Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #18

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Look at all the photographers in the background.

This account has one more "_" than his. If you look there are no posts on that one. Actually I can't access that one now? & His account doesn't have a story on it. But I mean - stranger things could happen - if he added a fake acct himself and then now added the same photo to his and then deleted it thinking it wasn't a good idea. I mean we all know he doesn't make the best decisions. Either way- LE should have access to his SM data- so IG could send them that location data right?

This account has one more "_" than his. If you look there are no posts on this one
It is his. Go to Gabby's account and look at what she links. It has the extra "_" on it. His stuff is posted back more than a year ago, no way someone could fake this with the dates over a year ago.

Can anyone confirm the date and time this video was taken?
8/27 around 6:30pm.
Just a thought, but the reporter last night said that he reviewed the neighbor's ring doorbell footage to check for the mustang. Has anyone checked it to see who brought the van back? I feel like LE must have some kind of evidence that BL brought the van back, outside of just the parents' word, otherwise they wouldn't be spending so much time searching for him in that area.
... Yes, it definitively becomes a crime scene now, as it is the most likely place to look for the decedents possessions. Two weeks late, but totally legally defensible.
I think it is a lot longer. By August 30th, those parents knew (as all indications of the unreturned calls and texts by GP's mother suggest).
I have a theory about this that I think may get deleted or the people with pitchforks will come to get me, but I'm going put it out there anyway. Since everyone here thinks Brain is a possible serial killer and murderer, let me counter that with this:

Gabby herself stated she was going through some things (I am not bringing up mental health issues, these were her words), and she also seemed distraught and inconsolable in that traffic stop where it was determined that she was the aggressor in the situation.

Put yourself in Brain's shoes please for this next part: Gabby has an accident, or she harms herself (a general hypothetical) or something other than Brian causes her death. They are alone, there are no witnesses. There is now a history of an altercation at the traffic stop and he is scared. Scared something happened and scared no one will believe him when he tells the truth (remember from Brian's POV). So he leaves her out there, not a great move, drives home, tries to figure out what to do next. He tells his parents what actually happened in his mind, she fell off a high rock and passed away, whatever he would have said. They call a lawyer due to this strange situation and are told to not talk.

Brian feels guilty and is distraught about her being gone and what he did by leaving her. He feels trapped with media camping out his house. He's scared, so he leaves. That's all I have. Anyone think this is possible? Not trying to give him a pass, just a different point of view, since no one, not me, not you, knows what happened.
Yes I think this is possible. I believe there are a few scenarios that could be possible in this case.
I can see that working for the cars, but not so much a person who was willing to walk and hitchhike. Or do they put some kind of gps ankle monitor on a person with a tracker warrant?

They could have put a car with a cam out front and used the angry mob for an excuse. No warrant needed for that. Of course tracking, physical or digital, will only get you so far. And yet LE did nothing. All moo.
I'm a few pages behind... regardless of status, shouldn't the parents be separated. Thought that was SOP.

It looked to me like LE got in the car, also, in the driver's seat, after they sat the parents in the back seat. Probably have some kind of partition for safety, although they were, no doubt, searched for a weapon ahead of getting into the car. Still, I wouldn't want my back to anyone in this situation, so am guessing the vehicle has a partition but the LE can still hear them talking in the back seat.
I live in a border town. It’s been very simple to travel across the border throughout the pandemic, regardless of essential travel status. Most people I know still travel back and forth freely without being questioned. Going in would be especially simple; they really only question coming back in.
Totally. I think most people don't realize that not every border crossing is huge. I almost crossed by accident the other day but the welcome to mexico sign clued me in.
So I gather if I've read articles correctly that the coroner will be performing an autopsy tomorrow. I would be interested to hear from any experts here what the likelihood is that the coroner will be able to identify the COD. I'm sorry that this is a horrible question - my deepest sympathies are with Gabby herself and her family.

We are guessing that she died on or around the 27th August I think. Given the temperatures since then, the time left open to the elements (and any interference from wild animals), is there anyone out there with expertise who might hazard a guess as how likely we are to getting a cause of death? I presume more invasive injuries - stab wounds or gun shot, major trauma from being hit by a vehicle or blunt force trauma - ie injuries that result in broken bones or damage to major organs - are easier to detect than suffocation/strangulation? I recall a similar debate with the Alexis Sharkey case? (And don't want this case to end up in a similar place).

Also, I am presuming that given where GP's body was found she is unlikely to have been hit by a vehicle since the terrain does not seem drivable - at least in their white van?

My apologies again for asking. I do not need graphic details just wondering how illuminating the coroner's might be. Sadly I'm feeling quite pessimistic about the perp being brought to justice but I'd like to know if further evidence will be collected as far as we can guess.
This article is not current, but nonetheless, I found this statement interesting about BL potentially being in the swamps for "months." I looked on the map and there are vast tracts of land, and while I understand there is flooding and alligators, etc., if BL is familiar with the reserve, he very well might be hiding there. Who knows? Or is heading somewhere else via the reserve.

Brian Laundrie could be in Florida swamp ‘for months’, police say

But following a Saturday search of the area around Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park, part of the Carlton Reserve (where Mr Laundrie told his parents he would be ahead of his disappearance, the Daily Mail reported), police suggested it would be difficult to locate the missing 23-year-old.

North Port police spokesperson Josh Taylor explained: “You could be out here for months if you wanted”.

He told the New York Post: “We’re not following him everywhere he’s going. We’re trying to keep an eye out kind of where he’s at so that when needed we could potentially reach him. But our focus was putting resources on trying to find Gabby.”
So are you saying you think he could have dragged or hauled her away, or no? I think. 23 yo very physically active guy could haul/drag a 110 lb girl that far, very reasonably. Plus, if you're amped up on adrenaline...

For sure, especially if he had a tarp to pull her on -- and we know he had one if the TikToker was correct. Campers typically have tarps anyway. There should have been no problem pulling her that far.
People posted last night that in TX and AZ they have recently entered with no ID and no test what so ever. I don't know about that because I'm not from the area - but everyone is also thinking about "LEGAL" crossing at check points.

If you don't enter legally - you need nothing. It's not like every border into Mexico (or any other island or country off the gulf) is manned. No one is standing on beaches requesting passports. BL could have hopped a cruise ship, used a familyor friends boat, etc. He had such a strong head start in which he wasn't wanted and his travel would have gone undetected that he could literally be anywhere by now.
You can walk into mexico from Laredo, Tx and just keep walking with no ID, but someone as unsophisticated as Brian would not be likely to know that. It's also pretty rough area so....again, he's pretty soft.

FBI arrived at 9:40am.

I would be terrified beyond my ability to walk.

I believe Brian strangled Gabby and it was NO accident. It takes some time, possibly 7 - 15 minutes, in order to strangle a healthy person. Hence, he had time to change his mind. That's called Premeditated Murder.

There's no empathy from his parents. None. Perhaps they will be proven to have helped their child to avert law enforcement authorities. If so, may they see the full impact of the laws applied.

I was just thinking about the timeline and was hoping someone had some clarification on some specific events.

1. In the official timeline Aug. 27th is stated to be one of the dates Gabby's phone texted her mom, does anyone have a timeframe on when this text occurred?

2. The recent video of the RV family, I believe I read that this video was taken some time between 6:00 PM and 6:30 PM, is that correct?

MOO but I think that something would have sparked that first text from Gabby's phone on the 27th. Her last contact with her mother had been a facetime on the 25th, skipping the 26th due to travel/arguments makes sense. I think per her own routine Gabby would've opted to facetime/call her mom again on the 27th, especially if tension was high between the two at that point.

What I'm getting at is that in the initial panic after killing Gabby, one of the first thoughts that likely went through BL's head was "how do I stop the family from getting suspicious, they'll know something is up if she doesn't contact them at all!" Being panicked and not thinking it through he immediately texts the mom. JMO but I think her Time of death is probably within 30 minutes of that text message on the 27th, and depending on how this lines up with the RV footage that could give some further insight into who was in the van, if Gabby's deceased body was in the van, etc. This could in turn be used to rule out/provide evidence for him killing her near the body's location vs somewhere else and just moving the body there.
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