Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #83

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Is there ANYTHING, except for NS's attempt to get missing person coverage, that shows us that they were claiming NY as residence? Anything? First of all, these are young adults who were from NY originally, so maybe they did want to move back. Secondly, I know that NY is very restrictive about getting the proper identification promptly, or else face some significant fines.

Why would they have even cared about this........... yet? Even if considering moving back?

I really don't get why this is even an issue......... someone enlighten me. tia
I think they NY at the end.of.this journey!
Maybe not a.permanent thing.but Maybe they got bored in NP! her mom.for.a.bit!

This is why they put their things in storage!

This is!

I don't know about welfare checks in Florida but Gabby's last known address would be considered her legal address

I’m not sure what “legal” address means. I know what address of record means, and how it applies to the law where I live. It is not the same as “last known address”, which has different applications as far as the law.

She had a vehicle registered in Florida and a driver's license with the Wassbaso address. As far as Florida is concerned this was her legal address. The missing person report should have initially been filed in Florida and for the life of me I don't know why it wouldn't be.

Have you seen the wabasso address on her FL DL?! Could you PLEASE post a link? I’ve been trying to verify this forever. The best I’ve seen (shout out to @meatandcookies) is a screen shot from the Moab video. It was clearly a vertical FL DL, but we could not make out the addy.

it has been shown, with evidence, in the threads that NPPD did not accept a missing person report for GP because FL statutes require that mispers are filed where a person went missing from (last seen location). No link, so moo, but you could find it in a search of the threads.

…she was still a Florida citizen.

I’m not sure what you’re getting at here. I know GP was a Florida citizen. Or resident per her DL. What I’m getting at, is her street address.

nitpicky things, I know. But those are the details I am interested in.

all moo.

Sorry I used the wrong term, citizen s/b resident. But the word resident I just couldn't remember it at the time I was writing my post.

It was at the Moab stop that she produced her Florida License. If you've seen it, it's the one I'm talking about. I can't watch that video again, just can't. But if I did I'd try to blow it up to see the exact address.

I'm just assuming her legal address is the one that the L's live in and own. JMO
I can tell you I did the same in my youth, with no issues for many years. Then I moved to AZ, still using my parent’s addy in MD for my DL and automobile registration. I got pulled over for a minor traffic violation and ended up with a $600 fine. I can’t recall the exact term for my crime, it was something like address fraud, and it was because I had not changed the addy on my DL and reg within 30 days of moving.

So AZ, MD, NY, AL, where either of us lives now, all different, likely different in FL too. I wish I could find the FL statutes (or local to NP, if applicable) on this and how it applies to a welfare/wellness check. I’ve searched online sunshine and whatever google offered me, but no luck.

ugh. I thought I had let go of this quest, but it just keeps coming back.

all moo.
Apparently, you are required to report a change of address and obtain a replacement license with the correct address within 10 days, but the penalty for not doing so is on the order of $10.
Chapter 322 Section 19 - 2011 Florida Statutes - The Florida Senate
As @customCF said earlier, August 28th is probably the biggest mystery of the whole timeline. There isn't a single sighting (or security camera footage, or purchases/receipts), of either one of them. Has LE held back everything from that day for some reason, or is there really no electronic or eyewitness footprint?
JB Biunno


And we’re now taking #HeyJB video comments for Wednesday’s stream. If you want your question answered, shoot a selfie video and message it over to the
Facebook page. 30 sec or less. (Don’t forget your name & where you watch from) #WFLANow Page:
JB Biunno


Our #GabbyPetito #BrianLaundrie coverage continues Wednesday on #WFLANow across all platforms. The focus will be on what's next in the FBI investigation. Stream time TBA Wednesday. As always, we'll feature your interactive #HeyJB videos & comments.
What happened to Gabby Petito?
Gabby Petito Timeline
Beatings, usual beatings? It's almost polite to lump this in with a beating.
Another woman is dead--Gabby.

For a while I thought this was a rage attack, but after reading posts/links here and elsewhere about strangulation and how long it takes after the victim loses consciousness to cause death, after thinking/rethinking/trying to give Brian some benefit of the doubt, I cannot. There is NO love involved in strangling a person.

Why would anyone want to minimize murder?

So call it whatever you like, I hear where you are coming from. Making excuses for batterers, drawing lines about the meaning of a slap, a jaw grab, a beating, or who's bigger, does not matter because it's all in the same bad pot.

Page 1 of this thread below, BBM, JP pleas for help to curb DV, the elephant in the room.


Forensic anthropologist’s examination of Brian Laundrie’s remains continue - latest

LIVE Updates

Police hold gun found where Dog the Bounty Hunter searched for Brian Laundrie ‘in evidence’

The dark themes that permeate Brian Laundrie’s digital footprint
Brian Laundrie’s final social media post, around the time of his girlfriend Gabby Petito’s death, shows the cover of a book titled Burnt Out, how to cope with autistic burnout.

Gabby Petito Foundation offers advice for domestic violence victims

The Gabby Petito Foundation is now offering advice on where people in violent relationships can go to for help.

Bloggers who filmed Petito van in Wyoming national park believe they led FBI to her grave

‘We need help’: Joseph Petito issues plea for help to curb domestic violence

Gabby Petito’s father is calling on Americans to raise awareness about the insidious danger of domestic violence.

“1 in 3 woman, 1 in 4 men will be victims and that doesn’t include the kids forced to see it,” Joseph Petito tweeted on Wednesday.
I do not imagine BL telling his parents much. I imagine him saying evasive things such as: "not sure where GP is" or "I'm not doing the van thing anymore right now" or "GP doesn't really like the outdoors." He could have made statements that were neither completely true nor completely false and just changed the subject if they really tried to pin him down. IMO.

Agreed -- I think he might have told his folks that things were rocky re the relationship and marriage, and that he had come home to clean the house of her things... I would add that he, IMO, would never tell his parents or anyone that he harmed Gabby unto death, if he harmed her.
If his death is attributed to suicide, I think he knew he would prolly be arrested if/when he came back home. With his declared fondness for the outside, being in the wind and in the wild, I think jail and prison would scare the life out of him.
I'm also hoping he knew and regretted what he did to her, if he did it, and hoping also that he would also have remorse and shame for many reasons.
All totally my opinions.
Do you think that LE would have picked up any discrepancies at the Moab stop? e.g. drivers licence address not matching the vehicle registration address?
Do we know if they (LE) even looked at the van's registration or insurance in order to see what address is listed on them?
I don't remember seeing that on the body cam videos
The problem is if LE is writing you a ticket or facilitating exchange of info with another driver in case of an accident, it's kind of a big deal to not have proof of an in-state address right then. And back in the day writing checks could be a big deal with an out of state license.

Florida has alot of part-time residents (the snowbirds) and lots of general tourism so maybe out of state licenses aren't a big deal there. Florida does say DL addresses must be updated within 30 days of moving. Name and Address Changes

I often wondered about the snowbirds who spent their winters in Florida and how they handle the change of address during the winter months. The Florida home would be considered a 2nd home not a permanent home, so it's something I've thought about myself.

How does one get their mail when they are away from their primary residence? That could be so confusing. Then you have a out of state drivers license, what do you do? But then this question could apply to any where in the country too.
A lot of people have mismatched registration snd addresses. Or have not updated addresses on either or both. I know many many people with the such. Not a big deal that Gabby would hsve.

IMO it does become an important issue because of car insurance requirements. What was her address to obtain car insurance?
Looking forward to see what the Forensic Anthropologist examining BL has to say: cause of death, time of death.. As I read through statements made by SB, so much continues to not make sense.

Did the divers just skip over the Ls hiked trail area??? The one that was specifically pointed out, so specifically that the Ls bee-lined for it when the reserve reopened ? It’s hard to believe these highly trained experts did look in the area and missed the back pack, dry bag AND remains- all still neatly by the trail despite the flooding water movement …


“The team, made up of about 10 divers, was requested by North Port Police on Wednesday morning, said Sarasota County Sheriff's office spokesperson Kaitlyn Perez.

"These divers are specifically trained and very talented in low visibility bodies of water," Perez said. "They dive down where you and I can't see anything at all. They utilize technology and other special equipment to help them get down deep into really deep bodies of water, so they're out there right now to recover whatever it is that they might find."

The fourth day of searching the reserve ended Wednesday evening, according to officials.

"Nothing found. We will be back out Thursday, similar operation," North Port Police tweeted.”

Couple was involved in an incident in a Wyoming restaurant in late August, witnesses say - CNN


"Chris and Roberta Laundrie were at the reserve earlier today when human remains and some of Brian's possessions were located in an area where they had initially advised law enforcement that Brian may be," Bertolino said. "Chris and Roberta will wait for the forensic identification of the human remains before making any additional comments."

Brian Laundrie's parents had 'advised' law enforcement to look in the location where apparent human remains were found, their lawyer says


“As for how the family knew where to look, Bertolino said that Chris had hiked with Brian on several prior occasions and the area was too flooded to get off of the path during prior searches.”

Gabby Petito case: Laundrie family attorney speaks out after discovery of Brian's remains

Another topic that’s been thoroughly hashed and rehashed, but still bugs the heck out of me.

Also in article 2, the initial inaccuracy of when BL went missing, first reported as 9/14, because as SB explains , Ls were confused by other events of the week, but then in article 3:

“"Brian had been extremely upset, Chris and Roberta were extremely concerned about him, they expressed that to me. That when he walked out the door that evening, they wish they could have stopped him, they wish they could have you know, prevented him from going out, but he was intent on leaving. Chris said to me, I know in hindsight I couldn't stop him, but I just wish I could have," he said.”

But then they forgot this was Monday night?? After they searched for him 4-5 hrs on Monday night and SB “mentioned”( not “reported”) it to the FBI Monday night, but still they ALL let the wrong date ride on the misper?

As I’ve been reading this thread there’s been musings over the Ls cooperation and possible ‘culpability’ or responsibility. IMO it didn’t appear as though there was much (to any) care for Gabby, and a confusing public lack of outcry to their son. But that’s moo.

Of interest here, right from the horses mouth (SB), about the Ls cooperation.

(From 3rd article)

“"Is that because they've been cooperating with the FBI," Stephanopoulos asked.

"George, I've been quite clear on this from the very beginning. When it comes to the FBI we have nothing to say in respect to the Gabby Petito incident. With respect to Brian, we've been cooperating since day one. And those are two different, from a legal perspective, those are two different scenarios, one was the missing persons with Brian, one was the missing persons with Gabby." “



ETA. Crazy, I have been looking and asking when BL left for his hike on 9/13. Even rereading these, my mind doesn’t read what it thinks it knows. I just realized SB said BL “walked out the door that EVENiNG”!!
But they then claim after he didn’t come back they searched for 4-5 hrs on Monday night?
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I think Moab would have questioned a discrepancy like that. It may have lead to her receiving a ticket. Here is a link to help answer the question.

Can I Register a Car in a Different State Than My License?
As I understand it, GP’s registration and license are from the same state, Florida. No link for now, so moo. If I get a chance I will search and add screen shot of GP DL and statement about van registration. The question quoted above was speculation as to the street address on those docs not matching, jmo per the conversation we were having. Also the Moab police did ask GP about her address in the Moab video. We can only speculate as to why.
All jmo.

ETA- link to screen grab of GP’s FL DL from Moab footage

Found Deceased - WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #60
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Looking forward to see what the Forensic Anthropologist examining BL has to say: cause of death, time of death.. As I read through statements made by SB, so much continues to not make sense.

Did the divers just skip over the Ls hiked trail area??? The one that was specifically pointed out, so specifically that the Ls bee-lined for it when the reserve reopened ? It’s hard to believe these highly trained experts did look in the area and missed the back pack, dry bag AND remains- all still neatly by the trail despite the flooding water movement …


“The team, made up of about 10 divers, was requested by North Port Police on Wednesday morning, said Sarasota County Sheriff's office spokesperson Kaitlyn Perez.

"These divers are specifically trained and very talented in low visibility bodies of water," Perez said. "They dive down where you and I can't see anything at all. They utilize technology and other special equipment to help them get down deep into really deep bodies of water, so they're out there right now to recover whatever it is that they might find."

The fourth day of searching the reserve ended Wednesday evening, according to officials.

"Nothing found. We will be back out Thursday, similar operation," North Port Police tweeted.”

Couple was involved in an incident in a Wyoming restaurant in late August, witnesses say - CNN


"Chris and Roberta Laundrie were at the reserve earlier today when human remains and some of Brian's possessions were located in an area where they had initially advised law enforcement that Brian may be," Bertolino said. "Chris and Roberta will wait for the forensic identification of the human remains before making any additional comments."

Brian Laundrie's parents had 'advised' law enforcement to look in the location where apparent human remains were found, their lawyer says


“As for how the family knew where to look, Bertolino said that Chris had hiked with Brian on several prior occasions and the area was too flooded to get off of the path during prior searches.”

Gabby Petito case: Laundrie family attorney speaks out after discovery of Brian's remains

Another topic that’s been thoroughly hashed and rehashed, but still bugs the heck out of me.

Also in article 2, the initial inaccuracy of when BL went missing, first reported as 9/14, because as SB explains , Ls were confused by other events of the week, but then in article 3:

“"Brian had been extremely upset, Chris and Roberta were extremely concerned about him, they expressed that to me. That when he walked out the door that evening, they wish they could have stopped him, they wish they could have you know, prevented him from going out, but he was intent on leaving. Chris said to me, I know in hindsight I couldn't stop him, but I just wish I could have," he said.”

But then they forgot this was Monday night?? After they searched for him 4-5 hrs on Monday night and SB “mentioned”( not “reported”) it to the FBI Monday night, but still they ALL let the wrong date ride on the misper?

As I’ve been reading this thread there’s been musings over the Ls cooperation and possible ‘culpability’ or responsibility. IMO it didn’t appear as though there was much (to any) care for Gabby, and a confusing public lack of outcry to their son. But that’s moo.

Of interest here, right from the horses mouth (SB), about the Ls cooperation.

(From 3rd article)

“"Is that because they've been cooperating with the FBI," Stephanopoulos asked.

"George, I've been quite clear on this from the very beginning. When it comes to the FBI we have nothing to say in respect to the Gabby Petito incident. With respect to Brian, we've been cooperating since day one. And those are two different, from a legal perspective, those are two different scenarios, one was the missing persons with Brian, one was the missing persons with Gabby." “



ETA. Crazy, I have been looking and asking when BL left for his hike on 9/13. Even rereading these, my mind doesn’t read what it thinks it knows. I just realized SB said BL “walked out the door that EVENiNG”!!
But they then claim after he didn’t come back they searched for 4-5 hrs on Monday night?


I may be wrong, but I don't think it was a matter of the divers not looking in the right place. The divers weren't there for much of the search and when they were there, I don't think it was "to look for" anything.

I think the divers were there to recover stuff that other methods of detection had already found. For example, a metal detector might locate a submerged gun or maybe a phone (although it's always been unclear to me what good it would do to find a phone that spent weeks submerged in water or even exposed to weeks of rain.) Or the divers might have been called on to recover a suspected submerged body cadaver dogs found or a suspected submerged body shown on some sort of sonar. I don't think the divers were just diving anywhere that looked promising. I'm also not sure if "diving" is quite the right word. Even 1-2 ft of water could make areas largely inaccessible but that amount of water doesn't support diving.
I often wondered about the snowbirds who spent their winters in Florida and how they handle the change of address during the winter months. The Florida home would be considered a 2nd home not a permanent home, so it's something I've thought about myself.

How does one get their mail when they are away from their primary residence? That could be so confusing. Then you have a out of state drivers license, what do you do? But then this question could apply to any where in the country too.
The mail is easy. You fill out a change of address form with the USPS. You check the box for temporary move, and add the appropriate dates. This can be done online, or on a paper form sent in by mail or submitted in person to any post office.

as to DL, you do that in whichever state contains your primary/permanent residence. Moo.
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IMO it does become an important issue because of car insurance requirements. What was her address to obtain car insurance?
The address on the registration for her van? Jmo
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