WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - #12

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It looked to me as though the passenger in the front of LL's van was her sister, Wendy. Perhaps the known felon was a friend of hers? Or maybe Wendy's husband?

I'm sure LL only got a slap on the wrist because she could have easily have said that she wasn't aware that the person was a known felon. However, any future sightings of the two of them together and she wouldn't be able to use that excuse.

As far as the FB quotes from the new account. I am always weary of new users with blank accounts: i.e. no photos, no friends, no comments, etc. It is a quick way for ANY one to spread gossip, hatred, and spin the story in the direction they want it to go.

I've been on the lookout at WS as well for that same kind of behavior cause you just never know . . .
I have mixed reactions over that video, in all honesty. On one hand, I was cheering internally because I liked seeing her followed and questioned. It's nice to know she's being made aware of what people are thinking.

On the other, it was quite crass and ultimately does nothing to help Aaliyah. The jabs about Lena's mother? I feel confident that Lena knows exactly where Aaliyah is, but harassment like that is going to ensure Lena never tells where Aaliyah is now. It's only going to make Lena angry and defiant. Defiant people don't disclose the location of bodies. They don't give the masses the satisfaction of details. It's only going to make Lena close in to herself. Right now we only THINK we know she killed her little girl. Once we KNOW, what does she think the harassment will be like?

I can't support that kind of thing. I know, I don't need to. My support means nothing, lol. I just think it's harassment and will ultimately cause more harm than good. It certainly didn't help convict Casey Anthony.
Amanda leads a double life! Aw. Don't we all?

Let's remember that LL is only 50 percent of the equation here. RL could be holding all of the cards.
Today is National Missing Children's Day and I know that sadly, there are many many little souls out there who are missing. Aliayah, though, has a special place in my thoughts and prayers. Following the Etan Patz case has made me realize that sometimes years may pass before any resolution comes, but for those who care and love, there's no end to the hoping. I hope Aliayah doesn't have to wait 33 years for justice.:please:
LL's court appearance seemed to have taken the media's attention away from the fact that as of yesterday, little Aliayah has been missing for 8 months. Article follows:


...between 125 and 150 tips that the public has given them. They also have video evidence from businesses and homes. In the past, they said all of this allowed them to come up with a working theory but they won't elaborate on what they mean.

Why is it that the "Video Evidence" has never been talked about, or aired on MSM? This is a big question that we've overlooked. They have to a have a reason for not releasing it. What could it be?
Amanda, thanks for the still pic, you captured that perfectly. I ♥ what you do!!!
Amanda, thanks for the still pic, you captured that perfectly. I ♥ what you do!!!

TY for the compliment, but this time it was not me who captured it :)

I have gotten more skilled at doing the archives as time goes on. Back when I started it was just for myself and I did not even know how to copy/paste. There's so much I still don't know.

But when I see the little faces or even those not so little that grab me, I try to do the best for them.
Regardless, I appreciate all the effort that goes into keeping all these cases updated. I know I can always find what I need in one of your albums!!
Aliayah has been on my mind alot the last few days, as has Lena Lunsford. I am going to write a letter to her sentencing judge, not that I think that he will do anything (or can) but I feel the need to let him know, that Lena Lunsford has no respect for herself, her missing child, the justice system or a federal judge. Most people that have a missing child would be out searching for that child and most people who have been sentenced to 8 months in a federal penitentiary would be scared sh$tless. I have learned that Lena Lunsford is not "most people."

I have also been thinking about Ralph and Lena Lunsford. We all know they have no respect for the law or for human life. They have shared MANYYYY things that would put them in prison forever. Sooner or later one of them will spill those secrets....

If Ralph Lunsford wasn't so totally disgusting...(MY OPINION-lol) --I would cozy up to his sorry arse myself to see what info I could gain from him...
Aliayah has been on my mind alot the last few days, as has Lena Lunsford. I am going to write a letter to her sentencing judge, not that I think that he will do anything (or can) but I feel the need to let him know, that Lena Lunsford has no respect for herself, her missing child, the justice system or a federal judge. Most people that have a missing child would be out searching for that child and most people who have been sentenced to 8 months in a federal penitentiary would be scared sh$tless. I have learned that Lena Lunsford is not "most people."

I have also been thinking about Ralph and Lena Lunsford. We all know they have no respect for the law or for human life. They have shared MANYYYY things that would put them in prison forever. Sooner or later one of them will spill those secrets....

If Ralph Lunsford wasn't so totally disgusting...(MY OPINION-lol) --I would cozy up to his sorry arse myself to see what info I could gain from him...

I agree sorry *advertiser censored*%#, maybe Lena might need a pen pal though? ;) Free food, don't they have cable tv, computer access, exercise equipment. Lots of luxuries a lot of hard working , um Emphasis on WORKING (what a concept) don't have. The irony, eh? But whole 'nother subject...

In my opinion if ll wasn't involved in aliayah's disappearance, she knows enough of something to help us find her. Maybe she's afraid of rl and his family? Just a wild thought... ?
Ralph used bath salts.

Interestingly, the case this past weekend in Miami... the face-eating cannibal attack... guy was using bath salts.

That drug is like PCP, makes one more aggressive, delusional, hallucinating.

If Ralph or Lena killed Aliayah while high on that, they may not have even known until the drug wore off.

Just a thought.
Wasn't RL at work the following morning? Wouldn't bath salt ingestion have shown in his behavior? Have there been any previous reports of aberrent behavior prior to Aliayah;s disappearance? A lot of questions that LE may already have answers to that are not yet public knowledge.Agree that bath salts have some extreme negative issues on behavior-very scary stuff.
Aliayah, we're your voice.
Lena and Ralph deserve each other, and nothing more. They also deserve time behind bars without any extras. Just simple food, tap water, and a weekly change of clothing. Np tv, computers, books, not even phone calls. Before prisoners were allowed the luxuries that taxpayers pay for, some might have gone "stir crazy". I say "SO WHAT". What rights would be denied? Aliayah was denied her right to live in a safe environment with people who loved her. When a child disappears and parents refuse to cooperate with LE, so should the parent's rights disappear. They should not have the right to remain silent when a child has been silenced forever, and is gone without a trace.
Poor sad faced little Aliayah, her face is haunting even without those horrific bruises.

Wasn't RL at work the following morning? Wouldn't bath salt ingestion have shown in his behavior? Have there been any previous reports of aberrent behavior prior to Aliayah;s disappearance? A lot of questions that LE may already have answers to that are not yet public knowledge.Agree that bath salts have some extreme negative issues on behavior-very scary stuff.
Aliayah, we're your voice.

Ya know, I think the effects maybe aren't super long lasting, like an LSD trip would be, but then I have never ingested 'bath salts'. He was prob 'down' by time for work.

I did some 'Google' research on the stuff, though and alot of the 'reviews' said things like 'visual' 'sensual' 'ecstasy' etc, so I had the idea from those comments that it was some kind of mild, fake club drug crap.

No idea how SKEERY!
LL was seen yesterday at the Lewis County Magistrate Court, where she took her sister to file false domestic violence charges against her brother. Seems that even though LL has tons of cash, she and her sister refuse to pay anything to remain in the trailer of her departed mother, which went to all three of her children. This is her tactic to try to get back into the trailer before reporting for incarceration on June 28th.

LL was asked if she would sit down and talk with Margie Blake, who has covered all of her court appearances. MB filmed LL and the sister as they left the court and walked to LL's van. LL then called 911 to report that she was being harassed, which the reporting officer determined was not harassment.

On a sidenote, there was a small dog in the van that was left unattended during the visit to the court, so a report was filed with animal control for LL allowing the dog to be in a hot vehicle. The dog has also been reported to the Weston PD as being stolen from the brother's girlfriend 10 days ago.

During the short meeting between MB and LL, LL once again answered no questions as to why she hasn't asked for outside help to find her daughter. She did not, however, hesitate to quickly call 911 when she was annoyed at being videotaped once again.
LL was seen yesterday at the Lewis County Magistrate Court, where she took her sister to file false domestic violence charges against her brother. Seems that even though LL has tons of cash, she and her sister refuse to pay anything to remain in the trailer of her departed mother, which went to all three of her children. This is her tactic to try to get back into the trailer before reporting for incarceration on June 28th.

LL was asked if she would sit down and talk with Margie Blake, who has covered all of her court appearances. MB filmed LL and the sister as they left the court and walked to LL's van. LL then called 911 to report that she was being harassed, which the reporting officer determined was not harassment.

On a sidenote, there was a small dog in the van that was left unattended during the visit to the court, so a report was filed with animal control for LL allowing the dog to be in a hot vehicle. The dog has also been reported to the Weston PD as being stolen from the brother's girlfriend 10 days ago.

During the short meeting between MB and LL, LL once again answered no questions as to why she hasn't asked for outside help to find her daughter. She did not, however, hesitate to quickly call 911 when she was annoyed at being videotaped once again.

Did I miss something? LL has tons of cash? How did she get it, she certainly isn't selling her SNAP benefits anymore.
This is off topic but only slightly. Has anyone seen the recent rash of bath salt related violence/cannibalism cases that have been happening across the country?

I am sorry, but I have always suspected that RL and/or LL were using salts when whatever happened to Aliayah happened. This newest rash of completely irrational violent behavior suspected to have been caused by this superscary substance only cements that feeling for me that Aliayah died by violence due to use of this drug.
LL was seen yesterday at the Lewis County Magistrate Court, where she took her sister to file false domestic violence charges against her brother. Seems that even though LL has tons of cash, she and her sister refuse to pay anything to remain in the trailer of her departed mother, which went to all three of her children. This is her tactic to try to get back into the trailer before reporting for incarceration on June 28th.

LL was asked if she would sit down and talk with Margie Blake, who has covered all of her court appearances. MB filmed LL and the sister as they left the court and walked to LL's van. LL then called 911 to report that she was being harassed, which the reporting officer determined was not harassment.

On a sidenote, there was a small dog in the van that was left unattended during the visit to the court, so a report was filed with animal control for LL allowing the dog to be in a hot vehicle. The dog has also been reported to the Weston PD as being stolen from the brother's girlfriend 10 days ago.

During the short meeting between MB and LL, LL once again answered no questions as to why she hasn't asked for outside help to find her daughter. She did not, however, hesitate to quickly call 911 when she was annoyed at being videotaped once again.

How nice that she has a cell phone to call for help at such dangerous situations like being asked questions. I wonder if she got it before ar after her daughter went missing? Maybe that's why she didn't call for help? *insert sarcasm font*
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