Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #5

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Not knowing where she is, whether dead or alive, is an affront to a civil society, to her family and all who knew and loved her. This is not a victimless situation and the man who is covering up his actions and knowledge is continuing to victimize her. He stole her property, too. I hope a civil suit is underway.

What civil suit would be filed at this time?
I try very hard not to import my personal experiences into cases I follow but I have to say, this is entirely backwards in my own experience. In nearly 25 years hubby and I have had a grand total of 2 serious arguments. Both were 10 times worse than anything shown on that LE bodycam and yet, 100% not indicative of our usual, healthy, respectful relationship.

I don't agree it's "common sense" to assume their relationship as a whole, was much worse and frequent, as you suggest. I believe it's far more fair, to not presume such dire thoughts about a relationship none of us here really know anything about.


I agree -- hence my earlier post about the trickiness of diagnosing from a snapshot. It's just as risky and fallible as taking at face value the sorts of "curated" social media feeds we routinely and often accurately call into question here, IMO. Certainly it's possible to glean useful information from either, but it's also possible to confuse the exception with the rule -- again, thinking here about the diagnostic difficulty, not about the natural and often useful practice of "reading" a person/situation by their/its behaviour, which is often done brilliantly well here.

OTOH, sometimes a snapshot is all ya got.

I think it's important to take seriously the insistence of GP's family that keeping the focus on their daughter, and doing everything in their (and our) power to help bring her home. Then there will be time to fill in the necessary detail on the relationship between GP and BL, and how and why (and when and where) whatever happened happened.

But the bodycam footage and BL's subsequent behaviour are disturbing and reprehensible. I couldn't even get through it. Hopefully the mounting pressure helps the L family come to their senses and do whatever they can to provide the answers the P/S family so desperately require -- and quickly.
Posting a theory for people to poke holes in:

What if BL didn't fly back to Florida while GP was in Salt Lake City?

The only person we've heard this from is GP's mother. But what if the whole thing about the storage unit is just the story GP told her mom in order to save face because BL had took off and left her alone somewhere near SLC (whether to "cool off" or to "teach her a lesson"), and GP was still in communication with him, trying to convince him to come back and finish the trip with her? If she was in communication with her parents, she'd need to give them some excuse why he wasn't with her or why she was staying at a hotel near the airport? (They'd have to know her location to have the Uber Eats delivered to her).

There was a poster here who'd seen the van around downtown SLC at the time, but we don't have any evidence that he or it was at the hotel (which is outside of the downtown area - about 8 miles from the Capitol) until they're seen checking out together on the 24th. The Fairfield Inn would have been very easy to access via public transportation, and with its proximity to the airport, it'd be a logical choice if she was left without transportation and thinking she might have to eventually ask her parents to buy her a plane ticket home, if he didn't come back.

That could explain why he was seen with her at the convenience store while he was "still in FL" on the 21st -- maybe he'd come back to talk with her, but they still weren't actually "together" again or in agreement about continuing the trip until the 24th when they checked her out of the hotel.

My follow-up questions if this was the case: did she have access to money? her phone?
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Man, I don't have much to add. I'm just trying to keep up with the threads. This is all just so intense. While I understand getting an attorney, didn't they say after the presser that BL/BL fam already had the contact info for their attorney ready to give to the cops when they came questioning?

I'm just trying to make any sense of this. Maybe GP's fam are making assumptions but I can only begin to imagine how they must feel, given BL isn't talking at all but I'd probably make those same assumptions. I'm not saying they're correct but what else do they have to go off of?

I can think of one other case where it involved travel to another state and the suspects going home and immediately getting an attorney (Brittanee Drexel). I think they really ended up not having anything to do with it but does anyone remember if they answered basic questions via their lawyers?

I guess I'm just spitballing. This whole situation just sucks all-around.
I thought LE indicated as it stands they won't (or can't) issue warrants until/unless they have probable cause or significant evidence?

Here in England he would already be being questioned (up to 96 hours) and a charge made in that time in a high % of cases so American cases are so very frustrating...!

If he has claimed his lawyer, aka "lawyered up", then no, American police cannot detain him for questioning, if he does not agree.

Not without evidence, at any rate.

If they get evidence, then I believe they can ask him to come in for questioning under probable cause via the lawyer; but he will be represented by a lawyer during this time/experience.

IIRC once anyone "lawyers up" in the United States, all further communications/request for information must be made through that lawyer.
From your post:

Moab homicide victims feared for their lives
Kylen Schulte, 24, and Crystal Turner, 38, disappeared after a visit to Woody’s Tavern in Moab on Friday Aug. 13. That weekend, they called friends to say they planned to move their campsite because of a “weirdo” in the area. According to the warrants, they found the man more than just weird.

“Investigators were informed that Kylen had mentioned to her friends that if something happened to them, that they were murdered,” the warrants said. “Kylen had continued by saying there was a ‘creepy man’ around their camp, and they had been intimidated by him.”

I wonder if there was more said to friends, describing this “creepy man”? MOO

Not that I know of, and I'm been corresponding with a couple of people who knew them in Moab. I see no relevance to this case, btw.

This couple was camping 16 miles outside of Moab. In a place without an actual address. On land where they had encountered a lurking "creeper" (and they said very little else to the barkeep on the night they were last seen).
Dagnabbit I can’t find it. But a few days ago, in MSM, reporters were shouting questions to BL’s parents & the mom said “what happened in wy happened in wy”. And that’s all she would say. It didn’t stand out to me at the time, but it sure does now! And I know I’m remembering correctly (though can’t find link now) because a reporter at today’s press conference asked about it. If you listen to the PC vid, you’ll hear it. GP IS IN WY!!! Imo, mho, moo.

Here's an article that quotes Gabby's mother with saying Brian, what happened in Wyoming happened in Wyoming.

Everything we know about the mysterious disappearance of Gabby Petito
Aside from her facetime with her mom in Grand Tenton I don't think they have any idea where she could be. You can't really ground search half of the US.
They could search in Grand Tenton but that would (will?) be a very costly search. To do so based on a facetime call 21 days prior might not be logical.
I agree, though I can’t help but wonder if asking for volunteers who are local to those many areas to search if and where they can would help any in the meantime.
Totally unpopular opinion but...

With all due respect and empathy to Gabby's parents, they assume a great deal without any facts, in this letter.

1. They assume their son has told them where he left Gabby.
If they're not responding to Gabby's family, and Brian isn't talking, how would they know this? At this point, literally no one knows if he's told them anything, and if he did, if it was the truth.

2. They accuse Brian's parents of not helping and putting them through this, keeping Gabby's location hidden and putting Gabby's younger siblings through this.
None of us, and that includes Gabby's family, know if Brian's parents know a thing about the details.
If they don't know anything, they can't help, and they're certainly not the ones putting Gabby's siblings through anything or keeping Gabby's location hidden.
The sole person responsible for her disappearance, is the one guilty of that.
And we still don't know who that person is.

3. They go as far as bashing their character by asking "if they have any decency left".
I completely get that they're hurting deeply, but trashing Brian's parents seems rather unfair and unhelpful, considering the abundant lack of info and details.

Now, if it turns out the parents of Brian did know details and refused to help, I'll eat this post and all the crows y'all can find.

I respectfully disagree, because even if they know absolutely nothing, they could answer the phone or texts from Gabby’s family. They could sob and commiserate that they loved her too and are also frantic. Even if they no longer care about Gabby, whom they had expected to be the eventual mother of their grandchildren, they can answer the distraught parents and be kind to them, hear them out, support them in their grief. Even if their son is innocent, even if they know nothing.

Also, to the poster who said they’d like to be a fly on the wall at the Laundrie’s right now, I hear ya. Same. But actually right now I’d rather be a wasp. Provoke them a little.
#BREAKING: The Grand County Sheriff’s Office has been in contact with Florida authorities and are actively looking into any connection between #GabbyPetito and the double homicide that occurred in Grand County.
The timeline no longer works for these crimes to be connected, right?
  • AUG 12: altercation/separation
  • AUG 17: BL flies to FL to move GP’s things to storage
  • AUG 19: Moab couple murdered
  • AUG 23: BL returns to UT
  • AUG 25: bodies of two women found near Moab Wednesday morning
  • AUG 25: GP’s last Instagram post at Monarch Wall, Ogden, UT. Last phone call between Gabby & her mom, Nicole Schmidt.
Do I have the dates right for BL’s FL trip?

Lesbian couple killed while camping, no arrest made - Baltimore Outloud
You’re missing the point. Brian’s parents could simply say “we don’t know where she is bc Brian didn’t tell us”. They don’t have to “know the details” to at least say that.
And if they say that to the FBI, and the FBI discovers it's a lie, that's a felony and up to 5 years in the slammer. Why would they want to do that when they can just keep their mouth shut?
Most of the cases on here I am opposed to the pitchfork crowd but not this case.
If he was only uncomfortable talking to police he could at least release a statement regarding Gabby's last location through his parents or lawyer.

but maybe he doesn’t know? I have a feeling if he releases a statement saying “we have no idea where Gabby is.” That wouldn’t make anybody feel better. I’m not saying they shouldn’t make some kind of statement but you can’t tell what you don’t know. (Im also not saying they don’t know but.. well hopefully you get my point)

this is all good and well. However, it omits where he returned on 09/01 and the gaps till she was reported missing AND getting a Lawyer before it was even a missing person.

Of course. The gaps are hard to explain. I am not saying he is innocent and never have. But NOBODY knows what happened and we don’t know he does! We know they weren’t getting a long. We know GP was struggling with her mental health. We know they both laid hands on each other and were in a volatile and aggressive relationship FROM BOTH SIDES and BL tried to separate himself from her. We know GP went off the grid often. We know he returned home alone and his parents got him a lawyer. That’s it. There was a lot hidden from us in the beginning of this and I’m assuming there’s a lot we don’t know right now.

My point is that not speaking to police should not be what makes us think he’s a murderer when innocent people are locked away for life as we type.
The timeline no longer works for these crimes to be connected, right?
  • AUG 12: altercation/separation***
  • AUG 13th: Lesbian Couple goes missing.***
  • AUG 17: BL flies to FL to move GP’s things to storage
  • AUG 23: BL returns to UT
  • AUG 25: bodies of two women found near Moab Wednesday morning
  • AUG 25: GP’s last Instagram post at Monarch Wall, Ogden, UT. Last phone call between Gabby & her mom, Nicole Schmidt.
Do I have the dates right for BL’s FL trip?

Lesbian couple killed while camping, no arrest made - Baltimore Outloud


The lesbian couple disappeared after a visit to Woody’s Tavern in Moab on Friday Aug. 13.
Posting a theory for people to poke holes in:

What if BL didn't fly back to Florida while GP was in Salt Lake City?

The only person we've heard this from is GP's mother. But what if the whole thing about the storage unit is just the story GP told her mom in order to save face because BL had took off and left her alone somewhere near SLC (whether to "cool off" or to "teach her a lesson"), and GP was still in communication with him, trying to convince him to come back and finish the trip with her? If she was in communication with her parents, she'd need to give them some excuse why he wasn't with her or why she was staying at a hotel near the airport? (They'd have to know her location to have the Uber Eats delivered to her).

There was a poster here who'd seen the van around downtown SLC at the time, but we don't have any evidence that he or it was at the hotel (which is outside of the downtown area) until they're seen checking out together on the 24th. The Fairfield Inn would have been very easy to access via public transportation, and with its proximity to the airport, it'd be a logical choice if she was left without transportation and thinking she might have to eventually ask her parents to buy her a plane ticket home, if he didn't come back.

That could explain why he was seen with her at the convenience store while he was "still in FL" on the 21st -- maybe he'd come back to talk with her, but they still weren't actually "together" again or in agreement about continuing the trip until the 24th when they checked her out of the hotel.

I have 100% absolutely considered that BL didn’t fly back to FL at all. That GP may have told her mom this for some reason.
Maybe to get funds for the hotel?
Or did he rob the two girls for the funds?

It’s also possible that they were together that whole week. I’ve considered that BL killed the two girls and they were both freaking out. BL trying to convince GP to stay quiet about it. Finally she says she can’t stay quiet and he realizes he has to get rid of her.
but maybe he doesn’t know? I have a feeling if he releases a statement saying “we have no idea where Gabby is.” That wouldn’t make anybody feel better. I’m not saying they shouldn’t make some kind of statement but you can’t tell what you don’t know. (Im also not saying they don’t know but.. well hopefully you get my point)

Of course. The gaps are hard to explain. I am not saying he is innocent and never have. But NOBODY knows what happened and we don’t know he does! We know they weren’t getting a long. We know GP was struggling with her mental health. We know they both laid hands on each other and were in a volatile and aggressive relationship FROM BOTH SIDES and BL tried to separate himself from her. We know GP went off the grid often. We know he returned home alone and his parents got him a lawyer. That’s it. There was a lot hidden from us in the beginning of this and I’m assuming there’s a lot we don’t know right now.

My point is that not speaking to police should not be what makes us think he’s a murderer when innocent people are locked away for life as we type.
It is not about making people feel better, it is about finding Gabby. If he does not know then say so through an attorney.He needs to at least tell where he last saw her.
the idea that not talking to police makes you a monster is scary. So many innocent people have cooperated and ended up in jail for horrible, violent crimes they haven’t committed including spouses, significant others, etc. People have been EXECUTED for crimes they didn’t commit. That’s why so many people lawyer up today. It’s the smart thing to do.

We also don’t know BL doesn’t want to talk and just isn’t being allowed to. I know he’s an adult but 22 is young and if his parents and lawyer are telling him don’t speak or you’ll go to jail he might be scared too. We don’t know what he’s being told. I am not defending him AT ALL but actually we have no idea if he’s trying to kill himself out of anguish or has his feet propped up eating Doritos watching all of this. They’re both so, so young. Again, as I end all my posts, my heart is with her family and I can’t imagine the pain they are in not knowing where GP is.

i mainly hope she’s alive and well. If she isn’t and he’s responsible he deserves to rot. But we don’t know.

I think it's difficult in this particular case.

Because A) If she's alive, and he knows where she is, it is in his personal best interest to disclose that to LE and clear himself. Even if she has a black eye or something it could be plead down to nothing in exchange for helping to locate her.

But B) If she's not alive, it's obviously in his best interest to not cooperate. You have an absolute right to not participate in your own prosecution.

So if he chooses B, everyone assumes she's not alive and presumably he had something to do with it. It may be the right legal choice but it's still difficult because the "optics are bad" as we say.

Defendants have a right to not cooperate but they can't control public opinion.
I did not claim the parents were engaging in civil behavior. I explained their likely thinking behind their decision to be quiet. “It won’t bring her back anyway” is very logical to people, regardless of whether it is “civil” or “polite”.

I agree with you; but it almost assuredly is a little cold, and speaks (IMO) to the likelihood that they have already accepted Gabby as gone from this world because they have insider information.

Moab is in Utah, not Wyoming.

Thanks, I was temporarily thrown off by the thread title slug.

Do we know roughly how many states they have purportedly crossed since the timeline started being kept?
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