Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #5

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Yellow indicates cell coverage in Yellowstone. I was surprised that there was that much coverage.

Good clue - but her mother says that the text said "Yosemite," not "Yellowstone." At this point
She literally just said what was written in the article about being like a sister etc, hope a misunderstanding etc.

Well, she LIVED with them . . . sister? sister-in-law?
read a news article that a friend said she was supposed to meet up with GP in Yosemite - definitely not Yellowstone - on Aug 29 - so the plan, after Utah I guess - was to head to Yosemite.

Guess it all comes down to where the phone was when it said "no service in yosemite"

or --- how did she get to Yosemite? BL drives there, does something, then drives back to florida from cali which is even further away? or BL leaves her, drives to FL, and she makes her own way to Yosemite?
Agreed... Amelia Earhardt it ain't.

Trying to be very polite and nice to her, since she is the victim, but wondering if she might have had an unrealistic view of this experience before embarking upon it... I mean, even more so than just "someone who has not done it". It takes a lot to romanticize it, IMO, if you don't even want to be behind the wheel... and I say this as a non-driver myself.

Maybe she was not that worried because she knew she could drive it in a pinch, or maybe she's OK with maneuvering it if she's the only person/car on the road, it's just she didn't "love" it...but again, that seems odd.

It makes one feel that someone maneuvered her into, at minimum, choosing it, if not choosing the entire "vanlife" enterprise.

I'm not even saying it's Brian - maybe her father or mother coaxed her into buying it because they thought it was safer or sturdier than other options but - it is weird. It's kinda like saying your ambitions are to become a prima ballerina without ever mastering dancing in pointe shoes. If you don't love the very iconic tools of your desired trade - why would you choose it?

This is a good point.

I think GP was happy with VanLife, as long as she had a strong partner to drive and be a planner, a loader, a guard for her, maybe.

She could do the decorating, the videos, the social media, maybe the cooking.
But I think she knew she couldn't do this
alone. Without him she would have to somehow get back home and her dreams of an unrestricted life of travel without responsibilities while blogging and influencing to support them was not sustainable. All those other VanLife kinds of blogs were making it seem so much easier, so much more profitable, and more like freedom than it really was.

I think he just wanted to live in a van and hike barefoot. Maybe occasionally call the parents for more money.

These two did not have educations or careers in their future. The van was partially financed by her father. They were not paying rent and were working only temporarily for his father, so they didn't really have much to fall back on for support, other than their parents again.

The couples I have noted that seem to do well have at least one partner with marketable skills, like carpentry or mechanical repair, and have already become self-reliant before they start of.

It doesn't seem to me these two were even on the same page when they started.
What if they didn't know she was missing? What if all BL knew is that she wasn't talking to him?

Then why did they call an attorney? They know plenty about what happened. That's why they immediately got their attorney involved long before her family or LE even knew she was missing. Sorry, there is no explaining this away.
Comedian Kathleen Madigan has a really funny bit about her father being an attorney, and she was told from childhood never rat yourself out. Never speak to a cop. "I can't recall, I need an attorney" is all you should say. The prisons, Kathleen says, are full of people who can't keep their damn mouths shut.

It does seem like good legal advice, even though this is frustrating and painful for the family.
Agree, but cooperate with LE under guidance from your attorney
You should know by now that when people Lawyer up, most of the time what you referred to as common human decency goes out the window.

It's a question now of is there really anything for LE to actually compel BL to cooperate and by cooperating can he actually give them anything that would help?

Lots of people here seem unwilling to consider a third party in this case, but a lot of famous killers going back decades often just happened upon their victims without much planning, it's still conceivable at this point that he kicked her out of the van like he had attempted to do once before during an argument and then perhaps had second thoughts and went back for her or didnt and learned upon his return home that she had stopped all contact with people.

Either way it's still very possible she fell afoul of someone else.

I'm pretty willing to consider lots of things at this point.
What WOULD be a reason to not say anything to anyone (other than his being a vile human being and is only concerned about self-preservation)? ...

His attorney needs to get him a deal. That's why.

And, for as long as LE needs him to tell them where she is, he has a chance to get it. So, let us all hope and pray that they find her without him.
On Instagram the photos prior to this trip show a happy couple enjoying themselves. The travelling certainly changed things. There's no photos of his interests, particularly lino cutting. I get the feeling Brian is perfectly happy drawing or lino cutting and just being in the moment as opposed to Gabby who seems more in need of constant entertainment, always wanting videos and photos to fit into her hopes of becoming a recognised travel blogger.

If you're quieter like Brian the van doesn't allow any escape, any quiet time. Gabby seems as though she'd be pushing for the next experience, the next photo op, when I think Brian would have been happy just 'being.'

I think both Gabby and Brian could have reached their limits. She seems so fragile and needy and he may have tired of the feeling of responsibility for not just her safety but her happiness. He became increasingly grouchy and this upset Gabby even more, so she became even more needy, which suffocated him even more etc.

I think they may have spent from 9-3 at the cafe because Gabby was trying to do Instagram etc. When she said Brian didn't think she could do a blog or whatever, it could be simply that they had spent 6 hours inside, on a lovely day, just so she could spend hours doing something he just didn't think was worth using so much of a day doing.

I don't know what happened, but looking at their Instagram accounts, they both come across as nice people. He clearly cares about the environment and animals. It's confusing then that he would take the approach he has. That seems to completely contradict who he seemed to be.

If he's doing this against his will, so to speak, I hope he changes his mind and has the courage to put Gabby's welfare above his own. That is what we do when we love someone.

Thank you for this well-thought out reply. I really appreciate it. You said what I’ve been thinking really well.
The thing went on for an hour. If I had to guess, I'd say it was before the midway point anyway.

But he did seem to have calmed down a lot by the time he was asked. I remember being surprised at the timing of the question.
It was at the beginning and I'm sure he asked that to determine if he was under the influence of some sort of drug. If he was medicated the interview would have gone a different direction I believe.
Checking in from last night. Saw body cam video and clips from the presser. So, Gabby is OCD and not bipolar but, beyond that, no news?

I found it so sad to see those two on the body cam. Both are cute kids (kids to me, anyway) and seem so nice (backed up by what others say about them, too). What are other's impressions? Could there have been a terrible "accident" - like a fight where he didn't mean to hurt her but did? That's the only way I can see this silence w/o thinking he intentionally killed her. I prefer to think none of that happened and, by some miracle, Gabby will reappear and Brian is only guilty of refusing to say anything.
I of course don't know this, but IMO, LE does believe a crime has been committed and have probable cause to at least get the basic digital info. When one of the Chiefs stated two left, one came back would go towards probable cause. Add in BL's non co-cooperation and refusal to say where he last saw her. The fact her life may be in danger if she was left in a remote location in WY and time is of the essence. He came home with her van and no Gabby. Lack of proof of life. That's a lot of probable cause. I have seen judges in other cases approve warrants on less than that. JMO though.
This is what I don't really understand but I guess POI simple response could be this is where I last saw her
Yes I agree.
When I play the devil's advocate, I'm trying to consider the other possibilities as told by the poi.
Also there are some cases that get turned around , so to speak.
Like Heidi Broussard's.
The friend who killed her had other friends vilify the boyfriend of Heidi's.
As it turns out, none of it was true and he's a good and responsible person and always was.
I ate crow over that case.
And I've considered donating to the crowdfunding for the children's sake.

In a separate missing child case :
If a person has a relative missing but there's strong evidence that their story is full of holes and the story keeps changing in major ways ... they may not be a victim.
And if they've victimized younger relatives and a DA is willing to press charges --that won't happen without valid proof as in photos or videos.
Again that relative(s) of the missing person is not a victim, but possibly a perpetrator.
This in in complete line with what I assume happened.

In Gabby's case, I'm thinking that BL may have told his family/friends something totally different than what occurred.
Who's going to check if they were thousands of miles away when it happened ?
I think the worst has come to pass, and I don't think many here will be eating any crow.
Something is terribly wrong.
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