See, I don't see them being as confident as when GP was found, they made the initial ID pretty quickly. The only evidence that leads, at least me as the public, to be him is the items found and the location. So, not meaning to be graphic, but to me, it sounds like the remains are not easy to identify as to who it is and they will be relying on scientific evaluation instead. Which leaves the door open to all of the alternative scenarios.
With the way this case has gone, it's hard not to head down that alternative rabbit hole. I am not one for conspiracy theories at all but this leaves so many holes and suspicions on the table that it's hard not to let my mind wander that way.
On a different note, I watched Polly Klaas's father last night and he said that if he is indeed dead, that is the 'easiest' justice for the Ps/Ss. Because he will no longer be a subject of discussion and they will not have to go for years in the legal system with all of the reopening of the emotional wounds over and over. There is no such thing as closure when you have lost a loved one in such a violent way but this allows you to heal without starting all over again. Samantha Runyon's mother was on too and she agreed. I just can't even imagine but as much as we all want to see BL face justice for what he's done, at this point, the Ps/Ss deserve to be able to start healing..... And GPs foundation will go on to do amazing things.