WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - # 7

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Anyone know a trained lip-reader? It almost looks like she says "I love you" at the end of her call.

She's arrested for welfare fraud and she's yapping on a cell phone? Does the state provide free cell phones too? Sorry that it's not in my budget to have one, so I get a bit miffed when I see the likes of her carrying one around. If you can afford a cell phone, you can afford a sammich.


I think the FBI had no choice but to release the info today about the 'food card' arrest, given the rumor and speculation that's exploded on the internet with this case since day one. They know this arrest on it's own isn't important in the great scheme of things, as there are tons of such exchanges of money for cards every day, but can you imagine what would have transpired if they hadn't mentioned it right up front? It would have been a mess, their office would have been deluged with requests to find out more about it, and it would have taken valuable time away from their real investigation.

And I don't think a person talking on a cell phone is a big deal, regardless of her socioeconomic status. For all we know, it's a borrowed phone. Or one that was given to her. I really don't get into analyzing how a poor person spends what money they do have, and don't see any point to that. Everybody spends their money on different things, and a cell phone isn't necessarily an extravagant expense anyway.
I think the FBI had no choice but to release the info today about the 'food card' arrest, given the rumor and speculation that's exploded on the internet with this case since day one. They know this arrest on it's own isn't important in the great scheme of things, as there are tons of such exchanges of money for cards every day, but can you imagine what would have transpired if they hadn't mentioned it right up front? It would have been a mess, their office would have been deluged with requests to find out more about it, and it would have taken valuable time away from their real investigation.

And I don't think a person talking on a cell phone is a big deal, regardless of her socioeconomic status. For all we know, it's a borrowed phone. Or one that was given to her. I really don't get into analyzing how a poor person spends what money they do have, and don't see any point to that. Everybody spends their money on different things, and a cell phone isn't necessarily an extravagant expense anyway.

True. Cell phones, BTW, can be much cheaper than landlines.

There is much more to concern me about this mother and her missing child than how she spends her money, unless it is directly related to child abuse, neglect or another crime.
YES the soc security office is located in the Federal Building.. which is not the same as the county courthouse.

Too bad she didn't have that cell phone when her babygirl went missing... she could have called 911 WHILE she drove around for two hours instead of waiting till she got back home. Am I being snarky. YES.
Here you go nanak
She does amazing work on these cases. Thank you AmandaReckonwith!!!


In looking at the few pics of her, I would say she looks big enough to be pregnant with twins. They could be pretty small. But that's a fairly big tummy she's sporting there.
Good grief, she already has a child born in Jan. this year? I've heard of people having babies 9 months apart, but I can't imagine doing the deed right after delivering, that's.... gross.
I truly hope that this woman never gets the children back, ever and that includes the unborn ones as well. I also hope that she never reproduces again. I have stated many times on WS that some people should never be able to procreate and this woman just reinforces my belief.

Unfortunately we don't have any laws to enforce sterilization in this country, so unless she's convicted on charges that will ensure she stays in prison until she's 60 at least, she probably will. There are not enough prisons in the U.S. to contain all the bad parents who have children and don't care for them.
Instead of running away from the cameras, she should have taken the opportunity to talk about Aliayah and beg for her safe return. Argggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!! :furious:

That would have made her look even worse, IMO. Imagine walking out of jail and stopping to plead for her missing child. Don't think that would have gone over too well.
Aliayah's Biodad?

That would make 2 babydaddies arrested in the past week...who's next?

That one is NOT the biodad. But, I do believe we will start seeing a lot of arrests because of the people they are investigating in conjunction to Aliayah missing. I hope a by-product of this investigation into Aliayah's disappearance is FBI cleans a lot of the vermin out of this town.
She's arrested for welfare fraud and she's yapping on a cell phone? Does the state provide free cell phones too? Sorry that it's not in my budget to have one, so I get a bit miffed when I see the likes of her carrying one around. If you can afford a cell phone, you can afford a sammich.



Not just in this state. Part of the welfare program is free phone service. I think you can have a basic landline or a cell phone with a small amount of minutes that is paid for by the state.
She's arrested for welfare fraud and she's yapping on a cell phone? Does the state provide free cell phones too? Sorry that it's not in my budget to have one, so I get a bit miffed when I see the likes of her carrying one around. If you can afford a cell phone, you can afford a sammich.



Don't know about WV but here in IL, actually they do. This is something that has just recently started here and I see the likelyhood for abuse. If you qualify for a medical card here, you can apply for a cel phone with 4000 minutes per month free.

I know you were being facetious but some states do indeed provide cel phones.
She's arrested for welfare fraud and she's yapping on a cell phone? Does the state provide free cell phones too? Sorry that it's not in my budget to have one, so I get a bit miffed when I see the likes of her carrying one around. If you can afford a cell phone, you can afford a sammich.



Actually, there is a federal program to provide free cell phones with up to 250 free minutes per month for people on tanf & other state benefits.
YES the soc security office is located in the Federal Building.. which is not the same as the county courthouse.

Too bad she didn't have that cell phone when her babygirl went missing... she could have called 911 WHILE she drove around for two hours instead of waiting till she got back home. Am I being snarky. YES.

Thanks for the confirm. I had to go reapply for a social security card a couple of years ago and I thought I remembered many federal offices being in the same building.

I had my grandson with me who was about 6 months at the time. I had him in his infant carrier. I had to take the him out so that the guards could search the carrier for weapons. Shocked the heck out of me so I asked why? The guard said that they had someone going to court who snuck a knife in hidded in the babies car seat.

That is a very high security building! I thought he was gonna pat me down next!
I think the FBI had no choice but to release the info today about the 'food card' arrest, given the rumor and speculation that's exploded on the internet with this case since day one. They know this arrest on it's own isn't important in the great scheme of things, as there are tons of such exchanges of money for cards every day, but can you imagine what would have transpired if they hadn't mentioned it right up front? It would have been a mess, their office would have been deluged with requests to find out more about it, and it would have taken valuable time away from their real investigation.

And I don't think a person talking on a cell phone is a big deal, regardless of her socioeconomic status. For all we know, it's a borrowed phone. Or one that was given to her. I really don't get into analyzing how a poor person spends what money they do have, and don't see any point to that. Everybody spends their money on different things, and a cell phone isn't necessarily an extravagant expense anyway.

I agree abut the arrest being made public. Their only good choice was to release the info right away or not arrest her at all.

Have the FBI said that the family is or isn't cooperating with the investigation? I can't tell if LE is protecting their investigation, protecting the mother, or both.
For those who want do to some research into the personalities of LL and RL look at this: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog...e-in-the-us-negatively-affected-someone-elses

I lived with a drug addict. He was "sober" when I met him. I thought I was too smart to be such a sucker. I could write a book about the tricks he used to get money for his addictions and it would be impossible to post them here. I studied the articles by Sandra Brown and it helped me figure out a lot of things. The above is just the tip of the iceberg, but I think it explains a lot of things about LL. Our society thinks they are helping the children by providing the things the parents do not, but it just gives them another thing to use for their addiction. Drugs are cheap. You would be amazed at what can be sold or traded to get them. What most of us think is helping, is enabling instead. Food comes from the charity organizations and well-meaning people. Food stamps are sold. Very little actually goes toward food. I could go on and on.
For those who want do to some research into the personalities of LL and RL look at this: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog...e-in-the-us-negatively-affected-someone-elses

I lived with a drug addict. He was "sober" when I met him. I thought I was too smart to be such a sucker. I could write a book about the tricks he used to get money for his addictions and it would be impossible to post them here. I studied the articles by Sandra Brown and it helped me figure out a lot of things. The above is just the tip of the iceberg, but I think it explains a lot of things about LL. Our society thinks they are helping the children by providing the things the parents do not, but it just gives them another thing to use for their addiction. Drugs are cheap. You would be amazed at what can be sold or traded to get them. What most of us think is helping, is enabling instead. Food comes from the charity organizations and well-meaning people. Food stamps are sold. Very little actually goes toward food. I could go on and on.

We have similiar backgrounds. My husband also became addicted to drugs. I walked to work one day and came home to find my car gone. He traded it for drugs. He went from being a good husband, father & provider to an addict in a very short time. Getting the drug was all that mattered. I was strong enough to take our 5 children & leave when he refused to get help. A lot of women aren't.

To me, LL has more signs of being married to a drug addict than being on it herself. It would explain the arrests for forgery & uttering. An enabler wants to keep the addict happy at all costs.
She's arrested for welfare fraud and she's yapping on a cell phone? Does the state provide free cell phones too? Sorry that it's not in my budget to have one, so I get a bit miffed when I see the likes of her carrying one around. If you can afford a cell phone, you can afford a sammich.



I don't have a cell phone either. I'm not sure how it works in WV, but I know someone with medical conditions who has a cell phone through public aid with so many minutes per month for emergencies. I am not positive, but think they may be given to public aid recipients with certain medical conditions. I also think the number of minutes paid by the state is minimal.

I'm guessing but maybe the pregnancy with the twins qualified as some kind of medical condition with risks for the phone, if it is is paid for by public aid.
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