Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #23

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you missed the point, it was always up to those 2 to end the relationship and leave each during that 24 hour “break”. LE had zero control or responsibility over that like others have referred to IMO.
If that was the case, blaming her, was lame. They didn't have to do that. It is like they vindicated his mistreatment of her.
you missed the point, it was always up to those 2 to end the relationship and leave each during that 24 hour “break”. LE had zero control or responsibility over that like others have referred to IMO.
I wish I could "like" a hundred times. Personal responsibility has all but been removed from society.
Anyone come forward about BL high school years? Personality? Problems? Friends? Me bed to FLA after graduation? Curious about jobs, he saved money for trip and had a fairly new mustang? Where did Gabby work? BL ran home to his mom so eventually will contact her or run home again. JMOO
No, I would have expected them to listen to the 911 call when the first caller said that he was slapping and chasing her or even the second caller who said he took her phone from her and locked her out of HER van.
I would also have not had that male officer be so pally with him and talk about his experience with a toxic woman and laugh when BL called GP crazy. Disgraceful. And all his cases of DV investigation should be looked at, light of this. MOO.
Agree 100%.
Watching Brian Entin's latest news segment on his Twitter page.. he mentions how dark the house is inside and how even when they went around all 3 sides of the house (that they could get to without trespassing) they couldn't see any lights on. He said it had been like that the whole time he's been there covering the story at the house.

My first thought lights on makes it easy to conceal how many people are inside. Easier for BL to slip out or even come and go at some point.

You know the house was extensively searched, right?
I can’t think of a reason why the foresters would number the same downed tree in two different places with two different numbers.

Occam’s Razor tells us that if there was literally just a homicide investigation in that exact same place and the paint is deliberately numbered, the markings are part of the investigation.

IMO, of course
There was a local rumor that he was coming back to the family home at night until the media went crazy. But I don't believe that. I think he's dead and they can't find his body. They've had the highest tech equipment out there looking for him. If he's there he's gatorbait at this point.

That has been my opinion all along. I think he convinced his parents he needed to go to his special place to get his head right. So he drove out there and then later that day told them he was going to camp out a few days to avoid the circus that was forming around the house. So they went to get the car because they know you can't park there over night. They were in contact with him by phone, and felt he was safer there than at home, but then his behavior changed or he said something or maybe didn't respond the next time they contacted him. From there they deduced he was suicidal and called in for help from LE.
Well maybe they should change that protocol o_O

It's pretty standard as nationwide protocol; or at least it's what's in textbooks and taught in police academy.

How exactly do folks who want it to be changed, think one would go about getting truth out of a subject in a he-said, she-said situation?

If the officer doesn't identify with Brian, and treats him hostilely as part of the discussion; that makes it worse and has the possibility to make Brian worse.

First people were upset that "Gabby didn't get a chance to talk to a woman alone", then we in fact did find that she was separated and questioned by a female member of the park police; and then people suggest Gabby would have been too intimidated by HER uniform in order to speak honestly.

Interrogators must enter into the language of the interrogatee (? not a word, I probably know). It's standard trust-building behavior, which both sides of the equation are supposed to get (because aggressing towards people who are discovered to have weapons could further endanger both cop AND Gabby if Brian had felt threatened); and which it seems both the male and female half of our arguing couple both in fact got.

Just a slight correction - I beleive the officer was speaking to someone at the shelter (not his direct supervisor) and based on the shelter's policy, the could not let Brian stay for the reason you have stated.

This makes tons of sense, and I wonder how people would suggest legislating that we fix this? Clearly the shelter doesn't want the violent person under their roof for CYA, because if the violent person attacks another resident or worker in the shelter, I'm sure there's a lawsuit there.
Anyone come forward about BL high school years? Personality? Problems? Friends? Move to FLA after graduation? Curious about jobs, he saved money for trip and had a fairly new mustang? Where did Gabby work? BL ran home to his mom so eventually will contact her or run home again. JMOO
If you look at the picture the neighbor took of the BL lookalike walking down the street with no shoes and the picture from the deer camera, the clothing seems to match.

what picture from the neighbour? can you link? I've seen the wildlife camera pic
Anyone come forward about BL high school years? Personality? Problems? Friends? Me bed to FLA after graduation? Curious about jobs, he saved money for trip and had a fairly new mustang? Where did Gabby work? BL ran home to his mom so eventually will contact her or run home again. JMOO

Some mentions from a People article. Only positive things about the couple. Nothing particularly specific to Brian's personality, etc..
I can't help but to think that any 22 year capable of murdering a girlfriend, SO, etc. has not had certain behavior problems way before hand. You just don't one day out of the blue become this way. There has to have been at some point of identifying cues that he was/could be capable of harm to himself or others. The behaviors are either learned (my absolute guess), or there had to be some childhood trauma. I hate blaming parents because it's so hard to parent teens/young adults these days. But some responsibility has to lie with them. And given their behavior since all this I have to say, this is not a family of function. There are just some things you don't protect your adult children from. Whether they knew some form of the truth or not, when your son's fiancé is missing, you ask questions. You tell him to hit the road, he's on his own. You reach out to her family after concerning texts, and tell them what you do know. I sense this family has lived in chaos to some degree. Very dysfunctional. A lot of denial, etc. A lot of secrets. This is just MO and having two young adult children their age, I can't wrap my head around any of it. After seeing pics of his bedroom, Darth Vadar mask, Watchmen books, etc. I'm even more beside myself. My son was a darth vadar fan until he was like 10.. Everything was light sabers and darth vadar. Until he transitioned to a pre-teen. This guy.. I almost believe this was somewhat pre-meditated to a degree. I think of Adam Lanza, and the high schooler Christopher Plaskon (Milford, CT), who stabbed to death the classmate who wouldn't go to the prom with him. Each of these parents ignored very serious signs. Lanza never left his room. Plaskon's school warned the parents about his behaviors. I think BL's parents ignored many signs. Or, just refusing to be parents because they were caught up in their own little world of abuse. I think they never let the kid fall for any mistakes in his life, or held him responsible for not taking out the trash. MOO. BL and family: If you're here... DO THE RIGHT THING....
No, I would have expected them to listen to the 911 call when the first caller said that he was slapping and chasing her or even the second caller who said he took her phone from her and locked her out of HER van.
I would also have not had that male officer be so pally with him and talk about his experience with a toxic woman and laugh when BL called GP crazy. Disgraceful. And all his cases of DV investigation should be looked at, light of this. MOO.
So if the officers had listened to the 911 callers claims would those claims been probable cause to arrest BL for DV?
Has anyone else noticed with the back of the van comparison photos, the major difference from the neat and tidy photo for social media and the messy strewn about photo/screenshot from the 8/12 incident is mostly HIS STUFF?? ie. skateboard, backpacks, other miscellaneous items, are now in the van, where they must’ve been left out for the social media photo..maybe this says something about how he felt about the whole #vanlife social media and YouTube blogger he saw it as fake, trying to show one thing but really being another, and taking up too much electronics/technology/internet time that he seems to be so against (he seemed to portray a wanna-be hippie living off the grid, naturalist type person), and with his things being “in the way” for the social media posts, perhaps, I feel that it probably drove a wedge between them.
I'm thinking that he may have been making a mess just so that she would have to tidy it up again and mainly just to pizz her off.
MOO, and two cents on this is only if a random creepy, stalker person killed her, kept her phone and saw Stan's calls, because that is how it is listed in Gabby's contacts-so shows up as Stan on the phone. That person wouldn't know it was her grandfather but might figure texting mom (listed in contacts as mom) could help...also maybe based on the messages Stan listed that he was familiar with her family or mom. Maybe?

How would they know her grandfather's name is Stan though?
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