Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #47

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If she were just going to lie, why would she agree to the interview? She doesn't seem to be connected or involved and Gabby sent the sweetest postcards to her kids. I can't imagine CL was secretly cackling that she was misleading the media to help her brother by giving this sad short interview. Know what I mean?

I felt like the interview was more like: wow, since this whole thing blew up, do you know what's been going on? And she says no, I haven't been able to talk to him, I wish I could. I don't think she said anything specific nor did she intend to be misleading. I just don't see the point.
Maybe so. I'm such a suspicious old lady, cackle cackle.
If she were just going to lie, why would she agree to the interview? She doesn't seem to be connected or involved and Gabby sent the sweetest postcards to her kids. I can't imagine CL was secretly cackling that she was misleading the media to help her brother by giving this sad short interview. Know what I mean?

I felt like the interview was more like: wow, since this whole thing blew up, do you know what's been going on? And she says no, I haven't been able to talk to him, I wish I could. I don't think she said anything specific nor did she intend to be misleading. I just don't see the point.

Exactly. With so little actual activity in this case, people are seeing phantoms.
If she were just going to lie, why would she agree to the interview? She doesn't seem to be connected or involved and Gabby sent the sweetest postcards to her kids. I can't imagine CL was secretly cackling that she was misleading the media to help her brother by giving this sad short interview. Know what I mean?

I felt like the interview was more like: wow, since this whole thing blew up, do you know what's been going on? And she says no, I haven't been able to talk to him, I wish I could. I don't think she said anything specific nor did she intend to be misleading. I just don't see the point.

This is very close to me, and does not appear to be near a major interstate. Can anyone map out a route from WY to FL that may include a stop here, and if so, where BL would have had to turn off the interstate had he been on it.
Makes sense. Has to gas up van to get from Wyoming to FL. Illinois could be on the route

Yes, these are things that drive me crazy, too. Also, was she talking to her parents at the August 12 stop? Or afterward, when she was alone? If she had told her mom about any DV, did she tell her mom BL was far away, in FL? I think she must not have told her mother very much about it, because ISTM that time when he was gone would have been a great time for parental intervention.

You raise an excellent point IMO...When the LE went over to her at around 49:20 minutes , when they were wrapping up the conversation about her intent when 'slapping' BL, they say 'something to the effect of ...'i'll let you get back to your parents'.
She was on the phone when they opened the door and she took phone and put down when they were speaking. Has there been confirmation from parents that this actually happened? Forgive me if it's been mentioned, it's just another thing that sort of sits with me. I'm guessing the digital history and forensic investigation will reveal this answer.
I'm sorry, but if she said "I haven't been able to talk to him", she was being evasive if she didn't specify when. I can't imagine my brother being suspected of heinous crimes; my parents blocking inquiries and spreading conflicting stories about which day the mustang actually galloped home; and I, as the sister, hanging my credibility hat on "Oh, I didn't know you meant did I see him after he got home, I thought you meant after the day Mr. Petito called for a welfare check!!"

She's lost all cred with me.

You hit a homerun with the above post, NuttMegg. I agree 100%.

This chick knew her brother returned to Florida without Gabby.

Rhetorical Question: Is she expecting everyone to believe that, during the Labor Day Weekend family camping trip, no one brought up the topic of Where the Hell is Gabby?

This strains credulity to the breaking point.
Lots of speculation about where BL has run off to and/or is hiding. Chartered a boat to Cuba. Hopped on a cruise ship. Flew to a country where he won't be extradited. Etc.

But let's think for a moment how difficult something like that would be to arrange/finance at the drop of a hat. Imagine for a moment that something catastrophic happens and YOU personally have to abscond and disappear. Not just for a little while, but forever.

The first thing you're going to need is cash. A lot of it. You can't use debit/credit cards while you're on the lam, either your own or family members and other people close to you. So the first thing you need to do is get your hands on a lot of cash.

Transportation. You can't just take off in your own car or the car of a family member or friend. How are you going to travel from point A to point B? Rent a car? Charter a boat? Take a plane? For that, you need - ID.

You're going to need some form of false papers - ID, passport, birth certificate. Something. You can't rent a car, jump a plane, charter a boat without ID. And again, you're going to need cash to finance all that - unless you acquire a bank account or credit cards under your new identity.

You're also going to need contacts. It's easy to say, "Charter a boat to Cuba." But how does one do that without being detected? How would YOU personally accomplish that? You're a regular person. With a regular family. You don't have underworld or criminal contacts to even begin to help you get all that cash/ID and connection with a Cuban boat cabin that will take you to Cuba, no questions asked.

Even with 10 days prep time, where do you even start with doing all that and remaining completely undetected? Is is possible? Sure, I guess. But really think about how you, an average Joe, would accomplish this hurculean task? Even with your family helping you? All of their activities would have to be undetected, too.

It's not easy for the average person to just "disappear" forever into the sunset. And especially not for a 23 year old kid who has never been away from his mother and who has no resources/contacts whatsoever.

And even if BL did run off into that swamp, then what? He still has to overcome all the problems I've listed above. Not to mention LE and FBI BOLO's out for you everywhere. You can't be in the open moving around - renting a car, taking a bus, sleeping at a homeless shelter, hitchhikking without someone noticing you and calling it in. How long can you wander around in a swamp without adequate food, fresh water, shelter? He has to come out sooner or later, if he hasn't already.

Sorry for the wall of text, but this kid really has no options, and I highly doubt he is drinking margaritas at a villa in The Bahamas.

If she were just going to lie, why would she agree to the interview? She doesn't seem to be connected or involved and Gabby sent the sweetest postcards to her kids. I can't imagine CL was secretly cackling that she was misleading the media to help her brother by giving this sad short interview. Know what I mean?

I felt like the interview was more like: wow, since this whole thing blew up, do you know what's been going on? And she says no, I haven't been able to talk to him, I wish I could. I don't think she said anything specific nor did she intend to be misleading. I just don't see the point.

IIRC, only about two of the postcards had stamps on them, the others had no postage at all
Yes, these are things that drive me crazy, too. Also, was she talking to her parents at the August 12 stop? Or afterward, when she was alone? If she had told her mom about any DV, did she tell her mom BL was far away, in FL? I think she must not have told her mother very much about it, because ISTM that time when he was gone would have been a great time for parental intervention.
I’m curious about this timeline also! She seemed afraid to be alone in the van per her conversation with LE on the body cams. It makes no sense that he had funds to fly home and why was it deemed so important for him to go home?! I feel this time is crucial to what happened later!
Makes sense. Has to gas up van to get from Wyoming to FL. Illinois could be on the route
Benton is off I-57, which is a north-south route, but there is crossover with I-64 which turns into I-70 in St Louis... which is the majority of the westbound route to... Wyoming. I would assume if he was taking that route, he would have had to get onto another interstate in the Denver area.
If she were just going to lie, why would she agree to the interview? She doesn't seem to be connected or involved and Gabby sent the sweetest postcards to her kids. I can't imagine CL was secretly cackling that she was misleading the media to help her brother by giving this sad short interview. Know what I mean?

I felt like the interview was more like: wow, since this whole thing blew up, do you know what's been going on? And she says no, I haven't been able to talk to him, I wish I could. I don't think she said anything specific nor did she intend to be misleading. I just don't see the point.
I wonder if her parents told her to say she didn’t speak to him and she agreed without realizing how big the entire case would end up being or what the implications were.
Benton is off I-57, which is a north-south route, but there is crossover with I-64 which turns into I-70 in St Louis... which is the majority of the westbound route to... Wyoming. I would assume if he was taking that route, he would have had to get onto another interstate in the Denver area.
I posted a few posts above a map
That could be, although the people who said they saw her during that time didn't mention visible bruising. One did mention how very cute Gabby was.

In the sand dune TikTok, one would not be able to see the bruise (which a couple of us think we see) on Gabby's neck if she didn't have her hair tied back and it wasn't shot from behind. Same with the two fingertip sized bruises on her back.

Lots of abusers know exactly where to place their hands so that a woman can easily hide the bruises. (Been there, done that).
I don’t think BL’s sister’s kids deserve people on their lawn screaming through bull horns. For that matter we don’t know what she was told by BL and I would die for my baby brother, god knows that, good bad or indifferent I at the very least I would want to believe he was not capable. She may have been freaked out and just doing damage control. The only person who knows what happened is hiding and I won’t pass judgement on his family who he left to deal with the fallout of his actions. Ps IMO
Reading the transcript of CL's interview with ABC, I believe we were misled by the paraphrasing describing the question she was asked, and her answer. That was a disservice. She does not say she hasn't seen him since he came back from WY. She says she hasn't been able to talk to him. And so far, nobody has reported that she was able to talk to him after the news about Gabby broke, or even as time goes on.

After that, we all thought we knew something. But we didn't really. I really hate it when media reports snip around a quote, and then I hate it when they misrepresent what was said. I hate to say it, but the lawyer seems very correct in this case.
Yes, it was consistently reported that she had not seen or talked to Brian since September 1st. I believed it until I read the transcript. She never said that, but reporters seemed to assume that's what she meant. She said she had not been able to speak to him and that she wished she could speak to him. It seemed to me it was all in the context of the investigation and the fact that the attorney instructed him not to talk to anyone.

I do wonder what she was about to say when she said he usually flew home when he... and then stopped herself. I thought she might be referring to his mental health as if there were periods of time when he was unstable or in some sort of crisis.

This is very close to me, and does not appear to be near a major interstate. Can anyone map out a route from WY to FL that may include a stop here, and if so, where BL would have had to turn off the interstate had he been on it.

if you google directions from jackson, wy to north port, fl, the suggested route takes you directly through benton, il on i-57 after passing through st. louis, mo on i-64.
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