Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #83

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Others have pointed this out from time to time, but one of the running themes on here before BL's remains were found, is how he was too big a coward to kill himself, therefore he must be on the run. After his remains were found, he was then a coward for killing himself.

JP acknowledge that the notebook would have no value to them because they had already lost GP, but he added that the notebook would have no value to the Ls because they had also lost their son. I bet nobody feels more negatively towards BL and his parents than GP's family, yet even in his despair, JP was willing to show more compassion for human life than people on this forum. It's disappointing. Especially considering we only have a small fraction of the facts.
For what purpose? To appease the bloodthirst of the crowd? To try and make him suffer more? I personally don't think he could have suffered any more than he did, but just MO.

What would trying to make him suffer more actually accomplish?
There are a large amount of people who are NOT a part of the Petito or Laundrie families who seem to feel entitled to answers and revenge, and it is odd. MOO
Can anyone explain why the Teton County Prosecutor’s Office would be included in the statement below? I understand that the federal land GP was found on is within Teton Co., but would the Teton Co., Prosecutor handle anything legal specific to this case, instead of the US District Attorney? Was there criminal activity unrelated to the unauthorized use charges that happened outside of federal land but within Teton Co.?

"Gabby’s family will not be making a statement at this time due to the request of the United States Attorney’s Office and the Teton County Prosecutor’s Office."

"The family was asked to not comment and let the FBI continue their investigation and allow the United States Attorney’s Office make a determination on whether any additional individuals will be charged," Stafford said.

Brian Laundrie update: Gabby Petito’s family attorney hints at charges against ‘additional individuals’
I think a previous poster said that there was an option for the Federal (USAO) case to be handed to the state prosecutor. In any case, the Teton Coroner is in control of the autopsy report.
I just wonder why anyone would think he should NOT suffer. He committed a terrible crime.

I'm not for retribution for it's own sake, really. I'm for removing a threat from society. If that involves suffering, I'm okay with it (e.g. the death penalty). but it's not something I think is essential. Here, he is dead, so I'm good. jmo
Others have pointed this out from time to time, but one of the running themes on here before BL's remains were found, is how he was too big a coward to kill himself, therefore he must be on the run. After his remains were found, he was then a coward for killing himself.

JP acknowledge that the notebook would have no value to them because they had already lost GP, but he added that the notebook would have no value to the Ls because they had also lost their son. I bet nobody feels more negatively towards BL and his parents than GP's family, yet even in his despair, JP was willing to show more compassion for human life than people on this forum. It's disappointing. Especially considering we only have a small fraction of the facts.
Bravo! Excellent post. We should show compassion.
There but for the grace of god go I.
There are a large amount of people who are NOT a part of the Petito or Laundrie families who seem to feel entitled to answers and revenge, and it is odd. MOO
Odd, but not uncommon. But I bet they could not articulate what 'justice' would look like, especially if they were placed in either position.
For what purpose? To appease the bloodthirst of the crowd? To try and make him suffer more? I personally don't think he could have suffered any more than he did, but just MO.

What would trying to make him suffer more actually accomplish?
It is called crime and punishment and justice has to be seen to be done. MOO.
He did not give Gabby, the choice of how to die and he does not get it either IMO.
There are a large amount of people who are NOT a part of the Petito or Laundrie families who seem to feel entitled to answers and revenge, and it is odd. MOO


Answers, yes. Revenge, no.

Why entitled?

I don’t know what the format for prosecutions is in other states, but in California, the defendant in a criminal case is opposed, not by the person or family he allegedly wronged, not by the DA: It is: “The People of the State of California vs (defendant’s name.)

To me, that seems very appropriate. The crime is commited against everyone—it’s not a matter of personal revenge, or personal forgiveness, for that matter. So, yes, I believe that the FBI owes the public, eventually, enough explanation to convince us that they did due diligence.


By the way, what IS the format for prosecution, in other states?
I recently sat through the trial of a murdered family member and while it's easy to assume that one gets closure after a trial, it's not as simple as it sounds.

In order for someone to get a fair trial, the sole purpose of a defence attorney is to create doubt and often creating doubt can cast an ugly shadow over the victim. Certainly, there is some satisfaction of hearing a guilty verdict but I wouldn't classify it as closure.

For some, it may lead to closure at some point but it's not an easy journey.
I would think justice would be life in prison? What do you think is justice for a murderer? MOO

Agree 100%. Our justice system removes threats to society and punishes those found guilty of a crime with the loss of their personal freedom. IMO, when we start wanting more than that, to make people suffer, we run smack dab into the Eighth Amendment which forbids cruel and unusual punishments.
As far as I can tell, BL has never shown any narcissistic behavior. Let alone massive huge overwhelming behavior.

Can you point directly at anything that shows he is a narcissist?

I was using "narcissistic" there as a descriptive adjective, not as a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder (In accordance with WS rules, which ask that we not speculate on mental health conditions)

The Oxford dictionary defines narcissism as “selfishness, involving a sense of entitlement, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration, as characterizing a personality type.”

Specifically, he displayed these characteristics when he:
- strangled GP (which, until I hear any more likely scenario, I am inclined to believe he did)
- left her body to rot in the wilderness while he drove away with her van, her credit cards, and all of her things
- told her family that she had no cell signal
- refused to tell anyone anything about when he last saw her, what happened to her, or where to find her body

EVERY one of these actions was selfish, involved a sense of entitlement, and a complete lack of empathy for GP, her family, and even his own family.

I would think justice would be life in prison? What do you think is justice for a murderer? MOO
Well, it depends on the crime to be honest with you. Not all murders are the same are they? What is the evidence? Was the crime planned? Was torture involved?

Are you saying that all murders should result in life in prison? What about mitigating factors?

Now this case - deserves life imprisonment. This crime (against a child), includes torture and some degree of planning. From the facts available in the GP case and if there was a sliding scale - I would put Arthurs case at the end inciating the very worst of crimes (murders) and GP's way down the scale.
UK - Arthur Labinjo Hughes, 6, killed, dad & friend arrested, June 2020
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You can very much accidentally strangle someone. You can even do it to yourself.

Unexpected delayed death after manual strangulation: need for careful examination in the emergency room - PubMed
Delayed airway obstruction and neck abscess following manual strangulation injury - PubMed
Health Issues Result from Strangulation

A simple push, hit, or shove to the throat can cause enough damage to cause swelling and death. An this may takes weeks and months depending on person. It can be delayed a long time if over the counter anti inflammation pills, like ibuprofen or Tylenol.

I am stating this as science fact and not saying this is what happened to anyone. <modsnip>
But she was killed by 'throttling/manual strangulation' as per autopsy report. She wasn't shoved or pushed IMO. Although she may have been shoved prior to her killer using his hands to strangle her.
He did know she was dead because he stole her van and credit cards...knew she wouldn't need them.
Lets us think this through.

You could be 100% correct.

But what if.

What if she told brian that she is tired of fighting, and she does not want to live in the van any more. She found a friend online and they decided that they are going to continue on forward. She then tell him to take the van home and use the credit card to get it there. She does not like to drive the van. He agrees because he is tired of fighting with her. He just wants to go home. She then leaves to her tent in the woods and he drives home. Later a 3rd person shows up, kills her and leaves her dead.

Brian travels home, not knowing that anything is wrong but his engagement to gabby is over. He gets home thinking that her parents are paying for her hotel rooms, which he hates, and food. He has zero reason to talk to her parents. Until she is actually missing. Then he realizes that she is really gone.
Law Office of Richard B. STAFFORD
Attorney at Law

The Schmidt and Petito family has been aware of the circumstances surrounding the suicide of the sole suspect in Gabby’s murder. Gabby’s family will not be making a statement at this time due to the request of the United States Attorneys Office and the Teton County Prosecutors Office. The family was asked to not make any comments and let the FBI continue their investigation. The family was also asked to wait for the United States Attorney’s Office to make a determination on whether any additional individuals will be charged. When that determination is made, we will have a statement.

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Fox News
Statement from attorney Richard Stafford

Schmidt and Petito Statement November 23, 2021 | PDF
Agree 100%. Our justice system removes threats to society and punishes those found guilty of a crime with the loss of their personal freedom. IMO, when we start wanting more than that, to make people suffer, we run smack dab into the Eighth Amendment which forbids cruel and unusual punishments.
It is my opinion that life imprisonment does involve some suffering.
Lets us think this through.

You could be 100% correct.

But what if.

What if she told brian that she is tired of fighting, and she does not want to live in the van any more. She found a friend online and they decided that they are going to continue on forward. She then tell him to take the van home and use the credit card to get it there. She does not like to drive the van. He agrees because he is tired of fighting with her. He just wants to go home. She then leaves to her tent in the woods and he drives home. Later a 3rd person shows up, kills her and leaves her dead.

Brian travels home, not knowing that anything is wrong but his engagement to gabby is over. He gets home thinking that her parents are paying for her hotel rooms, which he hates, and food. He has zero reason to talk to her parents. Until she is actually missing. Then he realizes that she is really gone.

IF this scenario was what happened, then BL should have told that to LE when they came knocking on his door. He should have cooperated with the police, offered all the information he had about her last known location, and done whatever he could to help them track down this mysterious 3rd person, knowing that he would be the prime suspect until signs pointed elsewhere. He should have been out there looking harder than anyone else, trying to clear his name.

IF this were the case, there would also be no reason for the "no service in Yosemite [Yellowstone]" message sent to GP's mom on the 30th (which LE undoubtedly has ping locations for). A stranger committing a random act of violence probably wouldn't be able to access her phone in the first place, since most people have some sort of lock on their device. A stranger committing a random act of violence, who doesn't even take the time to try to hide the body, isn't going to take the time to lead her parents down a false trail or buy themselves time with a message like that. A stranger committing a random act of violence probably wouldn't have even known that Yellowstone was on her itinerary.
do you have a source for the bullet holes in Gabby’s remains? I have not read that and sure would like to keep up. Thanks!

There were no bullet holes in Gabby's remains as far as we know. There were bullet holes in the area of Gabby's remains. The area Gabby was found in was not a legal camping spot. There are 40 undeveloped camping sites along Spread Creek. There is a sign there that clearly states "Entering Spread Creek Restricted Camping Area. Overnight Camping Allowed Only in Designated Sites, Next 4 miles." Each legal camping site is marked. The crime scene photos showed lots of bullet holes in trees and logs. The Spread Creek area is outside of the National Park. And there is a designated hunting area there (Hunt Area 81 - Spread Creek) which could explain the presence of bullet holes: HuntScore: Elk Hunting in Wyoming's Hunt Area 81 - Spread Creek
There were no bullet holes in Gabby's remains as far as we know. There were bullet holes in the area of Gabby's remains. The area Gabby was found in was not a legal camping spot. There are 40 undeveloped camping sites along Spread Creek. There is a sign there that clearly states "Entering Spread Creek Restricted Camping Area. Overnight Camping Allowed Only in Designated Sites, Next 4 miles." Each legal camping site is marked. The crime scene photos showed lots of bullet holes in trees and logs. The Spread Creek area is outside of the National Park. And there is a designated hunting area there (Hunt Area 81 - Spread Creek) which could explain the presence of bullet holes: HuntScore: Elk Hunting in Wyoming's Hunt Area 81 - Spread Creek
As far as I know it was never resolved about whether they were bullet holes or not. MOO.
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