WV - NEAL FALLS, suspected SK - LE seeking link to murders in IL, NV and OR

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Yes, look up thread for the machete I identified. It is in the other numbered pic from LE. The unique spur on the handle is in the lower left of Btown's pic.

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Just closing the loop on this.


See the hole for some paracord or something, and the nub? Then, up by the seat, is the hard plastic tip of the scabbard. Item #17 in this pic:

[Edited out the "duh" part.]

[Editing in potentially useful stuff]
In looking more closely at the bulletproof vest, I am left with 2 impressions (pardon the pun) -
1) It is an old style. Nowadays, you see them referred to as "plate carriers" in part because you can replace the bulletproof panels. And the style is just different. Google image search on "plate carriers" or even "bulletproof vests" and you'll see what I mean.
2) I think it is actually busted. I think that is the front of the vest facing up (the larger panel is usually to the back). Towards the bottom, it looks like a tear in a vertical seam. And all that yellow stuff is the kevlar coming out. Here's a pic of kevlar:

Also, the 22/23 area in the back seat is something I hadn't even noticed! Great eye (and I usually have an eye for details like that). It almost looks like a narrow PVC frame or something. Oh - or wait - is that the "person sized" bin that some news articles referenced?

[Yes, another edit]
Something odd. Take a look at the left rear door. The panel is black with the door handle, window switch, etc. The pic was taken from near-center, facing forward. Yet, on the right door, I can't make out the same panel, even though it seems like the angle should be roughly the same.

(Also, from the far left side of the pic, it seems like it was taken in a police garage or something.)

Tutorials on building a PVC cot:
Every serial killer should include laundry detergent, radiator fluid and socks in their "kill kit".
Speaking of Falls' car, I always wondered why the headrest for the left seat was missing
Do we know what model year it was; it was a Forester right?

In google images, it looks like it was a 2007 or so. For those models, to fold the rear seats forward, you need to remove the headrests.


Once you take those out, it can be easy to misplace them. Don't ask me how I know that. (Some minivans use the same procedure.)
Good catch.

Updated the image and list with the machete.


1. Unknown plastic.
2. XTRA™ Tropical Passion™ Liquid Detergent 175 OZ.
3. Bullet proof vest
4. Axe
5. Tanto single edge knife
6. Stiletto double edged knife.
7. Maul
8. Shovel
9. Beach? Unknown brand.
10. White trash bag
11. White trash bag
12. Double head ax.
13. Empty jug? Radiator fluid?
14. White trash bags with something in them.
15. Clear plastic container.
16. White plastic bag.
17. Unknown.
18. White trash bag.
19. Unknown. Cammo cover?
20. Unknown. Container for dry power of some kind?
21. Four way lug wrench.
22. Unknown. White handle?
23. Unknown. White handle?
24. Unknown. Cooler? Laundry hamper? Box? Nothing?
25. Unknown.
26. Unknown.
27. Machete.

ETA: I also think some of those folds of black material under the vest are part of a different object, not the vest. Looks like maybe a black nylon windbreaker.

1 could be a spray bottle.

You may be right, I can't tell.

Also, the 22/23 area in the back seat is something I hadn't even noticed! Great eye (and I usually have an eye for details like that). It almost looks like a narrow PVC frame or something. Oh - or wait - is that the "person sized" bin that some news articles referenced?

[Yes, another edit]
Something odd. Take a look at the left rear door. The panel is black with the door handle, window switch, etc. The pic was taken from near-center, facing forward. Yet, on the right door, I can't make out the same panel, even though it seems like the angle should be roughly the same.

Thanks. The 22/23/24 item was the thing I am most curious about. A person sized bin or cot is a good guess. Wish we had more info on it.

RE: the right door. I think its because the door is open.

In looking more closely at the bulletproof vest, I am left with 2 impressions (pardon the pun) -
1) It is an old style. Nowadays, you see them referred to as "plate carriers" in part because you can replace the bulletproof panels. And the style is just different. Google image search on "plate carriers" or even "bulletproof vests" and you'll see what I mean.
2) I think it is actually busted. I think that is the front of the vest facing up (the larger panel is usually to the back). Towards the bottom, it looks like a tear in a vertical seam. And all that yellow stuff is the kevlar coming out. Here's a pic of

Here is a different image of the vest. It appears to be quite used, with the seams torn. Did he buy it used like this, or did he use it so often it wore out?

Here is a different image of the vest. It appears to be quite used, with the seams torn.

View attachment 80274
Whoa. Then there's definitely something else in the trunk pic, with a logo or something on it. I do tend to think it is a windbreaker.

Taking another look, it looks really different than the trunk one. Maybe another vest of some sort.

RE: the right door. I think its because the door is open.

Really? I'm not seeing it. Not arguing, just that I can't see the door as open. I'd think the frame would extend into the area with the window.

Actually, I think you're right. Some of the artefacts on that side might be visually confusing because the door is open. Check out this pic. Different model year, but similar angle.

Sorry to post so much, but as we all know LE usually keeps something under their hat, away from the public intentionally. I thought studying the photo of the rear may help identify that item.

While looking at it I noticed a few items that were not listed or shown properly in the photo's, and thats when I started itemizing things in the photo.

Thanks to the above posters we have most items identified, and we even know why the headrest is missing. However, there are a few items that are really curious to me, besides the vest. They are outlined in red in the below image. What are they, and why didn't LE post images of them?


Its been suggested that one item is a cot, or a man sized bin. Just what is a man sized bin, and what is it used for?

The below image indicates that one of the white handles on the backseat comes built into the vehicle for some reason, so thats one curiosity solved. It still leaves a second white "handle" that we don't know about though.

I also wondered where his stash is. He has to have other clothes somewhere. He either buried them on a backroad somewhere where he stopped to sleep, or squatted in a hunters cabin or they are in a locker somewhere. Do truckstops rent lockers? With all the traveling he did he had to stop for a shower somewhere and I suspect he stopped at truckstops. JMO.

I agree that his stash has to be hidden somewhere. It could be hidden way out in the boonies somewhere. It could be somewhere near or is hidden inside an abandoned farm house, barn, out building, or hunter’s cabin.

I also was thinking about lockers. There are plenty of places where he could have rented or used a locker.

A truck stop is a good possibility. Among other possible places where he could have gone to use a locker is at a gun shooting range, or at a gym such as a fitness center or the YMCA. Another possibility to consider, albeit very small, is a locker at the local Greyhound bus station.
Just closing the loop on this.


See the hole for some paracord or something, and the nub? Then, up by the seat, is the hard plastic tip of the scabbard. Item #17 in this pic:

[Edited out the "duh" part.]

[Editing in potentially useful stuff]
In looking more closely at the bulletproof vest, I am left with 2 impressions (pardon the pun) -
1) It is an old style. Nowadays, you see them referred to as "plate carriers" in part because you can replace the bulletproof panels. And the style is just different. Google image search on "plate carriers" or even "bulletproof vests" and you'll see what I mean.
2) I think it is actually busted. I think that is the front of the vest facing up (the larger panel is usually to the back). Towards the bottom, it looks like a tear in a vertical seam. And all that yellow stuff is the kevlar coming out. Here's a pic of kevlar:

Also, the 22/23 area in the back seat is something I hadn't even noticed! Great eye (and I usually have an eye for details like that). It almost looks like a narrow PVC frame or something. Oh - or wait - is that the "person sized" bin that some news articles referenced?

[Yes, another edit]
Something odd. Take a look at the left rear door. The panel is black with the door handle, window switch, etc. The pic was taken from near-center, facing forward. Yet, on the right door, I can't make out the same panel, even though it seems like the angle should be roughly the same.

(Also, from the far left side of the pic, it seems like it was taken in a police garage or something.)

Tutorials on building a PVC cot:

I think the "person size container" if that is what it is, is hiding the black area of the right side door panel.
Personally, I do not find it credible. First, I don't do facebook. Second, it is the internet. Third, if Charleston PD confirms that there was a report, then it is credible. Finally, it is still the internet.

I guess, if someone contacts the facebook poster and has a "real" conversation with them, I will defer to that person's credibility assessment.

Depends on the season.

Quick googling and deer-archery starts Sept. 26. Deer-firearms basically starts Oct. 22. Deer season basically ends in December. Boar is about the same. Turkey is Oct.-Nov. Migratory birds (ducks, geese) look like Sept. - Jan.

I'll volunteer to try to start a dialog with the person who made the gun range comments, since I found the thread. Do you all think it would help? I would be interested to know if NF made any purchases in this store....and if he used cash, credit, debit, had a wallet, etc.
No I've never heard of somebody being pulled over so many times in my life, Ghostl8y. That made me LOL!

I also wondered where his stash is. He has to have other clothes somewhere. He either buried them on a backroad somewhere where he stopped to sleep, or squatted in a hunters cabin or they are in a locker somewhere. Do truckstops rent lockers? With all the traveling he did he had to stop for a shower somewhere and I suspect he stopped at truckstops. JMO.

That truckstop idea is a good one. I wonder if LE has considered putting up fliers or questioning staff at truckstops along known areas that NF has travelled.
There is a Neal Falls Investigation page on facebook,


There isn't too much info on their that hasn't already been linked here, but the most recent post is a nice map of Falls known locations, and some interesting commentary. There is a former coworker of Falls posting in that thread. He gave some good detail about where Falls was going on his days off.
Any dates associated with the various locations?

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Any dates associated with the various locations?

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The map he's referring to is the one I posted earlier in this thread. So yes, there are dates associated with each location. I should update the map, though...
I found this link I haven't seen on the NF investigation FB page. If you stop the video at 1:10, it zooms in on NF's creepy eyes. (shudders) Anyway, there are some states mentioned where authorities had interactions with Falls that I haven't seen mentioned.


No history of major crimes in Falls' record has surfaced. Police said records show, however, that authorities in states including West Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia, California, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Texas and Arizona had interactions with Falls.

Dudes been all over the country.

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