Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #70

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Comments from JB just now ( He's trying to pick out what he can see at the tent location)

5 x LE, JB estimates
Tent. Cooler , table
It's so crazy to me that they have been there searching for so long.. we were told, what - a week or so ago that nothing pertaining to BL had been found there. Park reopens to the public yesterday. Mom and dad go out there this morning - now this?
Investigators probably know exactly what they bought at Walmart, I bet they have a copy of the receipt. Bet they know where that FedEx was shipped to. Also bet they know what business they did at the AT&T store.
These people are being watched and tracked, as they should be. I bet they know it too.
Yes, I'm very aware that LE knows. I posted that I want to know.
Lee County Van arrives 'Mobile Command Centre' van

JB says ( same WFLANow stream as just linked)
The Lee County Sheriff's Mobile Command Center has now pulled up to Myakkahatchee, according to JB on WFLA live.
Hello. I have been a long time reader of WS and decided to join because of all of the hype of this case. Most people online and in the media have already convicted BL without any evidence and without a fair trial by jury.

All of these "theories" are based on assumptions BL is the person who killed GP. We do not know this to be fact. There are many possibilities other than "BL did it." If we learn BL was responsible for her death there could be mitigating circumstances of culpability in his defense which must be taken into consideration.


BL and his family are doing exactly the correct things not speaking with the media or LE from a legal standpoint. Ethically, morally and public relations often conflict with the best interests of a person and possible legal proceedings.

BL should turn himself in on the outstanding warrant IF he is aware a warrant has been issued for him. We cannot assume he even is aware charges for bank fraud have been issued against him. He may have no connection or access to the internet / news and may not even know there is a manhunt for him. BL was missing before any charges were announced. There are no laws a person must stay "connected" to society. No laws a person must constantly check and see if there is a warrant issued. If he doesn't know there is a warrant then he doesn't know and has no obligation regarding said warrant. Its up to LE to serve said warrant upon him and take him into custody.

When BL went hiking and on a trip he was under no legal obligations to stay in the area. People deal with trauma differently--there is no right or wrong way to grieve. Everyone is different. The media and online have convicted BL simply because he is "off the grid." Many people choose to leave society and go "off grid" who do not commit murders or crimes. I am sure Psychologists / Psychiatrists can explain why a person drawn to nature and isolation as their comfort zone would want to seek that comfort after a traumatic death of a partner and the constant media pressure.

Frankly, with all of the people calling for his lynching without proof of guilt or a trial I would keep a low profile myself. Society is quick to judge--not just today, but throughout history.

This is a case I would be eager to defend my client in court.

For discussion and consideration:

*Current charges are a ploy for LE to take BL into custody. He will most likely never be convicted of any of the charges currently pending. This was a trip where both he and GP shared expenses and gear. BL and GP had previously been cohabitating for an extended period before their trip. During discovery it is highly likely BL and GP co-mingled funds, bank accounts and responsibility for the travel van. A solid defense he was authorized by GP to make charges using her debit card will be established. Prior transactions could confirm this and if they do not reasonable doubt can be created due to the arrangement of their trip based on what has been posted on her own blogs ect.

*A married couple was found murdered nearby where GP was found. One of the couple worked at the same store / market from where the 911 call alleging BL and GP had a domestic dispute. Another man was found dead nearby (I believe he was from TX?). Do we have a serial killer? Are these deaths linked? Will this create reasonable doubt in a trial? It certainly is something warranting investigation. Perhaps a serial killer is tracking BL and has intimidated and scared him into hiding?

*The information in the autopsy as released is not conclusive if a "tool" or "device" was used to strangle GP or if it was by someone's hands. The corner has stated homicide but that is something to be contested. Independent experts may come to a different conclusion. This creates reasonable doubt as to the manner of death. GP's family may have her cremated to avoid the possibility of exhumation. Any defendant in a murder trial such as this would want and be entitles to independent autopsy(s).

*Did GP have metal illness and / or instability. She stated to LE in Utah she was suffering from untreated mental health problems. Depending on conclusions from forensic experts we may learn she committed suicide in a manor consistent with strangulation / throttling. A possible scenario BL found her deceased. In a moment of great mental distress due to her death he lovingly moved her body to a beautiful spot by the river placing a stone cross nearby. Afterwards he became scared realizing LE would suspect him, drove home to the safety of his parents and retained counsel. Not far-fetched at all because seemingly the entire word has convicted him without proof or trial. A person with mental issues is more likely to die at their own hand than at the hand of someone else. Reasonable doubt?

*Could it be argued GP and BL both had mental issues, created a "suicide pact" and at the last minute BL did not go through with the plan but GP did? See above scenario.

*Video evidence, witness statements and LE reports show shortly before GP died there was a domestic dispute / possible abuse. BL had injuries to his face, GP admitted to striking him and gouging his face with her nails. Was GP an abuser? Was BL a victim of partner abuse? Over a long period of time did her abuse escalate. Did an argument turn violent? BL, alone in a remote area with no one to help him or call for help, trying to protect himself leads to GP's death accidentally? Was BL a long-term victim of abuse by his partner and snapped leading to GP's death? Perhaps long term partner abuse caused BL to suffer from PTSD. Were drugs and alcohol a mitigating factor? All of this would affect culpability and be a valid defense in a trial. Many partners / spouses have been so abused they kill the abuser. Many trials have established this over a long period of time as a reasonable defense. In a society where women are equals to men one cannot say since BL was a man this is not possible. Women can be and are abusers to a male partner. Reasonable doubt in a trial?

*Did GP and BL engage in bondage? Did GP enjoy choking during sex? Did she / they enjoy other sexual proclivities with items around her or both of their necks? Was this an intense sexual encounter where something went wrong and she died accidentally? Bondage, BSDM, SM, breath-play and choking are actually common sexual interests and practices. This exact scenario has been documented to have occurred in past accidental deaths--either during self pleasure or during an encounter with a partner. If this happened the partner would be an instant suspect so seeking an attorney and not speaking with LE is absolutely the correct thing to do. This scenario could explain the autopsy results as released. Reasonable doubt?

*Does BL suffer from mental defect? There have been some unconfirmed reports he "heard voices" and had "episodes." Did these voices and episodes result in him killing her? If determined to be true, although responsible for her death, this would affect culpability and be a mitigating circumstance. BL might not have been sane and due to mental defect at the time she died not have the capacity to control his actions. There are cases where a person has been diagnosed with mental illness where they go in and out of mental states affecting their ability to control their actions while at other times be seemingly normal. Perhaps BL has such a mental illness and needs treatment and although causing her death is not fully responsible. Experts will need to make this diagnosis but its certainly a possible defense.

*GP by her own statement to LE on video was "desperate" to be a successful and well-known travel influencer. Was there a ploy to create a missing-person, suspense narrative to get followers and become famous? Did something go wrong and GP die as a result--an accident? Did GP and BL purposely stage her as missing with the intent to use the publicity to get followers and while apart / alone was GP a victim of a random killer? People will do anything to get "likes" resulting in many accident deaths worldwide. Did a plan to become famous go wrong? Reasonable doubt?

*What about the people who led LE to the area her body was found? What do we know about them and there whereabouts at the time of GP's death? Many murders have been "discovered" by the perp. Know facts murders often inject themselves into the investigation. The people that tipped off the FBI to her location are influencers / bloggers and the publicity has propelled them to have a massive number of followers. Has LE fully vetted these folks? (There is ZERO evidence known to suggest there were anything but good citizens telling LE what they observed.) It still raises a possibility that must be investigated and considered.

I know many here will become enraged at the above considerations. These are as probable and as possible based on the current known facts as the belief he straight-up murdered her with premeditation.

We simply do not know what happened, why and by whom caused her death.

We don't know. LE doesn't know. Only two people know what happened at this point and one is dead and the other missing. We MUST have more evidence and a trial. <modsnip>

If BL is charged with murder I believe there are many defenses for his legal team to pursue. This is a fascinating case on so many levels.

I am very sorry for GP's death. Life is precious and any death is a tragic. I am confident over time the facts will be known and justice will be done.

I am so thankful for this post. Thank you for joining.
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