I notice some similarities between BL and Fotis Dulos (CT). Both had a nasty temper behind closed doors and sadly tried to flip the script onto their victims. Both felt "convicted in the court of public opinion", and many people thought that both were too arrogant/cocky to be a threat to their own safety. As reality set in it seems they both took the cowardly way out. I bring this up because FD left behind a letter on notebook paper and only committed suicide once he felt some real pressure. Is it possible that BL went camping, his parents called to tell him the AW news and that is when BL decided to end his life?
I would not be surprised if a possible BL note followed the same format as FD's..
1) I am totally innocent of all charges!
2) By the way, my (parents/girlfriend/attorney friend/sister etc) are also 100% innocent, please free them of any accusations
3) one liner afterthought: tell (my kids, my parents, my family etc) I love them
4) recap on "me vs the world"/court of public opinion mentality.
Here is the FD note as a reminder or if you have never read it before.
Jennifer Dulos Case: Fotis Dulos' Suicide Note Released