WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - # 9

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LE made quite a statement by releasing that picture in the poster. Leaves no doubt in my mind as to what they think happened.

Did the whole Lunsford family have lice? It's not uncommon here for families to shave everyone's head if there is a bad case of lice....all boys and girls that are to young to take care of their own hair. That could explain the haircut..if it is cut off. I can't see it that well on my computer.

As much garbage in bags as we saw outside that house, can you imagine trying to get rid of lice in there?

Was her hair cut off to make her look like a boy?

One thing I DO KNOW-if i would have seen the latest "Aliayiah" i would NEVER have thought it was our Aliayah in the Christmas pic. Careful planning maybe?

This tells me the FBI believes NOTHING these people are saying. And more importantly aren't making excuses for them either.

In the most recent photo, Aliayah has a bruise on the left side of her face. FBI Special Agent Jeff Killeen said investigators don't know what caused it or why Aliayah Lunsford is missing
four teeth.

With all due respect I don't buy the "door facing" thing. I think the pattern would be in her eyebrow too. It looks like it had started to heal before this was taken as well.

Sorry to say I agree. That is not a picture of a "fresh" bruise. It is yellow and green. A fresh bruise of that size would be multiple shades of red, purple, and almost a black color. Plus it would be swollen.
Yes, that's the one I have open. I wonder tho, the hair on Aliayah's left side almost looks shaved, but on the right, looks like it's been pulled back into a pony tail

I think so too. I can see it pretty clearly. My browser made her face take up almost half of my screen. I think they had to crop the hair weird to make sure no identifiers were visible for other kids in the pic. IMO
Yes, that's the one I have open. I wonder tho, the hair on Aliayah's left side almost looks shaved, but on the right, looks like it's been pulled back into a pony tail

it could be the effects of photoshopping other people out of the photo that were behind her
Simple truth is. JoAnn is using her family (the ones that WILL speak for Aliayah) to do her "dirtywork"... The FBI clearly doesn't believe her "story" and everytime someone spreads her tales -they are only enabling them...

FOR instance---gag order
I have a GAG DISORDER over so much of this case! It literally turns my stomach. Some of these stories are so transparent that you can read the Bible through them. Are we truly expected to believe them?????
IMO...If Joann wants everyone to know Aliayah ran into a door....why doesn't Joann come out of hiding and tell people herself?
I just talked to Randy, my brother and this is what he wanted me to post.

Randy talked to Jo Ann and this is what he told me.
Jo Ann said the picture was taken on July 10th on her
cell phone. That she is not sure who took the picture, but
that Aliayah was running and ran into a door facing causing
the bruising. She said she had to sign a release to let FBI use
this photo and asked for it to be edited. She said they told her
they would try. It was edited to take other people out of photo.
Randy said he and his wife were at JoAnn's when she signed the
release. Randy states that Aliayah was not abused while in
Jo Ann's care.

With all respect, do you believe this?
I think so too. I can see it pretty clearly. My browser made her face take up almost half of my screen. I think they had to crop the hair weird to make sure no identifiers were visible for other kids in the pic. IMO

you're probably right... just struck me odd that her left side looked almost spiked from shortness and the right looks lumpy from being put up.

reminds me of a story that my mom hates to tell.. when my brother was about 5, myself 4, he took me for an adventure into the corn field with a pair of scissors.. I came out with a huge chunk of hair having been cut off.. my mom was so upset that he chopped off my beautiful hair, that she ended up crying..
Yes, that's the one I have open. I wonder tho, the hair on Aliayah's left side almost looks shaved, but on the right, looks like it's been pulled back into a pony tail

I THINK her hair was in a french braid. If you look at the left side it seems to me like it is "rippled" like in a french braid. And the pic was cropped to take her Aunt Wendy out of it. If you look at the top of her head , it looks like a straight line across it. IMO
you're probably right... just struck me odd that her left side looked almost spiked from shortness and the right looks lumpy from being put up.

reminds me of a story that my mom hates to tell.. when my brother was about 5, myself 4, he took me for an adventure into the corn field with a pair of scissors.. I came out with a huge chunk of hair having been cut off.. my mom was so upset that he chopped off my beautiful hair, that she ended up crying..


I am the oldest so I was never the guinea pig for a big sister or brother but I felt so horrible for makin my Papaw sad the 1 and only time I played barber on myself as a kiddie I never even had my hair more than trimmed until I was in my teens. And only then because the weight was causin massive headaches.
OMG.........WTH Why didn't the person who took that pic do something for that poor baby?How can people see a child so bruised and do nothing???????I have not posted much but I am here reading and praying for Aliayah many times each day.After seeing poor Aliayah so bruised I pray Lena never gets any of her children back ever.
Working on a new thread, will be closing this one in a few...
With all due respect I don't buy the "door facing" thing. I think the pattern would be in her eyebrow too. It looks like it had started to heal before this was taken as well.

this bruise has already started to change colors....

I agree..

and what about her HAIR? what happened to the baby's hair?
Me too CJM!!

What in heaven's name is going on? I suspected something would be controversial about the photo, as they were making such a big fuss about releasing it. But honestly I didn't dream it would be this bad. Looking at that photo breaks my heart, those eyes just say it all.

FWIW Nurse, I think her hair is pulled into a ponytail. But why would someone want to highlight the bruise like that? WHO took this picture?!!!

I so wish I knew how to do a side by side... but look at the roots.. there is no pulling back of those shoulder length cauc hair in evidence... in is burly.. looks broken off..and where is the end of the pony tail? I wouldn't think the fbi would doctor the hair and not doctor the bruise?

sorry.. still beside myself
Vickie....with all due respect....I think it's time for the family to have Joann start speaking for herself. IMO
There is something about the Grandma that bugs me. (Sorry Vickie, I know she's your sister)
IMO..Since the beginning she has used people to spread her own agenda. And that agenda was to spread lies. When Vickie first got online and started talking about Aliayah and her family, it was to tell us how much she was loved and what a wonderful family she had at home. Grandma was happy as long as Vickie told Grandma's version of things. Vickie defended Grandma continuously. She was too distraught to do anything and there was that gag order preventing her from talking. There are no pictures because FBI took them all. Everything Grandma wanted put out there, Vickie was happy to do. But when the truth came crashing down on Grandma's head, did she apoplogize to Vickie? No....she got mad and stopped speaking to her because she won't defend LL. She is mad at her own siblings because they won't keep quiet about her missing grand daughter?
Joann used Vickie and had no problem doing it. IMO, she has shown her loyalties lie with Lena and they will stay with Lena. I don't think it's out of fear of Lena tho. Someone here said maybe it is the guilt for knowing she allowed her daughter to live this kind of life with her children. Maybe it's that.
But IMO, Joann is the key to this investigation.

*Sorry Vickie....just sharing my thoughts. I know this is hard on you.

for starters, please don't be sorry for saying what is on your mind or heart because of me. I seek the truth.
Second, I do believe I was used by JoAnn , but as a direct result of Lena's lies, that I truely believe Jo Ann Believed for whatever reason. I don't know if JoAnn is blinded out of love for Lena, or her heart and mind just disbelieveing her daughter could do something like this, or out of intimidation from Lena. I do not believe Jo Ann is responsible for what happened to Aliayah and in my heart I really don't think she knows what happened to her. JMO
OMG.........WTH Why didn't the person who took that pic do something for that poor baby?How can people see a child so bruised and do nothing???????I have not posted much but I am here reading and praying for Aliayah many times each day.After seeing poor Aliayah so bruised I pray Lena never gets any of her children back ever.

After sittin and starin at her precious face for the fifth or so time since it was finally posted I had to break down and cry for her. She has touched a part of my heart only my nephews had before. We love you babygirl!
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