Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #24

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Wouldn't they only need one? Why cut out all of them? Better to leave most in place, possibly for later examination and analysis of the site.

I would think they would take them all because if they left some behind they could be contaminated, rendering them useless. Also, in the case of defense, they would want to test them all so that they could prove/disprove if anyone else was present at the crime scene. Multiple spots of blood or multiple hairs aren't necessarily from the same person.
i still wonder if the cops from the bodycam footage knew all a long Brian was the abuser

i mean if you think about it, they trapped Brian in a stationary place and gave Gabby the van ensuring her freedom to drive away if she wanted to

its probably not true but it keeps going round and round my head that if she had just taken the van and drove home that night she might still be here today :(

I like this theory, but I think they just thought she was the aggressor, and stuck her in the van with no bathroom to teach her a lesson. I’d also like some assurance that the female cop really did try to talk her into leaving-not sure wht I believe yet. It could be true; just not sure.
She was a beautiful girl, but beyond the outside beauty. She was always happy … she was a lot of fun. Always had a smile on her face. Happy-go-lucky, just a really bright spirit,” family friend Jennifer McNamara said.

Friends and neighbors are throwing their support behind Gabby’s family, letting them know they aren’t facing her tragic death alone. The town bought out the local ribbon supplier of 400 teal ribbons and then ordered 400 more. They expect to run out of those, as well.

“A friend in Canada went out and bought her own teal ribbon and put it up. Friends in England … so it’s the world. It really is the world,” McNamara said.
Gabby Petito’s Long Island hometown mourns her death
Brian Entin on Twitter
Here is the witness statement re: Moab, Utah incident. “at one point they were sort of fighting over a phone – I think the male took the female’s phone. It appeared he didn’t want her in the white van.” “It was as if the guy was trying to leave her, and maybe take her phone?”

9:32 AM · Sep 22, 2021·Twitter Web App
Could you pay for the prepaid credit cards with cash? I mean, we would have to take money out of the bank to buy a bunch of these, but I actually know tons of people who keep what I consider to be large sums of cash at hand. I wonder if the Laundrie family do this?

BBM- Of course. May people do it for many reasons
Hey guys!

Super sorry if this had been discussed. Just after a quick answer to my query. I was watching the body cam footage and BL said they were on the road for 3 to 4 months but they set off in July and the camp footage was August 12. Was there any info to explain the discrepancy? Or was it from when they left Long Island?

Sooo sorry, I'm just confused here.

I am not certain, but I think the timeline for when the vanlife trip started is wrong. In the beginning I kept hearing that it started from New York after they ateended a family event there. But in my mind it started in Florida when they left there to go to NY. I am not sure when they shot there tiktok video of camping on the AT, but I could easily picture them taking their time to drive to New York to stop and see the sites. Still not 3-4 months, though. Maybe they had been telling people that to make it sound more like they were legit Vanlifers rather than just van vacationers.
So this hasn't been discussed here??

Hopefully LE will look or have looked into this discrepancy

I think others have pointed it out before, along with some of his other lies/fibs.

For example, I find it strange that when he is asked what he has in his pockets, he pats at the one on his right hip and says "just my wallet". Then later on in the footage he pulls his phone out of that very same pocket when asked for his phone number. This is after he has already said he doesn't have a phone and would be stranded if she took off with the keys and the van.
Hey guys!

Super sorry if this had been discussed. Just after a quick answer to my query. I was watching the body cam footage and BL said they were on the road for 3 to 4 months but they set off in July and the camp footage was August 12. Was there any info to explain the discrepancy? Or was it from when they left Long Island?

Sooo sorry, I'm just confused here.
IMO he made up a lot of stuff to get out of being pegged as an abuser in that convo with police. He was throwing stuff out spontaenously, from the top of his head, like the bit about him being bipolar but unmedicated (and didn't he say they both were bipolar? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought I read that earlier). And the "she's crazy" line. Also--calling Gabby his fiancee, when in fact the engagement had been called off some time before the trip. So claiming they'd been on the road for months is just one more fiction to add to his con job.

I wonder if police get training on how to detect con artists. I've seen videos on YT given by experts, on what kind of body language, fidgeting, etc. to look for when interrogating people, to recognize when you're being conned. I would think that would be essential training for LE. The only problem is, that the career con artists (a group to which ordinary schmoes like Brian IMO don't belong) can be very smooth. They're very practiced at being disarming, and playing the helpless victim of others, so I don't think the training would be good enough in that type of situation. Still, I think it would be worthwhile for all LE to get that type of training, with the caveat that it's not a 100% guarantee in all situations, of identifying a con job being done on you.
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@r_craig93 yes, I totally agree with this - what he did before gives us clues about what he might be doing now. The one thing I can't figure out is what is he doing for food. He may have left with a full pack and had one or more caches set up by his parents, in which case he could be just fine still. But eventually, he's going to run out. Of course, he could be doing the exact opposite too, and heading to say NYC or somewhere urban where he can blend in and survive easier.

Going urban is a legit possibility. It seems to me to be a more long term option than a wilderness hideout.

While riskier, making it to a Central America or South America country might give a better chance for lifetime hiding.

I still think it is possible he has taken his life or will soon.
I am not certain, but I think the timeline for when the vanlife trip started is wrong. In the beginning I kept hearing that it started from New York after they ateended a family event there. But in my mind it started in Florida when they left there to go to NY. I am not sure when they shot there tiktok video of camping on the AT, but I could easily picture them taking their time to drive to New York to stop and see the sites. Still not 3-4 months, though. Maybe they had been telling people that to make it sound more like they were legit Vanlifers rather than just van vacationers.
This was really helpful, thank you!
That 'wicked clutches' thing is not his work... it's a quote from some other source that I probably can't reference here. But, my point is, Laundry simply quoted another... it's about freedom from government, IIRC.

It's a play on a missing pet poster, I don't know who created it originally but I've seen it plenty over the past years. It's just art, I don't think there's much to read into. Attached the original - just a screenshot from my phone, so sorry for the low quality!

EDIT: when I say it's 'just art', I don't mean to disparage art at all! I love art and artistic expression. I just mean that I don't think it's creepy, just funny and super creative. I agree with other posters that looking into people's interests is useful to an extent, but many of us, myself included, are into horror movies, dark stories and so on without ever becoming perpetrators of a serious crime. I don't even think this particular quote is dark, though.


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