Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #53

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I totally agree with this, however every time I bring it up I am lectured about how much work goes into editing photos for Instagram and posting one (ONE!) video (from first hand experience: this is not true) and am told I am insulting Gabby's "art" -- this is such a valid point that I feel deserves discussion -- how exactly did she expect to make money from the minimal effort she was putting into it? Maybe you'll have better luck than I have at getting others here to agree it's worthy of discussion.

Agreed. And I believe that BL's apparent comments to GP about how he didn't think she could make it with the blog show that this was a point of contention between the two. I DO NOT THINK this excuses any abusive behavior, but I really think financial tension was reaching a boiling point. If only they would have just called the whole thing off... MOO
Regarding the trip back to Florida around the 17th, I'm guessing it's because they broke up, not because of some storage unit baloney. Then I keep thinking about how BL's mom was 'so happy about the engagement' according to gabby's parents. Maybe she convinced him to give it another try, etc. etc. and that's when he flew back to Utah. Then he shows up in FL on 9/1, tells his parents they tried to make it work but couldn't. And Gabby is so upset she flew home to be with her parents but asked him to drive her van back to FL because she'll need to pack up her stuff at the house in it later. Of course, BL's mom, sister still hope they'll work things out, they've broken up so many times before and always gotten back together, and BL is acting normal-ish enough, so they don't question it further till Gabby's parents start calling. That's when the truth comes out (after the camping trip, if the sister is to be believed) and he tells the parents the truth of what happened, there's a big blow up (redacted incident at the laundries right before Gabby's reported missing). After that, he takes off.
I believe a lot of us are juggling with his status, dead or alive.
Common sense tells me he is dead.
But everybody is still searching for a living BL.
I think that if he was the suicidal type he would have done it immediately.
Inconsistent with a suicidal inclination is a 36hr drive home, a camping trip with his folks and all the other activities witnessed by neighbours etc.
His theft of her credit cards is about self preservation, he took it 'co he wanted it.
Like her life?
I've never warmed to him.
What methodology would he have chosen if he suicided?

I can picture him intentionally lying down to sleep next to a gator hole hoping that he'd be taken by nature. Leaving it in the hands of the cosmos to judge his guilt, so to speak.
I've wondered if the trip to the Mexican restaurant could have been Gabby instinctively knowing she should seek to be in public. Because she saw his spiraling violence, probably interspersed with "loving" moments. She may have known that she had to be in public to calm him down (didn't really work tho, did it). That's the only thing that could explain going to that unauthorized and weird camp site on the 26th, yet leaving for the restaurant mid day on the 27th and returning to that same forlorn site. Maybe they had planned to find a better site on return, but she was already dead by then so he went to the same spot, as he knew how isolated it was?

Things were getting out of hand, she knew she had to get into public, it just continued to go wrong, witness his prolonged tantrum in the restaurant, and he IMO kills her when they get back, or on the way, something like that. It could have been just minutes before RW&Bethune saw the door furtively close.

So going to the restaurant could have been a scream on her part, but kept within, that she needed help.

I don't see how a crowded popular restaurant at mid day would have allowed for much internet time. IMO
This makes me wonder about how establishments handle people staying for hours on end using their wifi and taking up seats which affects their turnover of customers..Could Gabby have stayed at Merry Piglets way too long and maybe they were asked to move on? Which got BL all riled up? We do not know what time they arrived at the restaurant. They were already there when the witness and her boyfriend arrived and sat near them. I do think this was the big fight that continued for hours and resulted in her death. jmo
To be quite honest - I'm not holding a lot of worth about the Vlog/Blog. My reasoning? Well, when this case first broke, views of their SM were tiny and according to a previous post (or was it when I was watching Dr Phil), a father said GP had done a lot of prep for this adventure (like 12-18months). IMO if that was the case, there would have been more prep work on the SM side to promote their VAnLife before setting off ( for example vlogs on converting the van, getting ready, what they need to pack etc). To me, it does not indicate that this was going to be a serious money maker for them. There simply was not enough investment (in terms of time and creative content) to get the project off the ground.

Whether or not it was being executed well, or well yet, it has seemed from all indications that GP was hoping and aiming for it to become something at least money-generatkng to some degree.
They lie. Or omit or shade. Sometimes well and sometimes poorly. Sometimes intentionally, occasionally not.

Upside of lying sometimes - may seem to give your lawyer more to work with in terms of creating a defense, BUT
Downside of lying - you risk your whole planned defense getting torpedoed when a damning piece of evidence shows up in the middle of your trial/hearing.

And fwiw, clients do this in non-criminal, even non-litigation matters as well. Shareholder matters, terms of corporate or business transactions - anything.
Shareholder matters = herding cats :)
Whether or not it was being executed well, or well yet, it has seemed from all indications that GP was hoping and aiming for it to become something at least money-generatkng to some degree.
Do you remember by chance where those indications began? I know there are bits and pieces of this spattered around, but we also heard they were headed to Portland to Wwoof. Do we have any evidence she was trying to do this for income or was it simply a hobby?
Expunged charges are just that. They are entirely removed. There is still a sealed record but are not available to to public.
PSA: Highly recommend a follow-up review and FOIA request for anyone relying on that. I have seen even a Federal arrest appear on a (very) deep dive background check 10+ years after an event, when the arrest/disposition was supposed to have been expunged after completion of a diversion program (which had been completed within a year of the arrest).

good for them!

a bit of compensation for the HELL their dirty neighbours are putting them through.

(hoo boy if i was one of their neighbours...
first of all i would be knocking on that door daily complaining.
i'd be phoning daily too.
i would be telling anyone who would listen every tale of petty neighbourhood bs they had ever done.
i would have talked to the sherif and the fbi day one.)

i hope one is the one next door that Brian Entin stands on right up close to the Laundrie's house.

i hope inside the Laundrie house they can hear what everyone outside says.
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