Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #78

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I understand why the family isn't having a traditional funeral. The fear of it turning into a sideshow if the protestors showed up would scare any family away.

But it's too bad the protestors have been allowed to continue their harassment even after it was discovered that their son had passed. I doubt they can handle much more. They're obviously deeply grieving and they really might like to have a memorial service for Brian, but they strongly suspect the protestors would be there.

I can't say if they would or not--but I get that they can't take that chance. That would put the protestors firmly in the same category as the Westboro protestors who used to show up to protest at soldier's funerals.

Funerals, and the homes of the newly deceased (and their families) should be strictly off-limits.
“You couldn’t write this Greek tragedy,” Steven Bertolino told The Post Friday. “Brian is not a Ted Bundy. He’s not a demon. Not a serial killer. I’m not sure that the narrative that’s been pushed — that Brian was a mean killer and Gabby was an angel — is entirely true.

Brian was not a serial killer, true. But the way <modsnip> SB is talking, it almost implies that killing Gabby was a one-off, so what's the big deal?

And IMO they're each demonic, any kind of murderer. A serial killer is more evil in that there are more victims and more grieving families and a fearful public. Of course that's worse. But to kill a "mere" one person who loves and trusts you and has made a life with you is its own demonic madhouse.
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This information is available on the Fort Desoto Campground website. I looked it up originally because I was theorizing that the Laundries may have not been able to receive the Petito's and Schmidt's phone calls. Then later, we found out that the Laundries were at Fort DeSoto. WIFI is only at the office and Camp Store.
WiFi is entirely different than cell coverage. Most cell carriers have coverage in pretty remote places. Unless they had turned their phones to WiFi only. Or had turned them off. Our family has actually turned our phones off when camping before to "unplug" completely.
IMO, SB’s responses were in reply to questions where in Banfield specified and repeatedly clarified a time frame, sept 1 -11 IIRC. So that would not include the Orlando visit.

Ugh. I’m going to have to rewatch the B&B interview. Now I’m thinking those responses were to banfield’s questions regarding the 12th and13th. Either way tho, that would not include the Orlando visit. Jmo
If you find yourself in deep trouble, it’s not easy to find a good attorney, especially if you have not been in that kind of trouble before and have no idea about anything regarding those issues. The Ls were fortunate that they knew an attorney, worked with an attorney in the past, who was willing to step in.
MOO, he did a great job. That’s partly why he is disliked. He sheltered his clients superbly from the most dire consequences of the law. That’s what an attorney is supposed to do. Getting someone to handle this clusterfluck well is impossible. Especially with a loose cannon like BL. He’s an adult and can do as he pleases. No, running off from Grand Tetons might not have been best move on his part. Walking out to the Wild resulted in his death, whether Suicide or other. But that’s not controllable by others. All his choice

We’ll see what legal consequences the Ls get for taking SB’s advice

Oh what a great job he did. He had three clients. Two are the most hated people on the planet right now and the other is dead. Yup, he did a spectacular job - the very best! Rah rah cis boom bah.
SB already revealed that the first time he was involved in the disappearance of Gabby Petito case was a phone call around 11:30pm on Saturday, September 11, 2021. IMO he apparently received an emergency call late that night after the Laundries found out that Gabby's parents were going to the police. IMO they found this out via voice messages on their phones.

Let me point out that we know that the Laundries were camping at Fort DeSoto around the 8th. We do not know their location on the 9th through the day of the 11th. Fort DeSoto does not have cell service except in the camp store and office - places most campers don't spend a lot of time at. Maybe they were still at Fort De Soto on the 9th - 11th and didn't get their cell messages until they returned home.

All just IMO.

okay, i've seen it posted here that fort de soto park does not have WIFI except in the camp store and office, but that does not mean no cell service...does the park website specifically mention no cell service as well? cell phone works fine in areas with no wifi...just an observation...
What is the purpose of him saying Gabby was not an angel?

I'm sure he's not trying suggest that if you grade Brian on a curve and if you grade Gabby on a could call them pretty much even and be done with this...because no one would want people to absorb that. So it's obvious something else.
Brian committed other crimes. He took the van. He used her card. Those things alone are enough to warrant a lawyer. And who know what he told them? Again - just possibilities.
Those chargers were not levied until after the 11th. Per his conversation interviews, he was communicating with the family from September 1 through the 11th. All in my opinion nothing to prove this. He is just not a good lawyer in advertently admitting that he killed her. The statement this narrative that Brian is a mean killer and Gabby was an angel, I don’t know that that’s true is calling Brian a killer. He did not say Brian never killed anyone he just said we are using the wrong adjective to describe what kind of killer he was. MOO
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There are no big mysteries in this case MOO. We all know what likely happened. The issue is whether it can be proved in court without reasonable doubt. Possible that BL would have walked because there could have been reasonable doubt. That’s part of the outrage over that. But reasonable doubt and presumption of innocence are crucial parts of our legal system.

That the L’s ignored phone calls from the P’s and acted so normally upon BL’s return without Gabby was what drew me into the case. Yes, it sounded outrageously cruel. But upon reading the facts, I’ve had to come to the conclusion that a lot of not most parents of adult kids would have done the same. I don’t even have numbers of my kids’ SOs. I don’t answer calls not tagged with a name. I don’t answer calls on certain personal or business trips except from a very few family members.
Texts and voice mails would have alerted me on Sept 10 when the P’s contacts would have inflamed the situation to call them back. They had no good news to report. Just more trouble. We have no idea what BL even told them. They called an attorney to guide them with LE in this process. LE would not have had them call the Ps either. I’ve had minor issues with my kids, and even then the strict rule is not to contact the other party—straight from LE each time. Not even to apologize or give kind words.

Brian did some very bad things. Most likely, killed Gabby. At best, just left her dead or alive in the woods. Likely didn’t tell his parents when he got home about the horrendous mess he was in. Put them in a slit storm. Took off when the heat turned up on him leaving his parents to the maddening crowd when they had no info to give. They weren’t there at the Grand Tetons. They had no direct information. Then BL disappears causing the parents yet more anguish as to his safety. Kills himself or gets killed which is the ultimate pain to a parent. Exposes his parents to civil suits that will cost them a lot, both monetarily and in mental turmoil. Will affect their health, most certainly. This isn’t over.
He also has left the Petitos with an empty bag. They now have only conjectures as to what happened. In a way, good, as they can conjure up their own comforting versions. But this is a family who felt that their daughter was on a good mission, having the great life, had no issues with the guy that they now believe strangled their daughter to death. They were fine with BL till he killed her. That has to be a bitter blow to them to be so far off on how they assessed their daughters situation. BL has done a tremendous amount of damage.

My theory is that Ch L was really working for several hours - helping set up a camp.

After all, a “source” told Cuomo of CNN that LE found a camp. That has been dialed back. But, who could the source have been? Who might Cuomo have been developing as a source/possible future guest for his show?

That explains the time in the park and absence of worry.

MOO only.

Indeed it would be fascinating if we later find out that he took a tarp & a hammock with or in that backpack. (A person intending to camp in that reserve would need both)
Parents via attorney said 'went for a hike' ( not a camping expedition) & only mentioned backpack iirc( & absence of phone & wallet)

If the parents had deliberately omitted to mention any 'missing' camping items....

(We haven't seen the backpack yet but just wondering if it's realistic that he could fit those items in a backpack, even a large one. Sounds doubtful but IDK about contemp lightweight equipment, somebody on WS will know better on that)

Just tbc - I don't personally believe that CL was involved in any camping assistance but am interested in what BL might have taken with him
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I've looked at this picture a lot and agree there appears to be a black rectangular box in there. We know the reporter who witnessed much of this said ChL picked up the bag and a dark object which he placed in the bag. If it is a gun case it would be all the more confounding as to why ChL would pick up a gun case and put it in the dry bag and remove it from its location...
Also, full recovery of the remains and a gun could explain why the park was reopened so soon after the discovery even though FBI said it could take several more days initially. It wouldn't explain why the ME wasn't able to make an initial COD determination though...
I don't see a box. It looks more like some kind of hand shovel or other implement to me. MOO
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Wouldn’t the Petito and Schmidt families be contacted for the FBI to offer an immunity deal to the Laundries? It’s probably not required, but it seems only right. IMOO

For a plea with Brian, I'd think most assuredly. For a plea with the parents, not so sure. If they did go to the family and say we wanna get Brian and after weeks of this we believe our best chance is to deal with his parents perhaps GPs parents agreed - not thinking he wouldn't be found alive once they cooperated. MOO If they did cooperate in exchange for immunity and Brian is deceased, it's such a complete loss. I feel terrible for them. But, then again, we don't know for sure if this happened. The daily mail article may not pan out but I haveta say, this scenario sure does explain a lot of the "What is LE doing here?" questions. MOO
RSABBM. The shock to me is that by making the comparison to Bundy, demons, and serial killers ~ he is unwittingly admitting he does consider him a killer ~ just not the mean kind. Still mooing! :oops::rolleyes:o_O

Only on the internet does anyone anywhere think there's even the tiniest possibility that BL did not kill GP.
Indeed it would be fascinating if we later find out that he took a tarp & a hammock with or in that backpack. (A person intending to camp in that reserve would need both)
Parents via attorney said 'went for a hike' ( not a camping expedition) & only mentioned backpack iirc( & absence of phone & wallet)

If the parents had intentionally omitted missing camping items....

(We haven't seen the backpack yet but just wondering if it's realistic that he could fit those items in a backpack, even a large one. Sounds doubtful but IDK about contemp lightweight equipment)

Just tbc - I don't personally believe that CL was involved in any camping assistance but am interested in what BL might have taken with him
You call out a critical point. If his intention was to "go hiking" and end it all, only having a backpack makes sense; leave his farewell letter then exit. If his intent was to evade and survive, I agree there would be more provisions.

amateur opinion and speculation
...are you sure BL didn't phone home shortly after GP was murdered? Are you sure SB didn't "advise" the L's before he was officially "hired"? Where are the original cell phones?

We aren’t sure of anything regarding that. LE has cell records and can ascertain a lot of this if it’s important.
SB has outright said he has been their attorney for many years. He says he was first apprised of this case after the Ls got voicemails from Ps alerting them that something was very wrong. No reason for him to lie. Consequences if he is caught lying.
Those chargers were not levied until the 11th. Per his conversation interviews, he was communicating with the family from September 1 through the 11th. All in my opinion nothing to prove this. He is just not a good lawyer in advertently admitting that he killed her. The statement this narrative that Brian is a mean killer and Gabby was an angel, I don’t know that that’s true is calling Brian a killer. He did not say Brian never killed anyone he just said we are using the wrong adjective to describe what kind of killer he was. MOO
When the charges were levied is irrelevant, IMO. If I take a van that isn't mine, strand my SO, and use their credit card to get home, I damn well know I'm going to need a lawyer and prepare. Waiting til I'm charged would be stupid. And if he didn't know, his parents were smart enough to call their lawyer friend to find out.
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