he is trying to prove - sweet, lovable, truthful BC, misaligned and put upon by his community and all those people on the big, bad internet. Tsk, tsk. And don't they know that niceness counts? But BC couldn't play nice consistently before, could he?? So now he's running around whining about a bunch of females and trying to discredit their observations. Gaslighting to come.....film at 11. Only he's out after some pretty darn strong women. Times have changed.....
Hey you guys, this is some fascinating info. I never thought I'd get anything useful off Golo but...

A poster just posted, "What juice did he buy? Last time I checked, Green Machine was used in the Bissell Green Machine carpet cleaner."


Then someone posted, "Milk is used to get out bloodstains. My husband is diabetic and had an IV inserted at our home. We had a bloodstain on our den carpet and the paramedics told me to use milk to get it out. Worked great."

Immediately prior to entering the store the second time, Brad answered a call from Nancy. Bella, their 4 year old, needed juice.

I looked and did not see a cell phone in either hand nor anywhere else visible on his person.

Green Machine Naked Juice for his daughter.
I'm surprised a young child would agree to drink something thick & green! I happen to like those juices, but it can be an acquired taste and most kids balk at 'green' foods. But who knows...looks like he bought a single serving size. Why not enough juice for everyone since they were out?
Who gives a crap that he is wearing different shoes? It actually fits with what he says. He went, bought milk and went home. Probably took his shoes off when he got home like we do in our house. We always take our shoes off at the front door. I have a few pair at the front door. He had to run back out and just slipped on flip flops instead of the tennis shoes. Why is that a big deal? The trips are 19 mins apart...it's doubtful he could have committed a crime during this time that would have required him to change shoes.

No, he was way done with the crime by this time!
Link to the juice:


Now that I see the juice, I wonder if it was for him. (Maybe he worked up a sweat that morning?) That's not the kind of juice I'd buy for my kids. I wouldn't buy single servings unless the child was there and asked for it.
Hey you guys, this is some fascinating info. I never thought I'd get anything useful off Golo but...

A poster just posted, "What juice did he buy? Last time I checked, Green Machine was used in the Bissell Green Machine carpet cleaner."

Then someone posted, "Milk is used to get out bloodstains. My husband is diabetic and had an IV inserted at our home. We had a bloodstain on our den carpet and the paramedics told me to use milk to get it out. Worked great."

Ummm....no. Naked Juice is the brand. "Green Machine" is the specific juice type/flavor. I've had it. It's good. A bit thick/strong, and very green indeed.

As for milk as a carpet cleaner? How would he know this? And what makes us think he had stained carpets with blood on them? IIRC their downstairs is all hardwoods.

And you're looking to GoLo for useful info about anything relevant to THIS case?
Who gives a crap that he is wearing different shoes? It actually fits with what he says. He went, bought milk and went home. Probably took his shoes off when he got home like we do in our house. We always take our shoes off at the front door. I have a few pair at the front door. He had to run back out and just slipped on flip flops instead of the tennis shoes. Why is that a big deal? The trips are 19 mins apart...it's doubtful he could have committed a crime during this time that would have required him to change shoes.

Well, now, obviously some of us DO give a crap. And no one said it was a big deal. Except that someone noticed it and commented on it. And there were shoes taken in evidence. Must have been a reason for that, hmmm?
Ummm....no. Naked Juice is the brand. "Green Machine" is the specific juice type/flavor. I've had it. It's good. A bit thick/strong, and very green indeed.

As for milk as a carpet cleaner? How would he know this? And what makes us think he had stained carpets with blood on them? IIRC their downstairs is all hardwoods.

What I find more interesting is K & B says he went for the milk for Katie because she would not calm down without it. So Brad tells LE he was up at 4 to care for Katie - did he just let her cry for 2 hours before he drug himself to the store to get milk ?
All it proves to me is that he was wearing a jacket when the temperature was at the lowest, 68 degrees on that date (according to history on weather underground).

Also, I smell something funny when the attorneys keep releasing things to the public.

Why does K&B need to do this? They are really silly. They could have posted a date on those photos! Who knows when they were taken of his neck. Why is K&B playing this silly, seemingly unprofessional game? It's kind of like a kid who goes home crying to their mommy because Big Bad Butch hit them in the stomach, so Big Bad Butch's mommy goes to the principal and teachers to extoll the sainthood of her big bully son, when it's obviously not necessary. Big Bad Butch can prove he's a bully all by his own actions.

I would never use K&B as attorneys. :smiliescale: Those little fruitcakes are not behaving properly.
Okay, Green machine is "turbo-charged"? Again, not something I'd personally choose for a preschooler. Here's the description from the Web site:

"We know it looks intimidating, but don't judge a juice by its color. It actually tastes good. No really, we're serious. This apple and kiwi "Superfood" is your ally. It's got an arsenal of 10 green turbo-nutrients like broccoli & spinach and a whole stockpile of vitamins to make you feel new again. So, go for it. And let the pink and orange smoothie drinkers of the world cower at your juice prowess."
I want to know if the 6:40 am call from "Nancy" was from the land-line or her cell.
If from the land-line, it would be hard to prove she was not alive at 6:40 am as he walked into the HT at 6:41 am. Sounds like he took her cell from home and called his number right before he exited his car in the parking lot. Same cell tower pings for the house and HT. Convenient the 'call' was a minute before he walked in on video and not while he was in the store and shown on the phone.
Well, now, obviously some of us DO give a crap. And no one said it was a big deal. Except that someone noticed it and commented on it. And there were shoes taken in evidence. Must have been a reason for that, hmmm?

Star - watch both videos from each trip from the front end camera - the third video in each time frame - you will note there are some other differences besides the shoes - watch his shirt collar in particular. You can also see this on the first video in each time frame - there is a difference. He changed more than his shoes.
Ummm....no. Naked Juice is the brand. "Green Machine" is the specific juice type/flavor. I've had it. It's good. A bit thick/strong, and very green indeed.

As for milk as a carpet cleaner? How would he know this? And what makes us think he had stained carpets with blood on them? IIRC their downstairs is all hardwoods.

And you're looking to GoLo for useful info about anything relevant to THIS case?

I heard about the juice, thanks. I'm not looking to GOLO for any useful info, heaven forbid!

I don't know if he had any stained carpets, but if he indeed killed Nancy, and that milk wasn't for the kids...

Why does K&B need to do this? They are really silly. They could have posted a date on those photos! Who knows when they were taken of his neck. Why is K&B playing this silly, seemingly unprofessional game? It's kind of like a kid who goes home crying to their mommy because Big Bad Butch hit them in the stomach, so Big Bad Butch's mommy goes to the principal and teachers to extoll the sainthood of her big bully son, when it's obviously not necessary. Big Bad Butch can prove he's a bully all by his own actions.

I would never use K&B as attorneys. :smiliescale: Those little fruitcakes are not behaving properly.

Sleaze factor is the name of their game.
They are loving the free publicity this case is bringing
RC, Do you think the dark shirt is even the same? I swear I see a zipper at 6:22 and the one in the later trip has no zipper.

Also, I see something dark in his hand in the first video of each trip that looks like it could be a cell phone.
Sounds like he took her cell from home and called his number right before he exited his car in the parking lot. Same cell tower pings for the house and HT.

I thought it had been stated earlier (but maybe I'm mis-remembering), that even if the call was from the same tower, that it would be determinable that it originated from the HT parking lot, vs the home.

[ In other words, it would not have been so easy for BC to simply take NC's phone to HT parking lot, and call his mobile phone - at least that's my recollection ]

If the phone records do confirm a land-line call from the house to BC's mobile 1 minute before video shows him entering HT... that's probably going to go a long ways towards reasonable doubt... (imho).
Milk purchase:
Tide purchase:

RC is asking us to notice that the collar is different in these two pics (as well as, of course, he is wearing different shoes).
I thought it had been stated earlier (but maybe I'm mis-remembering), that even if the call was from the same tower, that it would be determinable that it originated from the HT parking lot, vs the home.

[ In other words, it would not have been so easy for BC to simply take NC's phone to HT parking lot, and call his mobile phone - at least that's my recollection ]

If the phone records do confirm a land-line call from the house to BC's mobile 1 minute before video shows him entering HT... that's probably going to go a long ways towards reasonable doubt... (imho).

It could if the GPS function was enabled on her phone....betcha it wasn't.
NCSU95, are you SH or JY? Or one of BC's women?

Nope, not connected to this case at all. I just don't believe anything has been shown to date that says with certainty that BC murdered NC. Statistics say he is the likely culprit...but everything presented to date doesn't say it. Now what has been presented about Jason Young paints a much clearer picture. So BC very well might be guilty. But everyone on this site already has him convicted on very flimsy evidence.
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