Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #5

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Read the police reports. There is a lot in the reports that's not in the video for some reason. The report has the statement about him leaving. Imo, I think there is another officer who contributed info to the report but his cam footage was not released. That's the only thing I can figure.

As I am given to understand, Moab federal park police appear at some point in pictures and/or video, who may not, in point of fact, have anything to do with any police appearing from other jurisdictions. Maybe the federal park police are required to radio for county or state police.

A Wyoming-experienced resident might be able to help with this, identifying badges and similar.

JMO, IMO, JMS (Just My Surmise), etc., etc.
They are refraining from saying anything because they know it is too late. If they thought Gabby was alive, they would MAKE SURE their son said where he last saw her. They are not sitting back eating bon bons thinking about Gabby being lost, thirsty and starving. No. They are quiet because they know she is gone. He told his parents and it’s all protected by privilege (Parent-Child Privilege Act of 2003).

Since there is nothing they can do at this point to help bring her back alive; the parents are faced with:

1. Say nothing, which improves the chance her body will not be found in which case their son won’t go to jail forever (and he probably told them he did it bc she upset him so much) and doesn’t hurt Gabby herself because she has already passed.

2. Encourage the son to tell LE where he last saw her (or tell LE themselves), which means the victim’s family gets closure but the son goes to jail.

I am sure they hate that Gabby’s family can’t get closure but, since it won’t bring Gabby back alive, refraining from talking will likely keep the son out of jail. LE will have no idea where to search. Later in time he might give a BS story with a BS place but that is a risk because those stories are so easily proven wrong. Say nothing and then you can’t be proven to be lying.
Not knowing where she is, whether dead or alive, is an affront to a civil society, to her family and all who knew and loved her. This is not a victimless situation and the man who is covering up his actions and knowledge is continuing to victimize her. He stole her property, too. I hope a civil suit is underway.

Extraordinary coincidence- and we have to keep in mind that timelines are usually wrong early in the investigation so the window of opportunity could be wider or shifted for them to have been in the same place.

We also have to consider as I said in the thread before this that there are typically -ZERO- murders in Moab in any given year.

Coincidence that there’s a double murder and a woman goes missing all in the same time frame seems kinda far fetched to me.
the idea that not talking to police makes you a monster is scary. So many innocent people have cooperated and ended up in jail for horrible, violent crimes they haven’t committed including spouses, significant others, etc. People have been EXECUTED for crimes they didn’t commit. That’s why so many people lawyer up today. It’s the smart thing to do.

We also don’t know BL doesn’t want to talk and just isn’t being allowed to. I know he’s an adult but 22 is young and if his parents and lawyer are telling him don’t speak or you’ll go to jail he might be scared too. We don’t know what he’s being told. I am not defending him AT ALL but actually we have no idea if he’s trying to kill himself out of anguish or has his feet propped up eating Doritos watching all of this. They’re both so, so young. Again, as I end all my posts, my heart is with her family and I can’t imagine the pain they are in not knowing where GP is.

i mainly hope she’s alive and well. If she isn’t and he’s responsible he deserves to rot. But we don’t know.

this is all good and well. However, it omits where he returned on 09/01 and the gaps till she was reported missing AND getting a Lawyer before it was even a missing person.
Ftlog, I am up to the point where she is being told in the car that she will not be charged with domestic violence and you can see her completely unravel - not knowing that this discussion of her being the aggressor was happening outside of her presence this whole time. A conclusion which was wrongfully based because it was formed on incomplete FACTS. How I wish she would have stated right there that he had 1) Locked her out of the car 2) Got into the driver's seat and 3) Had her phone and how she had to claw her way into that vehicle to not be left. But we have all had those "shoulda, coulda, woulda" moments in the clarity of 20/20 hindsight and she was likely thinking of only 1 thing "My god, they're considering arresting 'me' for this!"
She had been protecting him throughout the entirety of this "stop" and they were protecting him. They should have looked at the registration - at least then they might have "thought" to press her for more details and learn the fuller picture of facts.
All LE has to do is ask a judge for a search warrant to analyze the phone and data. In this case, it would probably be approved. There's no need to sneak around. Has a judge denied a SW for the phone and data?

I thought LE indicated as it stands they won't (or can't) issue warrants until/unless they have probable cause or significant evidence?

Here in England he would already be being questioned (up to 96 hours) and a charge made in that time in a high % of cases so American cases are so very frustrating...!
Totally unpopular opinion but...

With all due respect and empathy to Gabby's parents, they assume a great deal without any facts, in this letter.

1. They assume their son has told them where he left Gabby.
If they're not responding to Gabby's family, and Brian isn't talking, how would they know this? At this point, literally no one knows if he's told them anything, and if he did, if it was the truth.

2. They accuse Brian's parents of not helping and putting them through this, keeping Gabby's location hidden and putting Gabby's younger siblings through this.
None of us, and that includes Gabby's family, know if Brian's parents know a thing about the details.
If they don't know anything, they can't help, and they're certainly not the ones putting Gabby's siblings through anything or keeping Gabby's location hidden.
The sole person responsible for her disappearance, is the one guilty of that.
And we still don't know who that person is.

3. They go as far as bashing their character by asking "if they have any decency left".
I completely get that they're hurting deeply, but trashing Brian's parents seems rather unfair and unhelpful, considering the abundant lack of info and details.

Now, if it turns out the parents of Brian did know details and refused to help, I'll eat this post and all the crows y'all can find.

They're desperate to shake anything loose, I'd do the same.
Not knowing where she is, whether dead or alive, is an affront to a civil society, to her family and all who knew and loved her. This is not a victimless situation and the man who is covering up his actions and knowledge is continuing to victimize her. He stole her property, too. I hope a civil suit is underway.

I did not claim the parents were engaging in civil behavior. I explained their likely thinking behind their decision to be quiet. “It won’t bring her back anyway” is very logical to people, regardless of whether it is “civil” or “polite”.
All LE has to do is ask a judge for a search warrant to analyze the phone and data. In this case, it would probably be approved. There's no need to sneak around. Has a judge denied a SW for the phone and data?
You must have probable cause for a search warrant I.E. a crime committed.
In this case, no crime has been discovered.
As I am given to understand, Moab federal park police appear at some point in pictures and/or video, who may not, in point of fact, have anything to do with any police appearing from other jurisdictions. Maybe the federal park police are required to radio for county or state police.

A Wyoming-experienced resident might be able to help with this, identifying badges and similar.

JMO, IMO, JMS (Just My Surmise), etc., etc.
Moab is in Utah, not Wyoming.
I really don't think that BL has anything to do with the murder of the two other ladies. It was said a man was stalking them for days and that would mean that Gabby would have had to be a part of that. No way would he have been out of her sight that often stalking other women without her knowing.

My only thought on this was that during the traffic stop, neither of them had money for a hotel and that is why the police took Brian to where he stayed. Then, just a couple weeks later he gets a round trip plane ticket back to Florida and she stays in a hotel for a week? Robbery as a motive?
This is the scene outside Brian Laundrie’s parents house right now. Haven’t seen any movement today. Cars in the same spot as last night.
View attachment 312798 View attachment 312799

Man, I'd hate to be an Amazon, UPS pizza delivery, DoorDash, Uber Eats, etc...there. Seems like others were pranking with sending pizzas already. If I were to deliver something, I'd prefer not to roll up on on dozens of cars, cameras and mics asking me who I am and who I'm delivering for
Not knowing where she is, whether dead or alive, is an affront to a civil society, to her family and all who knew and loved her. This is not a victimless situation and the man who is covering up his actions and knowledge is continuing to victimize her. He stole her property, too. I hope a civil suit is underway.

I believe the law states that a car isn't stolen until the car's owner files a police report stating the car is missing. To our knowledge, G has not done that.
He didn’t get back to Florida without stopping for (at least), fuel. I hope the FBI are reviewing possible CCTV footage from gas stations for any routes in between the two points. Do we even know if he was alone during the return trip in the van? MOO IMO
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