Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #24

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I havent re-listened to the video but is it possible he's saying they are on a 3-4 month trip rather than they've been on the road for 3-4 months? I believe it would be about that long if they planned to end on Halloween as I've read.

Agreed, people keeping taken words in these videos so literally like its something written in a crime novel and the words were selected carefully by the writer. Its real life, people use idioms and short cuts and such.
I'm guessing NYC, with that accent and all. He'd stand out anywhere else in the south.

If he came here to the Mississippi Gulf Coast, or a lil farther west to New Orleans, his accent wouldn't be noticeable.
New York & New Orleans accents (and this area of MS) are similar.
I just went back & listened to more of Brian talking, and I don’t detect an accent. So it must be something I'm used to hearing.
When I visited NYC, people would ask where I was from.
"the Mississippi Gulf Coast."
"No you're nottt!!"
At this stage, I would not want to be a young balding adult male with baggy pants and a backpack, anywhere in the country. It is mind blowing how many people are aware of Gabby’s murder and discussing it. I wonder why this particular case has touched everyone. I am glad that crowdsourcing is front and center-it works.

When I showed my husband the deer cam footage he said "As if it wasn't hard enough to be a young guy with premature baldness... now this" :oops:
I'm a snowbird. My nice but nosy neighbours would spot him in a minute and have him cuffed and waiting for LE. Those who live there year round know who has an empty parking spot, when their favourite neighbours will return, etc. They know when your lights go on, if you're a nightowl. They spot the patterns.

Mmhmm. My cousin lives in New Port Richey, her mom used to live next door until she passed and then the house was sold to snowbirds. She always knows when they're home, when they aren't, and when someone is parked in the driveway that isn't a usual car.

It's possible the parents know a lot of snowbirds in the area that haven't come back - it's still hot and humid up here in the NJ/NY area. So he could have easily gone to one of their homes, or even like you said - the properties that the parents own. I would think that those would be searched if the FBI is asking them questions and can easily obtain the information of said properties, right?
EDIT: sorry, replied to the wrong post. I meant to reply to @Hyway and am trying to work out how to fix the quote reply on my mobile now :)

Were there not other posts posted to the YouTube channel? I've just watched the video that's up there now (I know, I know, I'm late but there is SO much going on in this case and everything moves so fast... I have a job, unfortunately!) and at the end of the video, there's a card which says 'Video no longer available' where people would often post a link to one of their other videos. Do we have information about whether that was the only video posted, or do we know if something has been removed since it was announced that Gabby was missing (either by LE or another party)? Just wondering - I don't have a real theory about this but it would be interesting to know if any videos have been removed.

Not who you were asking but I wondered and asked about the unavailable link the other week.

People who know the backend of YouTube better than me said it’s most likely that Gabby had it set to default “next video” settings, so that whenever a video ends, Youtube auto-recommends the next video in their upload list and there simply never was one. That’s said to be why it’s just a blank space, no clickable link and “unavailable” rather than an actual URL saying “This video has been deleted” or “This video is private”.

Also, for clarity’s sake, it doesn’t say “Video no longer available” it just says “unavailable”, which would fit the above explanation IMO.

Mourners stop by a growing memorial for Gabby Petito in North Port, Florida. The town even put up signs designating this an area for the memorial


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I agree with this - I think the COD will be blunt force trauma and it wasn't premeditated. I think they went to scout camping sites and they got into an argument that became physical. I think he killed her and went into panic mode, followed by a period of complete and total denial. I really hope he isn't dead, not only for his parent's sake but also because I think it's going to make finding him so much harder. My hope is that he's on the run and he will be caught when he goes seeking supplies.

As far as the parent's behavior - honestly, I don't know what I would do in this case. I mean, a part of me doesn't understand them putting it all on the line for him when they have another child and grandchildren to consider. But as for me? I'm a parent to a single child - he's it for me and I really don't know where my boundaries are in defending him or helping him, I just hope that it's never put to the test.

thank you for your honesty here. We have no idea what the parents know, and so many here have 20/20 hindsight which makes claiming to be able to make “morally correct” decisions very, very easy. These statements come off as “i am perfect and know i will always make the best choices in high stress situations I’ve never been” Truth is, none of us REALLY know how we would act and the decisions we would make in awful situations until we are right in the middle of the mud.
If he was in the Carlton Reserve, I think a helicopter with a heat-seeking camera would've picked him up in there by now.

I'm a great believer that he was caught on the Deer Trail Cam in Baker, FL which is 500 miles north.
The man in the footage looks just like him, especially the ears.
The man in the footage also doesn't look like a hunter, and it was taken at 06.14hrs. I think he was up early and carrying on his running away.
I think that deer cam footage looks like him too and the backpack is strikingly similar to the one pictured as BLs previously....


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CM from the interview room think he went to the Appalachian Trail.

BL mentioned that trail a couple of times of hiking there alot and he got a shirt with Appalachian trail on it. It seems like he feels comfortable there.

I don't know if it is already mentioned. It is difficult to follow this thread.
There was a Facebook live that accidentally caught it. I was watching it and they panned away quickly. They then zoomed in the footage in the live to make sure she wasn’t shown. I don’t think “buried” is the right word IMO from what I saw. More like some rocks moved over her.

Did you notice any remarkable or brightly colored clothing?
I noticed the rock cross was near the water and area around it was clear. Is that possibly the area where she was found?

when I looked at the video of the "cross" it doesn't really look like a cross. the long arms are the same length. Usually a cross arm is about a 1/3rd of the way down from the top. Someone in that video was wondering if was a location marker for the aerial assets.
Not who you were asking but I wondered and asked about the unavailable link the other week.

People who know the backend of YouTube better than me said it’s most likely that Gabby had it set to default “next video” settings, so that whenever a video ends, Youtube auto-recommends the next video in their upload list and there simply never was one. That’s said to be why it’s just a blank space, no clickable link and “unavailable” rather than an actual URL saying “This video is deleted” or “This video is private”.

Also, for clarity’s sake, it doesn’t say “Video no longer available” it just says “Video unavailable”, which would fit the above explanation IMO.

I never really looked at the interior of their van up close until you posted this. It's hard to look at - Brian cared enough about her at one point to dress up the van with all this wood paneling. Then to think about how she was found, how inhumane it was.
And the shirt looks the same as in this photo...


Is it possible that these were him and that the FBI is tracking him? MOO, I know nothing about this type of SAR. My assumption is that he is not considered dangerous to the general population so I don't know the ethics of lying to the public while covertly tracking him elsewhere. This, obviously, seems unlikely with the daily searches at the Reserve but just something that has been bouncing around in my mind. MOO.
I wonder why he wanted her phone so badly? What could have been on that phone that caused him to react such a way and why is it currently missing?
Maybe he wanted to see the conversations she was having with her mom about him?
I wonder why he wanted her phone so badly? What could have been on that phone that caused him to react such a way and why is it currently missing?
At this stage, I would not want to be a young balding adult male with baggy pants and a backpack, anywhere in the country. It is mind blowing how many people are aware of Gabby’s murder and discussing it. I wonder why this particular case has touched everyone. I am glad that crowdsourcing is front and center-it works.
Im very invested in this case, the same way I was invested in Caylee Anthony. You see a young beautiful girl living her best life, documenting it on social media and you feel like you knew her. She could've been your daughter, sister, cousin or your friend. Your heart breaks for all those people who did know her and will never experience her light again. I will see this case through much the way I did with Caylee as you find that you also need closure.
I live on Long Island not far from her parents and there are teal ribbons everywhere in her honor. We will also be lighting the night for her on Friday evening for anyone that wants to participate. RIP Gabby
Poor Gabby. She outed their private abuse situation in public, got the police involved and put Brian in a sticky situation. From his point of view, she endangered him, exposed him, crossed him, defied him. The whole situation blew his gaskets.
When she lived in his parental lair, all cozily tucked up in his bedroom, she was easily controlled. The website threatened his capture of her and opened their lives up to the world. She simply wouldn't knuckle under to his grand plan for her. She wanted the world. He wanted a captive in Mommy and Daddy's house, in his bedroom, compliant, timid and willing be shut up.
Didn't work. He lost patience. Gave up. Threw her away...permanently.
I think it's simpler than all that. When we're younger, we're more easily controlled, more likely to avoid conflict and more likely to want to please our partner. As we get older, we get more confident and we start to speak up. Also, when you date someone the relationship is far different than when you live with someone. Anyone who is married will attest that first year is hard, learning to live with someone and having to set boundaries is hard. I think Brian was a controlling force in Gabby's life and as she matured she began to have her own voice, her own dreams. That frightened Brian, who felt that as losing control, and so the tension built. Add a cross country trip, close quarters and not being able to have anyone around to diffuse the situation and it all blew up.
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