WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - #11

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Maybe he went into "axe mode" - losing control of himself, which he has done on several occassions.

So where's the body? Did they put her down a well or a septic tank, which only a local boy would know of? Wherever she is, they know their secret is safely locked in their minds only.
I believe it is as simple as Aliayah is SOMEWHERE along the route from where they were the night of Sept. 23,...to their home on Dennison. Somewhere along the route, something had happened, and Ralph got "rid of" Aliayah's body.
I think that she was given drugs....and then was secreted somewhere no too far off the route that they drove to get home.
Get a map of point A to point B,...and my money is that she is somewhere in between, buried,..as these two lazy good-for-nothing pieces of human garbage didn't inconvenience themselves to take her body far away for hiding.

I hate to give up hope, but I've been wondering for a while if there are any abandoned mines within a reasonable distance??
And, I've wondered about the necessity of telling the operator who Aliayah's father was also. Did she feel compelled to tell that info, (hard to explain the mindset of someone you've never spoken with) or was there an ulterior motive - maybe to get back at RL for what he possibly had done?:banghead:

Where are you Aliayah?

If anything happened on the trip home from RL's place in Vadis, he wouldn't go far from a road, except if he knew a prime burial spot. A secret, familiar place near a road.

Yeah, I do think there was an ulterior motive to naming the father & it was to deflect blame from RL. IMO, that backfired. Now come to find out, he hasn't passed either poly!

I hate to give up hope, but I've been wondering for a while if there are any abandoned mines within a reasonable distance??

And, I've wondered about the necessity of telling the operator who Aliayah's father was also. Did she feel compelled to tell that info, (hard to explain the mindset of someone you've never spoken with) or was there an ulterior motive - maybe to get back at RL for what he possibly had done?


Where are you Aliayah?

I've pondered the reason for that too. One of the things investigator's pay attention to when interviewing suspects is extraneous information.

Why she volunteered that Aliayah's Father doesn't even know she exists is a mystery. Her tone of voice when she stated it was odd, almost wistful. Maybe that's a clue ...

I hate to give up hope, but I've been wondering for a while if there are any abandoned mines within a reasonable distance??

And, I've wondered about the necessity of telling the operator who Aliayah's father was also. Did she feel compelled to tell that info, (hard to explain the mindset of someone you've never spoken with) or was there an ulterior motive - maybe to get back at RL for what he possibly had done?


Where are you Aliayah?

Unless I'm mistaken, I believe the 911 operator asked Lena for Aliayah's father's name.
Still thinking about you every day and praying for your safety, little Aliayah..... wishing you had been found by now... children deserve so much better than you ever got, baby girl, and it breaks my heart every day I check in and you are not found...

LENA - WHERE IS YOUR DAUGHTER???????? :( :( :(
Thank you GoneCoastal. Too bad Joann didn't protect Aliayah from Lena and Ralph in that same fierce mama bear way.

I totally agree, Knox! Sometimes I wonder if LL and RL had threatened Joanne...and that is why she shut down. In NO way am I defending her, BTW. As far ad I'm concerned they can all rot, but it does not make sense, especially since she was said to be close to A. I mean RL has a history of violence toward women, so who knows...
Again, there us NO excuse, but I am just trying to make sense of all this madness....
IMO, innocent kids are the only victim here, obviously sweet angel, Aliayah....more than his biological ones...
Ok, sorry everyone, I removed all the info brought over from facebook. If Vickie B. wants to come and speak about it here that's fine, but not brought over from facebook. Thanks.

Unless I'm mistaken, I believe the 911 operator asked Lena for Aliayah's father's name.

Strangely enough ... when asked if father was home - that's when she volunteered he didn't know about Aliayah.


<snip> Lena says the doors weren't open and three of her other four kids were also home that morning. When asked if Aliayah's father was there, she says no, then this.

LENA: Her father is a guy named Eric Harris. He doesn't even know that she exists. <snip>

That's what's odd about the whole thing... :confused:
Ok, sorry everyone, I removed all the info brought over from facebook. If Vickie B. wants to come and speak about it here that's fine, but not brought over from facebook. Thanks.

Sorry Ima. Didn't mean to step on toes.
What's so wrong about what LL said to the dispatcher about Aliayah's father? I don't find it odd at all. She was asked about him, she answered. I don't have a problem with her making it clear that the father doesn't even know Aliayah exists. If anything, that's to LL's credit--making it clear from the beginning that EH isn't part of her life so he's not involved in this.
I totally agree, Knox! Sometimes I wonder if LL and RL had threatened Joanne...and that is why she shut down. In NO way am I defending her, BTW. As far ad I'm concerned they can all rot, but it does not make sense, especially since she was said to be close to A. I mean RL has a history of violence toward women, so who knows...
Again, there us NO excuse, but I am just trying to make sense of all this madness....
IMO, innocent kids are the only victim here, obviously sweet angel, Aliayah....more than his biological ones...

It seemed more to me that Joanne was feeding VB misinformation or would be too distraught when she didn't want to give any, and when VB started trying to verify and check out the information she was given by her, that is when she shut down and stopped speaking to her. JMO. I have just had the gut feeling from the start of this that Joanne was involved in some way, especially after her mention in the 9-1-1 call. Maybe one of those people that portray themselves as a weak little victim so they can manipulate people. Again, JMO.
Has anyone given thought to what LL said to the 911 operator about maybe her Mother had Aliayah. Like it was normal for her to just go get Aliayah at any time for whatever reason. Maybe she had to rescue Aliayah from danger in that home on a regular basis.
It seemed more to me that Joanne was feeding VB misinformation or would be too distraught when she didn't want to give any, and when VB started trying to verify and check out the information she was given by her, that is when she shut down and stopped speaking to her. JMO. I have just had the gut feeling from the start of this that Joanne was involved in some way, especially after her mention in the 9-1-1 call. Maybe one of those people that portray themselves as a weak little victim so they can manipulate people. Again, JMO.

BBM-Very true! You have a great point about that!! Unfortunately, I have come across way too many people with that quality. In regard to my comment about Joanne shutting down, I was mostly talking about the fact that she is not out there actively searching, or providing any insight that may help LE. I just think it's strange that she shows no interest in finding a grandchild that she supposedly had a bond with...which, is just as strange as her not verifying the info with VB.

Then it all goes down to the questions: WHY?? Why isn't she taking an active role to make sure her beautiful grand baby gets justice.. like VB, and a few of the other extended family members? IMO- there has to be a reason why she seems so apathetic (is she being threatened, hiding something, etc??). I still can't shake the feeling that RL is the mastermind behind this mess!!!!! Not saying that LL and Joanne don't have leading roles...and like I said in my previous post, all 3 can all rot...!!!

Thinking about you, sweet angel!
Unless the Grandmother or anyone for that matter was actively involved in Aliayah's demise or a cover-up after the fact, there is no reason acceptable to not come forward. Anyone would know that LE or the FBI would protect them from RL. My feeling is that LL and Mom have a co-dependent relationship and Mom would do "anything" to protect her daughter. People like RL and LL stay within their own kind. Unless you partake in their illegal activities, you are considered an outsider. Mom knows everything these two are doing yet still condones it and has for years. She would rather accept their activities than give up having any kind of a relationship with her daughter and the grandkids. I know a woman that was like that with her grandkids. She would "buy" their love, gave them money when they would go see her even though she knew they were using it to buy drugs. She even admitted what she was doing and said she would do it until the day they put her in her coffin, and she did that very exact thing.
Unless the Grandmother or anyone for that matter was actively involved in Aliayah's demise or a cover-up after the fact, there is no reason acceptable to not come forward. Anyone would know that LE or the FBI would protect them from RL. My feeling is that LL and Mom have a co-dependent relationship and Mom would do "anything" to protect her daughter. People like RL and LL stay within their own kind. Unless you partake in their illegal activities, you are considered an outsider. Mom knows everything these two are doing yet still condones it and has for years. She would rather accept their activities than give up having any kind of a relationship with her daughter and the grandkids. I know a woman that was like that with her grandkids. She would "buy" their love, gave them money when they would go see her even though she knew they were using it to buy drugs. She even admitted what she was doing and said she would do it until the day they put her in her coffin, and she did that very exact thing.

Absolutely agree with you! Those co-dependent relationships can be so toxic!
Strangely enough ... when asked if father was home - that's when she volunteered he didn't know about Aliayah.


<snip> Lena says the doors weren't open and three of her other four kids were also home that morning. When asked if Aliayah's father was there, she says no, then this.

LENA: Her father is a guy named Eric Harris. He doesn't even know that she exists. <snip>

That's what's odd about the whole thing... :confused:

I have not yet seen the transcript for the 911 call, and cannot listen to a recording due to a glitch in my audio at the moment.

When Lena responds about Aliayah's father not being present, or even knowing that she exists, does she in any way, shape, or form mention that there is/was a father figure (Ralph) in the home?

If so, what did she say?

If not, then, WHY NOT? (This is purely rhetorical, as I know that no one here knows the reason why she would not have shared this information. Opens up a new line of discussion, I think.)

That is pertinent information that should have been given--especially since she was reporting a "missing child."
This is the written transcript from the 911 tape. It is on thread #6 Post # 472 10/5/2011 10:42 PM


normal text = 911 operator
bolded text = lena lunsford
italicized text = my comments


911, what is your emergency?
My baby's missing.
Okay, what is your address?
49 Dennison St.
how old? (jumbled/unclear)
I've been out looking for her for over an hour
mam, how old, i need you to calm down
i'm sorry, she's only 3
when was the last time you saw him?
it's a girl and this morning real early i went in to check on her cause she's been sick with the flu (whimpers)(either edited or cuts out)
okay, is it a male or female
it's a girl
it's a girl?
okay, you saw her this morning around 6:30?
when was the last time&#8230;that was the last time you saw her was at 6:30 this morning?
yes, and then she laid back down and went back to sleep and we went back to bed
okay, was the doors open or anything?
no, the doors weren't open
(either edited or cuts out)
&#8230;were they locked?
uh..ah..ah..yes, I think
(either edited or cuts out)
&#8230;residence? (i don't know if she's asking who lives at the residence or possibly who was there when the child went missing)
me and my kids
(either edited or cuts out) (i think it's possible lena mentions something about stepdad here, but it's edited out.)
okay do you live with her father?
who is her father?
her father is a guy named eric harris. he doesn't even know that she exists.
okay. (either edited or cuts out) and you've been looking her her for the past hour?
yes, i've looked everywhere&#8230;(can't make out what she says)
what was she wearing whenever you put her back in bed?
she had on a pair of purple dora pjs. (either edited or cuts out) we went up all these streets&#8230;
k. you've been outside checking the area?
yes. i've drove up all the streets around here looking thinking maybe she went outside or something and i don't think my mom would have come got her because she'd have woke me up&#8230;(unclear) (i think in the edited portion above the operator asks if she has looked for her and possibly asks if there was a relative/grandparent who could have picked up the child, which led to the comment about her mother)
okay, have you called your mother?
no, i need to do that <heavy breathing> and see if she has her.
do you have a phone number for her?
yes. 304-*advertiser censored*-xxxx
what is her name?
joann evans
joann evans?
well, do you want to call her real quick and then just call me right back so i know what's going on, okay?
okay, bye

<end call>

CALL #2 (starts at 2:39)

911, what is your emergency?
this is lena lunsford and my mom doesn't have her.
she doesn't have her?
she doesn't have her. she's coming though. oh my god. (cries)
you don't know of any place she would have went&#8230;here in the community is there a friend's house maybe close by or somebody that she plays with?
okay. is there any place here in the community&#8230;a playground, or does she go to church anywhere there&#8230;
(appears cut or edited)
(crying)&#8230;help me please find her
okay, i've got an officer on the way mam, i just need you to calm down okay? you have checked everywhere in the house?
yes, I've&#8230;
all the closets?&#8230;
under every bed?&#8230;
do you have a basement?
yes, and it's been checked too
okay. how about the vehicles outside?
it's been checked. that's what i used to go look for her. that's what i used to go look for her.
and you said that there was other children in the residence?
(appears cut or edited)(typing)&#8230;k.
is she old enough to where she would be able to reach the door handle?
yes she is
oh my god. (baby crying in background) here, please play with your brother for a minute.(appears cut or edited)
what color is her hair?
she has brown hair and brown eyes
do you know how much she weighs?
she weighs approximately 32 to 35 pounds. maybe a little more.
okay. do you know how tall she is?
ah&#8230;um&#8230;i'm guessing around 3 feet. um, i'm not for sure right now. i'm sorry.
that's okay. was there anyone else with you in the residence with you this morning? any other adults?
no&#8230;um the only adult that...(appears cut or edited)
how many other children are in the residence?
i have 5 kids
okay, so there's 4 others in the residence?
there's 3 right now
okay. where is the other one?
my son is at visitation with his father
okay (appears cut or edited) so you got up at 6:30 with her and she got/was sick?
she went back to bed, went back to sleep&#8230;and then you laid down also?
how old are your other children that are&#8230;? (appears cut or edited)
okay. um..did any of them see her this morning? what time did they get up?
they came in here&#8230;um&#8230;i'm not sure&#8230;maybe around 7-7:30&#8230;(appears cut or edited)&#8230;in my room with me.
okay, you said 11yr old, a 9 yr old, and an 8 month old?
okay, can you look outside and see the officer?
i'm looking. oh god.
(appears cut or edited)
&#8230;in the front
oh my god. yes, i see one out here.
okay, i'm gonna go ahead and let you off the line so you can go talk to him.
alright, thank you.
alright, bye.

<end call>

911 tape Lena Lunsford - YouTube
I am thinking of little Aliayah today. This little one has broken my heart.

I have followed this case rather silently because I have nothing to add except that LL and RL know what happened to Aliayah and are responsible for it. JMO

Even though I know it is probably not the case, I keep hoping/praying that someone rescued this beautiful child and are keeping her safe.
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