WV WV - Cassie Shelton Sheetz, 23, hiker, Spruce Knob, Monongahela National Forest, 11 Mar 2021

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They were hiking at midnight?

This may seem really odd but this is something I did for years. Mostly 3+ of us would go out at night several times a week and hike the towpath here in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. But then again we may be odd but 9 times out of 10 we would run into other biker/hiker/dog walkers at all times of the night. We've been doing it for 15-20 years and we are now in our 40s and 50s - just to give a perspective...
There were 3 times during those years that we ran into nefarious people.
This may seem really odd but this is something I did for years. Mostly 3+ of us would go out at night several times a week and hike the towpath here in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. But then again we may be odd but 9 times out of 10 we would run into other biker/hiker/dog walkers at all times of the night. We've been doing it for 15-20 years and we are now in our 40s and 50s - just to give a perspective...
There were 3 times during those years that we ran into nefarious people.
When I lived in Florida four of us would go on monthly full moon bike rides at Shark Valley. It was great fun but never, ever did any of us get separated and lost from the others. I was the only woman in the group and no way would my friends lose sight of me.

Something is hinky IMO and I'm pretty sure LE feels the same:

State Police are engaged in follow up investigative work and questioning of several individuals in connection with what was originally reported as a missing hiker in the Spruce Knob area.

The whereabouts of Cassie Sheetz, 24, are still unknown after she supposedly went hiking with two male friends last Thursday evening in the remote region and the trio was separated.

“They started down Huckleberry Trail from the top of Spruce and that’s where they claim they got separated from each other,” said Sgt. Andrew Teter of the West Virginia State Police.

One of the males spoke with Teter and other law enforcement on Friday. The second man walked out as search teams were assembling to look for the individuals.
Woman remains missing in Spruce Knob area - WV MetroNews
This may seem really odd but this is something I did for years. Mostly 3+ of us would go out at night several times a week...
Thank you for sharing your insight & experience. I've always wanted to do something like this, so I also think this could be plausible.

But there is so much we don't know:
  • Who are the men & their relation to her?
  • Why were they separated?
  • Why aren't police actively searching for her?

There were 3 times during those years that we ran into nefarious people.
I'm so curious to hear these stories! (I don't know if that's against the rules, though.)
This is close to where I live, in the same county actually. I hope they find her, IMO the outcome won't be good, as the night before last it was very cold and icy and even snowed in some places and Spruce Knob is the highest point in WV. Plus the story sounds fishy to me in the first place. I hope she is somewhere safe but from reading stories like this idk. I would also like to hear more about the relation to the 2 guys she was with
My suspicious cat eyes rolled while reading about this. The mysterious young men, with little to no information is screaming at me. Is one of them a relative of some visible public figure? Just guessing here, but the silence is unsettling to say the least.
My suspicious cat eyes rolled while reading about this. The mysterious young men, with little to no information is screaming at me. Is one of them a relative of some visible public figure? Just guessing here, but the silence is unsettling to say the least.
Yes, I'm not sure why neither man has been identified yet. What's the big secret?
Woman remains missing in Spruce Knob area - WV MetroNews

(Just reposting this update for visibility @MsMarple :) )

From this article, and BBM:

“They started down Huckleberry Trail from the top of Spruce and that’s where they claim they got separated from each other,” said Sgt. Andrew Teter of the West Virginia State Police.

One of the males spoke with Teter and other law enforcement on Friday. The second man walked out as search teams were assembling to look for the individuals."

The "claim" word is Hinky and suspicious all by itself.

"The second man walked out", screams entitlement and a don't bother me attitude. Does he have a lawyer already?
From this article, and BBM:

“They started down Huckleberry Trail from the top of Spruce and that’s where they claim they got separated from each other,” said Sgt. Andrew Teter of the West Virginia State Police.

One of the males spoke with Teter and other law enforcement on Friday. The second man walked out as search teams were assembling to look for the individuals."

The "claim" word is Hinky and suspicious all by itself.

"The second man walked out", screams entitlement and a don't bother me attitude. Does he have a lawyer already?
It’s all hinky, IMO. If the two males were able to find their way out, Cassie should have as well. I don’t think she was ever there, or at least not walking and talking “there”.

Prayers for Cassie and her loved ones.
It's pretty easy to get separated on a wooded mountain trail. Miss a turn, perhaps--Mr. Carbuff is good at mistaking a game trail for a human trail. Step off the trail to pee and not find your way back--I've done that :p). Stop to tie your shoe and the people ahead are out of sight by the time you finish.

But this case doesn't feel like it's such a simple explanation.
Omg the reporting on this is very frustrating... Not sure to blame the local police or the reporters (or myself, because I can be a dunce sometimes!)
"The second man walked out", screams entitlement and a don't bother me attitude. Does he have a lawyer already?

MOO, I understood that statement as the second man walked out of the forest as they were assembling a search party. I could be totally wrong, though, because the first article was was just as unclear (SBM & BBM):
They said two of the hikers were found, one male by a vehicle and another male coming out of the forest.

One male by vehicle? I had to read that a few times. I mean, I think I know what the reporter was trying to say, but the more I overthink it, the more I doubt myself... Maybe I need sleep?

Anyway, I am not sure what to think about the lack of public information. IMO, either the police know more than they can report and are working diligently behind the scenes, or they just don't care or have the resources to devote to this case.

Regardless, I really, really hope Cassie is found safe.
They were hiking at midnight?
Can confirm this is very odd. I am from the area, we actually have a few friends in common although I do not know her or the men involved personally, more on that later.

Spruce knob is the highest point in WV and even in the summer can be very chilly. I know the trail they were on and honestly, I wouldn't hike any of the trails up there at night. While they are well maintained trails and super hard to get lost on unless you deliberately step off, the mountain in general and the areas surrounding are incredibly scrubby. Lots of dense underbrush, mossy fallen logs, rock piles, rocks in general-not to mention bears, lots of visitors = trash and bears accustomed to human food. I wouldn't ever want to be lost up there in the dark or at this time of year. It is freezing even down in the valley where I live.

I immediately felt the story was off. It's weird. So I searched her out on Facebook and that's when I noticed the mutual friends. I'm definitely not passing any judgment because these people are my friends who I still speak to on occasion, but truthfully the lifestyle they have lived hasn't always been the best. I worry that drugs are involved. But this is purely speculation because I do not know her. Most people I know in that life back home tend to go out into the abundant nature around us and either drink or partake in drugs whatever they may be and party, this happens during the day but mostly at night where parents/cops can't find you.

I don't feel like she was ever in the spruce knob area. Maybe I'm wrong but it is a gut feeling. Also I am brand new here, I've lurked from time to time, but I'm not sure what all I can post. <Modsnip rumor> But also maybe I spend too much time being a crime junkie.
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I'm so curious to hear these stories! (I don't know if that's against the rules, though.)
3 of us girls came upon a shooting scene and he came after us. It seemed like a scene from a Nancy Drew book. We all came out of it just fine. Another was a mentally handicapped inmate from a mental institution was hiding in the woods. Third incident was a predator lying in wait for us but something felt odd and I said let's hike back to the car, I don't like the feeling. Then about 6 LE cars showed up right then, he took off running thru woods/field and they caught him about a half mile away. No clue how they knew he was there...they wouldn't tell us a thing.

National and state parks/forests seem to bring people in to hide bodies (Jesse Davis Murder just as one example) or to shoot and the dispose of the person (Matthew Dunmire 4 days ago, Ayauna Chardee Edwards Bush, etc). I know CVNP try to keep the news from getting out and don't share much info when it does get into msm. I imagine West Virginia parks and forests are the same way as here in Ohio. I'm hoping Cassie isn't a victim of a killing and disposal.

Now, for Cassie, just in case this incident really happened the way the men said it did, I looked up the area. The trail they were on is only a half mile loop. It's the highest point in WV, has picnic tables, latrines, and two nearby campgrounds. There's an observation tower there as well. I really, honestly can't see how one would get lost. Going off the trail, and alone, I'd find my way back to the main road or look up for the tower and head that way. To me, like most of you, this obviously isn't a lost hiker situation.
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