Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #32

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What I don't understand is why people are only just coming forward NOW about it.

Does that not seem suspicious to you!? This case has been making the news worldwide for 2 weeks now.

It just seems slightly odd to me that someone would only just recall that they picked up BL at the time this all happened..


I'm suspicious and I imagine law enforcement will have to sift through a lot of people who are now going to come forward with stories and sightings, and so forth. I imagine some people will just be looking for attention, while some of these sightings, etc. may be true.
No. The Constitution applies to everyone. A witness can decline to answer a question if the answer might incriminate them of a crime. This is why prosecutors often have to grant immunity to secure the cooperation of a witness.

if prosecutor gives witness immunity from charges, will they then have to answer? They may choose to just forget about aid and abetment charges against parents and go for BL full force. Charges against parents like that do not go well anyways. They didn’t even bother with them when they knew it was happening with Anthony’s because they felt chance of conviction so low. And it killed them in getting a conviction
No. The Constitution applies to everyone. A witness can decline to answer a question if the answer might incriminate them of a crime. This is why prosecutors often have to grant immunity to secure the cooperation of a witness.
Exactly. If their response means divulging their participation in criminal-related activity, they do not have to testify against themselves.
But, her death was ruled as a homicide and not accidental or undetermined. There is definitive proof, of which we are not privy, that her life was taken by another.

I think "homicide" just means a person killing a person. I think it can still be "accidental," or "involuntary."

They're not giving us any information yet about the cause of death, but hopefully, we'll get some news soon.
What I don't understand is why people are only just coming forward NOW about it.

Does that not seem suspicious to you!? This case has been making the news worldwide for 2 weeks now.

It just seems slightly odd to me that someone would only just recall that they picked up BL at the time this all happened..


I think you can infer some things about her from the fact that she had a Bible on her dash. If she is a devout Christian, she's not going to be engaged in worldly things per se. She may not even have a TV or participate in social media, which means she would have to have heard about Gabby and Brian through word of mouth or by happenstance. I'm sure she came forward as soon as she knew the whole situation.
What I don’t understand about that is why he didn’t just play that card when he got back. Why not have them drive him to the van and be all “OmG she’s not here where is she???” And have them as a witness? Idk

I mean if he was smart, he would have driven that van to the SLC airport and had two weeks in the Costa Rican jungle before anyone knew they were missing.

So I don't think this was well planned at all. I think something happened - he flew into a rage, he heard voices - and he just coldly killed her and left her for dead. I don't see any other universe where you take her van (which really eliminates the argument that she drove off into the sunset) and go back to your parent's house (who will ask questions??). Something is really off.

I have started to think maybe after he killed her he realized what he did and became suicidal. Maybe he figured he would have a week or two with his parents to give them a last good memory of him and then off to the swap.
I think you'd get very short odds now he is dead if this was open to bets I'm afraid...I just dont think it's credible he could evade the US authorities that long whilst being alive.

I'm going to tune out of this now. It's very angering. Given the <modsnip> drained her account of a grand we know with certainty he did it and is guilty. I don't need to know the gory details. If he's not in body jail he'll be in spirit jail. I'll tune in once more probably when there is an update he's been brought to justice dead or alive.
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I'm suspicious and I imagine law enforcement will have to sift through a lot of people who are now going to come forward with stories and sightings, and so forth. I imagine some people will just be looking for attention, while some of these sightings, etc. may be true.

The second Hitchhiking woman said in her account about a bible sliding off the dashboard and him picking it up and placing back. I assume the FBI will be fingerprinting the bible to corroborate her story and establish a timeline of his movements. They also have his phone, as he didn't take it to the reserve, so if he had it whilst hitchhiking, this may help determine to the FBI if factual
What I don’t understand about that is why he didn’t just play that card when he got back. Why not have them drive him to the van and be all “OmG she’s not here where is she???” And have them as a witness? Idk
I would think to buy time. If anyone started a search right away it wouldn’t take long to find her. Once LE knew where he had been parked they found her very fast.
Why do they keep going to the preserve if they don’t think he is there?
I believe they have to be looking for evidence there. Her phone. Her clothes. I do think the parents pointed them at the reserve.

saw some good posts late last night about trying to figure out where they could have gone camping-was there further discussion on how far they could have gotten? If it took BL just under 3 days to get back to Fl, in a day and 1/2 with two people driving they could be pretty far into the middle of the country or up north. It usually takes me 16-18 hours to drive straight through from the dc area to Tampa and they had roughly 36 hours (1/2 of 3 days) to make it one way….would be grueling but they could have made it to the north east-did a drop off and turned around.
(Edited to correct spelling )
I do not believe the hitchhiker story. I believe it was his way of using it as an alibi.

I do believe he got in a fight with Gabby, potentially two way. He then left her for dead and ran. When he came back, he saw that she had died and he legged it.

I don’t think it’s as “clear cut” as murder and I think there are sufficient grey areas in his and his parents minds that means they believe he has a mitigating circumstance. I’m not saying I agree with them.

His parents are coming across as cold hearted but I think they have had enough doubt to want to see a lawyer and the lawyer has told them to stay quiet. I don’t think they know all the details of the case and they are trying to give the benefit of the doubt to their son. Between a rock and a hard place for those parents and I do have some sympathy for them.

of course, if it comes out that against human nature and reasonableness they did in fact know the details and still chose to be obstructive, the courts should through the book at them. I just don’t think it’s as clear cut as people try to make it on here. MOO

It is never as clear cut as it seems! With no press releases or any official communication to the public.... speculation, opinionated speech and conspiracy theory grows exponentially and incorrectly.

I think most, who have been with Websleuths for a while, would agree that the speed of threads on this case is unprecedented.
Hey everyone, Happy Friday. Here’s hoping LE find BL today!

I just wanted to weigh in on some of the YouTube comments and questions I've seen floating about. I was a ‘YouTuber’ for about 8 years. The time taken to make ONE video, when it's just ONE PERSON doing all of the work, can be HOURS!

I still occasionally make videos for clients. Last week, 57 total minutes of footage took me close to 6 hours to make into a professional looking finished 12-minute video that was suitable for YouTube — editing all of the misspoken words and “ums” out, finding music, adding closed captioning, the introduction, the end screen, adding a description, finding optimal keywords to use in the description. Finding suitable royalty-free music ALONE can take me hours. GP would have been going through hours of footage to find the right parts, snipping them, jigsawing them together, editing photos… And then there are voiceovers (if she was doing those). It can be such a long process. It's a damn hard graft. Some of the YouTubers I know have multiple people working on the channel. (Side note: There's probably quite a lot of footage for LE to go through.)

And all of this is BEFORE we get to the promo side of things. GP had a website (which can be many, many, many hours of faffing around for a relative beginner, ESPECIALLY to get it off the ground, and looking “perfect,” and even with WordPress/SquareSpace/Wix, etc.) Then there’s TikTok (more editing and caption-creating), and Instagram (requires consistent+regular content to gain any traction). Comments need to be replied to. Posts and videos need to be scheduled at “optimal” times to get the most reach+engagement. Influencing (I use the term loosely and never referred to myself by that name) is a full time job when you have wifi, so I can only imagine how stressed out someone could get, on the road, without wifi.

The work quickly depletes the batteries on my devices. I’m not clued up on solar chargers and whatnot, but that side of things would have quickly become an issue (for me) in the wilderness — phones, iPads, computers, drones, other recordable devices, Apple Watch,etc. Some of my external hard drives also require a power source although I don't think that's common now.

To make money from YouTube, GP would’ve needed to have at least 1,000 subscribers AND 4,000 hours of viewing in the past 12 months. Her channel wouldn't have been eligible for monetisation before that. I don't see sponsored posts [ad/gifted/affiliate/spon/other disclosures], so I'm assuming GP wasn't making any money from the van life venture. I’m not aware of how many followers, etc GP had before the story made headline news, but it would have been (IMO) a truckload of work for very little reward at the beginning. If she were being belittled by BL at the same time… stress city, I imagine.

Some people have said that GP’s first video was an odd choice — you can create an Introduction/overview-style video that sits permanently on the top of your Channel. It looks to me as though her video would've been used for that.

I think what GP started was beautiful, and she clearly had a lot of talent.

Excellent, excellent post! Thanks for sharing your experiences and observations!
As someone who has lived in Sarasota County for years, it is surprising to me that LE is stuck on Myakkahatchee Park and Carlton Reserve. There are so many other places in North Port that BL can be hiding out in. The “Joewood” area along the county line down off Yorkshire St is known for illegal camping, ATV riding, dirt bikes, etc. There have been and still are, so many homeless camps and even a few dead bodies over the years. People live out there off grid and just keep moving to be invisible. BL could blend in or hide out. It’s not that far out from services one would need – water, food, bus line, etc. That is just one area but there are others.

Off-roaders are trashing North Port

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