Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #68

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Exactly! As I said last night, pieces of the puzzle are coming together.

I never could under the issues people have with that trip. Most of us can’t afford that long of a trip without business to do. Makes all the sense to me to schedule a return to take care of business in the middle of it. Make arrangements up front and it’s a cheap paying for labor to even just empty a large storage unit, and here, it’s a years lease if you don’t get the stuff out Worth the cost and effort for BL to come back. Get other stuff taken care of as well. And Gabby could have a nice week or so of civilization. And the time apart could have been beneficial if the intense closeness in that trip was stressing them. That it did not, is one of the tragedies. LE likely knows a lot of the stuff we are just getting wind of, and it’s not so relevant to them, it seems, though we really do not know. I had no clue the marshals were looking hard at the AT, for example. I suspect various LE units everywhere on alert for anyone resembling BL
I understand the discussion surrounding the protestors. I kind of think it’s not the most important aspect to this case and I also very much agree that if we defend the Laundries exercising their rights, we must then also defend the protestors exercising their rights. We can agree/disagree with either/both of those behaviors.

I just want to point out that none of us (to my knowledge) have met Gabby. We do not have any idea what she would want in the event that she was brutally murdered by a loved one. We don’t know if she would want peace or revenge or would want people to do whatever they want. Her social media doesn’t cover what she would want in the event that she is murdered. So I appreciate the discussion, but I do take issue with posters saying what Gabby would have or would not have wanted. Simply because we don’t know. She was robbed of her ability to tell us, which is why we are even discussing at all.

As it turned out, the car was parked 16 miles from the home. But, yes, he could have taken a bike in the Mustang.

So the address we've been using (Reiserstown Road, in the parking lot near the preserve) is wrong? Do you have a link for that? Many of us need to revise our notes and timelines if that's the actual address. I thought it was on the redacted LE document as Reisterstown Road - 5 miles from the Laundrie home, not 16.

When did it turn out to be 16 miles? As late as yesterday, most of us were going off the Reisterstown Road - if someone can post a pic of the LE document (I know several people have it), maybe we can get some clarity.
IMO, the Laundries are ordinary people, living their ordinary lives, enjoying their grandchildren and hobbies, etc.
Suddenly these ordinary people were thrown into an extraordinary, horrific situation.
They made some terrible mistakes, the most glaring to me is their failure to return the frantic calls from Gabby's family.
They didn't kill Gabby.
They appear to be cooperating with the FBI now.
They are following the advice of their attorney.
AFAIK they haven't broken any laws and it seems LE is not pressing any charges.
It's hard to imagine these ordinary people turning into criminal masterminds overnight.

All of this may change of course.
BL needs to be found.

The link provided said it sold in March 2021, not June. But if they moved in March 2021 to the Laundries' I guess they could have put stuff in storage then. It's not really clear though when they lived with Cassie or why Rose said they didn't live with the Laundries.
The links that were provided last night said it had sold July 30th. I had commented that it's not unreasonable to see that with a 30 or 60-day escrow the timing would have landed just right for them to have to move the things out of the condo. (or out of the storage unit in the condo).

The other thing to consider is when Brian and Gabby left for there van life, the Laundrie's may not have expected the condo to sell as quickly as it did.
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Yes! If the parents believed any scenario that Brian invented, they would have been shocked and confused to see LE at their door. But, instead, they did not allow LE to speak (or even see?) their son and, by all indications, had their attorney's contact information ready for LE.
That's a long way from being stunned that the police were there to speak with their son. As in: 'Hey Brian, the police are here and want to talk to you. What's going on?'
Makes me feel they already had serious suspicions (or more) and were already in defense strategy. My moo for the day. :confused:
The police had already visited the house on 9/10 for a “wellness check” and the Laundries had already gotten texts, emails , voice messages from the Petitos that day so that they knew something was seriously wrong. How much or what BL told them, we don’t know, and likely will never know . I suspect they called the attorney that day who gave them an idea of what to expect next. The lawyer apparently spoke to BL. So , when LE came the next day to request to talk to them, they were ready. The day before, they just asked to speak to Gabby and were told she was not there which triggered the missing persons report. MOO
Yes. The cult of Brian escaping human "infestation" by traversing the mighty Tetons in his mobile monastery. Practicing un-celibacy (a new bend).

But we don't know that for sure (the un-celibacy part).

I do think BL was on his way to the Cacophony "Farm" (Commune) after Yellowstone. He may still be on his way there, although not sure any actual commune in Oregon will take him now that he's criminally famous. I hear there are communes elsewhere that might, though.

I love the image of his mobile monastery though...
I don't think most people would cover for their child, in the way that you're stating, but there's a middle ground between just taking them to the police (no one should ever just walk in and talk to police about a crime they have committed or are thought to have committed).

You take your kid to a lawyer, get some advice, and follow that. Who in the world would beg the police to arrest their child?

You would be able to do the right thing, with legal advice. Lawyer might advise "Sit tight and let the police come for the kid," but surely you'd want a lawyer to represent your child? Even if they were old enough to get a PD (due to having very little income), a consult with a good criminal defense attorney would be essential. Some will give the first consult for free, and then...your kid keeps their business card, for that period of time in between arrest and first appearance in court of law.
Assuming you and/or your child had money for an attorney.
Up until the Moab stop this 'van life' seemed unreal to me. Like taking a picture/snap of a family and a moment later they are all shot dead by the picture taker.

To me van life is a lonely life, and very isolating at least in this case. I know Gabby didn't get to post a lot of the content, but to me it's just a snapshot of not being real, of course it's only in hindsight. But on the whole I don't believe 99.9999% of this entire sm concept as being something sustainable in the long term.

I know a loving couple who do a lot of traveling in their van. They are really into each other but also connect with friends frequently. They post on social media, but not as a profession -- they have digital-type jobs that they can do remotely. (They're privileged in that regard.)

I don't think they knew.Gabby was missing till the phone calls.came from her mom and dad!
I'm sure they said they were calling cops!
They spoke to lawyer!
I'm not so sure they knew what was.happening but they covered their butts!
I definitely see two sides of the fence with the laundrie protestors argument, one thing I go back to is if the laundries are allowed to exercise their legal right to not speak, then aren’t protestors allowed to exercise their legal right to protest? As long as they are not doing anything illegal, surely it’s their right as much as the laundries. If it’ll make a difference I very much doubt it, although it did with CaL so who knows. If they hurt someone or cause property damage then that is not ok at all, so as long as it remains peaceful, I think they’re legally in the right. IMO.

Harassment is usually frowned upon.

With links to MSM provided right here, we have come to understand that Gabby's mother thought both Gabby and Brian were missing.

When she first are calling, when she first started texting, when she first started pm'ing GB's was desperately worrief something had happened to both of them.

So why in the world would Brian's mother not pick up the phone, not answer the text, not replied to the pm??!

My own opinion is she deliberately chose not to. And for that she's going to reap what she sewed.

She certainly will.
I agree. I don’t think any of those things were Gabby and Brian’s. Maybe bought as an intentional “flip” house. Maybe the kids liked it and expressed interest and they changed their intentions. Keeping in mind, where were Gabby and Brian going to live when they returned to North Port? I really think his parents wanted the best for these two. I think they really loved Gabby but when it came to making a choice - Brian…

Was there actually a plan for them to return to FL? I've never seen any evidence of that and would truly like to know. What I see in their SM is a plan to go to Portland (!). and then to an "organic farm" north of Portland (BL mentions Cacophony). I thought they were truly living the Van Life, and not just vacationing.

It's a small thing, but it makes a difference to how I see what is going on and what I think BL might do next, if still alive.
BBM I was still laying in bed while thinking about this but all the vloggers / youtubers I have followed have made the van building process and readiness process a HUGE part of their social media. It built the excitement for the journey. I've noticed since the beginning there was none of this on their SM (individually or on Nomadic Statik) and that struck me as odd. I wonder if it was documented and never made it to publishing but the few photos of BL welding or sawing seemed so few. MOO

I finally had time to track it down: Login • Instagram It appears to be one of BL's SM accounts.
The links that were provided last night said it had sold July 30th. I had commented that it's not unreasonable to see that with a 30 or 60-day escrow the timing would have landed just right for them to have to move the things out of the condo. (or out of the storage unit in the condo).

The other thing to consider is when Brian and Gabby left her there van life, the Laundrie's may not have expected the condo to sell as quickly as it did.

That was a different condo last night. That was the one in Venice.
I definitely see two sides of the fence with the laundrie protestors argument, one thing I go back to is if the laundries are allowed to exercise their legal right to not speak, then aren’t protestors allowed to exercise their legal right to protest? As long as they are not doing anything illegal, surely it’s their right as much as the laundries. If it’ll make a difference I very much doubt it, although it did with CaL so who knows. If they hurt someone or cause property damage then that is not ok at all, so as long as it remains peaceful, I think they’re legally in the right. IMO.

Harassment is usually frowned upon.
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