WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - # 7

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Just thinking out loud here.......in our county (and I'm assuming it is true for the rest of the country) when a person is taken into custody / housed in a jail, the COUNTY becomes the payor for all medical bills incurred while the prisoner is in custody. For example, when I worked in the ER, the police would not arrest someone for DUI - for example - until all the xrays and stitches from the wreck were completed, thus saving the county a couple thousand $$. (The officerrs would stay in the ER while the treatment was being given, and as soon as the offender signed their medical release, the arrest was made)

LLs jurisdiction most likely does NOT want to foot the bill for the birth of twins and this might actually work to their advantage, delaying the inevitable as it were.

Don't get me wrong - I understand that all the bills associated with the birth of these babies are coming out of the taxpayers' pocket - but which actual agency is involved may be a factor in this case.

I agree with you. I think LE is just waiting for the twins to be born, then they will pounce.... JMO
A little OT...but I just wanted to say thanks to those contributing to this thread. There are so many good questions and insights posted here and especially thanks to the locals who are posting.

marycarney, Very good point on LE waiting until after the twins were born so they don't have to foot the bill.

Cubby, I agree with your statement:
Good point.... got me thinking, I see LE on this group like flies on doo doo until they get the answers into what happened to this little girl. Spitting on the sidewalk is still illegal, so is jay walking kind of thing. I think we should expect numerous arrests and a possible revolving door of repeat arrests until answers and justice come for little Aliayah.

wenc, Good speculation and resource you posted. I have worked with a lot of addicts and alcoholics over the past 10 years and there are definitely common personality traits. I have been saying that over in the Lisa Irwin treads, but nobody cares to listen.
For those who want do to some research into the personalities of LL and RL look at this: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/...-someone-elses
EH would be Eric Harris, who LL named as Aliayah's father during her call to LE where she finally reported Aliayah as missing.

Please note, there are at least 3 EH's in WV and we don't know which, if any, really are Aliayah's father.

Always possible he's the unnamed informant.. Lots of coincidences!

Wenc stated earlier that the Eric Harris that was arrested yesterday is not Aliayah's biodad.....so now we're down to figuring out which one is out of 2:waitasec:
You're close. In my area a student qualifies who for free lunch can get reduced cost cable internet if they don't already have internet.

HUD housing on our town has a deal with mediacom and they offer deeply discounted internet and cable if you live in the HUD apartment complex.
I disagree, but I have more local information on which to base my opinion and it is just my opinion. Although I do not know LL and RL myself, my ex does. My ex was an addict before I met up with him, he just caught me on a moment of sobriety, plus he is a major con artist. I was inadvertently used as an enabler. Even simply my working and paying the bills enabled him. I found out more of his history as time went on and about relationships he had with other women who did use drugs (I never have), and it was more like they enabled each other and it was joint effort to get what they both needed. The thing I have found out, there are personality disorders that cause the drug use, but there are also personality disorders caused by drug use. It's hard to determine which came first in some people - the old chicken or the egg question. Drug use also has varying degrees, just like alcohol use.

I'm going to try and be diplomatic in my question and you don't have to answer......but would it be safe to assume that your addict ex traveled with LL and RL in an addict circle?
HUD housing on our town has a deal with mediacom and they offer deeply discounted internet and cable if you live in the HUD apartment complex.

Does this apply to everyone or just those with children?

I can understand offering internet to low income children/students.... A lot of schoolwork gets done with internet research, and unfortunately a lot of teachers just assume that every child has a computer with internet available at home. But I'm having a hard time understanding why cable?
Wenc stated earlier that the Eric Harris that was arrested yesterday is not Aliayah's biodad.....so now we're down to figuring out which one is out of 2:waitasec:

I must of missed that.. Did wenc happen to credit an article?
I don't hold much credit to a EH being the father anyways.. too easy to tell the police who the father is, but can't take the time to tell the father? I kind of think she had a personal vendetta against a EH.
I must of missed that.. Did wenc happen to credit an article?
I don't hold much credit to a EH being the father anyways.. too easy to tell the police who the father is, but can't take the time to tell the father? I kind of think she had a personal vendetta against a EH.

I was wondering the exact same thing - how do we know she told the truth when she said his name? I, for one, am not too eager to believe ANYTHING that comes from LL.... unless she wants to finally tell where she put her daughter.... LL, WHERE IS ALIAYAH????
I hate to be a pessimist, but I rather doubt that the welfare fraud charge will cause LL to come clean with any knowledge regarding Aliayah's disappearance (or worse). This isn't Lena's first trip to the pokey, and she knows how the system works. If she had a direct hand through neglect or abuse, she's going to keep her mouth shut.

Put me in the camp that thinks LL had a definite role in whatever happened to little Aliayah.
I hate to be a pessimist, but I rather doubt that the welfare fraud charge will cause LL to come clean with any knowledge regarding Aliayah's disappearance (or worse). This isn't Lena's first trip to the pokey, and she knows how the system works. If she had a direct hand through neglect or abuse, she's going to keep her mouth shut.

Put me in the camp that thinks LL had a definite role in whatever happened to little Aliayah.

Well said - and I agree - I do not think her arrest for food stamp fraud is going to make her confess to murder... JMO, MOO, and all that
Just thinking out loud here.......in our county (and I'm assuming it is true for the rest of the country) when a person is taken into custody / housed in a jail, the COUNTY becomes the payor for all medical bills incurred while the prisoner is in custody. For example, when I worked in the ER, the police would not arrest someone for DUI - for example - until all the xrays and stitches from the wreck were completed, thus saving the county a couple thousand $$. (The officerrs would stay in the ER while the treatment was being given, and as soon as the offender signed their medical release, the arrest was made)

LLs jurisdiction most likely does NOT want to foot the bill for the birth of twins and this might actually work to their advantage, delaying the inevitable as it were.

Don't get me wrong - I understand that all the bills associated with the birth of these babies are coming out of the taxpayers' pocket - but which actual agency is involved may be a factor in this case.

IMO they arrested her for this to keep her close after the twins are born.
I'm new but does anyone know if since this was a federal charge is there a website on her arrest? I'm wondering if theres a way to see the stipulations of her bond.
I'm new but does anyone know if since this was a federal charge is there a website on her arrest? I'm wondering if theres a way to see the stipulations of her bond.

She was ROR (released on her own recognizance) so there is no bond...
She was ROR (released on her own recognizance) so there is no bond...

Right but my SIL was given a PR bond and the judge told her she couldn't leave the county and if she so much as spit n the sidewalk she'd be arrested and bond revoked. I understand that no money was paid but but her bond can still be revoked right?
I'm going to try and be diplomatic in my question and you don't have to answer......but would it be safe to assume that your addict ex traveled with LL and RL in an addict circle?

I do not know. I do not speak with him directly, but through his mother, so I can't ask him questions. It's a complicated situation. He lives in Florida and his parents live next door to us. His parents helped me get away from him and help with my daughter.

He could have been in prison with one or both of them or run in the same crowd at some point. They move around a lot, not just households, but different groups of friends. He kept most of it away from us, would go off for periods of time and then come back days later, so I never knew where he was or who he was with and met very few of them. The last time I threw him out, he was hanging out with some Lunsfords, but not the same ones as these. I did meet some of them.
I must of missed that.. Did wenc happen to credit an article?
I don't hold much credit to a EH being the father anyways.. too easy to tell the police who the father is, but can't take the time to tell the father? I kind of think she had a personal vendetta against a EH.

No article. I know neighbors of that one and they know him pretty well. He's known as Chris, goes by his middle name. They say he does get into trouble a lot, but just misdemeanor stuff. The other one has been in trouble for (the latest one anyway) child abuse along with the wife, another woman that lived with them and their 6 kids living in filthy conditions. Sound similar? http://statejournal.com/story.cfm?func=viewstory&storyid=96441

In any case, I'm with you, I would not trust her to tell the truth and until someone comes up with some DNA, I'm sticking with contestant #2.
No article. I know neighbors of that one and they know him pretty well. He's known as Chris, goes by his middle name. They say he does get into trouble a lot, but just misdemeanor stuff. The other one has been in trouble for (the latest one anyway) child abuse along with the wife, another woman that lived with them and their 6 kids living in filthy conditions. Sound similar? http://statejournal.com/story.cfm?func=viewstory&storyid=96441

In any case, I'm with you, I would not trust her to tell the truth and until someone comes up with some DNA, I'm sticking with contestant #2.

Oh good Lord. Just so I am understanding correctly, this is Aliayah's dna contributor (#2?)? I'm so confused.
No article. I know neighbors of that one and they know him pretty well. He's known as Chris, goes by his middle name. They say he does get into trouble a lot, but just misdemeanor stuff. The other one has been in trouble for (the latest one anyway) child abuse along with the wife, another woman that lived with them and their 6 kids living in filthy conditions. Sound similar? http://statejournal.com/story.cfm?func=viewstory&storyid=96441

In any case, I'm with you, I would not trust her to tell the truth and until someone comes up with some DNA, I'm sticking with contestant #2.

thanks wenc! Sometimes just knowing a 'locals' inside info, is helpful!

I remember EH#2's wife, somewhere (really can't remember where I saw it!) throwing all kinds of hub bub out there that her EH is not the one LL was referring to... of course she made it sound as if she DID know LL :banghead:.....
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