Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #22

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MOO it is because they have not been cooperative from the start.

Everyone asked why the fiance of a missing woman wouldn't be on the front lines looking for her, unless he himself was involved in her disappearance.

Just the same, why wouldn't the parents of a missing man be on the front lines looking for him or pleading for him to come home, unless they themselves were involved in his disappearance/getaway?

He did not leave it there a few days. It was driven there on Tuesday and retrieved either Tuesday night by his parents or early weds morning. The citation or whatever was probably placed there sometime Tuesday. Mustang was in the driveway on Wednesday morning. jmo
I see that, but I'm still hung up on the same question. How did the parents know to retrieve it?

The episode may also have involved 2 consecutive Tuesdays? It's been confusing. But that doesn't change, "How did they know?"
Forgive my ignorance, but is there a database or a record placed on some kind of electronic register when someone passes from the US to Canada?

Yes, they show their passport and their vaccination card etc, but is this recorded anywhere or scanned, or would it just be a case of LE having to trawl through CCTV of the border?

I'm on an 'island' (Great Britain!) which is why I'm unsure on this since we have no land borders!
Yes, when you pass through a port of entry into Canada, your passport is scanned, or passport card. In the case of a potential fugitive, the US State Department would just ask Canada if such and such person entered, when and where, and Canada would easily be able to provide that info. Most nations do this.
From the start, we heard over and over that the authorities' hands were tied. They didn't have probable cause. The Laundrie family had rights that were protecting them.

I'm starting to doubt much of that and wondering about the legalities involved.

The facts are:

This was a woman officially named as "missing person."

A man was found with her vehicle.

This man was at her place of residence with her car.

Considering those facts, I don't understand why there couldnt be more done, such as a search of her residence, or bringing BL in for suspicion and questioning since he was in possession of a vehicle owned by a missing woman.
LE can't get search warrants without evidence that a crime has been committed. Just a young woman missing isn't enough. And LE can't force anyone to talk to them. They can ask, but they can't force them. That changes now.
Complicity is the participation in a completed criminal act of an accomplice, a partner in the crime who aids or encourages (abets) other perpetrators of that crime, and who shared with them an intent to act to complete the crime.

This also means in FL that BL could be charged with this if he knew she would die of any cause(s) and did nothing to render aid or call for help. We know now she was murdered, So IMO there are still a lot of facts that will come out, including BL’s parents involvement.
I didn't think the van looked that messy. They were going to a new camping area, all their camping stuff was in there. Food, tent, pillows, blankets, etc. I used to go camping 2-3 times a summer and believe me, the van I used to use to camp from was MUCH more messy than their van after a day or two. I can't believe all the van campers here saying you have to be organized to camp. No, you don't! I never was. I went camping this summer just once with my husband and dog and by day 3 both of our cars were a messy disaster. To me, the mess doesn't indicate anything, but it obviously bothered Gabby. When I heard her say she was trying to keep the van "clean" I thought, you are fighting a losing battle girl. You are camping in the backwoods of a national park and you cannot expect that van to stay clean. Keep your tent clean, but who cares about the van. The van is for hauling stuff and driving, IMO.

Not taking BL's side here, but she was not being realistic about dirt etc. in that tiny van. In my experience, camping = dirt and messiness. Gabby, RIP, might not have been a great candidate for the camping lifestyle.
I think what she meant by clean might have been when you cross country camp in a van you have a certain place for everything so the van would stay clean and organized not everything thrown in the back.
100,000 percent. Why??? Seems like a lame excuse to deal with a storage shed. Either parents foot the bill, move the stuff to someplace else, pay someone to move it. . . another weird thing.
Moo- if his parents were trying to move or sell the house (mentioned in daily mail article up thread) they may have needed to clear stuff out. It’s also possible his parents has their own personal relationship challenges and were not going to live together any longer. All speculation. Why he would return to take it out of storage? That’s a key piece of this story, in my mind
Just a theory. Search teams have actually been following BL at the reserve for some time today. LE was waiting for the coroner’s presumption of homicide. Now the can bring him in as a suspect. Circling aircraft on top of him now. Just a theory.
My goodness these threads are moving fast. I haven’t been able to read every single post, but noticed quite a few disagreements over what was or was not said in the body cam footage. I decided to transcribe it and am in the midst of going through the AI’s transcription correcting errors.

If any of you feel the need and have the time, I would LOVE to have help :)

Please message me and I will send you a section to go through. Thank you!!

oh! And if someone already transcribed it, for the love of God - stop me now

I guess it was just a partial. Here's is the post.
Yes. And remember the Caylee Anthony case? We were even googling the Body Farm to figure out how long she could have been there (since her mother was lying about everything.)

EDIT: Apparently I don't remember how to capture the first quote.....just the reply to it. Sorry, I will figure it out.

If I didn't have an aversion to certain smells then I would probably be a Forensic Anthropologist. That's where my drive to see the crime scene pictures comes from. To learn. Maybe help. Not that I know any more than anyone else on this site and definitely not the professionals. Clearly everyone interprets things differently. Lots of eyes can help. Different POV.
Random question that may have been asked and answered but I can't keep up on the threads: Were they making money off of the YouTube blogging?

I do not believe they were making any money yet. I believe it was Gabby’s eventual goal to make money from YouTube as well as paid sponsorships, etc. on other social media accounts as an influencer. It takes a while to build the kind of audience required to profit from social media and it seems like that’s what everyone from age 14-34 wants to do these days.
Like most here, I believe BL killed GP, sadly, ending a very toxic relationship. My perceptions, like others, are guided by my life experiences. But part of what I like on WS is to separate my personal biases from the interpretation of the facts, especially an odd set.

All IMO.

The behavior of BL's family is what forces me to keep reconsidering what may have happened in Wyoming. Why would they be so oblivious to the obvious conclusion that their son likely killed GP and ran home? What did he tell them to make them think this is OK?

Option 1. Could BL have gone on a Snake River hike for a few days as he told the Tiktok user who gave him a ride on 8/29, to get some space between he and GP and let her blog? Was it GP alone in the van on 8/27 when the back door closed as the camper passed?

... in this scenario, what if when BL returns to the van on 8/29 there is no sign of GP? Could she have been attacked or abducted by someone, killed and left where she was found? In this scenario, BL would not know where she was, panic, call Mom, and go home.

... that sounds crazy because anyone in their right mind at that point would call LE, right? So maybe BL looked for GP, found her dead, and panicked because he might be accused of killing her. He calls Mom, she calls attorney who advises he do nothing and hightail home.

Option 2. What if after another one of their toxic 'fights' GP takes off from the van, parked where we saw it on the dashcam 8/27. She leaves to go for a walk to be alone - in a state of despair, crying and confused. In this case, it might be BL who is in the van (sandals on ground match, right) when the door closes between 6-6:30pm.

... in this scenario, what if GP doesn't come back that night, and BL starts to get worried? He goes looking for her the next day, and finds her in the creek bed where LE found her. She has committed suicide. He panics, calls Mom, she calls attorney who advises he hightail home. All this under the guise of making sure he doesn't get blamed.

So as off the wall as this may sound, perhaps the BL family doesn't think he did anything wrong, at least of any great importance, 'He didn't kill Gabby, they may think... but he sure will be blamed for her death... so we'll welcome him home and help him hide for a while'.

I don't like what I just wrote either, so please no tomatoes. I am just trying to respect the art of sleuthing by turning over the limited data we have, like a rubric square. o_O

I certainly agree that the parents were told some kind of similar fabricated story.
I've been out of the loop for a bit. I know the coroner's report confirmed it was her, and that the MOD is homicide. Did they mention manner of death?
I doubt BL made it that far.

I will say.....we go to that area frequently. Many people vacation in that area and would love to live there. Some of the best fishing you will ever experience all year long.

I didn’t mean I thought he’d got there, sorry, it was completely unBrian-related! Like I say, it was off-topic, just something quirky related to the USA/Canada border.
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