Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #28

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With a neighbor saying they saw him on the 10th.

Only his parents have seen him after?

I seriously doubt he's in Carlton Reserve

Can someone link an article an msm article that states definitively when the three day camping trip occurred? outside of neighbor recollection... witness testimony is notoriously unreliable
I believe in the press conference, the lead investigator, maybe it was Taylor, said they went to the house late Saturday into Sunday for the van. That had to be September 11th. The police went over there on the 10th and the 11th.
I'm confused. The police went over to the Laundrie's house before anyone had accepted a missing person report? Did they go over to do a wellness check? What prompted their visit?
I am very VERY well aware that he has not been charged with anything, and I am also well aware that if he shows his face, this country is looking for him. John List? This is not the 80s.

Of course some people get away, and by the way, List didn't even in the 80s. You theorized that he had enough. Enough for what? We were talking living in the woods. You changed the criteria by now saying he won't stay in the woods, so....

First, let me start off by saying I'm not trying to argue with you here. I'm going based off the information that's come out about BL thus far, and going on my own opinions that he might possibly have enough supply to last at least for the next few weeks - not a lifetime. We're also talking about a person who is familiar with the lay of the land and is not a stranger to living in nature. Any other person that has no familiarity and no experience with living in nature? Probably not going to last very long or know exactly what they'll need aside from the obvious to stay alive for an elongated period of time.

I understand that this isn't the 80's too, but let's not forget that though people ARE looking for him and he can't hide his face for too long - facial recognition can only go so far with face masks these days, and he can alter his appearance, we can't discount that.

Your opinion is just that, and I'll never tell you that you're wrong - I just don't think it's necessary to come at me sideways for having one of my own. I'm open to what everyone is saying here and just trying to look at things from the opposite side of the spectrum.

edited: typos
In the body cam footage Brian seemed to indicate the attention their fight outside the cafe drew had bothered / embarrassed him. That seemed to be his primary motivation for wanting to calm her down while it was happening. If they fought, he did not want it to be so public.

He came across as “the calm guy”, a character depiction that’s been (and continues to be) a major point of contention throughout these threads, as many argued the cool collected togetherness he displayed is an act typically mastered by manipulative abusers.

Now, maybe it’s just me but THAT version of Brian, mastered act or not, greatly contradicts with the temper tantrum throwing madman narrative being touted as of late.

So which is it?

The Brian in the body cam footage who was understandably embarrassed to have had eyes on them (or as abuse claimers have put it, an aversion to being outed as an abuser) while fighting OR the “Brian” who allegedly stomps in and out of a busy restaurant in the midst of a temper tantrum (and for what?!) making a full-on public spectacle of himself?

Because given what we’ve SEEN and what we KNOW to be true it’s not conceivable for him to be both of these people in my opinion.

I know what you mean. What do you think accounts for the discrepancy? It seems that the restaurant scenario has been on mainstream news and has been confirmed by the staff.
What is both theories are sort of true?

What if they were gone for 3 days in the camper in order to help him flee and they went to a local park/site to set him up for the long term. Then they sent police to the wrong park.

This would keep their license plate local, possibly avoid refueling, and give them plausible deniability.
I’ll have to watch the DV video in full again but if my memory serves me correct… BL and GP both told police the fight started over BL getting the van dirty with his feet not being clean when he got in the van(?). This would assume that his actions caused her to get upset possibly yell at him about that and a physical fight then ensued when he told her to take a walk and calm down. She didn’t take a walk, but instead tried to go at BL when he locked her out of the van to put space between them. He had multiple physical wounds on him that drew blood, she said he grabbed her face, it hurt, but no marks were left (yet).

In terms of a DV incident a man or a woman can be a provoker, aggressor or victim. IMO I think GP’s emotional state did show that she had potential to provoke him by being just as physical as he was but her size and frame was no match for him.

I just don’t see a father allowing his daughter to go on a cross country trip with a guy that is or has been abusive to her. He doesn’t seem like that kind of father. Earlier reports state GP’s dad said BL was always respectful to her which seems odd for an abuser situation. IMO
This ignores the eyewitness report that saw him chasing her down the sidewalk and slapping her. And conveniently sidesteps the fact of her being found dead in a creek bed near where they were last seen.
I believe in the press conference, the lead investigator, maybe it was Taylor, said they went to the house late Saturday into Sunday for the van. That had to be September 11th. The police went over there on the 10th and the 11th.

I think it was the one where her dad spoke first. I will try to find it.

If that is true then they were not camping that weekend.
You could easily capture rainwater and use tablets or a lifestraw for drinking. It probably rains an inch a day out there in general.

This I agree with. He likely has a tent and a hammock, could have a backpack full of nutrient dense protein bars and a way to collect rainwater. It would be uncomfortable, but not deadly (short of wildlife interaction). I live about 10 minutes away. The afternoon rains nearly every day actually cool the air a bit. Nights have been in the high 70s, low 80s. That being said, if he is alive right now I hope he is MISERABLE. I do hope they catch him. I really felt like yesterday was the day. Now, I really don't think he is out there and all the LE are just having a great time on their training exercise.

And they've had a TON of rain in that area lately.

I also don't believe he'd need a campfire with FL temps at night right now - it doesn't get TOO cold where he may need one JMO.
Right - but how would NG and JW know the manner of death? I can't imagine the FBI sharing the information with anyone who didn't need to know... especially TV personalities. Seems odd.
i never heard her say she knew, heard her say "THEY" know meaning LE and i watched it twice so idk.
I'm confused. The police went over to the Laundrie's house before anyone had accepted a missing person report? Did they go over to do a wellness check? What prompted their visit?
Gabby’s report was filed just before 7:00 pm on the 11th. I read that on the NPPD Facebook page. (I have trouble linking FB)
You could easily capture rainwater and use tablets or a lifestraw for drinking. It probably rains an inch a day out there in general.

This I agree with. He likely has a tent and a hammock, could have a backpack full of nutrient dense protein bars and a way to collect rainwater. It would be uncomfortable, but not deadly (short of wildlife interaction). I live about 10 minutes away. The afternoon rains nearly every day actually cool the air a bit. Nights have been in the high 70s, low 80s. That being said, if he is alive right now I hope he is MISERABLE. I do hope they catch him. I really felt like yesterday was the day. Now, I really don't think he is out there and all the LE are just having a great time on their training exercise.

IMO it's impossible to hide, LE have helicopters with FLIR cameras. He might survive, but he's not Rambo. With FLIR he can't hide in a tent, tree, or even water.

I wonder what's all near by. Maybe they are too focused on the preserve and he in an undeveloped area nearby watching.

I also wonder how many empty houses are in the area. I have relative that are snow birds, and have empty homes there now.
Yeah, I found those. But could the Laundries have not been there at the time? Returning later on the 12th and then deferring to the attorney?

ETA: The link stated late Saturday into Sunday…so the 11th/12th. It’s on the first page of the Media thread.

The could have left Sunday afternoon/night and gone for 2 days. Back 1 day and he goes missing.
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