I had posted this site earlier but wanted to post it again in case weather-related questions come up.
World Temperatures — Weather Around The World=
You can get a record of weather (Hi-Lo temps, precipitation, wind, humidity) for any date for pretty much for any place in the world going back to 2009.
Personally I think the periods of heavy rain, thunderstorms, and fog forecast for the county where Ft. DeSoto is for Sept 1 (a correct forecast per the above site) would have made me cancel camping plans. I've been stuck in a tent with metal tent poles in a thunderstorm...never again! I know the Laundries have that "camper" thing but I'd still not want to be in a metal structure like that during a thunderstorm if I could help it.
So I don't think we can
rule out weather as a reason for canceling the trip on Aug 31 even though Ida wasn't the issue.