Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #55

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IMO the only reason CL has been brought out to the reserve is because they are close to BL’s location and need dad to talk him in custody. They would not IMO bring dad on site for a body recovery because he would identify at the morgue. I doubt the FBI needs CL to track trails or identify a campsite when they have all the tools of the trade for DNA etc for that. JMO but I think BL will be caught in the next day or so…. Crossing fingers he doesn’t make another escape elsewhere.
I really hope you’re right. BL needs to be found.
Wild guess here, as I'm not a hiker or camper, but a photo was posted of Brian and his father, both wearing backpacks. If BL learned hiking skills from his dad, perhaps there are "styles" of building campsites, fire pits, etc., and they wanted to show his father what they found to see if he thinks it's of the "style" he may have taught him?
genius train of thought here!
Hey everyone, a lot seems to be happening recently. JMO but could the FBI be letting CL in on the search to show him how treacherous the job is looking for their son, in case the laundries actually know where he is, as a guilt tactic because as viewers of tv we can only imagine how hard it actually is. Just a thought. I keep hoping today will be the day, got everything crossed.
BBM Don’t forget to keep your eyes crossed all day. :p:p
This is surely a stupid question but I have lived in the Northeast my entire life so I don't know the answer. Do the leaves fall in Florida or do the trees keep their leaves all year? I.e. will the vegetation be the same year-round?
The coastal plain from South Carolina around to Texas they have many evergreen plants including Live Oaks, which are huge trees but they don't change color like other oaks. They have leaves that turn brown and fall of but most of the leaves stay green. Other tall trees would be pines and cypress trees - also evergreen. Florida is semi-tropical, which I guess is obvious, but they don't have fall like the mid to northern states.
This is surely a stupid question but I have lived in the Northeast my entire life so I don't know the answer. Do the leaves fall in Florida or do the trees keep their leaves all year? I.e. will the vegetation be the same year-round?

So many do not drop leaves. Even the big live oaks only drop leaves in March...and only a small amount from the overall tree .
Deciduous and non-deciduous all grow together as well down here.
The cynical side of me is thinking this spectacle in the swamp is something to keep the parents busy while the FBI is closing in on BL at his" real" location in Georgia or somewhere else. They don't want to take any chances that someone might tip-off BL, so they dragged Dad out to the swampland to keep him occupied. JMOO.
You never know; from reading lots of true crime books featuring FBI operations, I think anything’s possible.
Thanks for linking the photos.

I find it very interesting they put CL in an open air, non-air conditioned, bumpy riding vehicle where he is visible to any cameras trained his way.
Is everyone riding around in these?
There are deciduous trees in FL that do shed- oaks mostly. The palms, banyans (Florida strangler tree) do not.

Thanks everyone! Maybe even with just some shedding it will be easier to search as it gets colder. Up here the non-evergreen/pine trees are completely bare so our forests look completely different by November.
Fox 13


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Why did it take this long to involve Chris Laundrie? It’s been three weeks since they reported BL “missing”…
All speculative possibilities:
Too many additional details coming out in succession - quickly trying to backtrack - too many articles coming out of possible charges if found assisting son- too long since they’ve heard from them (whenever? that was) - mom desperately wants dad to bring her son home because she’s now afraid he really did take his life - dad called out as coward. dad finds courage to do right thing…
I don't necessarily think he was crucified for lying, but moreso for constantly giving out inconsistent information. He's consistently released statements that he's had to amend later. I understand he's only relaying the information he's been given by his clients, but he's a lawyer, he knows better. If he's going to give public statements, he knows he needs to have his facts together before he puts them out there.

If it is determined there is enough evidence to go to trial, the prosecutors will absolutely use the statements he gives to try to discredit his clients.

In crime-related cases such as these, I don't recall a lawyer making such unprofessional and strange statements, and with odd timing, as much as he has.
Yes it's happened, but not to this degree!
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