Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #68

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Harassment is usually frowned upon.
Has anyone except their neighbour been charged with anything? I know they were told to stop with the bullhorns but I’ve not heard about anyone being arrested for harassment. JMO I genuinely don’t know if they have or not. I think I also said in my post I don’t condone anything illegal just that as long as it’s peaceful, why do the laundries get to exercise their right but the protestors don’t?
ETA - frowned upon isn’t illegal, the laundries keeping quiet is frowned upon but also not illegal. JMO I just don’t understand why we’re all talking about it, I said I can see both sides but it’s not illegal to protest, we’re not going to be able to change the situation, they’re there and only LE can sort that out if they commit a crime.
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With links to MSM provided right here, we have come to understand that Gabby's mother thought both Gabby and Brian were missing.
When she first are calling, when she first started texting, when she first started pm'ing GB's was desperately worrief something had happened to both of them.

So why in the world would Brian's mother not pick up the phone, not answer the text, not replied to the pm??!

My own opinion is she deliberately chose not to. And for that she's going to reap what she sewed.

I think when they saw the messages, they realized this was deep muck, and there was nothing they had to say that was going to make anyone feel better. You really think the Petitos would have felt better if the Laundries said their son is now home a d they have no idea what happened to Gabby? I don’t think so. It would have resulted in a panicked screaming match and possible threats, and even a visit. No answer resulted in a slower processing of the horrible answer. JP, Gabby’s Father on Dr Phil, absolutely stated that at that time (and Gabby was dead then,; he just didn’t know it) he had to continue thinking she was alive. That she was all right.

tThis is an epic tragedy and there was no good way to handle it. If Bl were handed over from the get go, the Laundrie parents might be spared the maddening crowd taunts, but their son would likely have been in worse legal shape. Really, BL, was foolish to run. Unless there is direct evidence that he killed Gabby, possible that the silence helped mitigate the consequences.

Really, if a family member gets into a bad legal predicament, the best thing to do legally and monetarily is to keep quiet. I know families in financial ruin that could have been lessened because they talked too much and for things far less horrible than this. Same as a simple car accident—don’t admit blame, until you have all the facts on the table.
There are so many many pages, but I need to ask.......BL said that money was tight? Yet he flew home. Has that been discussed? Who paid? And who flies home to clean out a storage to what.....extend trip, and they needed money. MOO, but this is weird to me.
As close as those houses are to each other, those neighbors don’t know Jack. They had no definitive info. I don’t think they know each other. A second home, transitory , seasonal rental neighborhood maybe? I couldn’t tell you when my neighbors are out doing what but I have a good idea who lives in each house I talk to each of them at least once a week. But I walk dogs, am out in the yard and we all talk to each other. I’d be able to say if they had an extra car out in driveway for a week, for instance.
It appears BL was out and about with parents at the house up to the camping trip. A neighbor did see him help load the camper. Afterwards, no one will say to press that they saw him. If he stayed inside, no one is going to see him. Appears he left that Monday, either later early Tirsday for the Reserves. Last his parents saw him was Monday, IMO. No note on the car until Wednesday because It missed the overnight check of the parking lot Monday.
"As close as those houses are to each other, those neighbors don’t know Jack. They had no definitive info."

With with our second home, which someone might call seasonal, I know all my neighbors! And where is your link proving your comment?

I never could under the issues people have with that trip. Most of us can’t afford that long of a trip without business to do. Makes all the sense to me to schedule a return to take care of business in the middle of it. Make arrangements up front and it’s a cheap paying for labor to even just empty a large storage unit, and here, it’s a years lease if you don’t get the stuff out Worth the cost and effort for BL to come back. Get other stuff taken care of as well. And Gabby could have a nice week or so of civilization. And the time apart could have been beneficial if the intense closeness in that trip was stressing them. That it did not, is one of the tragedies. LE likely knows a lot of the stuff we are just getting wind of, and it’s not so relevant to them, it seems, though we really do not know. I had no clue the marshals were looking hard at the AT, for example. I suspect various LE units everywhere on alert for anyone resembling BL
Well, I'm not sure it was a large storage unit. It's been described as a locker. If it's condo storage, I've seen those in FL and they're not usually very large. It doesn't make sense to me that BL would fly across the country to empty it when his parents are right there. I mean, they do most everything else for him. And then you have CaL when interviewed by the protestors about BL's trip back. She said(paraphrasing): That's what Brian does when he....
Has anyone read or do you know if the black *tarp, cloth was there when they found GP's remains? Was this the tarp that was on the roof of their van? I initially just thought LE had tied it up to cover her but the more i've researched the less I believe that. Anyone have more insight here? Did the murderer use that to help "hide" it from those that may be on the road side of the creek?

*to me it almost looks like a large art or canvas bag. Something an artist or architect would keep renderings in?
My question has been why did the Police let the parents stonewall with a lawyer? Most of the time if police need to question someone they would tell the lawyer to show up at the station with the client. I think the Northport LE backed off too quickly. I'll say no more or I might get into trouble. :cool:

heck, we already had retired LE/FBI saying there’s no good reason the NPPD didn’t surveil the Laundrie house from a distance to keep an eye on Brian, and that they would have had every right to do so.

What do they want the Laundries to do? Better they send out more missives as to who has seen BL? Find him.

I imagine the protesters would like the Laundries to produce the whereabouts of BL, and are convinced the parents know where he is and are stonewalling.

not condoning the protesters, and you clearly don’t share those thoughts, but plenty following this case do.
I know a loving couple who do a lot of traveling in their van. They are really into each other but also connect with friends frequently. They post on social media, but not as a profession -- they have digital-type jobs that they can do remotely. (They're privileged in that regard.)


My ex and I had a fully customized full size van that we would take trips with. We'd sleep in it while traveling to a destination, not for a van life.

If I hadn't seen this Transit van in person I would have thought a real van, not a work van and it was barely enough for one person, such as Gabby's van.

If this is what they were doing on a nightly basis, I would have called a lawyer on my way home to file for divorce. But I suppose it's different when one is young and in love. jmo
What do they want the Laundries to do?

I think the fact that the Laundries have shown ZERO sympathy about Gabby’s death is really what is fueling the public backlash. It is cruel, heartless and appears very guilty… not to mention all of the other odd behavior.

1. They could at the very least acknowledge Gabby’s death and offer condolences to her family. They could lay wreath at her memorial. They don’t even have to say a word.

2. Encourage BL to turn himself in for the federal bank warrant and POI in her murder.

3. Or, come out and say that they believe that BL is dead if they really believe that to be true.



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I think when they saw the messages, they realized this was deep muck, and there was nothing they had to say that was going to make anyone feel better. You really think the Petitos would have felt better if the Laundries said their son is now home a d they have no idea what happened to Gabby? I don’t think so. It would have resulted in a panicked screaming match and possible threats, and even a visit. No answer resulted in a slower processing of the horrible answer. JP, Gabby’s Father on Dr Phil, absolutely stated that at that time (and Gabby was dead then,; he just didn’t know it) he had to continue thinking she was alive. That she was all right.

tThis is an epic tragedy and there was no good way to handle it. If Bl were handed over from the get go, the Laundrie parents might be spared the maddening crowd taunts, but their son would likely have been in worse legal shape. Really, BL, was foolish to run. Unless there is direct evidence that he killed Gabby, possible that the silence helped mitigate the consequences.

Really, if a family member gets into a bad legal predicament, the best thing to do legally and monetarily is to keep quiet. I know families in financial ruin that could have been lessened because they talked too much and for things far less horrible than this. Same as a simple car accident—don’t admit blame, until you have all the facts on the table.

that would indeed be a great response - in a bloodless colorless interaction where nobody’s lives are affected, and all one is concerned with is CYA.

IMO, it’s a little less than honest and aboveboard, though.
Regarding the condo discussion. After ChL went to the reserve last week, on his way home he drove through a condo complex. I read later on Twitter that he had owned a condo there. I thought it was very strange that he drove through it with the FBI following him. The FBI then pulled up along side ChL at a stop sign. They spoke for a minute and went separate ways.

WHY would he be showing this area to the FBI? Any thoughts on this?
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IMO, the Laundries are ordinary people, living their ordinary lives, enjoying their grandchildren and hobbies, etc.
Suddenly these ordinary people were thrown into an extraordinary, horrific situation.
They made some terrible mistakes, the most glaring to me is their failure to return the frantic calls from Gabby's family.
They didn't kill Gabby.
They appear to be cooperating with the FBI now.

They are following the advice of their attorney.
AFAIK they haven't broken any laws and it seems LE is not pressing any charges.
It's hard to imagine these ordinary people turning into criminal masterminds overnight.

All of this may change of course.
BL needs to be found.

They created their own extraordinary horrific situation.

As I said earlier, with links to MSM provided right here, we have come to understand that Gabby's mother thought both Gabby and Brian were missing.

When she first started calling, when she first started texting, when she first started pm'ing GP's mother was desperately worried something had happened to both of them.

So why in the world would Brian's mother not pick up the phone, not answer the text, not replied to the pm??!

My own opinion is she deliberately chose not to. And for that she's going to reap what she sewed.

Also they are "allegedly" cooperating with th FBI. We have no proof.
The police had already visited the house on 9/10 for a “wellness check” and the Laundries had already gotten texts, emails , voice messages from the Petitos that day so that they knew something was seriously wrong. How much or what BL told them, we don’t know, and likely will never know . I suspect they called the attorney that day who gave them an idea of what to expect next. The lawyer apparently spoke to BL. So , when LE came the next day to request to talk to them, they were ready. The day before, they just asked to speak to Gabby and were told she was not there which triggered the missing persons report. MOO
Do we know if the police asked to speak to Brian on the 10th? One would think that's only logical. And, if they did ask to speak to him, what response did they receive? Surely, LE's radar would have been up and operating enough to realize they needed to speak to Brian (the last person who had contact with the missing Gabby)?
Regarding the condo discussion. After ChL went to the reserve last week, on his way home he drove through a condo complex. I read later on Twitter that he had owned a there. I thought it was very strange that he drove through it with the FBI following him. The FBI then pulled up along side ChL at a stop sign. They spoke for a minute and went separate ways. Any thoughts on this?
The FBI even attempted to block the media from following CL.
Has anyone except their neighbour been charged with anything? I know they were told to stop with the bullhorns but I’ve not heard about anyone being arrested for harassment. JMO I genuinely don’t know if they have or not. I think I also said in my post I don’t condone anything illegal just that as long as it’s peaceful, why do the laundries get to exercise their right but the protestors don’t?
ETA - frowned upon isn’t illegal, the laundries keeping quiet is frowned upon but also not illegal. JMO I just don’t understand why we’re all talking about it, I said I can see both sides but it’s not illegal to protest, we’re not going to be able to change the situation, they’re there and only LE can sort that out if they commit a crime.
I think it all depends on where you live. This kind of activity at a private residence is illegal under my particular city code. It's also a violation of my specific HOA rules. It is indeed classified as harassment and disturbing the peace. Oh, and throwing items like laundry baskets onto the front lawn and pounding signs into the yard is trespassing.

I'm pretty sure this is not the kind of thing our founding fathers envisaged when they bestowed us the right to peaceful assembly. imo
I think when they saw the messages, they realized this was deep muck, and there was nothing they had to say that was going to make anyone feel better. You really think the Petitos would have felt better if the Laundries said their son is now home a d they have no idea what happened to Gabby? I don’t think so. It would have resulted in a panicked screaming match and possible threats, and even a visit. No answer resulted in a slower processing of the horrible answer. JP, Gabby’s Father on Dr Phil, absolutely stated that at that time (and Gabby was dead then,; he just didn’t know it) he had to continue thinking she was alive. That she was all right.

tThis is an epic tragedy and there was no good way to handle it. If Bl were handed over from the get go, the Laundrie parents might be spared the maddening crowd taunts, but their son would likely have been in worse legal shape. Really, BL, was foolish to run. Unless there is direct evidence that he killed Gabby, possible that the silence helped mitigate the consequences.

Really, if a family member gets into a bad legal predicament, the best thing to do legally and monetarily is to keep quiet. I know families in financial ruin that could have been lessened because they talked too much and for things far less horrible than this. Same as a simple car accident—don’t admit blame, until you have all the facts on the table.
O don't agree it is better to be quiet when that quietness delays and confuses an urgent missing person investigation.
I don't believe it is legally ethically or morally correct to hinder a murder investigation or help hide a fugitive or to mislead a search party, misrepresent the date a vehicle was returned that is connected with this manhunt or justify the withholding of crucial information from a victim's frantic family.
Some issues are moral, most are legal.
Is this not suggesting that the laws don't extend to family bonds or should not?
Why not?
Pretty sure LE can't order anybody to come to the police station. They can arrest a person if they have grounds but without an arrest they can't force anyone to come in. And IMO that's a very good thing. So I don't think the Laundries got special treatment.

Anyone can be detained temporarily by the police for questioning.

Addition / Edit:
In FL, that is not true.
Can a Florida Law Enforcement Officer Detain You Without Arresting You?
Under Florida law, based upon reasonable suspicion that you may be involved in criminal activity, a police officer may require you to identify yourself and explain your presence at a particular time, without arresting you. Under Florida law the officer may not remove you from the immediate vicinity without making an arrest, unless you voluntarily accompany the officer to some other location.
Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine
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Does anyone know if they FBI are back at the preserve today? I still find it odd that training was happening during an active manhunt the other day, wouldn’t it be dangerous for novices to be in a position where they could get hurt, say if BL was armed? I said at the time this was going on with the police tape, imagine how GP’s family would have felt if they watched the news and saw police tape going up, seems so odd to me, maybe they found some sort of evidence. MOO

Of all things, in the same reserve, they caught another fugitive on the run, Ethan Waters.
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