WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - #11

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So the church will break the law-? IF the FBI said --NO TOYS-why push them?? Why not donate the toys to a thousand non profits out there in HER name? While the effort is a wonderful idea -ONCE she is found, the first priority of EVERYONE who cares for her, should be to FIND her!! jmo of course.

BTW Its not that i don't believe she DESERVES toys, because she deserves so much more than that!!
It's NOT breaking the law IF it's done under the auspices of a non-profit to assure ppl that it's truly FOR Aliayah & NOT a scam - that's all. Meanwhile, the FIRST priority of EVERYONE is for sure to FIND little Aliayah. This simply was a tangible way for the hundreds of ppl from out of the area to feel as though they, too, could do something constructive. My understanding was that the FBI didn't disallow it - they were merely concerned about "soliciting" for same. I certainly have no problem w/donating the toys in Aliayah's name to a non-profit of whatever variety. EVERYONE'S still concerned about FINDING her.
It's NOT breaking the law IF it's done under the auspices of a non-profit to assure ppl that it's truly FOR Aliayah & NOT a scam - that's all. Meanwhile, the FIRST priority of EVERYONE is for sure to FIND little Aliayah. This simply was a tangible way for the hundreds of ppl from out of the area to feel as though they, too, could do something constructive. My understanding was that the FBI didn't disallow it - they were merely concerned about "soliciting" for same. I certainly have no problem w/donating the toys in Aliayah's name to a non-profit of whatever variety. EVERYONE'S still concerned about FINDING her.

Don't get me wrong, I think Aliaysh deserves the BEST of everything this world has to offer. It's just tiring to open up your messages to be asked over and over for donations. Maybe it wouldn't upset you, it upsets me. IF the family was doing something that they NEEDED a monetary donation, believe me -I would be the best foot soldier they ever enlisted. I agree with Lynn -that a toy drive with the toys donated in her name, would generate just as much "press."

As for everyones still concerned about finding her...can you tell me when the next search will be held? TIA
Don't get me wrong, I think Aliaysh deserves the BEST of everything this world has to offer. It's just tiring to open up your messages to be asked over and over for donations. Maybe it wouldn't upset you, it upsets me. IF the family was doing something that they NEEDED a monetary donation, believe me -I would be the best foot soldier they ever enlisted. I agree with Lynn -that a toy drive with the toys donated in her name, would generate just as much "press."

As for everyones still concerned about finding her...can you tell me when the next search will be held? TIA
I, personally, have NEVER gotten a message requesting ANYTHING re: donations. I've ONLY seen items posted on the FB pages; ppl can participate or not - it's up to them & so far it's SIMPLY AN IDEA in the formulation stages. "The Family" will NOT receive any of the items and, again, I personally have NO problem w/donating in little Aliayah's name to a worthy cause. And NO "I" CANNOT tell you when the "NEXT" search will be held. From my understanding, Jesse & Randy search daily. I've "heard" that others search when they can. "I" personally can't search. "I" personally am hours away from there.
Sad to see this little child has not been found. Shame shame to the people who know...and why are people arguing about a toy collection...with capitalized letters? What has this world come to? So many babies...and women just disappearing". So sad. Oh and before I get yelled at in caps...I wanna say...this is my opinion...MOO JMO. Thanks:twocents:
WAIT---I thought SHE didn't actually "do" the drugs. So why the heck is SHE goin to rehab? Whats WRONG with this picture?

Has anyone heard about Aunt Vicky being on the radio show? TIA

I havent had time to follow up with Rachel yet. I havent been able to get with my brothers yet either. I am about to be grandma any day now now and am making plans to go to Texas too for my first grand son to be born. then fly on to Va. For my second grand son to be born. I am just hoping the gals can hold em in there till I get there. So I have been very busy. And Aliayah is always on my mind.
Well ... something horrible has been on my mind. If RL has been "into" the bath salts scene for a yr & LL has been hugely pregnant perhaps RL used his "extra energy" w/ little Aliayah w/terrible consequences & had to dispose of the evidence ?? I HOPE not, but ... I doubt that LL would even worry about something like that. And, where has all the $$ been coming from for his (at least) weekly trips to the headshop @ $50+ per pop ? There's only so much she can get from FS & what the hell were those poor kids eating ??? Soooooo troubling

I hate to say it , but this has been in my thoughts as well. Especilly since Aliayah is not ralph's bio child.
TOYS?!?!? What ?!?! Omylord....Ohhhh the "collection"..:)...
Let's see- a law for "Aliayah" , toys for "Aliayah"....I have an idea-, let's find ALIAYAH FIRST -then start a new law and buy new toys!!

My thoughts exactly. Although I do understand folks wanting to do SOMETHING for Aliayah. I am sure they are feeling as frustrated and helpless as I do. I don't have a problem with it myself . It is going to endorced by a church (I hope) So it will be legit, and will benefit needy children if Aliayah is not found alive. I just want to make sure Lena and Ralph have nothing to gain from it. This is very hard on everyone, and I am sure their heart is in the right place.
Just saw on facebook that the FBI supposedly said collecting toys for Aliayah is against the law....only cards with no money can be collected. Don't know if it's true or not......just giving everyone the info.

Unauthorized solicitation for personal gain is illegal. They want to get a non-profit organization to endorce and oversee this project. As I said before folks just wanna do SOMETHING for Aliayah.
I don't think there is a no contact order. Just that they can't "live" together.
Ridiculous isn't it? They can spend all the time in the world together as long as their mail goes to different addresses.

There should be a no cantact order in my opinion. Are NO CONTACT ORDER with any male. It wouldn't suprise me if Lena wasn't pregnant again already:maddening:
Hmm-...great -how bout you all send ME $1,000.00 and IF i don't happen to spend it all-I will return it in 2014. WHAT?!?!?! I pray to God noone falls for that little "scam." ...JUST where are they sending the toys? THIS IS BS!! INSTEAD of spending their time and energy actually SEARCHING for Aliayah-they are busy soliciting donations. I am being swarmed with messages about how to "donate" to this and "donate" to that. Toys, banners, ---I know its a stretch-but I believe everyone in Weston has pretty much heard that Aliayah is missing, or am I losing my mind---again?

Just want you all to know that my brothers and I are in no way soliciting anything, money, toys , nothing. And have all turned down money from several folks. All we want is Aliayah found.
While i fully understand their desperation, with a missing child -wouldn't it make MORE sense to say...organize a search party, write the national news, the radio show was an awesome idea,.....

Collecting Toys for a missing child , with the disclaimer we will donate them next year, spells of a HUGE scam. And what did they plan to do with the money they collected?

I thought Aunt Vicky said the banners were paid for by the church, but they are still collecting for them? I am soooo confused!!

What VICKIE said was , I had a banner made to use at events we have for Aliayah ( prayer meeting and was used in Weston parade and will be used in the Clarksburg parade) I said I bought the banner and then my church donated $ 50.00 towards the purchase price of $ 105.00. The "banners" another person or persons is talking about is some kind of a billboard in Weston. I am not involved with ths project. I don't even understand this project.
Personally I think if the family were to stop bashing each other all over facebook, the media might be a little more welcoming. Trust me, if we're all reading the bickering and name calling, the media is reading the bickering and name calling. At the rate they're going, Jerry Springer may be the only one who wants to deal with any of them.
I know that sounds mean....but it's just an outsiders observation. I don't know any of these people and I've been uncomfortable reading some stuff that was said.

I could not agree more. I have been working very hard to get this to cease. It is very immature and so totally uncalled for. ALL THE BASHING AND BICKERING SHOULD BE STOPPED by all, not just family. We need to ALL pull together to get this child found.
Last time I brought this kind of behavior up, I got chastised for talking about WV in a negative way. But I'm going to do it again.

This behavior by the family that we are seeing online is typical of what I saw in the hundreds of families we worked with. There are years of hurt, anger, drug abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse....in some families that I'm not shocked at all at what we are seeing. And I would be willing to bet that we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. There are probably many more secrets that some family members don't want exposed.

When you have a family that is this estranged from each other, it's impossible for them to come together for a common cause, even what that cause is finding a missing child. I believe that Aliayah has some family members who do care and are doing the best they know how, but they need professional help. Since LL & RL won't ask for that, I don't see any chance of finding out what happened to Aliayah anytime soon.

As I have said before , we do have a very disfunctional family. Although I am certainly not proud of it , I don't believe we have the only disfunctional family and I also don't believe ours is any worse than others. And the fact that we are from WV has nothing at all to do with it. That is just about the dumbest thing I ever heard. People in West Virgina are no different than people anywhere else in this country. There is good and bad in EVERY STATE. Yes , our family has it's share of problems and you are very blessed if you have a "Waltons" family. Truth be known , ALL families have some type of disfunction. Things like Aliayah being missing brings out the claws in all families whether they are made public or not. Even tho there is bickering and BS being said by family members, that don't mean that we ALL don't care. And I am trying to get the BS stopped but if you read all that is being said, there is a lot of folks out there that are keeping it going that aren't even related. The public thrives on it. If all the energy that has been wasted on bashing and bickering was used to find Aliayah , this may have been over by now.
People are having indoor yards sales and taking donations. Its ALL over FB and I have received several messages about making donations. I feel like just sending them to the FBI :(

Please let it be known that my brothers and I have NOTHING to do with this what so ever. We have NEVER asked for donations of ANY KIND and have no intentions of doing so. All we want is Aliayah found.
Vickie, you've stated your case perfectly. AND, no one ever thought you were responsible for this banner-donation stuff. No one has any animosity toward you or your family - we all know (even the guests) that your intentions are pure & you're not trying to make a buck off this tragedy.
As I have said before , we do have a very disfunctional family. Although I am certainly not proud of it , I don't believe we have the only disfunctional family and I also don't believe ours is any worse than others. And the fact that we are from WV has nothing at all to do with it. That is just about the dumbest thing I ever heard. People in West Virgina are no different than people anywhere else in this country. There is good and bad in EVERY STATE. Yes , our family has it's share of problems and you are very blessed if you have a "Waltons" family. Truth be known , ALL families have some type of disfunction. Things like Aliayah being missing brings out the claws in all families whether they are made public or not. Even tho there is bickering and BS being said by family members, that don't mean that we ALL don't care. And I am trying to get the BS stopped but if you read all that is being said, there is a lot of folks out there that are keeping it going that aren't even related. The public thrives on it. If all the energy that has been wasted on bashing and bickering was used to find Aliayah , this may have been over by now.

I stopped reading the facebook pages because it was to toxic of an environment for me. Good luck stopping the BS!

I know your family is not the only disfunctional one out there. Most of us have some family that have serious problems. And you are SO right about the public thriving on it. It makes me sick to my stomach.I'm losing my faith that human species will survive at this rate.

I don't understand why you & other family members are being blamed & harassed for what LL & RL were obviously responsible for.

I do think that the culture of WV does make a difference in how people behave. We have norms in our own areas of the country that would not be considered normal in other parts. But that's another topic.

I hope Aliayah is found safe & soon but I don't know that there is anything at this point that I can do personally to help that I haven't already done. It's frustrating.
okay...I know we're not supposed to talk about facebook posts but this is important. Someone is saying that they saw Aliayah a week before she disappeared outside playing at "Bennie's in Vadis"
Does that mean anything to a local? Is Bennie a person or a place?
I just cannot bear the thought of Aliayah being out in the cold somewhere, the priority must be to find her. I don't care about the FB pages, please just find Aliayah *advertiser censored*
okay...I know we're not supposed to talk about facebook posts but this is important. Someone is saying that they saw Aliayah a week before she disappeared outside playing at "Bennie's in Vadis"
Does that mean anything to a local? Is Bennie a person or a place?

I am pretty sure Beanie is a nick name for Ralph, his family home is in Vadis. Hope this helps, I have not heard this rumor before.
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