Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #16

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Thank you very much! I must have overlooked that completed- I even missed it when re-reading the article and only found it after using the 'find' function. :confused:
You're welcome! It isn't easy to find. I literally kept the article open in a separate tab because I knew someone would want a source at some point and it would be hard to find again.
Just My opinion:
BL's IG, van-stickers and his hand flashing signs on his IG videos are proof he is just sinister and demented. He wants to make us believe he is a tree-hugger, has good knowledge of plants and very opinionated which in fact how Satanists behaves. They know they are right and others are wrong and they will be very convincing and trustworthy just to make you a fool.

He is also proud of his split (second) personality of becoming a monster which makes him believe he is an #invisblemonster (maybe whatever drugs he uses helps him that way)

He had all the time to kill her anywhere if he wanted but wanted to play, tease her and then finally kill her with a plan that gives him the joy and rush (like his IG drawings - bringing a goat to a sacrifice). Why tease her family with a text because it gives him the joy. Why be quiet because it gives him the joy again. Why run because it is a thrill to get joy. He is a coward and he will never kill himself. He is holed up and ready to fight till the end if caught.
So wait, is Miranda’s story true then, about the hitchhiking? I can’t find this now, but I thought yesterday Gabby’s mother said they weren’t considering that credible because the timing (of the 29th) didn’t work with him supposedly getting back to FL on the first (which I’ve seen worked out by many that it’s totally possible, even if no one flew out to help him drive back). I wonder if Miranda’s Jeep was inspected for his prints or anything? To prove he was in there?
First I have heard of that. Do you have a link to where she said that?
She's on Fox Business channel now.
Gosh I love NG!! Love , love! And now I'm wondering after realizing I'm autistic, if the thing people can't stand about her is what I love and what turns people off about me?? Sorry off topic. Loud, brash, straight to the point!
I didn't realize I was out of line. Sorry. I've seen lots of hypotheses on here; I was thinking it was a discussion.
Not out of line imo, but who am I, right? As for your initial post we obviously don't know but I get that you were thinking out loud and so I am willing to think out loud back to you. I'm not sure he'd have the materials, unless he maybe used plastic trash bags. I'm not sure he would take the time. I get the sense he'd be freaked. And, while I'm not sure that he is this bright, if he did anything of this sort to preserve her, he would at the same time, be preserving evidence against himself. So, with that in mind, to answer your thought, I sure hope so. I hope he is truly this dumb.
This thread is moving far too quickly but from my understanding she was NOT buried, in a shallow grave, or covered with dirt. Correct? I've seen no article or video that suggests this is the case? Someone mentioned that there was live video showing the remains as they found them but I haven't seen this yet. Is it available?

Also, there were two tents shown in the various videos I've seen. A "top only" tent they erected, usage unknown, and then a second one with walls. What is the second tent that was near the figure 8 of crime tape?

Find Brian Laundrie

Carlton Reserve Public Area Map and Nature Trails

Carlton Reserve Map

I guess I should have rather said, “according to the article” their lawyer shared that the car was finally picked up Thursday morning.
Either they lied to their lawyer or the lawyer is lying on their behalf. Sleazy. I know its time for me to sleep because I just had a thought that maybe they snuck Brian home late Tuesday nite in the mustang....wouldn't that be a doozie...but no more crazy than the other things they have been doing.....
If I had any information that I thought would help find a missing endangered child ALIVE would I break my silence and tell the police? Yes. If my son confessed that he had done something to GP and she was dead would I have turned him in? No. I would follow the advice of counsel but urge him to do the right thing.

Snipped and BBM for focus. I appreciate your honesty.

But wow.
Fair enough; but I am willing to bet real money that if Brian doesn’t pull a “Fotis Dulos” in the face of what I think will pile up to be a lot of evidence, he gets convicted of murder. Because logic tells me that she did not commit suicide (even if she’s not buried), and I don’t think she came into contact with a murderous stranger. The odds that Brian only stole her vehicle, leaving her in the woods with nothing, after which she was murdered by someone else (and left in a place which was near where her van was spotted by a witness) are astronomical. I think there is already some high quality evidence. Some here may think that circumstantial evidence isn’t high quality evidence, but that isn’t true.

Are people ever convicted of murder on circumstantial evidence only? I think it's happened a few times.

We know someone murdered her because she was buried. I saw the shallow grave on Fox News 5 from a helicopter vantage point.
We know Brian took her van and drove it to Florida and then would not talk to police and then ran.
I think that's all you need. Technically not, of course, but using common sense it looks very bad for him.

I suppose it's possible a murderous stranger killed her, but that should not have prevented BL from immediately contacting LE himself, and reporting that. I don't see how he even makes a case for that.

All signs point to BL being her killer.
So wait, is Miranda’s story true then, about the hitchhiking? I can’t find this now, but I thought yesterday Gabby’s mother said they weren’t considering that credible because the timing (of the 29th) didn’t work with him supposedly getting back to FL on the first (which I’ve seen worked out by many that it’s totally possible, even if no one flew out to help him drive back). I wonder if Miranda’s Jeep was inspected for his prints or anything? To prove he was in there?
First I have heard of that. Do you have a link to where she said that?
I think he did go back of Florida. All speculation: whether he did anything of not, he knew she wasn't okay. He starts panicking and goes to the place he feels safest.

However, I don't think he's in reserve. In the below link from NYT, they say parents summoned LE to home and say they haven't seen BL since 9/14 and they "believe" he entered that area.

Two things: 1) Did they indicate where they last saw him? Article didn't specify.

2) Believing he entered an area doesn't equate actually entering an area. That really sticks out to me. I don't know why, but it seems like the best way to avoid blatantly lying. They could absolutely be beside themselves with worry, but if it were my child and I honestly had no clue where they were, I’d be on TV begging for help, begging them to come home assisting in the searches. I wouldn’t be at home,saying nothing and hoping for the best.
He may have already been on the road by then. She probably knows more than we do. I would think LE would know approximately when he left based on tollbooth/ traffic cameras.
Okay, those were my same thoughts- that maybe her family had been told by investigators that it wasn’t possible (based on cell phone pingage or something else). And that’s why her mother made that comment. MOO
“We don’t know when she died,” Lawrence Kobilinsky, a forensic scientist and professor emeritus of forensic science at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, told The Daily Beast. “But we do know that she’s in an environment that’s very hot. You can get decomposition in a matter of a week.”

Pinpointing a cause of death would be the responsibility of the coroner, who will make a call as to which of five categories the death corresponds to: homicide, accident, suicide, natural causes, or undetermined. “The likelihood is high that he’ll declare it a homicide,” Kobilinsky said. “This is a healthy 22-year-old that went missing under mysterious circumstances.”

Even if the remains are mostly skeletal, a coroner would look for an impression in the skull or the fracturing of the hyoid bone in the neck—signs that would point to blunt force trauma and manual strangulation, respectively.

It’s also unknown what other evidence authorities have gathered—from the van, from the scene of death, from the couple’s devices—that could help investigators determine when and how Petito died.
How Did Gabby Petito Die? Answering That May Be Complicated

Huh? What environment was it that was "very hot"?

They were at an altitude of 6600 ft and the weather for that week was highs about 70 and lows between 29 and 33.

Not hot

I think this expert was thinking she was in Moab. That's just plain embarasing.
I've had no less than 4 people (who I never talked to about this case) contact me tonight to ask if I've heard of this case and the new news - and that's not counting the others I talked to I HAVE talked to about it previously. One was from another country. This case is getting a HUGE following, and the Laundrie family is not getting out of this unscathed, even if it's just socially! But, I think it will be more than that.
So many of the cases that blow up and get media attention have one thing in common: no one reported the victim missing for an unreasonable amount of time.

I think the average person is just shocked by the callousness of hiding that someone you love is harmed and then the (usually) much more difficult LE investigation that follows.
Good response.
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