Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #31

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I know that most of you are far far ahead of me in case knowledge, but can anyone at all confirm an actual sighting of BL at his home after it became widely known that Gabby was missing?

I remember watching footage of Samuel Woodward at his home before he was arrested for Blaze Bernstein’s murder. He had not been arrested yet but was under suspicion at that time. He tried to evade police and dyed his hair but he was apprehended. I’m having trouble understanding how Laundrie was able to take off without any eyes on him. Not even an intrepid reporter.
To do something like electronic surveillance, you'd need a warrant. However, there is no right to privacy in public places. So LE can follow you around and literally surveil you when you're out in public. They can do it to anyone though it would be approved by the police department or agency requesting it. I am sure his parents are at least considered witnesses with valuable information since Brian was with them for so long.

There have been interesting cases over the years over where is the line for public surveillance - is your backyard public? What about hidden under a tent in the backyard? What about heat sources from your house?
Thank you, this is very helpful! I wonder if they went to the library to have a conversation because they were concerned the house was bugged??? So many questions!
Would this be because it came into his possession in Wyoming, because he used it in Wyoming, because her case is being handled in Wyoming etc? Curious if someone with the legal understanding can explain. (Just jumping off your post with the question)

Since the indictment says "in the District of Wyoming and elsewhere," I understand this to mean he gained unauthorized access to her account using her PIN at least once in Wyoming.

The District of Wyoming has jurisdiction over Gabby's homicide since she was murdered in a national park in Wyoming and this was likely discovered in the course of that investigation. If there are multiple jurisdictions that could prosecute a crime like this (like, for example, he used the card in other states too), the lead investigating agency usually just handles it.
The parents going to Orlando to meet with a new attorney leads me to believe that they know Brian is alive.

ETA: I just realized it was their attorney from New York who flew to Orlando. Nevermind

Any LE, Federal or not can apprehend him

And why didn't their attorney fly closer to them than Orlando? I wonder if he was handing the case off to a better suited attorney. Moo.
So is it true that US Marshalls will now be who can arrest him?
I work in a library. We do not require people to have library cards to use our computers. Also, our computers wipe everything out at the end of the day so people's personal information doesn't accidentally get saved on the computer. We also blast our wifi out to the parking lot because of covid (we were trying to help people while we were closed).
Can you explain whether libraries have a sort of cell phone or other device blocker within that prohibits the noise and electronic use specifically in the interior? TIA.
And why didn't their attorney fly closer to them than Orlando? I wonder if he was handing the case off to a better suited attorney. Moo.

IMO he could have gone to Tampa but it’s way too close to all the attention. Orlando was far enough for them to get out of the lime light for a second but close enough for them to drive to meet him.
Would this be because it came into his possession in Wyoming, because he used it in Wyoming, because her case is being handled in Wyoming etc? Curious if someone with the legal understanding can explain. (Just jumping off your post with the question)
The indictment says "From on or about August 30th 2021 through, and including September 1, 2021 in the District of Wyoming and such conduct obtained things of value...". Which means that he did these things in Wyoming and other places. I would bet that he fueled up in Wyoming before leaving on the trip. But I guess it's possible that he simply obtained the card in Wyoming.

What I find interesting is that it seems to put him in Wyoming on the 30th. That's later than many people believed.
Only one card number was listed in the indictment and 2 checking accounts. It's a fair assumption that the card was tied to two or more accounts. The can only be set up to debit one account when the chip is read or it's swiped when making a purchase at a store or gas pump. That means the other account would only be accessible from a cash advance or ATM withdrawal. imo

I posted about this up thread. I have Capital One accounts. This is exactly how it's done. A checking account is the account generally attached to a debit card.
Help me with a train of thought.

It’s been mentioned he perhaps took his parents’ bank card. It’s assumed by many of us it was Gabby’s, which I also believe.

But I started thinking, big speculation here…. What if they’re not covering for him so much as they’ve disowned him? What if they’re so disappointed or disgusted that they just won’t get involved? Could they have said something like we won’t turn you in but you’re on your own? What if they have known for a long time he’s bad news & even told them to get out, & that in part led to the Van Life video? Etc

Is this too far fetched? I also know it doesn’t square w the apparent family camping trip…

Im suspicious of them myself, don’t get me wrong. But I was just trying to think of other explanations why they’re so indifferent, haven’t got him a decent lawyer, etc…

Not even the slightest possibility, IMO. The parents are all the way in when it comes to enabling and protecting their son right now. Again, MOO.
@Alethea Say Gabby and Brian had pooled their money into Gabby's account and they were both using the cards then would Brian need to know Gabby was dead in order to charge him?
IMO he was building an alibi. Now he has 3 eye witnesses supporting a possible story later. "I was camping solo for a couple of days and when i got back Gabby was not with the van". I really hope they find him alive because i want to hear his story. Then, after his fictional version, hopefully we can all hear the real story when this is solved.
I'm not a huge fan of that theory, as both accounts paint him as a guy who was acting a bit erratic.

An alibi does him no good, if it doesn't preclude him from being involved. It's one thing if he did those things and then reported her missing, or reported finding her body, but that didn't happen.

Instead he filed no report, ran home to mommy and daddy, and pretended like nothing even happened. Then all hell broke loose and he took off.

I think those trips were made out of panic, and he ultimately changed his mind about perhaps leaving the van, and returned.
Reading this latest hitchhiking account it seems Brian was hitchhiking with multiple people but only remaining in their vehicles for short periods of time. Almost like he couldn't stand to be in the car with anyone for longer than say 10-15 minutes or so and would start getting anxious like a caged animal. Strange too, if Miranda Baker* let him out at the Jackson Lake Dam at 6:09pm and then this Norma Jean Jalovec is picking him up at "6:15pm or 6:20pm" near Pacific Creek Landing on Hwy 191 could Brian have gotten yet another ride from someone else whom hasn't come forward? That's at least an hour and a half walk from the dam to Pacific Creek Landing I estimated on Google Maps. The way Brian abruptly gets out of the van at the entrance to Spread Creek Campground suggests to me he was getting very irritable and "over" being polite to those picking him up by this point. Not to mention returning to the scene of the crime and having someone drop him so close must have had his anxiety off the charts.

Many seem to think that Brian got out of the first car because they were travelling a route to Jackson that would not take him by Spread Creek. So he got out and got another ride once he saw they weren't going on the main highway but a different way.
My problem with this time frame is this:

I cannot find any type of corroboration that Gabby was alone in that hotel from 8/17 to 8/23. Someone told me earlier today that her father said it on Dr. Phil, but he did not. Not the Dr. Show I watched. I would appreciate knowing why we think Brian left her there for a week like that.

On that Dr. Phil Show I watched, her father made it sound as if he would have gone to get her himself if Brian left her alone in a state and went home. So I'm thinking if he would say that on TV, why wouldn't he also say that Brian ACTUALLY DID leave her alone at the Fairfield Inn? Or did I not hear the entire interview somehow? Please help because I was listening youtube and right have gotten a clipped version of it. Or maybe I just missed it because my fiance would NOT STOP TALKING!!!!


lose the fiance?
I'm joking.
I believe the father made the claim on MSM too.
We have discussed this extensively, I'm unable to find a link right now, v v slow internet here.
LE have confirmed nothing and they will not either until the swoop.
Everything about this case is just a little odd. If their sole purpose of this trip was to meet with their lawyer, he surely could have met them in their home. I'm sure since the police escorted them to and from the library, the police would have also arranged safe passage for the attorney. It just doesn't make sense. MOO
They were probably glad to get out of the house. jmo
Search for Brian Laundrie nearing an estimated cost of $1 million

NORTH PORT, Fla. – The president of a local search and rescue team said the search for Brian Laundrie could have a price tag of $1 million.

North Port Police said 75 people from 16 agencies searched the Carlton Reserve in Sarasota County Thursday. They had officers join the teams for the first time. Thursday marks the fifth day crews were searching in the reserve.

Crews used swamp buggies, drones, helicopters, ATVs, and airboats to search the area. The cost of all the people and machines adds up quickly.
I really think (hope to god) the FBI just knows more than we do, & they aren’t putting out all those resources in that swamp based solely off the word of his parents. For someone that has a “missing” kid…they are cool as a dang cucumber about it. No public statements, cooperation, nothing. Really makes you wonder what BL’s parents’ definition of “missing” is. ‍♀️
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