Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #24

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I can say with ABSOLUTE certainty that I would never help my child cover up a murder and evade federal law enforcement.

Edited to add: ESPECIALLY if the victim was a vibrant young woman who lived under my roof for two years. A woman I was expecting to be my daughter in law. No way.

We still don't know what he has told his parents yet though. It's possible (true or not) that he told them a damn good story and they still believe him which is why the family immediately got an attorney involved. I'm not siding with them, rather, I still think there's a lot more un-revealed at this point in regards to BL's parents.
I was rereading the timeline at the beginning of each thread and I forgot there's mention that Gabby's uncle posts that on 27 Aug there was a snapchat Gabby sent a friend -heading to Yellowstone. Is that something that can be programmed to post at a certain time? If not, it seems we know she was still alive on the 27th.

AFAIK, you cannot program it to post at a certain time and I use Snapchat a lot. However, it depends on if the Snap that Gabby sent to a friend was a SNAP or a CHAT. Obviously he could have sent the chat (just like the question of whether it was him sending the Stan text) but it would be more difficult to fake a SNAP (it is possible though I am just not sure he would know how to do it).
Please..too many threads moving fast but I know I saw on here last Friday night the police had a gun case from the mustang? It was taken out of the trunk.? Can't find the comments and thread. Has it been confirmed anywhere that Brian had a concealed weapon permit in fla. Why have a permit and not a gun? Thank you. Could someone who saw the threads and comments please advise.
not confirmed.
My personal opinion: I don't get any nice guy vibes from any of the video footage of Brian. In every one of them he looks awkward, guarded and just plain creepy. This may be extreme, but I've felt from the first time I saw him that there was something wrong with him mentally. His mannerisms just speak to me and peg the creep meter—and I trust my gut.
Absolutely. Everyone should always trust their gut.
Looking at previous pics of the van, they had a large black cargo bag on top at the start of the trip. In the video where they are putting up the tent, there is a black object to the left of the tree seen before a search member stands in front of it. I suspect she was found in the black bag? IMO.
I've been thinking that if he didn't kill her at the site where her body was found, he could have used that large bag to drag her from the van to that location. That would be much easier than trying to carry her.
Regarding bloodstains on the trees - wouldn't the police cut those places out and take them in for testing? I suppose they could have just swabbed, but I would think they would want the actual piece of wood for future testing and to make it available to the defense team (if it comes to that) to do their own independent testing?
Where are the blood stains on the trees? I thought the red was indication to where evidence has been traced?
IMO there's nothing under the tent, at least not in the footage. I can't see anything of note, just dirt. They found evidence there and then saw her body near some trees by the tent. The Salt Lake news helicopter saw her. They found her body around noon, according to the station, and only released the footage later that day, so they had time to edit it also. If they could see her from the air, imo, that means she likely wasn't buried or at least not buried deep.
If she was not buried it says a lot psychologically about the killer - no remorse, victim discarded like trash. If she was buried it MAY indicate some sort of remorse, respect or conscience. Just leaving her in the open - makes me wonder - was he spooked did he not have enough time to bury her ? Was he trying to make it look like her death was “an accident”? It opens up a lot of questions about the killers motivation and thought process….
So I'm probably going to get dragged for this but I just had some thoughts that I wanted to get out there. This is going to sound nuts but I don't get a bad feeling from him. I haven't since day one. I know he killed her. Without a doubt. But I don't think it was premeditated. I don't get a Chris Watts feeling at all.b I think it was a fight that got WAY out of hand and it was an accident. My guess is it's probably going to be blunt Force trauma. I'm sure they spent just way too much time together one-on-one with no breaks. My guess is all of the sightings of him and the van from that point on was him either trying to set an alibi or him just trying to figure out what the hell to do next. In all reality he's still just a kid. And no offense to this generation but they definitely are not as self-reliant as older generations are. I'm wondering if he debated not going back when he flew to Florida for the storage unit but he didn't want to leave her out there all by herself? Just the thought that if he had sent one of her family members or one of his out there instead things would have been totally different. And I sure that his parents are helping cover it up which is not the right thing but can any of us honestly say that if our child was in that situation we wouldn't help also? I'm one of the most honest people you'd probably ever meet and I can't say for sure that I wouldn't. I'm willing to bet he's probably committed suicide and they just haven't found him yet. And I'm willing to bet that the reason the family all of a sudden is willing to help is because they suspect this too and their panicking. It's just a sad situation all around.

What I will say also about the police video is it is so chilling to me to see things like that because all I could think the whole time was this poor girl only had a few days or weeks left to live. It was just haunting me to watch. To watch him who seemed like such a nice guy on the video and her who just seemed like this young sweet kid. And just to wonder what happened next.

It's all just so sad for everybody. It just makes my heart hurt.

I do hope that he is out there alive still. If he made a mistake and killed her, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, then I would hope a second mom doesn't have to bury their child. Even if he did kill her no mom should have to do that.
I wanted to believe this as well. But the texts to her mom don't look good for him. Telling her mom to make her grandpa stop calling Gabby's phone? Telling her "no signal in Yosemite" so her mom wouldn't worry about Gabby's radio silence? JMO and of course there's no right way to act in a crisis, but an innocent, panicked person wouldn't have texted her parents pretending to be her.
Please..too many threads moving fast but I know I saw on here last Friday night the police had a gun case from the mustang? It was taken out of the trunk.? Can't find the comments and thread. Has it been confirmed anywhere that Brian had a concealed weapon permit in fla. Why have a permit and not a gun? Thank you. Could someone who saw the threads and comments please advise.

I saw the footage of LE having what appeared to me a gun case taken from the L property.

They opened it revealing a foam eggshell lining and it was empty.

IMO BL has a pistol. Also my opinion that when finally cornered he will attempt suicide or suicide by cop
BL could be squatting in an old abandoned house.There are tons where I live and people do it all the time.He could get all his food and supplies delivered with Doordash,Instacart,Uber,Grubhub or others and never even have to answer his door.

How would he or his parents pay for any of this without it being traced?
Thanks Mods! No idea if I’m doing this correctly but here’s the link to BL’s reference of hiking hundreds of miles on the AT. I mentioned earlier that it was posted 8/26/2020-a year before Gabby’s death which is why it caught my eye. Hoping others have seen and are looking for him there. Maybe he was dropped off at the trailhead and he’s actually heading north there. :(.

Is it possible he is more experienced than previously thought? I mean his actions don’t indicate that but….

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AFAIK, you cannot program it to post at a certain time and I use Snapchat a lot. However, it depends on if the Snap that Gabby sent to a friend was a SNAP or a CHAT. Obviously he could have sent the chat (just like the question of whether it was him sending the Stan text) but it would be more difficult to fake a SNAP (it is possible though I am just not sure he would know how to do it).
He could fake a snap by taking a pic of anything and putting text on top. You don't have to take a selfie. I'm guessing he was just using the chat (texting) feature, though.
Thanks! Here is the link if anyone wants to follow it:

N7073T Flight Tracking and History 22-Sep-2021 - FlightAware

Sigh.. has the search expanded? Was the deer footage cam proven not tot be Brian? Seems like resources are condensed and in one area. Maybe they are taking leads and following up. But I don't think swamps are going to be his answer for escape. Just getting frustrated with swamp searchs. Why not an arrest warrant. A wanted APB. This could put more eyes on watch and reach more people than just news coverage.
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I'd check also if BL'S parents don't own any cabins, huts, summerhouses or something like that. All of their properties need to be checked thoroughfully and the parents themselves shoukd be placed under a strict yet discreet surveillance. I can bet they keep helping him to evade the LE.

BL could be squatting in an old abandoned house.There are tons where I live and people do it all the time.He could get all his food and supplies delivered with Doordash,Instacart,Uber,Grubhub or others and never even have to answer his door.

In a state with a ton of vacation properties, there are bound to be some empty places that need to be checked! They need to look at extended family properties as well…between grocery delivery and door dash, he would never have to go outside.
Hey guys,
So sad to hear that it was ruled a homicide as I hoped it had been an accident for Gabby’s sake but in my gut I had a feeling it wasn’t.

I asked my husband who is military and an experienced hiker and about the same build, height, weight etc as BL if he could survive for this long in a preserve and he said it can be done, rations, foraging, streams for water, jet boil. Just our opinion of course. For me though if he’s still alive he will soon get fed up of being on the run. Let’s hope he caught ASAP, it worries me someone under this kind of pressure what they could do next, as in hurt someone else. I personally think this is one of the reasons they haven’t upgraded him to suspect, to not scare him.

Love to gabby and her family through this awful time.
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