Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #42

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I think it's based on what people who know him know. So. The man's a murderer, I'm sure of that. I'm not trying to praise him. But I am recognizing that he's comfortable in the outdoors, and is willing to hike under conditions that aren't pleasant. I have spent time on the AT, and on other trails, (not a thru hiker though, at ALL) and this guy looks like a thru hiker. Not an ounce of fat on him, faded, neutral clothing, ready to camp.
He doesn't look like a thru-hiker at all, to me (I was a thru-hiker). Actually, he doesn't look very fit or wiry! And thru hikers don't generally wear neutral clothes; they wear whatever synthetics or wool they can scrounge up.I don't recall a lot of neutral. They often don't hike in long pants, even in winter (many wear long underwear and shorts, so they don't have to carry the long underwear). Being stinky is a way of life.
We heard from the neighbor that the Laundrie's pickup camper was new. They apparently had a reservation Sept. 1-3 at Fort De Soto that they cancelled per their lawyer. This is probably barking up the wrong tree, but has anyone checked to see if there are photos of that pickup and camper at Grand Teton? Because Gabby disappeared on or about Aug 27, insofar as we know, and that's enough time to drive to Grand Teton from Florida and still get back to Florida by September 1. Anyone ask the neighbors if it appeared that the Laundries were home between Aug 27 and Sept 1 or away?
Relevance? Not trying to be snarky, but what would that tell us if true?
Did Gabby's friend ever make it to Yellowstone? I recall she said Gabby never called her to finalize plans to meet up, as they had discussed, but I never heard if she was actually there. I wonder why she didn't bother reaching out to Gabby when she didn't hear anything? Gabby and Brian were what--30 miles from Yellowstone?
Thank the lord I’m not the only one who noticed that lol
I don't think it was a halo.
You've been going to great lengths to discount Brian's Instagram post about hiking on the Appalachian Trail.

The way he walks and carries himself, really? He graduated high school "not too long ago," and yet he's 23 or 24 years old? The backpack belt was fastened incorrectly, as observed in one photo?

If you spend a weekend on the AT, you have experience hiking the AT. If you've spent several weekends on the AT, then you've done more than a few miles on that trail.

It's difficult drawing any conclusions in the absence of simply not knowing more.
But if you have spent one weekend hiking the AT, you do not boast that you spent months hiking it alone with only peanut butter cookies. His boasts are not credible.
Did Gabby's friend ever make it to Yellowstone? I recall she said Gabby never called her to finalize plans to meet up, as they had discussed, but I never heard if she was actually there. I wonder why she didn't bother reaching out to Gabby when she didn't hear anything? Gabby and Brian were what--30 miles from Yellowstone?

That's a good question. Maybe she called GP's folks to find out if they knew what was up?
Hmmm...I hadn't seen that before. I wonder where and by who Gabby was seen on the 30th. That would mean Brian drove home to FL in 24 hours? Wasn't it 10:30am when he was tagged taking the exit to North Port?
It will be interesting to know if Gabby really was seen on Aug. 30th, however, it would still give BL the rest of the day on the 30th, all day on the 31st, and until 10:30 a.m. on September 1st to complete his journey to FL.
Not replying to anyone in particular, but, FWIW, a hundred years ago in my youth - we would backpack the John Muir Trail (200 miles?) To prep we would pour over topo maps and street maps. We could only hike as long as we knew we had food and we had to carry it all in by backpack. We could carry enough for exactly 10 days (weight-wise). We knew when we would be running out and we would try to pre-schedule to find a side trail (from the maps) to get to a road and walk/hitchhike to the closest grocery store (we already knew from the maps ahead of time.) We would buy our supplies and then hitchhike back to re-entering the trail so we could pick up where we left off. Nowadays there is internet - much easier! My point is if your know what you're doing you can go at least 10 days with a single backpack of the right food, but probably not much more. Of course we were hiking to cover ground - I don't know if you could buy double the weight in food and hunker down in a cave somewhere, since you wouldn't be walking XX miles a day to a destination..
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I'm not all that electronics savvy, so bear with me. I've just learned that Apple has an App called "Health App". It comes free with a new iPhone, or you can download it and sync it with your Apple Watch, computer, other phones, etc. One of the features of the app is that it senses and keeps track of the number of steps you take and the kinds of steps that are taken. It can tell if the steps are running steps, walking steps, off-kilter steps, etc. Its not only used for general health reasons, the information gathered can be uploaded to your physician's phone so that he can determine not only the number of steps, but their duration and the type of activity happening while those steps occur.

In a recent case in the UK, a man murdered his wife, staged a burglary and left her phone on the front step of the house to give the impression the burglar/murderers dropped it as they ran away. From the very beginning of the investigation, he insisted she had been murdered during a burglary gone bad. At trial the prosecution used the Health App to demonstrate the movements of both the husband and wife's phone during the time they suspected he murdered her. Her phone was casually walked 14 steps from the front door to where it was found by police on the front steps. His phone mirrored the same. His phone walked back into the house. Hers did not. During the time period when the burglary was staged, his phone indicated frantic movement around the house as he tore the place apart after her murder and attempted to cover his crime. The information helped sentence him to a life tariff.

If Gabby and BL had iPhones, they most probably had this app and used it to keep track of their steps walked from day to day. I would be VERY interested to see the charts of those movements around the time of Gabby's death. If she was attacked and strangled, or bludgeoned with a rock, or knifed - that struggle and the steps associated with it and the nature of those steps would be recorded on her Apple Watch or phone, if she had it in her pocket. The same would be recorded on BL's watch or phone.

BL spoke negatively in SM posts about those who "need an Apple watch" (vice trees and plants and animals, which don't). This snarky comment may have been geared towards GP, who appeared to have one in photos, but that doesn't matter. What does is that BL doesn't seem to be very technical, or have many gadgets.
I wouldn't use it at their home...maybe getting Milk and use it then?
If either burner phone made contact with an established phone, that was recognizable and legitimately registered, it will compromise the burner phone.

Ideally, in a perfect (though nefarious) world, one would use a burner phone ONCE. A SIM once. That is why terrorists are often found with mass amounts of SIMs.
Not replying to anyone in particular, but, FWIW, a hundred years ago in my youth - we would backpack the John Muir Trail (200 miles?) To prep we would pour over topo maps and street maps. We could only hike as long as we knew we had food and we had to carry it all in by backpack. We could carry enough for exactly 10 days (weight-wise). We knew when we would be running out and we would find a side trail (from the maps) to get to a road and walk/hitchhike to the closest grocery store (we already knew from the maps ahead of time.) We would buy our supplies and then hitchhike back to re-entering the trail so we could pick up where we left off. Nowadays there is internet - much easier! My point is if your know what you're doing you can go at least 10 days with a single backpack of the right food, but probably not much more. Of course we were hiking to cover ground - I don't know if you could buy double the weight in food and hunker down in a cave somewhere.

What I know about thru hiking is what I learned from Cheryl Strayed's book Wild. She was on a different trail but she mailed supplies ahead of time to different stops along the way. Even if BL isn't actually hiking a trail, it could be possible that he is close to one and could pick up supplies that were mailed from family or friends. IMO.
What I know about thru hiking is what I learned from Cheryl Strayed's book Wild. She was on a different trail but she mailed supplies ahead of time to different stops along the way. Even if BL isn't actually hiking a trail, it could be possible that he is close to one and could pick up supplies that were mailed from family or friends. IMO.
Wild! :) What a book! What a writer!
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