Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #63

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That's terrifying

I can't find the exact link or i would post it. There was a map of the US and it showed the 2 states where it isn't technically illegal

Again, this is misleading. When looking at statutes, you have to take in mind that there is a legislative intent to all laws created. It isn't that strangulation is legal, is simply is the case that the legislature of those respective states feels that the subject is adequately covered elsewhere by statute.

For example, here is the map you are speaking of: Find Your State Law: US Map of Strangulation Legislation (

However, South Carolina covers this generally in their assault statutes, and furthermore addresses such in their domestic violence general provisions. See here: Code of Laws - Title 16 - Chapter 25 - Domestic Violence (

ETA: specifically SECTION 16-25-65
But isn't murder illegal in all 50 states and all the US territories? A specific statute isn't needed just for strangulation - I'm not sure if California has one.

Killing someone is illegal, in other words, but most states don't have statutes about every single way that a person can be killed.

What I read didn't state murder or killing. It just spoke of the act of strangulation, which in itself doesn't always cause a death due to the time it takes. If I can find the exact website I was on yesterday, I'll post it.
I don't know that anyone from WS is going to the laundries (?) so how would it be our fault?

Protesting, in other words, is protected by the constitution. If you missed it, take a look back at the true circus in about 2005, held on the lawn of the Terri Shaivo HOSPICE, complete with jugglers, ppl with bullhorns, etc. On the lawn of a facility where people were literally dying. And the protestors went right up to the doors of where Mr. Shaivo lived with his family, including small children. Take a look at any street corner in a big city where some guy is offensively, loudly proselytizing, maybe right in front of your own store... all day long. Take a look at all the demonstrations regarding how a pandemic is being dealt with. Fact of the matter is that maybe except for the corner proselytizer, these people would all disappear if the media presence was eliminated. But the media definitely have constitutional rights, too.

I have no sympathy for the Laundries, but I do for the neighbors, except guess what....some of the neighbors have sold access to their property to the media. If I were a neighbor, I'd rightly, IMO, blame the Laundries. I still wonder what they did with Gabby's poster....burn it or just toss it in the garbage.

didn't say it was the fault of people on WS. I said people who are showing up to yell at that house are foolish and need to get a life
I can't support the Laundrie's at all in their treatment of Gabby and her family but I don't support what's being done to them, their home, and their daughter's family either. It's sick.
Imagine if the Laundries came out and made the statement that they believe their son had nothing to do with Gabby's death? It wouldn't surprise me if their house got bombed, if the protesters traded in their bullhorn for rifles...who knows what they're capable of if they don't hear what they want to hear?
Again, this is misleading. When looking at statutes, you have to take in mind that there is a legislative intent to all laws created. It isn't that strangulation is legal, is simply is the case that the legislature of those respective states feels that the subject is adequately covered elsewhere by statute.

For example, here is the map you are speaking of: Find Your State Law: US Map of Strangulation Legislation (

However, South Carolina covers this generally in their assault statutes, and furthermore addresses such in their domestic violence general provisions. See here: Code of Laws - Title 16 - Chapter 25 - Domestic Violence (
That's the map. Different website but same map. I should have been more clear in my original post. Thanks

Neither is vigilante justice.

Edited to fix abbreviation.
Except, there hasn't been any observable vigilante action thus far.
Speaking out loud is voicing opinion only, and they're not breaking any laws.
Not anything I'd participate in; as there are better ways to assist LE and the search for Brian !
They are concerned for Gabby's family and for justice for a violently murdered innocent.

If it was one's own child dead and the family of the person of interest refused to even answer phone calls, one might think differently.
But as someone else pointed out and I agreed, this will fade away soon.
There are far more serious problems at hand.
For now, the pressing question is : Where is Brian and what is being done to apprehend him ?
Almost like those protesters did with CaL. They told her they'd leave if she came out and talked and she did.
The parents either need someone asking the right questions or something similar to happen, Maybe they'd say something that would help.
ChL did seem to me like he may have considered saying something when mowing this morning. MOO

Just playing catch-up but wanted to comment on this. I was watching Brian Entin’s lives earlier today and I believe that ChL wants to talk. Brian saw it too (as did other viewers). I think the right question might open him up. Or even a statement along the lines of “I know what your lawyer’s advised re talking to the press but any comment you can give would go a long way to making people back off & stop harassing you both” (or similar). He is sooooo close to wanting to say something, understandably.

I’m also feeling a bit more empathy towards the Laundries, for all we know they actually don’t know anything (hard to believe but not entirely impossible). It goes without saying however that 99.9% of my empathy is with Gabby’s family.
Being upset is not an excuse to behave like children. There are countless murders and missing persons cases daily. This one has been latched onto by a larger than usual online community and people are taking it too far. Yes, at the moment LE is not arresting (many) people. I am not FL LE, so I don't know why, but I suspect because it's more trouble than it's worth (for many reasons).

Whatever their rationale for limiting arrests, people who know nothing of the internal conversations between LE and the Laundrie family are driving long distances to make themselves part of something they've seen online - something that has nothing to do with them.

It's fine (I guess) that we engage in "sleuthing" on this site. I've been here for a long time. I think when we (and/or the Twitterverse) suddenly feel obliged to stick ourselves directly into the story, we have crossed a line.
You must not have been around for the Caylee Anthony case.
Trust me, The Laundries have had No "too far" moments,
Yet still, at least one household member was looking for a missing child.
Mom of 4, if my child committed murder I would hire the best defense atty out there, negotiate their surrender, negotiate the best plea available. I would not actively shield/hide them. I would answer phone calls/contact the worried family, not remain silent at the expense of the possible safety of another person.


Brian is the type of person who likes to push the rules and boundaries of others because he believes they don't apply to him. Recklessly speeding during the Moab stop, emotional outbursts at service staff at the restaurant, his behavior towards Gabby leading up to this point. His behavior shows someone who is emotionally stunted and grandiose with his personal opinion of himself.

I'm not surprised they were in a dispersed zone that was not a designated campsite. People like him thrive off of bending the rules. The fact that Gabby's hiking boots were found with her says to me that they were camping there. When I would go camping, you would keep your shoes outside of the tent overnight to air them out or dry them. In a hurry, he may not have thought clearly enough to move them when he was fleeing the scene.
Mom of 4, if my child committed murder I would hire the best defense atty out there, negotiate their surrender, negotiate the best plea available. I would not actively shield/hide them. I would answer phone calls/contact the worried family, not remain silent at the expense of the possible safety of another person.

MOO, her denying that he hit her is classic DV mentality, taking the blame. I do not discount the 911 caller, he clearly said he saw Brian slapping and punching her despite Gabby saying he did not. I do not discount that the 911 caller saw a woman he thought needed help despite what Gabby said. Brian admitted that "they were both physical". We don’t know when the fight started or what happened before the eyewitnesses became aware of it. I agree, they both said he wanted her to calm down, but calm down from what, his previously hitting her per the 911 call? In my opinion what that caller saw was more than Brian just trying to get away from Gabby, he saw Brian striking her in those moments. In my opinion it is very telling that he told her she would not be successful at her blogging career. If you truly love your partner, you just don’t do that in a demeaning way. Even if you think their attempt is futile, you still encourage and support, help them. It is not like he had anything else going on, made big sacrifices to go on the road with her. You don’t try to make them feel like a failure and worthless, that only benefits the person who is saying that, so why would he tell her that? I don’t think the abuse was new. I think grabbing someone by the face is a very aggressive/controlling posture to take with your partner. My daughter was in a DV marriage, she would deny the abuse despite the bruises on her, make excuses. From the outside looking in, it is very hard to understand why they deny the abuse, but they do for a myriad of complicated reasons that I don’t think they themselves understand. I am not negating Gabby’s contribution/participation or that she was not physical with him. In the Moab video I see a lot of the same characteristics in Gabby I saw in my daughter when she was still in her marriage. MOO
I don’t typically share personal experiences but this whole situation with people wondering about them hitting each other gives me so many memories of being the older child growing up. My sister could hit or bite me, but I was constantly warned not to hit her because I was bigger and she didn’t know better. I KNOW DV is not the same, but the lesson to me is… both people should know better than to lay hands on another person but the bigger and stronger person does have a responsibility to walk away.

Trained boxers can be legally charged in a bar fight if they punch someone because their training has made them more deadly than an average person. So if they are punched in the face, they can’t hit the person back outside the boxing ring. (Do Pro Fighters Have To Register Their Hands As Weapons?)

So while I appreciate that everyone is responsible for themselves, and I completely agree, there are situations where someone who can inflict more harm on the other person does need to be the person to walk away. No matter what is happening.

This whole thing with reporters and protestors harassing the Laundrie’s is getting old quite frankly.

I don’t care for the Laundrie’s one bit and I see them as complicit in Brian getting away. Yup, I said it, I think they helped.

So long as they are under the microscope they will never slip up. If they are allowed to relax, get comfortable, maybe, just maybe, they’ll make a mistake. That’s never going to happen as long as this nonsense continues.

If the only story these reporters can come up with is that CL cut his grass today then it’s time to move on. Time for a new tactic. Go for a different angle.

This has become beyond ridiculous.

I can't get on board with harassment nor threats, either. And IMHO, they are absolutely complicit in helping him get away because they did not report him missing for four days. It is absurd to be out there making life difficult for their neighbors who are completely innocent. I would be on the phone to LE every day if I lived next door to them. Do something productive. Post flyers with the reward amount in bold, red letters at the top. Send them to every campsite and convenience store in the Southern states and beyond. Someone will spot him. JMHO.
I always respect your opinion on the many cases we follow. And this is a good one. I can’t see BL as someone who could kill himself. I would be surprised. The way he ran away seems like a coward. I don’t think he wants to die. But I don’t know him.

I respect your views as well. I am on the fence about the suicide issue. If he was going to do it, he already did it (IMO). They really searched that preserve, but still, they could have missed him. It's awful to think that though.

It appeared that LE took a gun case out of the back of the Mustang and it was empty. Maybe the gun was elsewhere (surely BL's parents wouldn't have left a gun available to him? Or were they really so clueless about what was going on that they didn't even think to put it up?)

If he did shoot himself inside an alligator pond (!), what an amazingly selfish thing to do.

I am super curious about what the FBI will do next...

I think that is just the lighting in that picture. The ones Gabby posted on thedyrt show the tent as white and orange.
Unless the floor of the tent is black. Have never seen a tent that looks exactly like that

I tried and tried to find the make and model but no luck - so if anyone recognizes the tent, please help us out. It's just pure curiosity.

I actually agree with this. I have said before that I would follow my attorney's advice and remain silent if instructed to do so. The parents may very well be complicit in this to some degree, and were instructed very early on to not speak to or respond to anyone. I have nothing but empathy for Gabby's incredible family and find myself deeply frustrated that they were not given any support or answers from the Laundrie family early on. That said, I also understand that they may simply be following their attorney's instruction.


If my attorney did not let me read a prepared statement to the press, with him/her at my side, I'd find a new attorney. I also would not share an attorney with a family member who was a POI in a crime.

Absolutely no way that I would remain absolutely silent in this situation. I would want the family affected by my offspring's doings to see my tears and hear the anguish in my voice.

Maybe she was killed in the van and he didn’t know what to do with her for those couple of days but didn’t want to risk driving around with her body so hitchhiked to get food, supplies or whatever and then finally placed her body out away from the road and then left for FL. JMO

In that case, there would be plenty of cadaverine and other byproducts of decomp in the van. The van would be warmer than the ambient temp, so in 12 hours, the decomp would be recognizable by dogs (for years to come).


What I read didn't state murder or killing. It just spoke of the act of strangulation, which in itself doesn't always cause a death due to the time it takes. If I can find the exact website I was on yesterday, I'll post it.

It's still illegal in all 50 states to assault someone. Strangulation is assault/battery even if the person isn't killed.
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