WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - #11

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I had a friend who had criminal charges pending as well as her childr3en were in foster care for failure to provide critical care.
A family court judge refused to return the children even though though all conditions for return were met, until the outcome of the criminal proceedings were done. Their reasoning was that they didn't want to return the kids and then uproot them yet again if my friend had to go to jail. In waiting for the trial, time expired for her youngest, in Iowa the youngest children are the ones you only have a short amt of time to get back. They did this so kids weren't sitting in foster care for years as parents did the minimum to prevent TPR. Anyway her baby was 2 months, they were able to successfully TPR her due to the time limit having expired (Kids under 12 months they like to only give parents a year to complete their service plan, they gave her 18 months and there was still no resolution of the criminal stuff). She ended up with probation, and did eventually get the older children back.
IF WV is anything like Iowa..... Lena won't be getting those kids back at least until her criminal stuff is figured out, which could take a long time, and by then there will be arguments against uprooting the little ones form the only homes (foster homes) they know and the only parents (foster parents) they know....
I think if she doesn't go to jail, she could get the older ones back... but i pray she doesn't.
I had a friend who had criminal charges pending as well as her childr3en were in foster care for failure to provide critical care.
A family court judge refused to return the children even though though all conditions for return were met, until the outcome of the criminal proceedings were done. Their reasoning was that they didn't want to return the kids and then uproot them yet again if my friend had to go to jail. In waiting for the trial, time expired for her youngest, in Iowa the youngest children are the ones you only have a short amt of time to get back. They did this so kids weren't sitting in foster care for years as parents did the minimum to prevent TPR. Anyway her baby was 2 months, they were able to successfully TPR her due to the time limit having expired (Kids under 12 months they like to only give parents a year to complete their service plan, they gave her 18 months and there was still no resolution of the criminal stuff). She ended up with probation, and did eventually get the older children back.
IF WV is anything like Iowa..... Lena won't be getting those kids back at least until her criminal stuff is figured out, which could take a long time, and by then there will be arguments against uprooting the little ones form the only homes (foster homes) they know and the only parents (foster parents) they know....
I think if she doesn't go to jail, she could get the older ones back... but i pray she doesn't.

Sorry, what is TPR?
Good thing I didn't watch the bit with RL earlier-I would have never been able to sleep and probably would have had a seizure from sheer anger!:maddening::furious: But I'm really not surprised at their reluctance to speak up -seems Aliayah's voice is now heard mainly through the efforts of loved ones and total strangers who think it appalling that this sweet baby has been discarded and forgotten like yesterday's paper. I also hope that the other children are *not* returned to the Lunsford "home", and that the judge makes the right call on this one.
They are both disgusting. If those in charge of that CPS hearing do not see that she wants those children for one reason, and one reason ONLY ($) I will go out of my mind.

BBM - They are disgusting. I just got really angry watching the videos from the courthouse. Then I got teary for poor little Aliayah.

Kudos to those who turned out for the protest. They did a really good job in the media interviews.
Obviously, this needs her "meal tickets" back. Her audacity to even consider the idea that she may have a shot in he$$ of getting custody of the 6 children...is a total slap in the face! She doesn't give a rats a$$ about what happened to Aliayah, but yet, thinks she deserves another chance to neglect more kids? Time to get over yourself, Lena....!!!!:curses:

This makes me SO angry!!! While I understand the juvenile records are sealed, in "special" cases like Lena Lunsfords, I believe they should be televised so that the public KNOWS what is going on. SHE has NO right to those children when she certainly abused them while they were in her custody.

AND yes, Ralph and Lena-selling your CHILDRENS benefits is abuse. I say no more checks for either of them -EVER!
I had a friend who had criminal charges pending as well as her childr3en were in foster care for failure to provide critical care.
A family court judge refused to return the children even though though all conditions for return were met, until the outcome of the criminal proceedings were done. Their reasoning was that they didn't want to return the kids and then uproot them yet again if my friend had to go to jail. In waiting for the trial, time expired for her youngest, in Iowa the youngest children are the ones you only have a short amt of time to get back. They did this so kids weren't sitting in foster care for years as parents did the minimum to prevent TPR. Anyway her baby was 2 months, they were able to successfully TPR her due to the time limit having expired (Kids under 12 months they like to only give parents a year to complete their service plan, they gave her 18 months and there was still no resolution of the criminal stuff). She ended up with probation, and did eventually get the older children back.
IF WV is anything like Iowa..... Lena won't be getting those kids back at least until her criminal stuff is figured out, which could take a long time, and by then there will be arguments against uprooting the little ones form the only homes (foster homes) they know and the only parents (foster parents) they know....
I think if she doesn't go to jail, she could get the older ones back... but i pray she doesn't.

I pray to God, that she is NEVER allowed to touch any child again. Ever. EVER.

Lena Lunsford, you don't just "lose" a child and go on with your life, I have cried MORE over a lost puppy than you have over a lost DAUGHTER!!
Wow - that woman just amazes me. She "loses" her child and has the nerve to go into court to ask for her others back? For what? Money? She has many problems, drug use being one of them. She needs to sort her life out, tell LE what she did with baby A, and handle the consequences.

Instead of waltzing into court, she should be watzing into the police department.


This makes me SO angry!!! While I understand the juvenile records are sealed, in "special" cases like Lena Lunsfords, I believe they should be televised so that the public KNOWS what is going on. SHE has NO right to those children when she certainly abused them while they were in her custody.

AND yes, Ralph and Lena-selling your CHILDRENS benefits is abuse. I say no more checks for either of them -EVER!

I totally agree, CJ! Out of curiosity, how far are you from the courthouse people were protesting at?
Any ideas when we will hear what the outcome is? :maddening:

According to the actions of LL and RL after the hearing, they did not regain custody.

The protest group spent almost six hours outside of court, getting video of them entering and leaving the courthouse and asking what happened to Aliayah.

RL and his sister left the courthouse and walked north to their vehicle and were last seen heading west on Route 33 towards Vadis.

LL, Grandma and LL's sister headed south to their vehicle and drove to the DHHR office, where it appears that they visited the children.

RL didn't much like it when the reporter asked "Ralph, did you kill Aliayah?"
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