WV - NEAL FALLS, suspected SK - LE seeking link to murders in IL, NV and OR

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I didn't ask anything too specific on the dog I only asked if the dog had been located, because that was one lead that hadn't really been followed up on within the media. He only told me that the dog was found a couple weeks back (probably right after the media reported it) and that it had been left with an acquaintance of Falls' in TX. He mentioned a few states (TX, LA, NV and KY) had requested the DNA profile. I also asked him if there was anything in OR he was being investigated for and he said as of right now he's not considered a suspect in anything there, but that doesn't mean they won't find something later on.

Thank you for the updates, Heather. I wonder why LA requested DNA as I've not seen any connection between LA and NF but perhaps he was stopped by LE there during his travels.
In the re-reading, a couple more comments:
Their lab there in WV doesn't automatically share their information with other labs in CODIS so what happens is any agency interested in the report has to file a request.
This seems like a glaring hole.

He told me several states have requested this information. I also asked him about Falls' dog. The dog has been located alive and staying with someone Falls knew in TX.
Wow... so the guy did have friends after all.
In the re-reading, a couple more comments:

This seems like a glaring hole.

Wow... so the guy did have friends after all.

It is a glaring hole, trexian. My hope is that Danse_Macabre will bring awareness to the importance of a mandatory national DNA database available to all LEA's in the U.S. in the new docudrama WS in which WS is participating.

NF had a friend in TX but I bet it was a superficial friendship to fit his agenda. There was also a friend in one of the articles who said he was a nice guy (maybe huffpo or Daily Beast?), perhaps the same friend?

I also wonder what he left other than his dog with his friend in TX.
Did the police locate the dog and give it to NF's friend or was it found already living with NF's friend?
My own description of Neal Falls, based on available facts, goes something like this: uneducated (high school dropout, or nearly so), drifter (reduced to doing odd jobs, probably), likely some mental illness issues, socially inept, reduced to replacing real affection with attention from "escorts," fascinated with guns (not necessarily a bad thing) and occassionally violent, but (historically) not enough to cause real criminal harm.

Just think what this guy's life was like if he WASN'T a serial killer. I mean, and I'll apologize in advance if this offends anyone, this guy was really NOTHING. If he isn't linked to these horrible crimes, there is literally nothing to remember about him.

For me, that kinda adds a whole different dimension of sadness to this guy's story.
My own description of Neal Falls, based on available facts, goes something like this: uneducated (high school dropout, or nearly so), drifter (reduced to doing odd jobs, probably), likely some mental illness issues, socially inept, reduced to replacing real affection with attention from "escorts," fascinated with guns (not necessarily a bad thing) and occassionally violent, but (historically) not enough to cause real criminal harm.

Just think what this guy's life was like if he WASN'T a serial killer. I mean, and I'll apologize in advance if this offends anyone, this guy was really NOTHING. If he isn't linked to these horrible crimes, there is literally nothing to remember about him.

For me, that kinda adds a whole different dimension of sadness to this guy's story.

Not offended at all trexian. I've thought the same thing since I found out his father beat his mother. Such things are very difficult to witness as a helpless child. However boys will try to emulate their father to win some type of misplaced approval because that's all they know, and every boy wants to feel validated by their father. It reminds me of a line from Stephen King's The Shining while discussing little Johnny's upbringing in domestic violence...."What you see is what you'll be".

The guy was practically invisible. It is amazing to me that with all the talented sleuth's we have here that only one photo of him in his teens was the only one anybody could dig up. (other than the stock photo in MSM) He really was a nothing. I also believe he honed his skills to stay under the radar in trying to avoid the wrath of the father. And I'm no psychologist but I wouldn't be at all surprised if the elder Falls solicited prostitutes with young NF present. I can't recall the SK, maybe Green River Killer, that I read about and his father would solicit prostitutes when SK was a little boy and present.

It doesn't excuse NF for any murders he may have committed but it does give a glimpse into Falls's DV background which possibly formed him into the SK LE believes he was. And I do too. It also adds a whole different dimension of sadness for me as well.

My own opinion...
Not offended at all trexian. I've thought the same thing since I found out his father beat his mother. Such things are very difficult to witness as a helpless child. However boys will try to emulate their father to win some type of misplaced approval because that's all they know, and every boy wants to feel validated by their father. It reminds me of a line from Stephen King's The Shining while discussing little Johnny's upbringing in domestic violence...."What you see is what you'll be".

The guy was practically invisible. It is amazing to me that with all the talented sleuth's we have here that only one photo of him in his teens was the only one anybody could dig up. (other than the stock photo in MSM) He really was a nothing. I also believe he honed his skills to stay under the radar in trying to avoid the wrath of the father. And I'm no psychologist but I wouldn't be at all surprised if the elder Falls solicited prostitutes with young NF present. I can't recall the SK, maybe Green River Killer, that I read about and his father would solicit prostitutes when SK was a little boy and present.

It doesn't excuse NF for any murders he may have committed but it does give a glimpse into Falls's DV background which possibly formed him into the SK LE believes he was. And I do too. It also adds a whole different dimension of sadness for me as well.

My own opinion...

I don't know much about NF, but it could be that he was antisocial. Antisocials, if I understand correctly, are what it sounds like and they don't like or prefer the company of others. They also are not concerned for the well-being of others. This could explain his lack of friends and disregard for human life.

Keep in mind, antisocial behavior is similar to socio/psychopathy. In fact Ted Bundy was considered a malignant narcissist which is a mixture of some pretty gritty things, including antisocial personality disorder.

I'm not saying at all that NF had any of these things going on, but it could lend to another perspective. He may have been a "nothing" to society, but what if he just didn't care? What if that just helped him stay out of the limelight long enough to do what he apparently enjoyed doing, killing. Not that it makes a difference in the grand scheme of things, but just thinking out loud.
Any updates? I'll be really surprised if they can't link this guy to any open cases.
The police have a POI on the Chillecothe murders. It doesn't state what evidence they may have come up with, but this might possibly end up ruling NF out of this particular case.


Quote Originally Posted by HeatherS1983 View Post
I didn't ask anything too specific on the dog I only asked if the dog had been located, because that was one lead that hadn't really been followed up on within the media. He only told me that the dog was found a couple weeks back (probably right after the media reported it) and that it had been left with an acquaintance of Falls' in TX. He mentioned a few states (TX, LA, NV and KY) had requested the DNA profile. I also asked him if there was anything in OR he was being investigated for and he said as of right now he's not considered a suspect in anything there, but that doesn't mean they won't find something later on.

I guess Ohio had a suspect and that is prob why they did not request Neal Falls DNA?
I read a post that said Falls roommate from 2000 - 2008 was a cop.
Its just a comment on a news article, so take that with a huge grain of salt until confirmed...
She's a correctional officer at the Clark County Prison. She divorced a police officer shortly before Neal Falls moved in with her, and endured a nasty custody battle for several years. I'd think Neal would be mentioned somewhere in those court documents.

Her brother in law, also a police officer, was quoted in news articles about eradicating prostitution from the city.
Quote Originally Posted by HeatherS1983 View Post
I didn't ask anything too specific on the dog I only asked if the dog had been located, because that was one lead that hadn't really been followed up on within the media. He only told me that the dog was found a couple weeks back (probably right after the media reported it) and that it had been left with an acquaintance of Falls' in TX. He mentioned a few states (TX, LA, NV and KY) had requested the DNA profile. I also asked him if there was anything in OR he was being investigated for and he said as of right now he's not considered a suspect in anything there, but that doesn't mean they won't find something later on.

I guess Ohio had a suspect and that is prob why they did not request Neal Falls DNA?

Heck, I'd request it anyway, just to be 100% sure. I wonder if they aren't allowed to just randomly request DNA results. Maybe they have to have some sort of proof that the individual is a suspect in that state before submitting a request?
She's a correctional officer at the Clark County Prison. She divorced a police officer shortly before Neal Falls moved in with her, and endured a nasty custody battle for several years. I'd think Neal would be mentioned somewhere in those court documents.

Her brother in law, also a police officer, was quoted in news articles about eradicating prostitution from the city.

I think that's a very valid point, especially if the daughter made comments about Falls being "creepy". If the custody battle was nasty, I'd think the other parent would make an issue about a creepy man moving into the house and having access to their child.
Heck, I'd request it anyway, just to be 100% sure. I wonder if they aren't allowed to just randomly request DNA results. Maybe they have to have some sort of proof that the individual is a suspect in that state before submitting a request?

Generally, yes, they'd have to have enough probable cause to justify a warrant.
No updates on this? Hopefully no news is good news.
If we catch John Doe and he turns out to be the devil, I mean if he's Satan himself, that might live up to our expectations, but he's not the devil. He's just a man.
- Det. Somerset in Se7en
I've been hoping that LE across several States are diligently examining evidence and timelines. I hope I am not being overly optimistic about that. I still think it's odd that that's all he had in his vehicle. And I still think it's odd that he couldn't overpower that girl enough to keep her from the gun. I kind of wonder if he had alcohol or drugs in his system.

Today on WSAZ Channel 3 in Charleston, WV, they are going to have a news story about Neal Falls. They are going to have never before seen publicly police video of the scene, crime scene pictures, and video of the woman who killed him being interviewed by police.

It will be shown during the 6 - 6:30 pm news. They say when live news isn't being streamed, they show previous news shows, but I have no idea of their schedule or when the 6 pm News would be re-played.
I don't think they told anything we haven't already heard. It was interesting to hear what happened in Heather's own words. They showed her apartment and how it was messed up during their struggle. And they showed his weapons and supplies in his car.

Edited to add: You can watch "WSAZ Investigates The Death of A Serial Killer" on their site now.
It's listed under the weather.

They will show part 2 of their investigative report at:

10 pm http://www.wsaz.com/chslivestream


11 pm http://www.wsaz.com/livestream

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