WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - # 7

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I've had complete strangers come up to me in our local grocery store parking lot & offer to buy my groceries with food stamps in exchange for money.

Bingo!! This is the same method that the girl's druggie husband used.. I thought it really showed desperation and what that desperation totally overrides in an addicts brain of just common sense or even decent judgement skills.. To approach random, perfect strangers and offer what is an extremely obviously illegal exchange of cash for purchasing merchandise with government food card.. You don't know who you are approaching and the chances of them either being in a position that could cost you grave consequences(such as LE, government worker, spouse of, or kin to any of those with these type occupations) any and all of those easily having the connections needed to bust your sorry azz.. That was always astonishing to me but did clearly show what desperation there is in an addicts behavior..

I've not had that particular experience of being offered an exchange of cash for groceries put on a government card.. But what I have personally experienced on two different occasions and actually in two totally different states of the country.. Is pulling up at gas station, getting out and being approached by a stranger(female both times) and their proposing the exchange that in my giving them $50 cash in exchange for their using "a credit card" to fill up my tank.. When I declined both, separate times each of the girls then drastically lowered their price down to my giving them $25 or even $20 in exchange for their filling up my tank which wouldve been about 3 times that much.. Obviously desperate for any amount of cash they could get.. Besides the fact that just as I put in quotations "a credit card" I fully realized that most likely it was not even their credit card they were attempting to charge the gas on.. The first girl looked about college age and the credit card was actually and specifically just a gas card(bp)..so I figured most likely it was mom or dad's given to her to use for gas while in college.. As for the other it's anyone's guess whose credit card the chickie was attempting to charge up any amount necessary in an effort to get any amount of cash someone was willing to give her..

But back to Lena..
I'm not accusing her here but I will say IMO I won't find it surprising if we were to learn there was a substance abuse problem that is underlying here.. Proven fact substance abuse and criminal/illegal activity go hand in hand..
Killeen needs to start referring to "that child/the child" as ALIAYAH. She has a name and it needs to be spoken!

That really bugged me too, but then he does this for a living, has to stay objective and look for facts and not get emotionally attached. I read somewhere before that using a person's name instead of a pronoun makes it more personal and humanizes them more. If he got emotionally attached to every case he is on, he'd probably get pretty wacky.
Can someone tell me when the children were removed? I ask because she shouldn't receive any benefits for herself or RL since they've had convictions. So if the children aren't with her then how could she receive benefits?

My thoughts--She would have gotten her card loaded for all five children the 1st of October. Since the children were removed, she is bound to have a lot of extra $$ on it. I am sure she was looking for a way to cash in on that.
Can someone tell me when the children were removed? I ask because she shouldn't receive any benefits for herself or RL since they've had convictions. So if the children aren't with her then how could she receive benefits?

They were removed from her after the search of the Lunsford home (I believe it was Friday evening two weeks ago)

Sometimes it takes time for the paperwork to go through regarding a change or discontinuation of benefits. A month could be issued after you are informed they will be ceasing.

I wonder if the unborn twins factor into it? I believe that pregnant felons still qualify for WIC because of their in utero dependants so perhaps it is similar with Snap? I really do not know if, without the children that were removed, she will still qualify for any benefit at all.
They were removed from her after the search of the Lunsford home (I believe it was Friday evening two weeks ago)

Sometimes it takes time for the paperwork to go through regarding a change or discontinuation of benefits. A month could be issued after you are informed they will be ceasing.

I wonder if the unborn twins factor into it? I believe that pregnant felons still qualify for WIC because of their in utero dependants so perhaps it is similar with Snap? I really do not know if, without the children that were removed, she will still qualify for any benefit at all.


Officials with the Department of Health and Human Resources removed the remaining children from the Lunsford home, doing so with making any comment as to why.
Can someone tell me when the children were removed? I ask because she shouldn't receive any benefits for herself or RL since they've had convictions. So if the children aren't with her then how could she receive benefits?

Removed the evening of Friday, September 30th.
No way she was gonna eat all of that and she decided to try and make some quick cash with the remainder on her card. Agreed. Illegal. And might I add an extremely stupid move to make given the current situation. It is as if she has no concept of how everyone is seeing her, and that she is being watched by LE, her neighbors, people in the area, etc.

I am just flabbergasted at the sheer apparent cluelessness of this most recent decision on her part.
So did any of you see her in the local news this evening (did I miss this being talked about) She is very pregnant. So apprarently the 37 weeks deal from a few weeks back was not accurate info.
I thought the twins would have arrived by now. Poor Aliayah.
So did any of you see her in the local news this evening (did I miss this being talked about) She is very pregnant. So apprarently the 37 weeks deal from a few weeks back was not accurate info.

I did say that earlier. So it wasn't just me. I didn't think she looked big enough to be full term with twins. I read a post on FB that she is due Nov 1, so don't know if it is true, but would make more sense.
Can someone tell me when the children were removed? I ask because she shouldn't receive any benefits for herself or RL since they've had convictions. So if the children aren't with her then how could she receive benefits?

They can still receive SNAP even with prior convictions. Just not if they have drug convictions.
No way she was gonna eat all of that and she decided to try and make some quick cash with the remainder on her card. Agreed. Illegal. And might I add an extremely stupid move to make given the current situation. It is as if she has no concept of how everyone is seeing her, and that she is being watched by LE, her neighbors, people in the area, etc.

I am just flabbergasted at the sheer apparent cluelessness of this most recent decision on her part.

I'm not, desperate people do desperate things. She also has a prior record on forgery or was it writing a bad check? Money or lack of it seems to be a consistent theme. It would be interesting to know if the prior conviction was during a period she had lost custody of her children too.

MsDetective mentioned that a person with five children receives $1,000/mo. I'm not sure if that's cash benefits, but that's quite a bit of money. Maybe even why RL co-habituates with Lena.

The resort RL was working for said he never returned to work. So unless he got a different job, there is no money coming in.
Someone here on WS, I saw a link to an awesome photbucket that had all kinds of info.. in it was a birth announcement for LL last baby... born sometime in Jan. That would make the baby nine months old.. So (thinking she might have waited a few weeks to get preg again) she would have to be due in Nov at the earliest, right

And did we ever determine the birth dad of Aliayah.. because the man previously "thought" to be the dad (saw it discussed here maybe last week??) showed up again on the "daily incarcerations" for Misdemeanor Sentenced
Does anyone have a link to the video showing Lena today?
No way she was gonna eat all of that and she decided to try and make some quick cash with the remainder on her card. Agreed. Illegal. And might I add an extremely stupid move to make given the current situation. It is as if she has no concept of how everyone is seeing her, and that she is being watched by LE, her neighbors, people in the area, etc.

I am just flabbergasted at the sheer apparent cluelessness of this most recent decision on her part.

Welfare fraud is a way of life for a lot of people. That's how they grew up and that's how they survive. A lot of people don't know anything different. It's very disturbing.
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