WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - # 9

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ya think MAYBE CPS did not consider grandmother because SHE has NOT spoken out for, attended ANYTHING the community or the extended family has done to draw attention to Aliayah, searched for , made a plea for her return, or anything else. Perhaps she is showing just how much she cares about her grandchildren by these things she has NOT done. ANd MAYBE CPS feels the children would NOT be loved and protected by her.JMO

Yes I do think that. I just did not want to upset you anymore than you already are.
ya think MAYBE CPS did not consider grandmother because SHE has NOT spoken out for, attended ANYTHING the community or the extended family has done to draw attention to Aliayah, searched for , made a plea for her return, or anything else. Perhaps she is showing just how much she cares about her grandchildren by these things she has NOT done. ANd MAYBE CPS feels the children would NOT be loved and protected by her.JMO

I also believe this is the reason she doesn't have them. I am not saying that she doesn't hurt, but every parent who has to throw themselves in the public eye does. (well besides about three that I know of) Or maybe CPS thinks she knows what happened to little Aliayah?
Yes I do think that. I just did not want to upset you anymore than you already are.

I AM UPSET,I'm upset because I do not understand anything about how or why this could happen, I'm upset because the ones that should care the most, don't seem to care at all. I'm upset because the ones that should want Aliayah home are trying to stop ALL efforts to get Aliayah home. I am upset because all it would take to bring Aliayah home is the truth and the ones that knows the truth are to self centered to admit what happened to her. I am upset because there is a beautiful precious little girl out there somewhere that has so much love from folks that have never even got the chance to meet her and we can't find her to show her. I am upset because my family has been torn apart.
But even though I am upset about all this and so much more, I am even more determined to find Aliayah and to find the truth, and to see that who ever is responsible for whatever has happened to Aliayah that is punished to to the fullest extent of the law.
So please do not hold back information or ideas because I am upset. I want the truth.
Way to go Vickie!!! You have an army of supporters behind you. Scream the roof down!:woohoo::woohoo:
God I ask that you please bless those that are tryin to find the truth for Aliayah and those that love her. God please comfort and strengthen them when they may feel like they can't go on we lift them up to you so that you may carry them on instead. In Jesus Precious name Amen
I AM UPSET,I'm upset because I do not understand anything about how or why this could happen, I'm upset because the ones that should care the most, don't seem to care at all. I'm upset because the ones that should want Aliayah home are trying to stop ALL efforts to get Aliayah home. I am upset because all it would take to bring Aliayah home is the truth and the ones that knows the truth are to self centered to admit what happened to her. I am upset because there is a beautiful precious little girl out there somewhere that has so much love from folks that have never even got the chance to meet her and we can't find her to show her. I am upset because my family has been torn apart.
But even though I am upset about all this and so much more, I am even more determined to find Aliayah and to find the truth, and to see that who ever is responsible for whatever has happened to Aliayah that is punished to to the fullest extent of the law.
So please do not hold back information or ideas because I am upset. I want the truth.

I do understand your anger and hurt Vickie. I am sure you have heard the saying 'I am so mad I can't see straight'. I think that is what you are right now. Try to calm yourself with prayer, a prayer of comfort for yourself and your family. When you feel more calm, think about your family. What you know of them, first hand or second hand. Write it down. Anytime something new comes to you write it down. You might have some keys to solving this puzzle and finding Aliayah. Don't use your logic, think like LL. What would she do? Where would she go? Who could she trust? See what you come up with.
My prayers are with you and your family.
I dreamed of Aliayah the other night. I had my own personal prayer time for her when the Buckhannon meeting was occurring. I'm still believing for the Lord to intervene with a miracle and I'm trying not to get sidetracked by anger and wrath at the unconcern and indifference shown by some. God bless Vickie Bowen and God bless Aliayah!
I will NEVER give up!!!!!!!!NEVER

I know that, and I applaud you for your determination. Children deserve to be loved and cherished. My prayers are that Aliyah will come home safe. You are her voice and we all appreciate you for it.
I AM UPSET,I'm upset because I do not understand anything about how or why this could happen, I'm upset because the ones that should care the most, don't seem to care at all. I'm upset because the ones that should want Aliayah home are trying to stop ALL efforts to get Aliayah home. I am upset because all it would take to bring Aliayah home is the truth and the ones that knows the truth are to self centered to admit what happened to her. I am upset because there is a beautiful precious little girl out there somewhere that has so much love from folks that have never even got the chance to meet her and we can't find her to show her. I am upset because my family has been torn apart.
But even though I am upset about all this and so much more, I am even more determined to find Aliayah and to find the truth, and to see that who ever is responsible for whatever has happened to Aliayah that is punished to to the fullest extent of the law.
So please do not hold back information or ideas because I am upset. I want the truth.
Thank you for shaing. Wish there was more I could do. Praying today is the day
On behalf of my brothers, my husband and I , I would like to ask you all to continue to pray for Aliayah and her family and all that are trying so hard to find her. Please do not give up hope. We need to keep her name on everyones mind and we need to keep looking for her. We will find her.
Dear Lord,I pray this is the day we find our precious Aliayah. I ask that you will watch over those that are searching so desperately for her.Lord, please guilde them and protect them from harm. I ask that you be with Aliayah's brothers and sisters and just wrap Your love around them and give them comfort and peace. Lord I ask that you soften the heart of whoever has Aliayah or whoever has any information that will lead us to her. That we may find her safe and unharmed. Her short life has affected so many Lord, she has brought a community together and caused us to open our hearts to You and to realize just how fragile life is, and how quickly life can change. I pray that we will all have a chance to get to know Aliayah and show her what we have learned from her and give her the love and protection she and all children deserve and need. Lord, I know you are with Aliayah and I know you have her wrapped in your love, and for this I give You thanks. I beg with all my heart that You show us where she is so that we can bring her her home.We miss her so much. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN
When the poster goes online I'll run off some copies and try to distribute them out in the community here.
When the poster goes online I'll run off some copies and try to distribute them out in the community here.

I'm keeping my eyes open for it, but so far I haven't found it released online anywhere.
I thought her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. But, the bruise is concerning.
WTH??? The only picture they have is one with a huge bruise taking up the whole side of her face?
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