Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #18

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I imagine that what likely happened is that GP's grandfather was texting her about something and BL didn't want him raising the alarm that she wasn't responding so he texted GP's mom from her phone to try to defuse the situation. If that's what happened, this must have been not too long after she died.
And the person answering had no idea the Stan that showed up from her contact was actually Grampa...
You can hear the 911 call on TMZ.
I have to say, I'm not surprised to hear this. Sadly, I've been a reporting party and it's so frustrating when the victim refuses to corroborate. I'm not laying any blame on Gabby, but this is exactly why so many abuses cases became an entity vs the abuser. This might have an effect on LE in regards to witness statements in DV issues.
GP's Dad lived in Florida- he moved there to be near her.

I just can’t keep up with this case.

It is blowing my mind how fast these threads are moving. Hard to add anything of value that hasn’t been said once or 200 times in these threads.

But a few thoughts:
I am so sad and sorry for Gabby’s family. I wonder if they had qualms about Brian being controlling prior to her trip. I am leaning towards no because they didn’t seem too concerned until he came home without her. Although sometimes victims don’t even realize how bad it is until there is no going back.

But there was an incident with Gabby’s parents at BLs house. Does that indicate Gabby’s parents flew to FL in search of Gabby once they couldn’t reach her?

I have heard a lot of people speculate they would turn the country upside down and be outside BLs door if that were their daughter. That seems like exactly what Gabby’s parents did.

So much love and heartache for this poor girl. May she rest peacefully.
bed there to be near her apparently.
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A reporter at the scene of the Walmart body discovery mentioned that Brian is "a fugitive who is wanted for the disappearance of his fiance". Can anyone confirm that he is now a wanted suspect, or is this reporter not doing his due diligence?
My initial reaction was did he hijack someone to get out of town after maybe being noticed... hope I'm completely wrong.
OOps, replied to wrong comment, sorry!
So what should they have done. Whats your legal solution for completing that DV stop?
Welp, for starters, don't buddy up with one party, don't fill in information for one of them, consider that having someone on-site doing questioning who does not look exactly like one of the two people. I mean, so much can do more to try to get to the real situation. He'll, even give both people a card with DV help information on it.

There were a lot of behavioral red flags here. Cops are often very good at reading people. Bias, however, along with over-identification abd lack of training or understanding, will also impede their ability to be effective.
ok so the text to Gabby,s mother on the 27th said ....can you help me with Stan, i cant get ahold of him.....and Gabby,s mother said Gabby never called her grandfather by his first name so thats what made her think it wasnt Gabby....

So my thinking here is that it could have been a way for her to let her mom know something isn't right and asking for help without asking for help. Given they were together 24/7, she had no privacy and certainly couldn't send a text to anyone about what was going on regarding the fighting.

My own experience gives me this view into this. I can't imagine that she had any privacy on any level, especially on when she communicated with others.
It is actually a law in Utah that if the officer has any evidence of domestic abuse, an arrest or citation MUST be given. I would assume an eye witness and evidence of physical injury to either or both parties would be sufficient. I imagine these officers will be under review if not already. I too am disappointed in how the stop was handled. I wont pick on specifics but there was quite a bit of body language and verbal tactics used with both GP and BL that are at least questionable and possibly unethical.
ok so the text to Gabby,s mother on the 27th said ....can you help me with Stan, i cant get ahold of him.....and Gabby,s mother said Gabby never called her grandfather by his first name so thats what made her think it wasnt Gabby....
That is not what was said…
It’s “Can you help Stan? I just keep getting his voicemails and missed calls.”

per WFLA’s live stream
Approx 19:00 mark
I imagine that what likely happened is that GP's grandfather was texting her about something and BL didn't want him raising the alarm that she wasn't responding so he texted GP's mom from her phone to try to defuse the situation. If that's what happened, this must have been not too long after she died.

Or maybe GP’s grandfather sometimes wired a bit of money to her account when she was going short, and BL wanted to embezzle himself the funds for the journey home on GP’s card/account.
Since we've been given the go ahead to talk about the situation in Alabama, I have been watching the live stream. They found a body behind a dumpster near the Walmart there ("Tillman Corners"). They took pictures & transported the person away.

MSM had reported they were in town today checking out reports BL had been seen there.
Body found near Tillman's Corner Walmart
i understand that some are saying that the police failed Gabby but....and I say this with a lot of knowledge in this department....everyone failed her if you want to be technical about it, everyone and noone. Her parents knew her better then those officers and they didnt know he was abusive, her friends knew her, she covered it up really good judging by her many pictures and posts on social media. I don now what the police could have really done to stop her from being with him. Have you ever tried to make a young girl stay away from their boyfriend?
The cop says 20 miles speeding. On the cam. I do youtube, my videos are about 15 minutes long, it can take 2 hours for an upload at 1080, less if 720 or less for either in the middle of the night. When I upload I turn off every single other usage of internet in my house. There could have been sudden rush of uploading in the cafe she did not anticipate.

Yes she apparently slapped him too, probably after he slapped and hit her, I'm not sure if the most recent witness saw the altercation first. I guess that he did, since the other story was relayed as the woman (woman "clawing", of course, meow) her way back into the car and slapping in the process. So I suspect this latest witness on the 911 call saw the part where he was slapping her first, and they ran down the block. Then the other witness saw her trying to get into the van. That's my take on the sequence. BL mentioned "her rings" in explaining his wounds, along with the cell phone.

Yes he could have amused himself while she finished her work. I lived in the Alaska wilderness for 15 years, far wilder and isolated than anything I've so far seen along their route in those parks, dozens of miles by boat in the north Pacific to a town. And "entertaining oneself" is the key to surviving. Maybe he never developed skills of that type. Maybe no 22-23 year olds have needed that type of skill.

"Fleeing on foot is considered a misdemeanor offense, punishable by up to 90 days in jail and fines up to $1,000. Because of the inherent risks of fleeing in a vehicle, Utah courts punish these cases more seriously. Attempting to flee in a motor vehicle is considered a felony offense, punishable by up to three years in jail and fines up to $5,000.

Evading The Police Charges In Utah - Utah Criminal Defense Attorneys

That would require the couple to have driven all over the place and not directly to Arches. Arches' entrance (they are on the offramp to it when they are stopped - they. use the overflow pull out to stop) is 6 miles. LE could not have followed them 20 miles (I think he says 20 miles over the limit, not 20 miles, btw) unless Brian was driving on side roads in the Moab area - why would LE ever allow that?

The erratic driving is noted by LE while they are on the offramp.

I agree about the long upload times for youtube - it's a nightmare and we have a fast connection.

If he really did drive 20 miles in between Moab and Arches (when it's only 5-6 miles), with the police on his tail the whole time (I think they caught up to him near Arches), then he should have been charged, no question. And they should have asked him why in heck he did that - but they don't. IIRC, they point out that it was a 15 mph zone (which doesn't occur until about half a mile before the Arches Entrance Station).

I think BL is extremely avoidant of other people and was completely dependent on Gabby to know where he was and what he was supposed to be doing that day. That's just my opinion.

But I do not think he led LE on a high speed chase for 20 miles. He was going 3X the speed limit when he went past that 15 mph sign which we can see in the video (and which you can see on street view if you look).
Regarding BL, it wouldn't be too difficult for a clever person to throw LE off the trail, at least initially, especially if you had several days head start before they began looking for you, and especially if you had help. If I wanted to disappear and I had a large state park / reserve in my back yard, I'd make it look like I went there and then go somewhere else; possibly Mexico or Canada. Ask a close friend to wear your socks and shoes and then hike throughout the park to confuse the tracking dogs. Meanwhile, you're 2,000 miles away heading for the border. No cell phones or credit cards. I assume that LE is investigating their closest friends and family members over the past 10 days, checking who the family contacted, and tracking those individuals. Someone knows where he is. He can't survive for long on his own without help.
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