Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #69

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I'm pretty sure that in the video the officer opened the car door and GP was on the phone. She put it down to talk to the LE and at the end of the conversation, the female officer (I think) stated that she was on the phone with her parents. So your point about giving her privacy is correct, unless they record inside their vehicle.

yes that's right - officer 2 = woman officer
time stamps match
officer 2
Officer 2: (44:32)
She’s got her cellphone. She’s calling her parents, just to feel better. She doesn’t want to not be with him tonight.

Gabby Petito: (49:48)
I just-

Officer Robbins: (49:49)
I’ll let you get back to your parents. Okay?

Gabby Petito: (49:50)
Gabby Petito & Brian Laundrie Utah Bodycam Footage Transcript Before Disappearance

my personal feeling is that Gabby did make a call ( rather than pretend to call somebody ) just because of the context of how upset she was & upset about being separated for the night/ about being alone by the officers.
Not sure what her motivation to make a fake call would be?
This raid just feels like a warning light of LE ineptness. There in no real reason they couldn't have simply waited for the guy to walk out of the room and to take him into custody without all the SWAT nonsense. They either think he is on the loose, armed and dangerous and telling nobody (which would be insane), or they are overusing violent tactics, which not only makes them look very bad from a LE behavior point of view, but eliminates any hope to completing this particular "mission" quietly.

Seriously, I have a growing feeling they have absolutely no idea what's going on.

When I first read the original article I kind of felt like they were making it more dramatic than it truly was. It was just a gut feeling because it was written in a lighthearted way. I wouldn’t feel lighthearted if someone broke into my room forcibly with guns drawn.

MOO, the article simply struck me as odd.
yes that's right - officer 2 = woman officer
time stamps match
officer 2
Officer 2: (44:32)
She’s got her cellphone. She’s calling her parents, just to feel better. She doesn’t want to not be with him tonight.

Gabby Petito: (49:48)
I just-

Officer Robbins: (49:49)
I’ll let you get back to your parents. Okay?

Gabby Petito: (49:50)
Gabby Petito & Brian Laundrie Utah Bodycam Footage Transcript Before Disappearance

my personal feeling is that Gabby did make a call ( rather than pretend to call somebody ) just because of the context of how upset she was & upset about being separated for the night/ about being alone by the officers.
Not sure what her motivation to make a fake call would be?
This is really interesting though, and something I hadn't realized. We're sure all 4 parents (Petito side) have said publicly she wasn't on the phone with them at the Moab stop? Maybe she called Roberta?
This raid just feels like a warning light of LE ineptness. There in no real reason they couldn't have simply waited for the guy to walk out of the room and to take him into custody without all the SWAT nonsense. They either think he is on the loose, armed and dangerous and telling nobody (which would be insane), or they are overusing violent tactics, which not only makes them look very bad from a LE behavior point of view, but eliminates any hope to completing this particular "mission" quietly.

Seriously, I have a growing feeling they have absolutely no idea what's going on.

Totally agree. There were so many other ways to handle it. I too think that there's absolutely no strong theory about where BL might be. They behaved as if he was thought to be armed and dangerous, which tells me...they don't know. They apparently think he's capable of assuming someone else's identity. and finding a new woman right away (they could have called the room and asked to speak to her, for starters). They also could have done a quick internet search and found that this was the wrong guy...
If I may add one more oddity: Although they weren't sure WHICH weekend, the Laundrie's neighbors reported on news camera that the white camper top showed up in early September and they saw the Laundries packing it. I personally think that is odd timing for that purchase if their camping trip was originally scheduled for Sept 1-3 (the reservation RL cancelled 8/31). They didn't need the white camper top for their original plans, but they did need it for the Sept 6-8 trip?

I've mentioned this a few times here: I hope LE has checked to see whether that white camper top was purchased alone or whether it was purchased from a private owner atop a vehicle that was hidden after purchase and is now being driven by BL (perhaps with former owner's registered license plates on it). Alternatively, if there was such a vehicle, it could easily be traded for another, using the signed off title from the previous owner and giving a false name and address as buyer.

These are all good questions. Personally, I believe BL went straight home and told his parents, or called them and told them before returning. Regardless of what happened out in WY and who killed GP,* he would have been desperately in need of help and who else would he have to turn to? They did the best thing they could do to help and protect their son. They lawyered up and they all kept their mouths shut.

*I am not saying BL didn't kill GP. Everything about what we know seems to point to him doing that.

However, this case, isn't about what the parents knew and when. They are never going to say anything. I heard a lawyer say that with them saying nothing from the start prevents the defense from making BL's parents their star witnesses in a trial. That was a good point. In staying silent, as horrible as it was to GP's parents, they protected their son and themselves as much as they could in the bad situation they found themselves in.
When I first read the original article I kind of felt like they were making it more dramatic than it truly was. It was just a gut feeling because it was written in a lighthearted way. I wouldn’t feel lighthearted if someone broke into my room forcibly with guns drawn.

MOO, the article simply struck me as odd.

ITA. At first I thought it was maybe satirical. It is told in a sort of "humorous" way. I think it did happen (since it was originally published in the New Yorker and not, say, the Daily Mail), but I think it has been embellished. MOO
It’s been over four weeks since Brian left his house. Authorities have been unable to find him. After this length of time he has to be running low on food. It would be essential to replenish his supplies. Is someone helping him purchase supplies?
Even if he has a burner phone it needs to be recharged.
Hmm...that is an interesting idea. Considering she had been living with or near the L family for a decent amount of time, her calling them does seem plausible. If that is who she decided to call in that moment, it makes me wonder if maybe she and RL had had previous conversations about BL's behavior and their relationship. I can actually see GP calling RL that day before BL calling his mom...

On the other hand, would GP lie to LE during that stop, about who she was calling? Unless the officer misunderstood when she was saying she was calling his parents. ???

Their total lack of concern for Gabby and her family makes me question if they had a good relationship. I would say not and would be surprised if she called the L’s.

I would be right there with you except for the glaring lack of help in finding GP when she was missing. I can't get past that. I can't come up with any reason they would not help that doesn't make them look like the worst people on the planet, except that they knew that nothing they could add could save her. I am a pretty imaginative dude, I can usually find scenarios to support either side of a question, but I can't come up with one here for putting up with what they had been putting up with just to keep from talking about a break-up.
I am a bit behind on the thread but I can think and identify many reasons (only to counter this, not as any sort of determination or personal belief).

Note: I am also a hard core introvert by nature, so this is through my lens only.
1. They may have never engaged in a conversation before ever with Gabby's parents and had heard too many stories from Gabby about histories involved to engage now.
2. They may have simply not even seen the messages and calls until they became threatening with the police. It appears that Brian didn't much care for regular phone use, maybe they don't either, on their personal lines and when they looked, they knew nothing good would come of it and turned the communications over to the authorities and their attorney.
3. Maybe they knew that whoever Brian left Gabby with, IF he did-big IF, was/had been involved in something not so good and they wanted nothing to do with such a thing and didn't want to be the ones to tell her parents. Legal reasons.
4. Maybe they just have a rule about allowing toxicity into their lives and by the time they heard the messages and saw the texts, they decided it might be best to have the authorities handle it, instead of stepping into a fire that had begun to build.
5. There are additional theories that are possible, some even probable but, for very good reasons, are not able to be debated here due to TOS.
6. Final thoughts, we simply don't know what we don't know. So we are left with only assumptions and our own experiences to fill in the blanks.

There may be a GREAT reason that they made these choices. There may be NO reason (unlikely, but quite possible) and that would be terribly difficult to reconcile.

Please know that I only share these as possibilities on this side of the scale since that is what was mentioned. I very much agree that the opposite may also be true and deservedly confounding.

I'm starting to really think it was RL that she called during the stop. I think that the Ls knew more about the current state of their relationship since they lived there, and the Ls would have more insight into any potential issues BL may have. Add in Cassie's comment about 'this is what he does when he...'

I think GP called RL for advice and that is what got the ball rolling on BLs flight back to Florida.


Maybe. But if she did, then I expect GP would have said much of what she said to LE. That she started it, that she hit/slapped BL's arm, etc. I'm not sure I'd expect RL would think DV, or if she did, think DV caused by BL. But if RL knew about the incident, that could have primed her to accept a "we broke up & GP went to NY" story later on.
It’s been over four weeks since Brian left his house. Authorities have been unable to find him. After this length of time he has to be running low on food. It would be essential to replenish his supplies. Is someone helping him purchase supplies?
Even if he has a burner phone it needs to be recharged.

Well, he had a solar charger in the van (just the right size for his REI backpack, lightweight). We have one too.

Dumpster diving? He used to work at Publix, he knows the routine. Since apparently he is easily confused with other people, with a little creativity on his part, it may be some time before he is recognized.

However, there's also a good chance that he's no longer among the living. IMO.

Personally, if he is smart, he will not be near the AT or in FL. If he's still alive. And there are lots of places where he can live simply and find sources of food - I just find it very odd that he left with so few possessions and in the manner he did. Sounds like US Marshals think he has a gun - but if he does, and he took little else, that's not a good sign.

I'm on the fence, but I'm leaning toward "not alive."
Storming the room is an indication to me that BL is considered to be dangerous and may be armed.

The FBI has been asking for tips since this case began. The Bethune van video was a tip that proved essential. The US Marshals were again responding to a tip they found credible. Why would they respond to tips if they knew BL was dead?
I feel like everyone is approaching this with such high anxiety, emotions, and response. I just pray that in the frenzy that has been whipped up (by everyone on all sides of this - some for good reason, and (ie. protestors), some that need to chill down, imo), I pray that an innocent look-a-like doesn't get severely injured, or injure someone else when justifiably fighting back. I get the emotions, but I honestly am starting to feel like there is going to be a tragic outcome for someone not involved at all if emotions and public frenzy don't get tempered soon. All IMO
Totally agree. There were so many other ways to handle it. I too think that there's absolutely no strong theory about where BL might be. They behaved as if he was thought to be armed and dangerous, which tells me...they don't know. They apparently think he's capable of assuming someone else's identity. and finding a new woman right away (they could have called the room and asked to speak to her, for starters). They also could have done a quick internet search and found that this was the wrong guy...
Seems like the raid was put together quickly based on a tip the night before. After the debacle w NPPD letting him slip away my guess is they're taking no chances on allowing him to flee if they think they know where he is right then. They also probably thought that him having someone with him made sense as he would likely need help to make it this far. But I agree it seems like sloppy work and it also traumatized innocent people in the process. I want to believe in the competency of LE but history tells us the possibility of major mistakes being made is very real.
US Marshal Service clarifies involvement in Brian Laundrie search
The U.S. Marshals Service tells Fox News' Audrey Conklin on Monday that it "often supports investigations conducted by our federal, state, local, and tribal partners" following a claim from a man that the agency stopped him on the Appalachian Trail in North Carolina over suspicions he may have been Brian Laundrie.

"In this instance, the Graham County Sheriff’s Office (GSCO) in North Carolina had received a tip that the fugitive Brian Laundrie had been sighted in their jurisdiction," the U.S. Marshals Service said. "GCSO asked the USMS task force to support them in making contact with the subject."
Brian Laundrie manhunt: Here is what lawyer says can be used in court against him: LIVE UPDATES
Does this mean they aren’t actively hunting themselves? Only in a supportive role at this point? Only coming when called?
It was a parent according to the officer
It's in the bodycams transcript

Officer 2: (44:32)
She’s got her cellphone. She’s calling her parents, just to feel better. She doesn’t want to not be with him tonight.
Gabby Petito & Brian Laundrie Utah Bodycam Footage Transcript Before Disappearance

( Joe Petito was on dr Phil & said he hadn't known about the MOAB stop)

But just because she told the LEO that she was calling a parent doesn't mean she actually did.

She could've easily pretended to be on the phone to someone if she was upset and worried about the prospect of calling her mum and dad and telling them her and Brian had been pulled over by the police.

I feel like everyone is approaching this with such high anxiety, emotions, and response. I just pray that in the frenzy that has been whipped up (by everyone on all sides of this - some for good reason, and (ie. protestors), some that need to chill down, imo), I pray that an innocent look-a-like doesn't get severely injured, or injure someone else when justifiably fighting back. I get the emotions, but I honestly am starting to feel like there is going to be a tragic outcome for someone not involved at all if emotions and public frenzy don't get tempered soon. All IMO
I had a dream recently that a fellow websleuther from these many a thread was in a store, took a video of BL, posted it for all of us to see, it was "him", contacted LE & solved the case with justice for GP, received the $170k, funded a celebration party where the websleuthers got together and recapped the 69+ threads and then donated the rest to GP's foundation. IMD...I do agree BL look-alikes are everywhere and an innocent person may be in wrong place in the wrongful act....and pray for safe result. IMO
Their total lack of concern for Gabby and her family makes me question if they had a good relationship. I would say not and would be surprised if she called the L’s.


I've no idea as to whether RL & GP had a good or confiding relationship during the months that RL lived at Wabasso but am struggling with how that conversation might go

'Hi Roberta, we've just been stopped by the MOAB LE and LE are saying that I'll get a citation for domestic assault against your son Brian.....they're going to separate us for the night and ...... '

anyone fill in the rest ... how you think that convo might play out
( at this point in the MOAB sequence, the officers are still gonna charge GP as officer robbins hasn't called his supervisor yet)
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